" Vim completion script " Language: Ruby " Maintainer: Mark Guzman " URL: http://vim-ruby.rubyforge.org " Anon CVS: See above site " Release Coordinator: Doug Kearns " Maintainer Version: 0.8 " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " " Ruby IRB/Complete author: Keiju ISHITSUKA(keiju@ishitsuka.com) " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " {{{ requirement checks if !has('ruby') s:ErrMsg( "Error: Rubycomplete requires vim compiled with +ruby" ) s:ErrMsg( "Error: falling back to syntax completion" ) " lets fall back to syntax completion setlocal omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete finish endif if version < 700 s:ErrMsg( "Error: Required vim >= 7.0" ) finish endif " }}} requirement checks " {{{ configuration failsafe initialization if !exists("g:rubycomplete_rails") let g:rubycomplete_rails = 0 endif if !exists("g:rubycomplete_classes_in_global") let g:rubycomplete_classes_in_global = 0 endif if !exists("g:rubycomplete_buffer_loading") let g:rubycomplete_buffer_loading = 0 endif if !exists("g:rubycomplete_include_object") let g:rubycomplete_include_object = 0 endif if !exists("g:rubycomplete_include_objectspace") let g:rubycomplete_include_objectspace = 0 endif " }}} configuration failsafe initialization " {{{ vim-side support functions let s:rubycomplete_debug = 0 function! s:ErrMsg(msg) echohl ErrorMsg echo a:msg echohl None endfunction function! s:dprint(msg) if s:rubycomplete_debug == 1 echom a:msg endif endfunction function! s:GetBufferRubyModule(name, ...) if a:0 == 1 let [snum,enum] = s:GetBufferRubyEntity(a:name, "module", a:1) else let [snum,enum] = s:GetBufferRubyEntity(a:name, "module") endif return snum . '..' . enum endfunction function! s:GetBufferRubyClass(name, ...) if a:0 >= 1 let [snum,enum] = s:GetBufferRubyEntity(a:name, "class", a:1) else let [snum,enum] = s:GetBufferRubyEntity(a:name, "class") endif return snum . '..' . enum endfunction function! s:GetBufferRubySingletonMethods(name) endfunction function! s:GetBufferRubyEntity( name, type, ... ) let lastpos = getpos(".") let lastline = lastpos if (a:0 >= 1) let lastline = [ 0, a:1, 0, 0 ] call cursor( a:1, 0 ) endif let stopline = 1 let crex = '^\s*\<' . a:type . '\>\s*\<' . a:name . '\>\s*\(<\s*.*\s*\)\?' let [lnum,lcol] = searchpos( crex, 'w' ) "let [lnum,lcol] = searchpairpos( crex . '\zs', '', '\(end\|}\)', 'w' ) if lnum == 0 && lcol == 0 call cursor(lastpos[1], lastpos[2]) return [0,0] endif let curpos = getpos(".") let [enum,ecol] = searchpairpos( crex, '', '\(end\|}\)', 'wr' ) call cursor(lastpos[1], lastpos[2]) if lnum > enum return [0,0] endif " we found a the class def return [lnum,enum] endfunction function! s:IsInClassDef() return s:IsPosInClassDef( line('.') ) endfunction function! s:IsPosInClassDef(pos) let [snum,enum] = s:GetBufferRubyEntity( '.*', "class" ) let ret = 'nil' if snum < a:pos && a:pos < enum let ret = snum . '..' . enum endif return ret endfunction function! s:GetRubyVarType(v) let stopline = 1 let vtp = '' let pos = getpos('.') let sstr = '^\s*#\s*@var\s*'.a:v.'\>\s\+[^ \t]\+\s*$' let [lnum,lcol] = searchpos(sstr,'nb',stopline) if lnum != 0 && lcol != 0 call setpos('.',pos) let str = getline(lnum) let vtp = substitute(str,sstr,'\1','') return vtp endif call setpos('.',pos) let ctors = '\(now\|new\|open\|get_instance' if exists('g:rubycomplete_rails') && g:rubycomplete_rails == 1 && s:rubycomplete_rails_loaded == 1 let ctors = ctors.'\|find\|create' else endif let ctors = ctors.'\)' let fstr = '=\s*\([^ \t]\+.' . ctors .'\>\|[\[{"''/]\|%[xwQqr][(\[{@]\|[A-Za-z0-9@:\-()\.]\+...\?\|lambda\|&\)' let sstr = ''.a:v.'