# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this # work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF # licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. module OSGi #:nodoc: # :nodoc: # Module extending projects # to find which matches criterias used # to find bundles. # module BundleProjectMatcher # Find if the project matches a specific set of criteria passed as parameter # The criteria are tested against the manifest of the project, using its bundle packages manifest options and the MANIFEST.MF master file. # # Returns true if at least one of the packages defined by this project match the criteria. # def matches(criteria = {:name => "", :version => "", :exports_package => "", :fragment_for => ""}) if File.exists?(File.join(base_dir, "META-INF", "MANIFEST.MF")) manifest = ::Buildr::Packaging::Java::Manifest.new(File.read(File.join(base_dir, "META-INF", "MANIFEST.MF"))) end manifest ||= ::Buildr::Packaging::Java::Manifest.new() project.packages.select {|package| package.is_a? ::OSGi::BundlePackaging}.each {|p| package_manifest = manifest.dup package_manifest.main.merge!(p.manifest) if p.manifest package_manifest = Manifest.read(package_manifest.to_s) if criteria[:exports_package] if criteria[:version] matchdata = package_manifest.first[Bundle::B_EXPORT_PKG][criteria[:exports_package]] unless package_manifest.first[Bundle::B_EXPORT_PKG].nil? return false unless matchdata exported_package_version = matchdata["version"] if criteria[:version].is_a? VersionRange return criteria[:version].in_range(exported_package_version) else return criteria[:version] == exported_package_version end else return false if package_manifest.first[Bundle::B_EXPORT_PKG].nil? return !package_manifest.first[Bundle::B_EXPORT_PKG][criteria[:exports_package]].nil? end elsif (package_manifest.first[Bundle::B_NAME].keys.first == criteria[:name] || id == criteria[:name]) if criteria[:version] if criteria[:version].is_a?(VersionRange) return criteria[:version].in_range(version) else return criteria[:version] == version end else # depending just on the name, returning true then. return true end end } return false end end # A bundle is an OSGi artifact represented by a jar file or a folder. # It contains a manifest file with specific OSGi headers. # class Bundle include Buildr::ActsAsArtifact #Keys used in the MANIFEST.MF file B_NAME = "Bundle-SymbolicName" B_REQUIRE = "Require-Bundle" B_IMPORT_PKG = "Import-Package" B_EXPORT_PKG = "Export-Package" B_FRAGMENT_HOST = "Fragment-Host" B_VERSION = "Bundle-Version" B_DEP_VERSION = "bundle-version" B_RESOLUTION = "resolution" B_LAZY_START = "Bundle-ActivationPolicy" B_OLD_LAZY_START = "Eclipse-LazyStart" # Creates a bundle out of a project, using the manifest defined in its bundle package # and the MANIFEST.MF file present in the project if any. def self.fromProject(project) packaging = project.packages.select {|package| package.is_a?(BundlePackaging)} raise "More than one bundle packaging is defined over the project #{project.id}, see BOSGI-16." if packaging.size > 1 return nil if packaging.empty? manifest = ::Buildr::Packaging::Java::Manifest.new(File.exists?("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF") ? File.read("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF") : nil) manifest.main.merge!(project.manifest) manifest.main.merge!(packaging.first.manifest) fromManifest(Manifest.read(manifest.to_s), packaging.first.to_s) end # Creates itself by loading from the manifest file passed to it as a hash # Finds the name and version, and populates a list of dependencies. def self.fromManifest(manifest, jarFile) if manifest.first[B_NAME].nil? warn "Could not find the name of the bundle represented by #{jarFile}" return nil end #see http://aspsp.blogspot.com/2008/01/wheressystembundlejarfilecont.html for the system.bundle trick. #key.strip: sometimes there is a space between the comma and the name of the bundle. #Add the required bundles: bundles = [] manifest.first[B_REQUIRE].each_pair {|key, value| bundles << Bundle.new(key.strip, value[B_DEP_VERSION], {:optional => value[B_RESOLUTION] == "optional"}) unless "system.bundle" == key} unless manifest.first[B_REQUIRE].nil? exports = [] manifest.first[B_EXPORT_PKG].each_pair {|key, value| exports << BundlePackage.new(key.strip, value["version"])} unless manifest.first[B_EXPORT_PKG].nil? #Parse the version version = manifest.first[B_VERSION].nil? ? nil : manifest.first[B_VERSION].keys.first #Read the imports imports = [] manifest.first[B_IMPORT_PKG].each_pair {|key, value| imports << BundlePackage.new(key.strip, value["version"], :is_export => false, :optional => value[B_RESOLUTION] == "optional")} unless manifest.first[B_IMPORT_PKG].nil? #Read the imported packages