== Welcome to Ruby IMDB ruby-imdb is IMDB parsing library for Ruby. == Features * Dynamic Caching with MongoDB backend * Object Oriented design * Fast access to data == Download * [sudo] gem i ruby-imdb * http://github.com/yalcin/ruby-imdb * git clone git://github.com/yalcin/ruby-imdb.git == Enable caching require 'rubygems' require 'imdb' IMDB::Configuration.caching = true IMDB::Configuration.db(:hostname => "localhost", :database => "imdb") == Usage require 'rubygems' require 'imdb' IMDB::Search.movie("fear and loathing in las vegas").each do |result| movie = IMDB::Movie.new(result.id) p movie.title movie.cast.each do |cast| p "#{cast.name} as #{cast.char}" end p movie.poster end movie = IMDB::Movie.new('0120669') p movie.poster == Examples Under the features directory == Authors * Yalcin ACIKYILDIZ (mailto:yalcin@webliyacelebi.com) This library is released under the terms of the GNU/GPL.