class FancyEnumerable { """ Mixin-Class with useful methods for collections that implement an @each:@ method. """ def includes?: item { """ @item Item to check if it's included in @self. @return @true, if @item in @self, otherwise @false. Indicates, if a collection includes a given element. """ any?: |x| { item == x } } def each: each_block in_between: between_block { """ Similar to @each:@ but calls an additional @Block@ between calling the first @Block@ for each element in self. """ between = { between = between_block } each: |x| { between call each_block call: [x] } } def join: str { """ @str Value (usually a @String@) to be used for the joined @String@. @return @String@ containing all elements in @self interspersed with @str. Joins a collection with a @String@ between each element, returning a new @String@. \"hello, world\” join: \"-\" # => \"h-e-l-l-o-,- -w-o-r-l-d\" """ s = "" each: |c| { s << c } in_between: { s << str } s } def any?: condition { """ @condition @Block@ (or @Callable) that is used to check if any element in @self yields true for it. @return @true, if @condition yields @true for any element, @false otherwise. Indicates, if any element meets the condition. """ each: |x| { if: (condition call: [x]) then: { return true } } nil } def all?: condition { """ Similar to @FancyEnumerable#any?:@ just checking for all elements. Indicates, if all elements meet the condition. """ each: |x| { unless: (condition call: [x]) do: { return false } } true } def find: item { """ @item Item to be found in @self. @return The first element that is equal to @item or @nil, if none found. Returns @nil, if @item (or anything that returns @true when comparing to @item) isn't found. Otherwise returns that element that is equal to @item. """ if: (item is_a?: Block) then: { find_by: item } else: { each: |x| { if: (item == x) then: { return x } } nil } } def find_by: block { """ Similar to @find:@ but takes a block that is called for each element to find it. """ each: |x| { if: (block call: [x]) then: |item| { return item } } nil } def map: block { """ @block A @Block@ that gets called with each element in @self. @return An @Array@ containing all values of calling @block with each element in @self. Returns a new @Array@ with the results of calling a given block for every element. """ coll = [] each: |x| { coll << (block call: [x]) } coll } def select: condition { """ @condition A @Block@ that is used as a filter on all elements in @self. @return An @Array@ containing all elements in @self that yield @true when called with @condition. Returns a new @Array@ with all elements that meet the given condition block. """ coll = [] each: |x| { { coll << x } if: $ condition call: [x] } coll } def reject: condition { """ Similar to @select:@ but inverse. Returns a new @Array@ with all elements that don't meet the given condition block. """ coll = [] each: |x| { { coll << x } unless: $ condition call: [x] } coll } def take_while: condition { """ @condition A @Block@ that is used as a condition for filtering. @return An @Array@ of all elements from the beginning until @condition yields @false. Returns a new @Array@ by taking elements from the beginning as long as they meet the given condition block. Example: [1,2,3,4,5] take_while: |x| { x < 4 } # => [1,2,3] """ coll = [] each: |x| { if: (condition call: [x]) then: { coll << x } else: { return coll } } coll } def drop_while: condition { """ Similar to @take_while:@ but inverse. Returns a new @Array@ by skipping elements from the beginning as long as they meet the given condition block. Example: [1,2,3,4,5] drop_while: |x| { x < 4 } # => [4,5] """ coll = [] drop = nil first_check = true each: |x| { if: (drop or: first_check) then: { drop = condition call: [x] first_check = nil # check, if we actually have to insert this one: unless: drop do: { coll << x } } else: { coll << x } } coll } def take: amount { """ @amount Amount of elements to take from @self. @return First @amount elements of @self in an @Array@. Example: [1,2,3,4] take: 2 # => [1,2] """ i = 0 take_while: { i = i + 1 i <= amount } } def drop: amount { """ @amount Amount of elements to skip in @self. @return An @Array@ of all but the first @amount elements in @self. Example: [1,2,3,4,5] drop: 2 # => [3,4,5] """ i = 0 drop_while: { i = i + 1 i <= amount } } def reduce: block init_val: init_val { """ Calculates a value based on a given block to be called on an accumulator value