bundle = Bundle.new(manifest.first[B_NAME].keys.first, version, {:file => jarFile, :bundles => bundles, :imports => imports, :exported_packages => exports}) if !manifest.first[B_LAZY_START].nil? # We look for the value of BundleActivationPolicy: lazy or nothing usually. # lazy may be spelled Lazy too apparently, so we downcase the string in case. bundle.lazy_start = "lazy" == manifest.first[B_LAZY_START].keys.first.strip.downcase else bundle.lazy_start = "true" == manifest.first[B_OLD_LAZY_START].keys.first.strip unless manifest.first[B_OLD_LAZY_START].nil? end if (bundle.lazy_start) bundle.start_level = 4 else bundle.start_level = 1 end bundle.fragment = Bundle.new(manifest.first[B_FRAGMENT_HOST].keys.first.strip, manifest.first[B_FRAGMENT_HOST].values.first[B_DEP_VERSION]) unless (manifest.first[B_FRAGMENT_HOST].nil?) return bundle end # Attributes of a bundle, derived from its manifest # The name is always the symbolic name # The version is either the exact version of the bundle or the range in which the bundle would be accepted. # The file is the location of the bundle on the disk # The optional tag is present on bundles resolved as dependencies, marked as optional. # The start level is deduced from the bundles.info file. Default is 1. # The lazy start is found in the bundles.info file # group is the artifact group used for Maven. By default it is set to OSGI_GROUP_ID. # fragment is a Bundle object that represents the fragment host of this bundle (which means this bundle is a fragment if this field is not null). # exported_packages is an array of strings representing the packages exported by the bundle. # imports is an array of BundlePackage objects representing the packages imported by the bundle. attr_accessor :name, :version, :bundles, :file, :optional, :start_level, :lazy_start, :group, :fragment, :exported_packages, :imports alias :id :name def initialize(name, version, args = {:file => nil, :bundles=>[], :imports => [], :optional => false}) #:nodoc: @name = name @version = VersionRange.parse(version) || (version.nil? ? nil : Version.new(version)) @bundles = args[:bundles] || [] @imports = args[:imports] || [] @exported_packages = args[:exported_packages] || [] @file = args[:file] @optional = args[:optional] @start_level = 4 @type = "jar" #it's always a jar, even if it is a directory: we will jar it for Maven. @group = GroupMatcher.instance.group(name) end # # Resolves the matching artifacts. # def resolve_matching_artifacts # Collect the bundle projects, duplicate them so no changes can be applied to them # and extend them with the BundleProjectMatcher module b_projects = BundleProjects::bundle_projects.select {|p| p.extend BundleProjectMatcher p.matches(:name => name, :version => version) } #projects take precedence over the dependencies elsewhere, that's what happens in Eclipse # for example return b_projects unless b_projects.empty? return OSGi.registry.resolved_containers.collect {|i| i.find(:name => name, :version => version) }.flatten.compact.collect{|b| b.dup } end # Returns true if the bundle is an OSGi fragment. # def fragment? !fragment.nil? end def to_s #:nodoc: to_spec() end def to_yaml(opts = {}) #:nodoc: to_s.to_yaml(opts) end def <=>(other) #:nodoc: if other.is_a?(Bundle) return to_s <=> other.to_s else return to_s <=> other end end # Resolve a bundle from itself, by finding the appropriate bundle in the OSGi containers. # Returns self or the project it represents if a project is found to be self. # def resolve(bundles = resolve_matching_artifacts) bundle = case bundles.size when 0 then nil when 1 then bundles.first else BundleResolvingStrategies.send(OSGi.options.bundle_resolving_strategy, bundles) end if bundle.nil? warn "Could not resolve bundle for #{self.to_s}" return nil end return bundle if bundle.is_a?(Buildr::Project) osgi = self.dup osgi.name = bundle.name osgi.version = bundle.version osgi.bundles = bundle.bundles osgi.file = bundle.file osgi.optional = bundle.optional osgi.start_level = bundle.start_level osgi.group = bundle.group osgi end # Finds the fragments associated with this bundle. # def fragments OSGi.registry.resolved_containers.collect {|i| i.find_fragments(:host => name).select{|f| if f.fragment.version.is_a? VersionRange f.fragment.version.in_range(version) elsif f.fragment.version.nil? true else f.fragment.version == version end } }.flatten.compact.collect{|b| b.dup } end # Compares with another bundle and returns true if the name and version match. def ==(other) #:nodoc: return false unless other.is_a?(Bundle) name == other.name && version == other.version end alias :eql? == # Important for maps. # We absolutely want to avoid having to resolve several times the same bundle # def hash return to_s.hash end end end