\>\s*[+\-*/]*'.fstr let [lnum,lcol] = searchpos(sstr,'nb',stopline) if lnum != 0 && lcol != 0 let str = matchstr(getline(lnum),fstr,lcol) let str = substitute(str,'^=\s*','','') call setpos('.',pos) if str == '"' || str == '''' || stridx(tolower(str), '%q[') != -1 return 'String' elseif str == '[' || stridx(str, '%w[') != -1 return 'Array' elseif str == '{' return 'Hash' elseif str == '/' || str == '%r{' return 'Regexp' elseif strlen(str) >= 4 && stridx(str,'..') != -1 return 'Range' elseif stridx(str, 'lambda') != -1 || str == '&' return 'Proc' elseif strlen(str) > 4 let l = stridx(str,'.') return str[0:l-1] end return '' endif call setpos('.',pos) return '' endfunction "}}} vim-side support functions "{{{ vim-side completion function function! rubycomplete#Init() execute "ruby VimRubyCompletion.preload_rails" endfunction function! rubycomplete#Complete(findstart, base) "findstart = 1 when we need to get the text length if a:findstart let line = getline('.') let idx = col('.') while idx > 0 let idx -= 1 let c = line[idx-1] if c =~ '\w' continue elseif ! c =~ '\.' idx = -1 break else break endif endwhile return idx "findstart = 0 when we need to return the list of completions else let g:rubycomplete_completions = [] execute "ruby VimRubyCompletion.get_completions('" . a:base . "')" return g:rubycomplete_completions endif endfunction "}}} vim-side completion function "{{{ ruby-side code function! s:DefRuby() ruby << RUBYEOF # {{{ ruby completion begin require 'rubygems' # let's assume this is safe...? rescue Exception #ignore? end class VimRubyCompletion # {{{ constants @@debug = false @@ReservedWords = [ "BEGIN", "END", "alias", "and", "begin", "break", "case", "class", "def", "defined", "do", "else", "elsif", "end", "ensure", "false", "for", "if", "in", "module", "next", "nil", "not", "or", "redo", "rescue", "retry", "return", "self", "super", "then", "true", "undef", "unless", "until", "when", "while", "yield", ] @@Operators = [ "%", "&", "*", "**", "+", "-", "/", "<", "<<", "<=", "<=>", "==", "===", "=~", ">", ">=", ">>", "[]", "[]=", "^", ] # }}} constants # {{{ buffer analysis magic def load_requires buf = VIM::Buffer.current enum = buf.line_number nums = Range.new( 1, enum ) nums.each do |x| ln = buf[x] begin eval( "require %s" % $1 ) if /.*require\s*(.*)$/.match( ln ) rescue Exception #ignore? end end end def load_buffer_class(name) dprint "load_buffer_class(%s) START" % name classdef = get_buffer_entity(name, 's:GetBufferRubyClass("%s")') return if classdef == nil pare = /^\s*class\s*(.*)\s*<\s*(.*)\s*\n/.match( classdef ) load_buffer_class( $2 ) if pare != nil && $2 != name # load parent class if needed mixre = /.*\n\s*include\s*(.*)\s*\n/.match( classdef ) load_buffer_module( $2 ) if mixre != nil && $2 != name # load mixins if needed begin eval classdef rescue Exception VIM::evaluate( "s:ErrMsg( 'Problem loading class \"%s\", was it already completed?' )" % name ) end dprint "load_buffer_class(%s) END" % name end def load_buffer_module(name) dprint "load_buffer_module(%s) START" % name classdef = get_buffer_entity(name, 's:GetBufferRubyModule("%s")') return if classdef == nil begin eval classdef rescue Exception VIM::evaluate( "s:ErrMsg( 'Problem loading module \"%s\", was it already completed?' )" % name ) end dprint "load_buffer_module(%s) END" % name end def get_buffer_entity(name, vimfun) loading_allowed = VIM::evaluate("exists('g:rubycomplete_buffer_loading') && g:rubycomplete_buffer_loading") return nil if loading_allowed.to_i.zero? return nil if /(\"|\')+/.match( name ) buf = VIM::Buffer.current nums = eval( VIM::evaluate( vimfun % name ) ) return nil if nums == nil return nil if nums.min == nums.max && nums.min == 0 dprint "get_buffer_entity START" visited = [] clscnt = 0 bufname = VIM::Buffer.current.name classdef = "" cur_line = VIM::Buffer.current.line_number while (nums != nil && !(nums.min == 0 && nums.max == 0) ) dprint "visited: %s" % visited.to_s break if visited.index( nums ) visited << nums nums.each do |x| if x != cur_line next if x == 0 ln = buf[x] if /^\s*(module|class|def|include)\s+/.match(ln) clscnt += 1 if $1 == "class" #dprint "\$1$1 classdef += "%s\n" % ln classdef += "end\n" if /def\s+/.match(ln) dprint ln end end end nm = "%s(::.