- C
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- V
[R] | attribute | |
[R] | extension | |
[R] | values |
Source: show
# File lib/bitmask_attributes/definition.rb, line 5 def initialize(attribute, values=[], &extension) @attribute = attribute @values = values @extension = extension end
Source: show
# File lib/bitmask_attributes/definition.rb, line 11 def install_on(model) validate_for model generate_bitmasks_on model override model create_convenience_class_method_on model create_convenience_instance_methods_on model create_scopes_on model create_attribute_methods_on model end
Returns the defined values as an Array.
Source: show
# File lib/bitmask_attributes/definition.rb, line 65 def create_attribute_methods_on(model) model.class_eval %Q( def self.values_for_#{attribute} # def self.values_for_numbers #{values} # [:one, :two, :three] end # end ) end
Source: show
# File lib/bitmask_attributes/definition.rb, line 73 def create_convenience_class_method_on(model) model.class_eval %Q( def self.bitmask_for_#{attribute}(*values) values.inject(0) do |bitmask, value| unless (bit = bitmasks[:#{attribute}][value]) raise ArgumentError, "Unsupported value for #{attribute}: \#{value.inspect}" end bitmask | bit end end ) end
Source: show
# File lib/bitmask_attributes/definition.rb, line 86 def create_convenience_instance_methods_on(model) values.each do |value| model.class_eval %Q( def #{attribute}_for_#{value}? self.#{attribute}?(:#{value}) end ) end model.class_eval %Q( def #{attribute}?(*values) if !values.blank? values.all? do |value| self.#{attribute}.include?(value) end else self.#{attribute}.present? end end ) end
Source: show
# File lib/bitmask_attributes/definition.rb, line 107 def create_scopes_on(model) model.class_eval %Q( scope :with_#{attribute}, proc { |*values| if values.blank? where('#{attribute} > 0 OR #{attribute} IS NOT NULL') else sets = values.map do |value| mask = #{model}.bitmask_for_#{attribute}(value) "#{attribute} & \#{mask} <> 0" end where(sets.join(' AND ')) end } scope :without_#{attribute}, proc { |value| if value mask = #{model}.bitmask_for_#{attribute}(value) where("#{attribute} IS NULL OR #{attribute} & ? = 0", mask) else where("#{attribute} IS NULL OR #{attribute} = 0") end } scope :no_#{attribute}, where("#{attribute} = 0 OR #{attribute} IS NULL") scope :with_any_#{attribute}, proc { |*values| if values.blank? where('#{attribute} > 0 OR #{attribute} IS NOT NULL') else sets = values.map do |value| mask = #{model}.bitmask_for_#{attribute}(value) "#{attribute} & \#{mask} <> 0" end where(sets.join(' OR ')) end } ) values.each do |value| model.class_eval %Q( scope :#{attribute}_for_#{value}, where('#{attribute} & ? <> 0', #{model}.bitmask_for_#{attribute}(:#{value})) ) end end
Source: show
# File lib/bitmask_attributes/definition.rb, line 34 def generate_bitmasks_on(model) model.bitmasks[attribute] = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new.tap do |mapping| values.each_with_index do |value, index| mapping[value] = 0b1 << index end end end
Source: show
# File lib/bitmask_attributes/definition.rb, line 42 def override(model) override_getter_on(model) override_setter_on(model) end
Source: show
# File lib/bitmask_attributes/definition.rb, line 47 def override_getter_on(model) model.class_eval %Q( def #{attribute} @#{attribute} ||= BitmaskAttributes::ValueProxy.new(self, :#{attribute}, &self.class.bitmask_definitions[:#{attribute}].extension) end ) end
Source: show
# File lib/bitmask_attributes/definition.rb, line 55 def override_setter_on(model) model.class_eval %Q( def #{attribute}=(raw_value) values = raw_value.kind_of?(Array) ? raw_value : [raw_value] self.#{attribute}.replace(values.reject(&:blank?)) end ) end
Source: show
# File lib/bitmask_attributes/definition.rb, line 23 def validate_for(model) # The model cannot be validated if it is preloaded and the attribute/column is not in the # database (the migration has not been run) or table doesn't exist. This usually # occurs in the 'test' and 'production' environment or during migration. return if defined?(Rails) && Rails.configuration.cache_classes || !model.table_exists? unless model.columns.detect { |col| col.name == attribute.to_s } raise ArgumentError, "`#{attribute}' is not an attribute of `#{model}'" end end