require 'etc' require 'open-uri' require 'socket' require 'json' ## read on master node_meta = JSON.parse("/tmp/MU-MASTER-INSTALL-TEST.json")) if File.exists?("/tmp/MU-MASTER-INSTALL-TEST.json") chef_server_url = node_meta[0]['pub_ip'] $MU_CFG = '/opt/mu/var' control 'init' do title 'mu-master init recipe tests' node = json('/tmp/chef_node.json').params NODE_PUB_IP=node_meta[0]['pub_ip'] CHEF_SERVER_VERSION="12.17.15-1" CHEF_CLIENT_VERSION="18.2.7" KNIFE_WINDOWS="1.9.0" MU_BASE="/opt/mu" f = "/etc/ssh/sshd_config" if^AllowUsers\s+([^\s]+)(?:\s|$)/) SSH_USER = Regexp.last_match[1].chomp else SSH_USER="root" end RUNNING_STANDALONE=node['default']['application_attributes'].nil? describe service('iptables') do it { should be_running } end describe directory('/var/run/postgresql') do it { should exist } it { should be_directory } its('mode'){ should cmp '0755' } end describe file('/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432') do it { should exist } it { should be_linked_to '/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432' } end describe file('/etc/hosts.muinstaller') do it { should exist } it { should be_file } end if RUNNING_STANDALONE describe file('/etc/hosts') do it { should exist } its('content') { should match / } its('content') { should match /localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6/} end end basepackages = [] removepackages = [] rpms = {} dpkgs = {} if os[:family] == "redhat" basepackages = ["git", "curl", "diffutils", "patch", "gcc", "gcc-c++", "make", "postgresql-devel", "libyaml"] rpms = { "epel-release" => "{os[:release].to_i}.noarch.rpm", "chef-server-core" => "{CHEF_SERVER_VERSION.sub(/\-\d+$/, "")}/el/#{os[:release].to_i}/chef-server-core-#{CHEF_SERVER_VERSION}.el#{os[:release].to_i}.x86_64.rpm" } if os[:release].to_i < 6 or os[:release].to_i >= 8 raise "Mu Masters on RHEL-family hosts must be equivalent to RHEL6 or RHEL7" elsif os[:release].to_i < 7 basepackages.concat(["mysql-devel"]) rpms["ruby23"] = "" removepackages = ["nagios"] elsif os[:release].to_i < 8 basepackages.concat(["libX11", "tcl", "tk", "mariadb-devel"]) rpms["ruby23"] = "" removepackages = ["nagios", "firewalld"] end else raise "Mu Masters are currently only supported on RHEL-family hosts." end basepackages.each do |pack| describe package(pack) do it { should be_installed } end end describe directory(MU_BASE) do it { should exist } it { should be_directory } its('mode') { should cmp '0755'} end ["#{MU_BASE}/lib","#{MU_BASE}/lib/cookbooks", "#{MU_BASE}/lib/.git/hooks"].each do |dir| describe directory(dir) do it { should exist } it { should be_directory } end end ["post-merge", "post-checkout", "post-rewrite", "pre-commit"].each { |hook| describe file("#{MU_BASE}/lib/.git/hooks/#{hook}") do it { should exist } it { should be_file } its('mode'){ should cmp '0755' } end } ["#{MU_BASE}/var", "#{MU_BASE}/"].each do |a| describe directory(a) do it { should exist } its('mode'){should cmp '0755' } end end {"#{MU_BASE}/var/mu-chef-client-version"=> CHEF_CLIENT_VERSION, "#{MU_BASE}/var/mu-chef-server-version"=>CHEF_SERVER_VERSION}.each do |f,c| describe file(f) do its('content') {should match /#{c}/} its('mode'){ should cmp '0644'} end end describe directory('/opt/opscode.upgrading.backup') do it { should_not exist } end if RUNNING_STANDALONE rpms.each_pair do |pkg,src| describe command("rpm -q #{pkg}") do its('exit_status'){should eq 0 } end end end describe package('jq') do it { should be_installed } end removepackages.each do |rm| describe package(rm) do it { should_not be_installed } end end describe directory('/opt/rubies/ruby-2.1.6') do