*)*\", %s, \"" % [ name, nums.last ] nums = eval( VIM::evaluate( vimfun % nm ) ) dprint "nm: \"%s\"" % nm dprint "vimfun: %s" % (vimfun % nm) dprint "got nums: %s" % nums.to_s end if classdef.length > 1 classdef += "end\n"*clscnt # classdef = "class %s\n%s\nend\n" % [ bufname.gsub( /\/|\\/, "_" ), classdef ] end dprint "get_buffer_entity END" dprint "classdef====start" lns = classdef.split( "\n" ) lns.each { |x| dprint x } dprint "classdef====end" return classdef end def get_var_type( receiver ) if /(\"|\')+/.match( receiver ) "String" else VIM::evaluate("s:GetRubyVarType('%s')" % receiver) end end def dprint( txt ) print txt if @@debug end def get_buffer_entity_list( type ) # this will be a little expensive. loading_allowed = VIM::evaluate("exists('g:rubycomplete_buffer_loading') && g:rubycomplete_buffer_loading") allow_aggressive_load = VIM::evaluate("exists('g:rubycomplete_classes_in_global') && g:rubycomplete_classes_in_global") return [] if allow_aggressive_load.to_i.zero? || loading_allowed.to_i.zero? buf = VIM::Buffer.current eob = buf.length ret = [] rg = 1..eob re = eval( "/^\s*%s\s*([A-Za-z0-9_:-]*)(\s*<\s*([A-Za-z0-9_:-]*))?\s*/" % type ) rg.each do |x| if re.match( buf[x] ) next if type == "def" && eval( VIM::evaluate("s:IsPosInClassDef(%s)" % x) ) != nil ret.push $1 end end return ret end def get_buffer_modules return get_buffer_entity_list( "modules" ) end def get_buffer_methods return get_buffer_entity_list( "def" ) end def get_buffer_classes return get_buffer_entity_list( "class" ) end def load_rails allow_rails = VIM::evaluate("exists('g:rubycomplete_rails') && g:rubycomplete_rails") return if allow_rails.to_i.zero? buf_path = VIM::evaluate('expand("%:p")') file_name = VIM::evaluate('expand("%:t")') vim_dir = VIM::evaluate('getcwd()') file_dir = buf_path.gsub( file_name, '' ) file_dir.gsub!( /\\/, "/" ) vim_dir.gsub!( /\\/, "/" ) vim_dir << "/" dirs = [ vim_dir, file_dir ] sdirs = [ "", "./", "../", "../../", "../../../", "../../../../" ] rails_base = nil dirs.each do |dir| sdirs.each do |sub| trail = "%s%s" % [ dir, sub ] tcfg = "%sconfig" % trail if File.exists?( tcfg ) rails_base = trail break end end break if rails_base end return if rails_base == nil $:.push rails_base unless $:.index( rails_base ) rails_config = rails_base + "config/" rails_lib = rails_base + "lib/" $:.push rails_config unless $:.index( rails_config ) $:.push rails_lib unless $:.index( rails_lib ) bootfile = rails_config + "boot.rb" envfile = rails_config + "environment.rb" if File.exists?( bootfile ) && File.exists?( envfile ) begin require bootfile require envfile begin require 'console_app' require 'console_with_helpers' rescue Exception dprint "Rails 1.1+ Error %s" % $! # assume 1.0 end #eval( "Rails::Initializer.run" ) #not necessary? VIM::command('let s:rubycomplete_rails_loaded = 1') dprint "rails loaded" rescue Exception dprint "Rails Error %s" % $! VIM::evaluate( "s:ErrMsg('Error loading rails environment')" ) end end end def get_rails_helpers allow_rails = VIM::evaluate("exists('g:rubycomplete_rails') && g:rubycomplete_rails") rails_loaded = VIM::evaluate('s:rubycomplete_rails_loaded') return [] if allow_rails.to_i.zero? || rails_loaded.to_i.zero? buf_path = VIM::evaluate('expand("%:p")') buf_path.gsub!