{ "total": 2, "page": 1, "pagesize": 30, "comments": [ { "comment_id": 303010, "creation_date": 1233120361, "owner": { "user_id": 26, "user_type": "registered", "display_name": "Shawn Simon", "reputation": 4848, "email_hash": "f878a55e08bacee0af48852c29a02dc7" }, "post_id": 555, "post_type": "answer", "score": 0, "body": "a lot of this stuff is situational. i tend not to use session cookies at all. cookies getting hijacked is almost always the servers fault. man in the middle / packet sniffing arent that common" }, { "comment_id": 278816, "creation_date": 1232410823, "owner": { "user_id": 13834, "user_type": "registered", "display_name": "Kevin Loney", "reputation": 1971, "email_hash": "10f6e15abcf7ed8ca175fd8507e3c19b" }, "post_id": 555, "post_type": "answer", "score": 0, "body": "Given the recent MITM vulnerability surrounding signed SSL certificates (blog.startcom.org/?p=145) so a combination of SSL and some kind of Challenge response authentication (There are alternatives to SRP) is probably a better solution." } ] }