class I18n { constructor(translations = {}, config = {}) { var _config$locale; this.translations = void 0; this.locale = void 0; this.translations = translations; this.locale = (_config$locale = config.locale) != null ? _config$locale : document.documentElement.lang || 'en'; } t(lookupKey, options) { if (!lookupKey) { throw new Error('i18n: lookup key missing'); } let translation = this.translations[lookupKey]; if (typeof (options == null ? void 0 : options.count) === 'number' && typeof translation === 'object') { const translationPluralForm = translation[this.getPluralSuffix(lookupKey, options.count)]; if (translationPluralForm) { translation = translationPluralForm; } } if (typeof translation === 'string') { if (translation.match(/%{(.\S+)}/)) { if (!options) { throw new Error('i18n: cannot replace placeholders in string if no option data provided'); } return this.replacePlaceholders(translation, options); } return translation; } return lookupKey; } replacePlaceholders(translationString, options) { const formatter = Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf(this.locale).length ? new Intl.NumberFormat(this.locale) : undefined; return translationString.replace(/%{(.\S+)}/g, function (placeholderWithBraces, placeholderKey) { if (, placeholderKey)) { const placeholderValue = options[placeholderKey]; if (placeholderValue === false || typeof placeholderValue !== 'number' && typeof placeholderValue !== 'string') { return ''; } if (typeof placeholderValue === 'number') { return formatter ? formatter.format(placeholderValue) : `${placeholderValue}`; } return placeholderValue; } throw new Error(`i18n: no data found to replace ${placeholderWithBraces} placeholder in string`); }); } hasIntlPluralRulesSupport() { return Boolean('PluralRules' in window.Intl && Intl.PluralRules.supportedLocalesOf(this.locale).length); } getPluralSuffix(lookupKey, count) { count = Number(count); if (!isFinite(count)) { return 'other'; } const translation = this.translations[lookupKey]; const preferredForm = this.hasIntlPluralRulesSupport() ? new Intl.PluralRules(this.locale).select(count) : this.selectPluralFormUsingFallbackRules(count); if (typeof translation === 'object') { if (preferredForm in translation) { return preferredForm; } else if ('other' in translation) { console.warn(`i18n: Missing plural form ".${preferredForm}" for "${this.locale}" locale. Falling back to ".other".`); return 'other'; } } throw new Error(`i18n: Plural form ".other" is required for "${this.locale}" locale`); } selectPluralFormUsingFallbackRules(count) { count = Math.abs(Math.floor(count)); const ruleset = this.getPluralRulesForLocale(); if (ruleset) { return I18n.pluralRules[ruleset](count); } return 'other'; } getPluralRulesForLocale() { const localeShort = this.locale.split('-')[0]; for (const pluralRule in I18n.pluralRulesMap) { const languages = I18n.pluralRulesMap[pluralRule]; if (languages.includes(this.locale) || languages.includes(localeShort)) { return pluralRule; } } } } I18n.pluralRulesMap = { arabic: ['ar'], chinese: ['my', 'zh', 'id', 'ja', 'jv', 'ko', 'ms', 'th', 'vi'], french: ['hy', 'bn', 'fr', 'gu', 'hi', 'fa', 'pa', 'zu'], german: ['af', 'sq', 'az', 'eu', 'bg', 'ca', 'da', 'nl', 'en', 'et', 'fi', 'ka', 'de', 'el', 'hu', 'lb', 'no', 'so', 'sw', 'sv', 'ta', 'te', 'tr', 'ur'], irish: ['ga'], russian: ['ru', 'uk'], scottish: ['gd'], spanish: ['pt-PT', 'it', 'es'], welsh: ['cy'] }; I18n.pluralRules = { arabic(n) { if (n === 0) { return 'zero'; } if (n === 1) { return 'one'; } if (n === 2) { return 'two'; } if (n % 100 >= 3 && n % 100 <= 10) { return 'few'; } if (n % 100 >= 11 && n % 100 <= 99) { return 'many'; } return 'other'; }, chinese() { return 'other'; }, french(n) { return n === 0 || n === 1 ? 'one' : 'other'; }, german(n) { return n === 1 ? 'one' : 'other'; }, irish(n) { if (n === 1) { return 'one'; } if (n === 2) { return 'two'; } if (n >= 3 && n <= 6) { return 'few'; } if (n >= 7 && n <= 10) { return 'many'; } return 'other'; }, russian(n) { const lastTwo = n % 100; const last = lastTwo % 10; if (last === 1 && lastTwo !== 11) { return 'one'; } if (last >= 2 && last <= 4 && !(lastTwo >= 12 && lastTwo <= 14)) { return 'few'; } if (last === 0 || last >= 5 && last <= 9 || lastTwo >= 11 && lastTwo <= 14) { return 'many'; } return 'other'; }, scottish(n) { if (n === 1 || n === 11) { return 'one'; } if (n === 2 || n === 12) { return 'two'; } if (n >= 3 && n <= 10 || n >= 13 && n <= 19) { return 'few'; } return 'other'; }, spanish(n) { if (n === 1) { return 'one'; } if (n % 1000000 === 0 && n !== 0) { return 'many'; } return 'other'; }, welsh(n) { if (n === 0) { return 'zero'; } if (n === 1) { return 'one'; } if (n === 2) { return 'two'; } if (n === 3) { return 'few'; } if (n === 6) { return 'many'; } return 'other'; } }; export { I18n }; //#