module Sinatra # Main Bundles Module module Bundles Version = '0.5.3' mypath = File.dirname(__FILE__) autoload :Helpers, "#{mypath}/bundles/helpers" autoload :Bundle, "#{mypath}/bundles/bundle" autoload :JavascriptBundle, "#{mypath}/bundles/javascript_bundle" autoload :StylesheetBundle, "#{mypath}/bundles/stylesheet_bundle" # Set a Javascript bundle # javascript_bundle(:all, %w(jquery lightbox)) # @param [Symbol,String] key The bundle name # @param [Array(String)] files The list of filenames, without extension, # assumed to be in the public directory, under 'javascripts' def javascript_bundle(key, files = nil) javascript_bundles[key] =, key.to_s, files) end # Set a CSS bundle # stylesheet_bundle(:all, %w(reset grid fonts)) # @param [Symbol,String] key The bundle name # @param [Array(String)] files The list of filenames, without extension, # assumed to be in the public directory, under 'stylesheets' def stylesheet_bundle(key, files = nil) stylesheet_bundles[key] =, key.to_s, files) end def self.registered(app) # Setup defaults app.set({ :javascript_bundles => {}, :stylesheet_bundles => {}, :bundle_cache_time => 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, :stylesheets => lambda { app.respond_to?(:css) ? app.css : 'stylesheets' }, :javascripts => lambda { app.respond_to?(:js) ? app.js : 'javascripts' }, :compress_bundles => false, :cache_bundles => false, :stamp_bundles => true, :warm_bundle_cache => true }) # Production defaults app.configure :production do app.set({ :compress_bundles => true, :cache_bundles => true }) end app.helpers(Helpers) app.get(%r{/#{Regexp.quote(app.stylesheets)}/bundles/(\w+)(?:/(\d+))?\.css}) do |bundle, stamp| # Don't really care about the stamp. content_type('text/css') headers['Vary'] = 'Accept-Encoding' if settings.cache_bundles expires(settings.bundle_cache_time, :public, :must_revalidate) etag(settings.stylesheet_bundles[bundle.intern].etag) end settings.stylesheet_bundles[bundle.intern].content end app.get(%r{/#{Regexp.quote(app.javascripts)}/bundles/(\w+)(?:/(\d+))?\.js}) do |bundle, stamp| # Don't really care about the stamp. content_type('application/javascript') headers['Vary'] = 'Accept-Encoding' if settings.cache_bundles expires(settings.bundle_cache_time, :public, :must_revalidate) etag(settings.javascript_bundles[bundle.intern].etag) end settings.javascript_bundles[bundle.intern].content end end end register(Bundles) end