module Tabula def Tabula.merge_words(text_elements, options={}) warn 'Tabula.merge_words is DEPRECATED. Use Tabula::TextElement.merge_words instead' TextElement.merge_words(text_elements, options) end def Tabula.group_by_lines(text_chunks) warn 'Tabula.group_by_lines is DEPRECATED. Use Tabula::TextChunk.group_by_lines instead.' TextChunk.group_by_lines(text_chunks) end # Returns an array of Tabula::Line def Tabula.make_table(page, area, options={}) warn 'Tabula.make_table is DEPRECATED. Use Tabula::Page#make_table instead.' page.get_area(area).make_table(options) end # extract a table from file +pdf_path+, +pages+ and +area+ # # +pages+ can be a single integer (1-based) or an array of integers # # ==== Options # +:password+ - Password if encrypted PDF (default: empty) # +:detect_ruling_lines+ - Try to detect vertical (default: true) # +:vertical_rulings+ - List of positions for vertical rulings. Overrides +:detect_ruling_lines+. (default: []) def Tabula.extract_table(pdf_path, page, area, options={}) options = { :password => '', :detect_ruling_lines => true, :vertical_rulings => [], :extraction_method => "guess", }.merge(options) if area.instance_of?(Array) top, left, bottom, right = area area =, left, right - left, bottom - top) end if page.is_a?(Integer) page = [page] end extractor =, page, options[:password]) pdf_page = extractor.close! if ["spreadsheet", "original"].include? options[:extraction_method] use_spreadsheet_extraction_method = options[:extraction_method] == "spreadsheet" else use_spreadsheet_extraction_method = pdf_page.is_tabular? end if use_spreadsheet_extraction_method return (spreadsheets = pdf_page.get_area(area).spreadsheets).empty? ? Spreadsheet.empty(pdf_page) : spreadsheets.inject(&:+) end use_detected_lines = false if options[:detect_ruling_lines] && options[:vertical_rulings].empty? detected_vertical_rulings = Ruling.crop_rulings_to_area(pdf_page.vertical_ruling_lines, area) # only use lines if at least 80% of them cover at least 90% # of the height of area of interest # TODO this heuristic SUCKS # what if only a couple columns is delimited with vertical rulings? # ie: (see 7th column) # idea: detect columns without considering rulings, detect vertical rulings # calculate ratio and try to come up with a threshold use_detected_lines = detected_vertical_rulings.size > 2 \ && (detected_vertical_rulings.count { |vl| vl.height / area.height > 0.9 } / detected_vertical_rulings.size.to_f) >= 0.8 end pdf_page .get_area(area) .get_table(:vertical_rulings => use_detected_lines ? detected_vertical_rulings : options[:vertical_rulings]) end end