module PlutoniumUi # TableComponent is a UI component that represents a table with sortable columns and optional row actions. class TableComponent < PlutoniumUi::Base option :rows attr_reader :columns, :actions_block # Initializes the TableComponent with the given options. # # @param options [Hash] The options for the component. def initialize(...) super(...) @columns = [] end # Defines a column in the table. # # @param name [Symbol] The name of the column. # @param label [String] The label of the column. # @param search_object [Object] The search object associated with the column. # @param block [Proc] An optional block for additional column customization. def column(name:, label:, search_object:, &) @columns ||= [] @columns <<, label:, search_object:, &) end # Returns the base attributes for the table. # # @return [Hash] The base attributes hash. def base_attributes { classname: "table-auto w-full text-sm text-left rtl:text-right text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-200", table_head_classname: "text-xs text-gray-700 uppercase bg-gray-200 dark:bg-gray-700 dark:text-gray-200", table_head_cell_classname: "px-6 py-3", table_row_classname: "bg-white border-b dark:bg-gray-800 dark:border-gray-700 hover:bg-gray-50 dark:hover:bg-gray-600", table_row_cell_classname: "px-6 py-4 whitespace-nowrap max-w-[250px] hover:max-w-fit overflow-hidden text-ellipsis", table_actions_head_classname: "px-6 py-3 text-end", table_actions_row_classname: "flex justify-end px-6 py-4" } end def filtered_attributes base_attributes.keys - possible_attributes end # Defines a block of actions to be included in each row. # # @param block [Proc] The block defining the actions. def with_actions(&block) @actions_block = block end private # Ensures that the view component calls the block, and @columns get populated. def before_render content end # Retrieves the CSS class for the table head. # # @return [String] The CSS class for the table head. def table_head_classname raw_attributes_hash[:table_head_classname] end # Retrieves the CSS class for a table head cell. # # @return [String] The CSS class for a table head cell. def table_head_cell_classname raw_attributes_hash[:table_head_cell_classname] end # Retrieves the CSS class for a table row. # # @return [String] The CSS class for a table row. def table_row_classname raw_attributes_hash[:table_row_classname] end # Retrieves the CSS class for a table row cell. # # @return [String] The CSS class for a table row cell. def table_row_cell_classname raw_attributes_hash[:table_row_cell_classname] end # Retrieves the CSS class for the table actions head. # # @return [String] The CSS class for the table actions head. def table_actions_head_classname raw_attributes_hash[:table_actions_head_classname] end # Retrieves the CSS class for the table actions row. # # @return [String] The CSS class for the table actions row. def table_actions_row_classname raw_attributes_hash[:table_actions_row_classname] end # Generates the content for a table head cell, including sorting links if applicable. # # @param column [Column] The column object. # @return [String] The HTML content for the table head cell. def table_head_cell(column) name = label = column.label search_object = column.search_object if (sort_params = search_object.sort_params_for(name)) tag.div class: "inline-flex" do concat begin link_to(sort_params[:url], class: "flex", title: sort_params[:direction] || "Sort") do concat label if sort_params[:direction].present? icon = (sort_params[:direction] == "ASC") ? "up" : "down" concat " " concat render_icon("outline/arrow-#{icon}") end end end if sort_params[:position].present? concat " " concat link_to( sort_params[:position] + 1, sort_params[:reset_url], class: "inline-flex items-center justify-center w-4 h-4 text-xs font-bold text-white bg-yellow-500 border-1 border-white rounded-full dark:border-gray-90", title: "Clear sorting" ) end end else label end end # A value object to hold the column definition. class Column attr_reader :name, :label, :search_object, :td_block # Initializes a Column object with the given attributes. # # @param name [Symbol] The name of the column. # @param label [String] The label of the column. # @param search_object [Object] The search object associated with the column. # @param block [Proc] An optional block for additional column customization. def initialize(name:, label:, search_object:, &block) @name = name @label = label @search_object = search_object @td_block = block end end end end Plutonium::ComponentRegistry.register :table, to: PlutoniumUi::TableComponent