require 'spec_helper' require 'thread' require 'libsql' require 'libsql/taps/io' require 'libsql/taps/console' require 'libsql/database' describe ::Libsql::Database do it "can create a new database" do db = SpecInfo.test_db ) db.instance_of?(::Libsql::Database) db.api.instance_of?(::Libsql::SQLite3::Database) File.exist?( SpecInfo.test_db ).should eql(true) end it "creates a new UTF-8 database (need exec to check pragma encoding)" do db = SpecInfo.test_db ) db.execute_batch( @schema ); db.should_not be_utf16 db.encoding.should eql("UTF-8") end it "creates a new UTF-16 database (need exec to check pragma encoding)" it "raises an error if the file does not exist and the database is opened with a non-create mode" do lambda { SpecInfo.test_db, "r") }.should raise_error(::Libsql::SQLite3::Error) lambda { SpecInfo.test_db, "r+") }.should raise_error(::Libsql::SQLite3::Error) end it "raises an error if an invalid mode is used" do lambda { SpecInfo.test_db, "b+" ) }.should raise_error(::Libsql::Database::InvalidModeError) end it "can be in autocommit mode, and is by default" do @iso_db.autocommit?.should eql(true) end it "reports false for autocommit? when inside a transaction" do @iso_db.execute(" BEGIN ") @iso_db.autocommit?.should eql(false) @iso_db.in_transaction?.should eql(true) @iso_db.execute(" COMMIT") @iso_db.in_transaction?.should eql(false) end it "prepares a statment" do db = SpecInfo.test_db ) stmt = db.prepare("SELECT datetime()") stmt.instance_of?(::Libsql::Statement) stmt.api.instance_of?(::Libsql::SQLite3::Statement) end it "raises an error on invalid syntax when preparing a bad sql statement" do db = SpecInfo.test_db ) lambda { db.prepare("SELECT nothing FROM stuf") }.should raise_error(::Libsql::SQLite3::Error) end it "closes normally" do db = SpecInfo.test_db ) expect { db.close }.not_to raise_error end it "returns the id of the last inserted row" do db = SpecInfo.test_db ) db.last_insert_rowid.should eql(0) end it "is in autocommit mode by default" do db = SpecInfo.test_db ) db.should be_autocommit end it "report the number of rows changed with an insert" do db = SpecInfo.test_db ) db.execute_batch <<-sql CREATE TABLE t1( x ); INSERT INTO t1( x ) values ( 1 ); INSERT INTO t1( x ) values ( 2 ); INSERT INTO t1( x ) values ( 3 ); sql db.row_changes.should eql(1) db.total_changes.should eql(3) db.close end it "reports the number of rows deleted" do db = SpecInfo.test_db ) db.execute_batch <<-sql CREATE TABLE t1( x ); INSERT INTO t1( x ) values ( 1 ); INSERT INTO t1( x ) values ( 2 ); INSERT INTO t1( x ) values ( 3 ); DELETE FROM t1 where x < 3; sql db.row_changes.should eql(2) db.close end it "can immediately execute an sql statement " do db = SpecInfo.test_db ) db.execute( "CREATE TABLE t1( x, y, z )" ).should be_empty end it "can execute a batch of commands" do db = SpecInfo.test_db ) db.execute_batch( @schema ).should eql(5) end it "returns an empty array when there are no results" do row = @iso_db.execute("SELECT * from subcountry where country = 'Antarctica'") row.should be_empty end it "traces the execution of code" do db = SpecInfo.test_db ) sql = "CREATE TABLE trace_test( x, y, z)" s = db.trace_tap = db.execute( sql ) escaped_sql= Regexp.quote(sql) db.trace_tap.string.should match(/registered as trace tap/) db.trace_tap.string.should match(/#{escaped_sql}/) s.trace_count.should eql(2) db.trace_tap = nil s.trace_count.should eql(3) s.string.should match(/unregistered as trace tap/) end it "raises an exception if the wrong type of object is used for tracing" do db = SpecInfo.test_db ) lambda { db.trace_tap = }.should raise_error(::Libsql::Error) end it "profiles the execution of code" do db = SpecInfo.test_db ) s = db.trace_tap = db.execute_batch( @schema ) db.trace_tap.samplers.size.should eql(5) db.trace_tap = nil s.string.should =~ /unregistered as trace tap/ end it "#execute yields each row when called with a block" do count = 0 @iso_db.execute( "SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 10") do |row| count += 1 end count.should eql(10) end it "#pragma yields each row when called with a block" do count = 0 @iso_db.pragma( "index_info( subcountry_country )" ) do |row| count += 1 end count.should eql(1) end it "can use something that responds to 'write' as a tap" do db = SpecInfo.test_db ) s2 = db.trace_tap = s2.string.should eql("registered as trace tap") end it "can clear all registered taps" do db = SpecInfo.test_db ) s = db.trace_tap = db.execute_batch( @schema ) db.trace_tap.samplers.size.should eql(5) db.clear_taps! s.string.should =~ /unregistered as trace tap/m end it "allows nested transactions even if SQLite under the covers does not" do db = SpecInfo.test_db ) r = db.transaction do |db2| r2 = db.transaction { 42 } r2.should eql(42) r2 end r.should eql(42) end %w[ transaction deferred_transaction immediate_transaction exclusive_transaction ].each do |trans| it "returns the result of the #{trans} when a block is yielded" do db = SpecInfo.test_db ) (db.send( trans ){ 42 }).should eql(42) end end it "#reload_schema!" do schema = @iso_db.schema schema.instance_of?