it { should_not exist } end describe file('/etc/opscode/chef-server.rb') do it { should exist } it { should be_file } its('content'){should match /api_fqdn server_name/ } end describe parse_config_file('/etc/opscode/chef-server.rb') do params = { 'server_name' => "'#{chef_server_url}'","nginx['server_name']" => "server_name", "nginx['enable_non_ssl']" => "false","nginx['non_ssl_port']"=>"81", "nginx['ssl_port']"=>"7443","nginx['ssl_protocols']"=>"'TLSv1.2'","bookshelf['external_url']"=>"'https://'+server_name+':7443'","bookshelf['vip_port']"=>"7443" } if ::File.size?("/etc/opscode/chef-server.rb") params.each do |var,val| its(var){should eq val} end end end ["bin", "etc", "lib", "var/users/mu", "var/deployments", "var/orgs/mu"].each { |mudir| describe directory("#{MU_BASE}/#{mudir}") do it { should exist } its('mode') { should cmp mudir.match(/^var\//) ? '0700' : '0755'} its('owner') { should eq 'root'} end } {"#{MU_BASE}/var/users/mu/email"=>"","#{MU_BASE}/var/users/mu/realname"=> "Mu Administrator"}.each do |file,content| describe file(file) do it { should exist } its('content') { should match /#{content}/} end end ["mu-aws-setup", "mu-cleanup", "mu-configure", "mu-deploy", "mu-firewall-allow-clients", "mu-gen-docs", "mu-load-config.rb", "mu-node-manage", "mu-tunnel-nagios", "mu-upload-chef-artifacts", "mu-user-manage", "mu-ssh"].each { |exe| describe file("#{MU_BASE}/bin/#{exe}") do it { should exist } it { should be_linked_to "#{MU_BASE}/lib/bin/#{exe}" } its('mode'){should cmp '0755'} end } describe directory("/root/.chef") do it { should exist } end ["/opt/opscode/bin/chef-server-ctl org-list | grep '^mu$'", "/opt/opscode/bin/chef-server-ctl user-list | grep '^mu$'"].each do |cmd| describe command(cmd) do its('exit_status'){ should eq 0 } its('stdout'){ should eq "mu\n"} end end describe file("/root/.chef/knife.rb") do chef_server_url = node_meta[0]['pub_ip'] it { should exist } its('content'){should match /node_name\s*'mu'/} its('content'){should match /validation_client_name\s*'mu-validator'/} its('content'){should match /validation_key\s*'#{MU_BASE}\/var\/orgs\/mu\/'/} its('content'){should match /client_key\s*'#{MU_BASE}\/var\/users\/mu\/mu.user.key'/} its('content'){should match /chef_server_url\s*'https:\/\/#{chef_server_url}:7443\/organizations\/mu'/} its('content'){should match /chef_server_root\s*'https:\/\/#{chef_server_url}:7443\/organizations\/mu'/} its('content'){should match /syntax_check_cache_path\s*'\/root\/.chef\/syntax_check_cache'/} its('content'){should match /cookbook_path \[ '\/root\/.chef\/cookbooks', '\/root\/.chef\/site_cookbooks' \]/} its('content'){should match /knife\[:vault_mode\] = 'client'/} its('content'){should match /knife\[:vault_admins\] = \['mu'\]/} end =begin ruby code is executed on host machine not on target SSH_DIR = "#{Etc.getpwnam(SSH_USER).dir}/.ssh" ROOT_SSH_DIR = "#{Etc.getpwuid(0).dir}/.ssh" describe command("cat #{SSH_DIR}/authorized_keys | grep $(cat #{ROOT_SSH_DIR}/") do its('exit_status'){should eq 0 } end =end %w(/etc/chef/client.pem /etc/chef/validation.pem).each do |fi| describe file(fi) do it { should_not exist } end end describe file("#{MU_BASE}/etc/mu.rc") do it { should exist } its('content'){should match /export MU_INSTALLDIR="#{MU_BASE}"/} its('content'){should match /export MU_DATADIR="#{MU_BASE}\/var/} its('content'){should match /export PATH="#{MU_BASE}\/bin:\/usr\/local\/ruby-current\/bin:\${PATH}:\/opt\/opscode\/embedded\/bin"/} its('mode'){should cmp '0644' } end describe command("chef-server-ctl status") do its('exit_status'){should eq 0 } services = ["run: nginx", "run: bookshelf", "run: oc_bifrost", "run: oc_id:","run: opscode-erchef", "run: opscode-expander","run: opscode-solr4","run: postgresql","run: rabbitmq","run: redis_lb"] services.each do |ser| its('stdout'){should match /#{ser}/} end end end ## end init control control "basepackages" do title "mu-master basepackages recipe test" node = json('/tmp/chef_node.json').params basepackages = [] removepackages = [] rpms = {} dpkgs = {} if os[:family] == 'redhat' basepackages = ["vim-enhanced", "zip", "unzip", "java-1.8.0-openjdk", "libxml2-devel", "libxslt-devel", "cryptsetup-luks", "python-pip", "lsof", "mlocate", "strace", "nmap", "openssl-devel", "readline-devel", "python-devel", "diffutils", "patch", "bind-utils", "httpd-tools", "mailx", "openssl", "libyaml", "graphviz", "ImageMagick-devel", "graphviz-devel", "jq", "vim"] if os[:release].to_i < 6 or os[:release].to_i >= 8 raise "Mu Masters on RHEL-family hosts must be equivalent to RHEL6 or RHEL7" elsif os[:release].to_i < 7 basepackages.concat(["java-1.5.0-gcj", "mysql-server", "autoconf"]) basepackages << "gecode-devel" if node[:platform] == "amazon" elsif os[:release].to_i < 8 basepackages.concat(["gecode-devel", "mariadb", "qt", "qt-x11", "iptables-services"]) end else raise "Mu Masters are currently only supported on RHEL-family hosts." end basepackages.each do |pack| describe package(pack) do it { should be_installed } end end rpms.each_pair { |pkg, src| describe command("rpm -q #{pkg}") do its('exit_status'){ should eq 0 } end } end control 'firewall-holes' do title 'mu-master firewall-holes recipe test' [2260, 7443, 8443, 9443, 10514, 443, 80, 25].each do |port| describe command("netstat -ant | grep #{port}") do its('exit_status'){should eq 0 } end end end control 'ssl-certs' do title 'mu-master ssl-certs recipe test' service_certs = ["rsyslog", "mommacat", "ldap", "consul", "vault"] describe directory("#{$MU_CFG}/ssl") do it { should exist } end describe file("#{$MU_CFG}/ssl/Mu_CA.key") do it { should exist } its('mode') { should cmp '0400'} end describe file("#{$MU_CFG}/ssl/openssl.cnf") do it { should exist } it { should be_file } its('content'){should match /dir\s*=\s*#{$MU_CFG}\/ssl/ } its('content'){should match /certs\s*=\s*\$dir/} its('content'){should match /certificate\s*=\s*\$dir\/Mu_CA.pem/} its('content'){should match /private_key\s*= \$dir\/Mu_CA.key/} end service_certs.each do |cert| describe file("#{$MU_CFG}/ssl/#{cert}.crt") do it { should exist } its('mode') { should cmp '0444' } end describe file("#{$MU_CFG}/ssl/#{cert}.key") do it { should exist } its('mode'){should cmp '0400' } end describe file("#{$MU_CFG}/ssl/#{cert}.p12") do it { should exist } its('mode') { should cmp '0444' } end describe file("#{$MU_CFG}/ssl/#{cert}.csr") do it { should_not exist } end end describe file("#{$MU_CFG}/ssl/CA-command.txt") do it { should exist } its('content') { should match /openssl req -subj/ } its('content') { should match /-x509 -new -nodes -key Mu_CA.key -days 1024 -out Mu_CA.pem -sha512 -extensions v3_ca -config/} end describe file("#{$MU_CFG}/ssl/Mu_CA.pem") do it { should exist } its('mode') { should cmp '0444' } end describe file("/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/Mu_CA.pem") do it { should exist } end describe file("/opt/mu/lib/cookbooks/mu-tools/files/default/Mu_CA.pem") do it { should exist } end end control 'vault' do title 'mu-master ssl-certs recipe test' node = json('/tmp/chef_node.json').params ["consul", "vault"].each { |cert| describe directory("/opt/#{cert}") do it { should exist } its('mode') { should cmp '0755' } end describe file("#{$MU_CFG}/ssl/#{cert}.key") do