( /\\/, "/" ) path_elm = buf_path.split( "/" ) dprint "buf_path: %s" % buf_path types = [ "app", "db", "lib", "test", "components", "script" ] i = nil ret = [] type = nil types.each do |t| i = path_elm.index( t ) break if i end type = path_elm[i] type.downcase! dprint "type: %s" % type case type when "app" i += 1 subtype = path_elm[i] subtype.downcase! dprint "subtype: %s" % subtype case subtype when "views" ret += ActionView::Base.instance_methods ret += ActionView::Base.methods when "controllers" ret += ActionController::Base.instance_methods ret += ActionController::Base.methods when "models" ret += ActiveRecord::Base.instance_methods ret += ActiveRecord::Base.methods end when "db" ret += ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SchemaStatements.instance_methods ret += ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SchemaStatements.methods end return ret end def add_rails_columns( cls ) allow_rails = VIM::evaluate("exists('g:rubycomplete_rails') && g:rubycomplete_rails") rails_loaded = VIM::evaluate('s:rubycomplete_rails_loaded') return [] if allow_rails.to_i.zero? || rails_loaded.to_i.zero? begin eval( "#{cls}.establish_connection" ) return [] unless eval( "#{cls}.ancestors.include?(ActiveRecord::Base).to_s" ) col = eval( "#{cls}.column_names" ) return col if col rescue dprint "add_rails_columns err: (cls: %s) %s" % [ cls, $! ] return [] end return [] end def clean_sel(sel, msg) sel.delete_if { |x| x == nil } sel.uniq! sel.grep(/^#{Regexp.quote(msg)}/) if msg != nil end def get_rails_view_methods allow_rails = VIM::evaluate("exists('g:rubycomplete_rails') && g:rubycomplete_rails") rails_loaded = VIM::evaluate('s:rubycomplete_rails_loaded') return [] if allow_rails.to_i.zero? || rails_loaded.to_i.zero? buf_path = VIM::evaluate('expand("%:p")') buf_path.gsub!( /\\/, "/" ) pelm = buf_path.split( "/" ) idx = pelm.index( "views" ) return [] unless idx idx += 1 clspl = pelm[idx].camelize.pluralize cls = clspl.singularize ret = [] begin ret += eval( "#{cls}.instance_methods" ) ret += eval( "#{clspl}Helper.instance_methods" ) rescue Exception dprint "Error: Unable to load rails view helpers for %s: %s" % [ cls, $! ] end return ret end # }}} buffer analysis magic # {{{ main completion code def self.preload_rails a = VimRubyCompletion.new require 'Thread' Thread.new(a) do |b| begin b.load_rails rescue end end a.load_rails rescue end def self.get_completions(base) b = VimRubyCompletion.new b.get_completions base end def get_completions(base) loading_allowed = VIM::evaluate("exists('g:rubycomplete_buffer_loading') && g:rubycomplete_buffer_loading") if loading_allowed.to_i == 1 load_requires load_rails end input = VIM::Buffer.current.line cpos = VIM::Window.current.cursor[1] - 1 input = input[0..cpos] input += base input.sub!(/.*[ \t\n\"\\'`><=;|&{(]/, '') # Readline.basic_word_break_characters input.sub!(/self\./, '') input.sub!(/.*((\.\.[\[(]?)|([\[(]))/, '') dprint 'input %s' % input message = nil receiver = nil methods = [] variables = [] classes = [] constants = [] case input when /^(\/[^\/]*\/)\.([^.]*)$/ # Regexp receiver = $1 message = Regexp.quote($2) methods = Regexp.instance_methods(true) when /^([^\]]*\])\.([^.]*)$/ # Array receiver = $1 message = Regexp.quote($2) methods = Array.instance_methods(true) when /^([^\}]*\})\.([^.]*)$/ # Proc or Hash receiver = $1 message = Regexp.quote($2) methods = Proc.instance_methods(true) | Hash.instance_methods(true) when /^(:[^:.]*)$/ # Symbol dprint "symbol" if Symbol.respond_to?(:all_symbols) receiver = $1 message = $1.sub( /:/, '' ) methods = Symbol.all_symbols.collect{|s| s.id2name} methods.delete_if { |c| c.match( /'/ ) } end when /^::([A-Z][^:\.\(]*)$/ # Absolute Constant or class methods dprint "const or cls" receiver = $1 methods = Object.constants methods.grep(/^#{receiver}/).collect{|e| "::" + e} when /^(((::)?[A-Z][^:.\(]*)+)::?([^:.]*)$/ # Constant or class methods receiver = $1 message = Regexp.quote($4) dprint "const or cls 2 [recv: \'%s\', msg: \'%s\']" % [ receiver, message ] load_buffer_class( receiver ) begin classes = eval("#{receiver}.constants") #methods = eval("#{receiver}.methods") rescue Exception dprint "exception: %s" % $! methods = [] end methods.grep(/^#{message}/).collect{|e| receiver + "::" + e} when /^(:[^:.]+)\.([^.]*)$/ # Symbol dprint "symbol" receiver = $1 message = Regexp.quote($2) methods = Symbol.instance_methods(true) when /^([0-9_]+(\.[0-9_]+)?(e[0-9]+)?)\.([^.]