# Casting [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/saturnflyer/casting.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/saturnflyer/casting) [![Test Coverage](https://codeclimate.com/github/saturnflyer/casting/badges/coverage.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/saturnflyer/casting/coverage) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/casting.png)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/casting) ## Add behavior to your objects without using extend Do it for the life of the object or only for the life of a block of code. Casting gives you real delegation that flattens your object structure compared to libraries like Delegate or Forwardable. With casting, you can implement your own decorators that will be so much simpler than using wrappers. Here's a quick example that you might try in a Rails project: ```ruby # implement a module that contains information for the request response # and apply it to an object in your system. def show @user = user.cast_as(UserRepresenter) end ``` To use proper delegation, your approach should preserve `self` as a reference to the original object receiving a method. When the object receiving the forwarded message has its own and separate notion of `self`, you're working with a wrapper (also called consultation) and not using delegation. The Ruby standard library includes a library called "delegate", but it is a consultation approach. With that "delegate", all messages are forwarded to another object, but the attendant object maintains its own identity. With Casting, your defined methods may reference `self` and during execution it will refer to the original client object. Casting was created while exploring ideas for [cleaning up ruby programs](http://clean-ruby.com). ## Usage To use Casting, you must first extend an object as the delegation client: ```ruby actor = Object.new actor.extend(Casting::Client) ``` Or you may include the module in a particular class: ```ruby class Actor include Casting::Client end actor = Actor.new ``` Your objects will have a few additional methods: `delegation`, `cast`, and if you do not *already* have it defined (from another library, for example): `delegate`. The `delegate` method is aliased to `cast`. Then you may delegate a method to an attendant object: ```ruby actor.delegate(:hello_world, other_actor) ``` Or you may create an object to manage the delegation of methods to an attendant object: ```ruby actor.delegation(:hello_world).to(other_actor).call ``` You may also delegate methods without an explicit attendant instance, but provide a module containing the behavior you need to use: ```ruby module GreetingModule def hello_world "hello world" end end actor.delegate(:hello_world, GreetingModule) # or actor.delegation(:hello_world).to(GreetingModule).call ``` Pass arguments to your delegated method: ```ruby actor.delegate(:verbose_method, another_actor, arg1, arg2) actor.delegation(:verbose_method).to(another_actor).with(arg1, arg2).call actor.delegation(:verbose_method).to(another_actor).call(arg1, arg2) ``` _That's great, but why do I need to do these extra steps? I just want to run the method._ Casting gives you the option to do what you want. You can run just a single method once, or alter your object to always delegate. Even better, you can alter your object to delegate temporarily... ### Temporary Behavior Casting also provides an option to temporarily apply behaviors to an object. Once your class or object is a `Casting::Client` you may send the `delegate_missing_methods` message to it and your object will use `method_missing` to delegate methods to a stored attendant. ```ruby class Actor include Casting::Client delegate_missing_methods end actor = Actor.new actor.hello_world #=> NoMethodError Casting.delegating(actor => GreetingModule) do actor.hello_world #=> output the value / perform the method end actor.hello_world #=> NoMethodError ``` The use of `method_missing` is opt-in. If you don't want that mucking up your method calls, just don't tell it to `delegate_missing_methods`. Before the block is run in `Casting.delegating`, a collection of delegate objects is set in the current Thread for the provided attendant. Then the block yields, and an `ensure` block cleans up the stored attendant. This allows you to nest your `delegating` blocks as well: ```ruby actor.hello_world #=> NoMethodError Casting.delegating(actor => GreetingModule) do actor.hello_world #=> output the value / perform the method Casting.delegating(actor => OtherModule) do actor.hello_world #=> still works! actor.other_method # values/operations from the OtherModule end actor.other_method #=> NoMethodError actor.hello_world #=> still works! end actor.hello_world #=> NoMethodError ``` Currently, by using `delegate_missing_methods` you forever mark that object or class to use `method_missing`. This may change in the future. ### Manual Delegate Management If you'd rather not wrap things in the `delegating` block, you can control the delegation yourself. For example, you can `cast_as` and `uncast` an object with a given module: ```ruby actor.cast_as(GreetingModule) actor.hello_world # all subsequent calls to this method run from the module actor.uncast # manually cleanup the delegate actor.hello_world # => NoMethodError ``` These methods are only defined on your `Casting::Client` object when you tell it to `delegate_missing_methods`. Because these require `method_missing`, they do not exist until you opt-in. ### Duck-typing with NullObject-like behavior Casting has a few modules built in to help with treating your objects like null objects. Take a look at the following example: ```ruby module SpecialStuff def special_link # some link code end end special_user.cast_as(SpecialStuff) special_user.special_link # outputs your link ``` If your app, for example, generates a list of info for a collection of users, how do you manage the objects which don't have the expected behavior? ```ruby [normal_user, other_user, special_user].each do |user| user.special_link #=> blows up for normal_user or other_user end ``` You can cast the other objects with `Casting::Null` or `Casting::Blank`: ```ruby normal_user.cast_as(Casting::Null) other_user.cast_as(Casting::Blank) special_user.cast_as(SpecialStuff) [normal_user, other_user, special_user].each do |user| user.special_link #=> normal_user yields nil, other_user yields "", and special_user yields the special_link end ``` ## I have a Rails app, how does this help me? Well, a common use for this behavior would be in using decorators. When using a wrapper, your forms can behave unexpectedly ```ruby class UsersController def edit @user = UserDecorator.new(User.find(params[:id])) end end <%= form_for(@user) do |f| %> #=>
``` Ruby allows you to hack this by defining the `class` method: ```ruby class UserDecorator def class User end end ``` That would solve the problem, and it works! But having an object report that its class is something other than what it actually is can be confusing when you're debugging. Instead, you could cast the object as a module and your form will generate properly: ```ruby class UsersController def edit @user = User.find(params[:id]).cast_as(UserDecorator) # as a module end end <%= form_for(@user) do |f| %> #=> ``` This keeps your code focused on the object you care about. Check out [Characterize](http://github.com/saturnflyer/characterize) for hooking into Rails automatically. ## Oh, my! Could this be used to add behavior like refinements? You can apply methods from a delegate to all instances of a class. ```ruby person.hello_world #=> NoMethodError Casting.delegating(Person => GreetingModule) do person.hello_world #=> output the value / perform the method end person.hello_world #=> NoMethodError ``` By default, the `delegate_missing_methods` method will set delegates on instances so you'll need to opt-in for this. ```ruby class Person include Casting::Client delegate_missing_methods :class end ``` _But what happens when you have method clashes or want a specific instance to behave differently?_ You can have your objects look to their instance delegates, their class delegates, or in a particular order: ```ruby class Person include Casting::Client # default delegation to instances delegate_missing_methods # delegate methods to those defined on the class delegate_missing_methods :class # delegate methods to those defined on the class, then those defined on the instance delegate_missing_methods :class, :instance # delegate methods to those defined on the instance, then those defined on the class delegate_missing_methods :instance, :class end ``` ## What's happening when I use this? Ruby allows you to access methods as objects and pass them around just like any other object. For example, if you want a method from a class you may do this: ```ruby class Person def hello "hello" end end Person.new.method(:hello).unbind #=> # # or Person.instance_method(:hello) #=> # ``` But if you attempt to use that `UnboundMethod` on an object that is not a `Person` you'll get an error about a type mismatch. Casting will bind an UnboundMethod method to a client object and execute the method as though it is defined on the client object. Any reference to `self` from the method block will refer to the client object. Rather than define methods on classes, you may take any method from a module and apply it to any object regardless of its class. ```ruby GreetingModule.instance_method(:hello).bind(actor).call ``` Casting provides a convenience for doing this. ## What if my modules create instance variables on the object? Can I clean them up? Yup. If you need to set some variables so that your module can access them, it's as easy as defining `cast_object` and `uncast_object` on your module. Here's an example: ```ruby module Special def self.cast_object(obj) obj.instance_variable_set(:@special_value, 'this is special!') end def self.uncast_object(obj) obj.remove_instance_variable(:@special_value) end def special_behavior "#{self.name} thinks... #{@special_value}" end end object.cast_as(Special) object.special_method object.uncast # object no longer has the @special_value instance variable ``` You'll be able to leave your objects as if they were never touched by the module where you defined your behavior. ## It doesn't work! You might be trying to override existing methods. Casting can help you apply behavior to an object using `delegate_missing_methods` but that depends on the methods being missing. In other words, if you have an `as_json` method that you want to change with a module, you won't be able to just `cast_as(MyJsonModule)` and have the `as_json` method from it be picked up because that will never hit `method_missing`. If you want to override an existing method, you must do so explicitly. This will _not_ work: ```ruby module MyJsonModule def as_json super.merge({ extra: 'details' }) end end some_object.cast_as(MyJsonModule) some_object.as_json ``` Instead, you'll need to explicitly override existing methods: ```ruby some_object.cast(:as_json, MyJsonModule) ``` ## How can I speed it up? Are you looping over lots of objects and want see better performance? If you want to make things a bit faster, you can prepare the method delegation ahead of time and change the client object. ```ruby prepared_delegation = some_object.delegation(:some_delegated_method).to(MySpecialModule) # Some looping code big_list_of_objects.each do |object| prepared_delegation.client = object prepared_delegation.call end ``` Preparing the delegated method like this will probably speed things up for you but be sure to verify for yourself. ## Installation If you are using Bundler, add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'casting' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install casting ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request Built by Jim Gay at [Saturn Flyer](http://www.saturnflyer.com)