( ::Libsql::Schema ).should eql(true) s2 = @iso_db.reload_schema! s2.object_id.should_not eql(schema.object_id) end it "can rollback a transaction" do @iso_db.transaction r = @iso_db.execute("SELECT count(1) as cnt FROM country"); r.first['cnt'].should eql(242) @iso_db.execute("DELETE FROM country") r = @iso_db.execute("SELECT count(1) as cnt FROM country"); r.first['cnt'].should eql(0) @iso_db.rollback r = @iso_db.execute("SELECT count(1) as cnt FROM country"); r.first['cnt'].should eql(242) end it "rolls back if an exception happens during a transaction block" do begin @iso_db.transaction do |db| r = db.execute("SELECT count(1) as cnt FROM country"); r.first['cnt'].should eql(242) db.execute("DELETE FROM country") db.in_transaction?.should eql(true) raise "testing rollback" end rescue @iso_db.in_transaction?.should eql(false) @iso_db.execute("SELECT count(1) as cnt FROM country").first['cnt'].should eql(242) end end it "commits if an exception happens during a transaction block but is rescued within the block" do @iso_db.transaction do |db| begin r = db.execute("SELECT count(1) as cnt FROM country"); r.first['cnt'].should eql(242) db.execute("DELETE FROM country") db.in_transaction?.should eql(true) raise "testing rollback" rescue => e e.message.should == "testing rollback" end $!.should == nil end @iso_db.in_transaction?.should eql(false) @iso_db.first_value_from("select count(1) as cnt from country").should eql(0) end it "does not reraise an exception that exits before the transaction starts" do class MyExceptionTest < RuntimeError; end db = ":memory:" ) lambda { begin raise MyExceptionTest, "James pointed this out" rescue MyExceptionTest db.transaction("EXCLUSIVE") { } end }.should_not raise_error end describe "#define_function" do it "does not allow mixing of arbitrary and mandatory arguments to an SQL function" do class DBFunctionTest2 < ::Libsql::Function def initialize super( 'ftest2', -2 ) end def call( a, *args ); end end lambda { @iso_db.define_function("ftest2", ) }.should raise_error( ::Libsql::Database::FunctionError ) end it "does not allow outrageous arity" do class DBFunctionTest3 < ::Libsql::Function def initialize super( 'ftest3', 128 ) end def call( *args) ; end end lambda { @iso_db.define_function("ftest3", ) }.should raise_error( ::Libsql::SQLite3::Error ) end end describe "#remove_function" do it "unregisters a single function by name and arity" do @iso_db.define_function( "rtest1" ) do "rtest1 called" end @iso_db.functions.size.should eql(1 ) r = @iso_db.execute( "select rtest1() AS r" ) r.first['r'].should eql("rtest1 called") @iso_db.remove_function("rtest1") lambda { @iso_db.execute( "select rtest1() as r" )}.should raise_error( ::Libsql::SQLite3::Error, /no such function: rtest1/ ) @iso_db.functions.size.should eql(0) end it "unregisters a function by instances" do class FunctionTest5 < ::Libsql::Function def initialize super( 'ftest5', 0) end def call( *args) "ftest5 called"; end end @iso_db.define_function("ftest5", ) @iso_db.functions.size.should eql(1) r = @iso_db.execute( "select ftest5() AS r" ) r.first['r'].should eql("ftest5 called") @iso_db.remove_function("ftest5", ) lambda { @iso_db.execute( "select ftest5() as r" )}.should raise_error( ::Libsql::SQLite3::Error, /no such function: ftest5/ ) @iso_db.functions.size.should eql(0) end it "unregisters all functions with the same name" do @iso_db.function( "rtest" ) do |x| "rtest #{x} called" end @iso_db.function( "rtest" ) do || "rtest/0 called" end @iso_db.functions.size.should eql(2) r = @iso_db.execute( "select rtest(1) AS r") r.first['r'].should eql("rtest 1 called") r = @iso_db.execute( "select rtest() AS r") r.first['r'].should eql("rtest/0 called") @iso_db.remove_function( 'rtest' ) lambda { @iso_db.execute( "select rtest(1) AS r") }.should raise_error( ::Libsql::SQLite3::Error ) lambda { @iso_db.execute( "select rtest() AS r") }.should raise_error( ::Libsql::SQLite3::Error ) @iso_db.functions.size.should eql(0) end end it "can interrupt another thread that is also running in this database" do executions = 0 control_queue = other = @iso_db ) do |db| looping_sent = false c = 0 loop do begin db.execute("select * from subcountry") executions += 1 if not looping_sent then control_queue.enq :looping looping_sent = true end if c > 20_000 then break end c += 1 rescue => e Thread.current[:loop_count] = c Thread.current[:had_error] = e.dup control_queue.enq :boom break end end end rudeness = @iso_db ) do |db| control_queue.deq count = 0 loop do @iso_db.interrupt! break unless control_queue.empty? if count > 20_000 then break end count += 1 end end rudeness.join other.join #$stdout.puts " looped #{other[:loop_count]} times" other[:had_error].should be_an_instance_of( ::Libsql::SQLite3::Error ) other[:had_error].message.should =~ / interrupted/ end it "savepoints are considered 'in_transaction'" do @iso_db.savepoint( 'test1' ) do |db| db.should be_in_transaction end end it "releases a savepoint" do us_sub = @iso_db.execute( "select count(1) as cnt from subcountry where country = 'US'" ).first['cnt'] us_sub.should eql(57) other_sub = @iso_db.execute( "select count(1) as cnt from subcountry where country != 'US'" ).first['cnt'] @iso_db.transaction @iso_db.savepoint( "t1" ) do |s| s.execute("DELETE FROM subcountry where country = 'US'") end all_sub = @iso_db.execute("SELECT count(*) as cnt from subcountry").first['cnt'] all_sub.should eql(other_sub) @iso_db.rollback all_sub = @iso_db.execute("SELECT count(*) as cnt from subcountry").first['cnt'] all_sub.should eql(( us_sub + other_sub )) end it "rolls back a savepoint" do us_sub = @iso_db.execute("SELECT count(*) as cnt from subcountry where country = 'US'").first['cnt'] lambda { @iso_db.savepoint( "t1" ) do |s| s.execute("DELETE FROM subcountry where country = 'US'") as = @iso_db.execute("SELECT count(*) as cnt from subcountry where country = 'US'").first['cnt'] as.should be == 0 raise "sample error" end }.should raise_error( StandardError, /sample error/ ) @iso_db.execute("SELECT count(*) as cnt from subcountry where country = 'US'").first['cnt'].should eql(us_sub) end it "rolling back the outermost savepoint is still 'in_transaction'" do @iso_db.savepoint( "t1" ) @iso_db.execute("DELETE FROM subcountry where country = 'US'") @iso_db.rollback_to( "t1" ) @iso_db.should be_in_transaction @iso_db.rollback @iso_db.should_not be_in_transaction end it "can escape quoted strings" do @iso_db.escape( "It's a happy day!" ).should eql("It''s a happy day!") end it "can quote and escape single quoted strings" do @iso_db.quote( "It's a happy day!" ).should eql("'It''s a happy day!'") end it "can escape a symbol" do @iso_db.escape( :stuff ).should eql("stuff") end it "can quote a symbol" do @iso_db.quote( :stuff ).should eql("'stuff'") end it "returns the first row of results as a convenience" do row = @iso_db.first_row_from("SELECT, c.two_letter, count(*) AS count FROM country c JOIN subcountry sc ON c.two_letter = GROUP BY, c.two_letter ORDER BY count DESC") row.length.should eql(3) row[0].should eql("United Kingdom") row[1].should eql("GB") row[2].should eql(232) row['name'].should eql("United Kingdom") row['two_letter'].should eql("GB") row['count'].should eql(232) end it "returns and empty row if there are no results for the first row" do row = @iso_db.first_row_from("SELECT * from subcountry where country = 'Antarctica'") row.should be_empty end it "returns nil if there is no value in the first value" do val = @iso_db.first_value_from("select * from subcountry where country = 'Antarctica'" ) val.should eql(nil) end it "returns the first value of results as a conveinience" do val = @iso_db.first_value_from("SELECT count(*) from subcountry ") val.should eql(3995) end it "replicates a database to memory" do mem_db = @iso_db.replicate_to( ":memory:" ) @iso_db.close val = mem_db.first_value_from("SELECT count(*) from subcountry" ) val.should eql(3995) end it "replicates a database to a database file" do all_sub = @iso_db.execute("SELECT count(*) as cnt from subcountry").first['cnt'] fdb = SpecInfo.test_db ) @iso_db.replicate_to( fdb ) @iso_db.close File.exist?( SpecInfo.test_db ).should be == true fdb.execute("SELECT count(*) as cnt from subcountry").first['cnt'].should == all_sub end it "raises an error if it is given an invalid location to replicate to" do lambda { @iso_db.replicate_to( false ) }.should raise_error( ArgumentError, /must be a String or a Database/ ) end it "imports batch statements" do db =":memory:") db.import("CREATE TABLE things(stuff TEXT); INSERT INTO things (stuff) VALUES (\"foobar\");").should be_truthy db.first_value_from("SELECT stuff FROM things").should == "foobar" end end