*)$/ # Numeric dprint "numeric" receiver = $1 message = Regexp.quote($4) begin methods = eval(receiver).methods rescue Exception methods = [] end when /^(\$[^.]*)$/ #global dprint "global" methods = global_variables.grep(Regexp.new(Regexp.quote($1))) when /^((\.?[^.]+)+)\.([^.]*)$/ # variable dprint "variable" receiver = $1 message = Regexp.quote($3) load_buffer_class( receiver ) cv = eval("self.class.constants") vartype = get_var_type( receiver ) dprint "vartype: %s" % vartype if vartype != '' load_buffer_class( vartype ) begin methods = eval("#{vartype}.instance_methods") variables = eval("#{vartype}.instance_variables") rescue Exception dprint "load_buffer_class err: %s" % $! end elsif (cv).include?(receiver) # foo.func and foo is local var. methods = eval("#{receiver}.methods") vartype = receiver elsif /^[A-Z]/ =~ receiver and /\./ !~ receiver vartype = receiver # Foo::Bar.func begin methods = eval("#{receiver}.methods") rescue Exception end else # func1.func2 ObjectSpace.each_object(Module){|m| next if m.name != "IRB::Context" and /^(IRB|SLex|RubyLex|RubyToken)/ =~ m.name methods.concat m.instance_methods(false) } end variables += add_rails_columns( "#{vartype}" ) if vartype && vartype.length > 0 when /^\(?\s*[A-Za-z0-9:^@.%\/+*\(\)]+\.\.\.?[A-Za-z0-9:^@.%\/+*\(\)]+\s*\)?\.([^.]*)/ message = $1 methods = Range.instance_methods(true) when /^\.([^.]*)$/ # unknown(maybe String) message = Regexp.quote($1) methods = String.instance_methods(true) else dprint "default/other" inclass = eval( VIM::evaluate("s:IsInClassDef()") ) if inclass != nil dprint "inclass" classdef = "%s\n" % VIM::Buffer.current[ inclass.min ] found = /^\s*class\s*([A-Za-z0-9_-]*)(\s*<\s*([A-Za-z0-9_:-]*))?\s*\n$/.match( classdef ) if found != nil receiver = $1 message = input load_buffer_class( receiver ) begin methods = eval( "#{receiver}.instance_methods" ) variables += add_rails_columns( "#{receiver}" ) rescue Exception found = nil end end end if inclass == nil || found == nil dprint "inclass == nil" methods = get_buffer_methods methods += get_rails_view_methods cls_const = Class.constants constants = cls_const.select { |c| /^[A-Z_-]+$/.match( c ) } classes = eval("self.class.constants") - constants classes += get_buffer_classes classes += get_buffer_modules include_objectspace = VIM::evaluate("exists('g:rubycomplete_include_objectspace') && g:rubycomplete_include_objectspace") ObjectSpace.each_object(Class) { |cls| classes << cls.to_s } if include_objectspace == "1" message = receiver = input end methods += get_rails_helpers methods += Kernel.public_methods end include_object = VIM::evaluate("exists('g:rubycomplete_include_object') && g:rubycomplete_include_object") methods = clean_sel( methods, message ) methods = (methods-Object.instance_methods) if include_object == "0" rbcmeth = (VimRubyCompletion.instance_methods-Object.instance_methods) # lets remove those rubycomplete methods methods = (methods-rbcmeth) variables = clean_sel( variables, message ) classes = clean_sel( classes, message ) - ["VimRubyCompletion"] constants = clean_sel( constants, message ) valid = [] valid += methods.collect { |m| { :name => m, :type => 'm' } } valid += variables.collect { |v| { :name => v, :type => 'v' } } valid += classes.collect { |c| { :name => c, :type => 't' } } valid += constants.collect { |d| { :name => d, :type => 'd' } } valid.sort! { |x,y| x[:name] <=> y[:name] } outp = "" rg = 0..valid.length rg.step(150) do |x| stpos = 0+x enpos = 150+x valid[stpos..enpos].each { |c| outp += "{'word':'%s','item':'%s','kind':'%s'}," % [ c[:name], c[:name], c[:type] ] } outp.sub!(/,$/, '') VIM::command("call extend(g:rubycomplete_completions, [%s])" % outp) outp = "" end end # }}} main completion code end # VimRubyCompletion # }}} ruby completion RUBYEOF endfunction let s:rubycomplete_rails_loaded = 0 call s:DefRuby() "}}} ruby-side code " vim:tw=78:sw=4:ts=8:et:fdm=marker:ft=vim:norl: