module Sidekiq module WebCustom module Timeout module_function DEFAULT_EXCEPTION = Sidekiq::WebCustom::ExecutionTimeExceeded PROC = do |warn_sec, timeout_sec, proc, exception, message, debug, &block| puts "at: PROC; begining" if debug sec_to_raise = timeout_sec - warn_sec begin from = debug ? "from #{caller_locations(1, 1)[0]}" : nil x = Thread.current # do everything in a new thread y = Thread.start { puts "at: PROC; second thread; about to start" if debug = from # block for warning in new thread begin puts "at: PROC; second thread; starting warn time for #{warn_sec}'s " if debug sleep warn_sec rescue => e x.raise e else # yield back during warning time so downstream can do some prep work puts "at: PROC; second thread; trying to warn in main thread" if debug, warn_sec) end # block additional seconds to raise for begin puts "at: PROC; second thread; starting violent exection time for #{sec_to_raise}'s " if debug sleep sec_to_raise rescue => e puts "at: PROC; second thread; Error occured" if debug x.raise e else puts "at: PROC; second thread; trying to raise in main thread" if debug x.raise exception, message end } puts "at: PROC; second thread; fully spooled" if debug # after thread starts, yield back to calle function with max timout ensure if y puts "at: PROC; Second thread still exists. Returned in time" if debug y.kill y.join else puts "at: PROC; Second thread no longer exists. Failed to return in time" if debug end end end def timeout(warn:, timeout:, proc: ->(_, _) {}, exception: DEFAULT_EXCEPTION, message: nil, debug: false, &block) raise Sidekiq::WebCustom::ArgumentError, 'Block not given' unless block_given? puts "at: timeout; valid bock given" if debug message ||= "Execution exceeded #{timeout} seconds." if debug, timeout, proc, exception, message, debug, &block) end end end end