and an initial value. Example: [1,2,3] reduce: |sum val| { sum + val } init_val: 0 # => 6 """ acc = init_val each: |x| { acc = (block call: [acc, x]) } acc } def inject: val into: block { """ Same as reduce:init_val: but taking the initial value as first and the reducing block as second parameter. Example: [1,2,3] inject: 0 into: |sum val| { sum + val } # => 6 """ reduce: block init_val: val } def uniq { """ @return @Array@ of all unique elements in @self. Returns a new Array with all unique values (double entries are skipped). Example: [1,2,1,2,3] uniq # => [1,2,3] """ uniq_vals = [] each: |x| { unless: (uniq_vals includes?: x) do: { uniq_vals << x } } uniq_vals } def size { """ @return Amount of elements in @self. Returns the size of an Enumerable. """ i = 0 each: |x| { i = i + 1 } i } def empty? { """ @return @true, if size of @self is 0, @false otherwise. Indicates, if the Enumerable is empty (has no elements). """ size == 0 } def first { """ @return First element in @self or @nil, if empty. """ each: |x| { return x } nil } def last { """ @return Last element in @self or @nil, if empty. Returns the last element in an Enumerable. """ item = nil each: |x| { item = x } item } def compact { """ @return @Array@ with all non-nil elements in @self. Returns a new @Array@ with all values removed that are @nil ( return @true on @nil? ). Example: [1,2,nil,3,nil] compact # => [1,2,3] """ reject: |x| { x nil? } } def superior_by: comparison_block taking: selection_block ('identity) { """ @comparison_block @Block@ to be used for comparison. @selection_block @Block@ to be used for selecting the values to be used for comparison by @comparison_bock. @return Superior element in @self in terms of @comparison_block. Returns the superior element in the @Enumerable that has met the given comparison block with all other elements, applied to whatever @selection_block returns for each element. @selection_block defaults to @identity. Examples: [1,2,5,3,4] superior_by: '> # => 5 [1,2,5,3,4] superior_by: '< # => 1 [[1,2], [2,3,4], [], [1]] superior_by: '> taking: 'size # => [2,3,4] [[1,2], [2,3,4], [-1]] superior_by: '< taking: 'first # => [-1] """ pairs = self map: |val| { (val, selection_block call: [val]) } retval = pairs first pairs each: |p| { if: (comparison_block call: [p second, retval second]) then: { retval = p } } retval first } def max { """ @return Maximum value in @self. Returns the maximum value in the Enumerable (via the '>' comparison message). """ superior_by: '> } def min { """ @return Minimum value in @self. Returns the minimum value in the Enumerable (via the '<' comparison message). """ superior_by: '< } def sum { """ Calculates the sum of all the elements in the @Enumerable (assuming them to be @Number@s (implementing '+' & '*')). """ reduce: '+ init_val: 0 } def product { """ Calculates the product of all the elements in the @Enumerable (assuming them to be @Number@s (implementing @+ & @*)). """ reduce: '* init_val: 1 } def average { """ @return Average value in @self (expecting @Number@s or Objects implementing @+ and @*). """ { return 0 } if: (size == 0) sum to_f / size } def partition_by: block { """ @block @Block@ that gets used to decide when to partition elements in @self. @return @Array@ of @Array@s, partitioned by equal return values of calling @block with each element Example: 0 upto: 10 . partition_by: @{< 3} # => [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]] """ last = block call: [first] coll = [] tmp_coll = [] each: |x| { tmp = block call: [x] if: (tmp != last) then: { coll << tmp_coll tmp_coll = [x] } else: { tmp_coll << x } last = tmp } coll << tmp_coll coll } def random { """ @return Random element in @self. """ at: (rand(size)) } def sort_by: block { """ @block @Block@ taking 2 arguments used to compare elements in a collection. @return Sorted @Array@ of elements in @self. Sorts a collection by a given comparison block. """ if: (block is_a?: Symbol) then: { sort() |a b| { a receive_message: block . <=> (b receive_message: block) } } else: { sort(&block) } } def in_groups_of: size { """ @size Maximum size of each group. @return @Array@ of @Array@s with a max size of @size (grouped). Example usage: [1,2,3,4,5] in_groups_of: 3 # => [[1,2,3],[4,5]] """ groups = [] tmp = [] enum = to_enum loop: { size times: { tmp << (enum next) } if: (enum ended?) then: { { groups << tmp } unless: $ tmp empty? break } groups << tmp tmp = [] } groups } }