its('owner') { should eq cert } end describe file("#{$MU_CFG}/ssl/#{cert}.key") do its('owner') { should eq cert } end describe service(cert) do it { should be_enabled } it { should be_running } end } describe directory("/etc/consul/ssl") do it { should exist } its('owner'){should eq 'consul'} its('group'){should eq 'consul'} its('mode'){should cmp '0755'} end %w(/etc/vault /etc/vault/ssl /etc/consul/ssl/CA).each do |dir| describe directory(dir) do it { should exist } its('owner'){should eq 'root'} its('mode'){should cmp '0755'} end end describe file("/etc/consul/ssl/CA/ca.crt") do it { should exist } its('mode'){should cmp '0644'} end end control 'default' do title 'mu-master default recipe tests' node = json('/tmp/chef_node.json').params describe sys_info do its('hostname') { should eq 'mu-master' } end describe file('/root/.vimrc') do it { should exist } end describe file('/etc/profile.d/') do it { should exist } its('content') { should match /export PATH="\${PATH}:\/usr\/local\/bin"/} its('mode'){should cmp '0644'} end describe file('/var/www/html/cloudamatic.png') do it { should exist } its('mode'){should cmp '0644'} end describe package('nagios') do it { should_not be_installed } end only_if do !node['default']['update_nagios_only'] describe package('nagios-plugins-all') do it { should be_installed } end %w(/home/nagios /home/nagios/.ssh).each do |dir| describe directory(dir) do it { should exist } its('owner') { should eq 'nagios'} its('mode') { should cmp '0711' } end end describe file("/home/nagios/.ssh/config") do it { should exist } its('mode') { should cmp '0600' } its('owner'){ should cmp 'nagios' } end describe file('/etc/dhcp/dhclient-eth0.conf') do it { should exist } ins_id = node_meta[0]['ins_id'] its('content') { should match /interface\s*"eth0"\s*{/ } its('content') { should match /#\s*ec2.internal,\s*server.#{ins_id}.platform-mu,\s*platform-mu/ } its('content') { should match /supersede\s*domain-search\s*"ec2.internal",\s*"server.#{ins_id}.platform-mu",\s*"platform-mu"/ } its('mode'){should cmp '0644' } end describe command("/usr/sbin/getsebool httpd_can_network_connect | grep -cim1 ^.*on$") do its('exit_status'){should eq 0 } end %w(mu_docs https_proxy).each do |conf| describe file("/etc/httpd/sites-enabled/#{conf}.conf") do it { should exist } end end describe file('/usr/lib64/nagios/cgi-bin') do it { should exist } it { should be_linked_to "/usr/lib/cgi-bin"} end describe directory("/var/www/html/docs") do it { should exist } its('owner'){ should eq 'apache' } its('owner'){ should eq 'apache' } end describe file('/var/www/html/index.html') do it { should exist } its('owner'){ should eq 'apache' } its('owner'){ should eq 'apache' } its('content') { should match /Mu API documentation<\/a>/ } end describe directory('/Mu_Logs') do it { should exist } end describe file('/etc/rsyslog.d/0-mu-log-server.conf') do it { should exist } its('content'){ should match /\$DefaultNetstreamDriver gtls/} its('content'){ should match /\$InputTCPServerStreamDriverMode 1/ } end describe file("/etc/rsyslog.d/0-mu-log-client.conf") do it { should_not exist } end ["grep ^/opt/chef/bin/chef-client /etc/rc.d/rc.local","grep '^/sbin/restorecon -r /home' /etc/rc.d/rc.local"].each do |cmd| describe command(cmd) do its('exit_status'){should eq 0} end end describe directory("/etc/pki/rsyslog") do it { should exist } end describe package('logrotate') do it { should be_installed } end describe service('mu-momma-cat') do it { should be_running } it { should be_enabled } end describe service('nagios') do it { should be_running } end end # end only_if end