require './performance/performance_helper' PERFORMANCE_DATABASE = 'multisert_performance' PERFORMANCE_TABLE = 'performance_data' PERFORMANCE_DESTINATION = "#{PERFORMANCE_DATABASE}.#{PERFORMANCE_TABLE}" NUM_OF_OPERATIONS = 100_000 CONNECTION = 'localhost', username: 'root') def puts_with_time content puts "[#{}] #{content}" end def generate_records records_count = NUM_OF_OPERATIONS puts_with_time "generating #{records_count} random entries" sample_records = (0...records_count).reduce([]) do |memo, i| memo << {'field_1' => i, 'field_2' => i + 1, 'field_3' => i + 2, 'field_4' => i + 3} memo end puts_with_time "generated #{records_count} random entries" sample_records end def ensure_data_completeness! connection, datastore, expected_count unless (res = connection.query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS the_count FROM #{datastore}").to_a.first['the_count']) == expected_count raise RuntimeError, "data not written completely. Got #{res}, expected #{expected_count}" end end def insert_performance_test connection, cleaner, sample_records, destination fields = sample_records.first.keys.join(', ') cleaner.ensure_clean_database! (timer =! sample_records.each do |record| connection.query %[ INSERT INTO #{destination} (#{fields}) VALUES (#{ { |k,v| v }.join(', ')})] end runtime = timer.stop! ensure_data_completeness! connection, destination, sample_records.count puts "insert w/o buffer took #{runtime.round(2)}s to insert #{sample_records.count} entries" end def multinsert_performance_test connection, cleaner, sample_records, destination, max_buffer_count = nil database, table = destination.split('.') buffer = connection: connection, database: database, table: table, fields: sample_records.first.keys, max_buffer_count: max_buffer_count cleaner.ensure_clean_database! (timer =! sample_records.each do |record| buffer << { |k, v| v } end buffer.flush! runtime = timer.stop! ensure_data_completeness! connection, destination, sample_records.count puts "multisert w/ buffer of #{buffer.max_buffer_count} took #{runtime.round(2)}s to insert #{sample_records.count} entries" end cleaner = PERFORMANCE_DATABASE, connection: CONNECTION) cleaner.create_table_schemas << %[ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS #{PERFORMANCE_DATABASE}.#{PERFORMANCE_TABLE} ( field_1 int default null , field_2 int default null , field_3 int default null , field_4 int default null )] sample_records = generate_records puts_with_time "starting performance test: using #{sample_records.count} random entries, writing to #{PERFORMANCE_DESTINATION}" # individual insert vs multisert insert_performance_test CONNECTION, cleaner, sample_records, PERFORMANCE_DESTINATION multinsert_performance_test CONNECTION, cleaner, sample_records, PERFORMANCE_DESTINATION, 10_000 mini_steps = (0..9) big_steps = (10..10_000).step(10) # buffer size performance test [*mini_steps, *big_steps].each do |i| multinsert_performance_test CONNECTION, cleaner, sample_records, PERFORMANCE_DESTINATION, i end