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Versions: 3
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# ronin-url 1 "2023-02-01" Ronin "User Manuals" ## NAME ronin-url - Parses URLs ## SYNOPSIS `ronin url` [*options*] [*URL* ...] ## DESCRIPTION Processes URL(s) and prints individual components of the URL(s). ## ARGUMENTS *URL* : A URL argument to process. ## OPTIONS `-f`, `--file` *FILE* : The optional file to read values from. `-u`, `--user` : Print the URL's user name component. `--password` : Print the URL's password component. `--user-password` : Print the URL's user name and password components. `-H`, `--host` : Print the URL's host name component. `--port` : Print the URL's port component. `--host-port` : Print the URL's `host:port` component. `-P`, `--path` : Print the URL's path component. `--path-query` : Print the URL's path and query string components. `-Q`, `--query` : Print the URL's query string component. `-q`, `--query-param` *NAME* : Print the query param from the URL's query string. `-F`, `--fragment` : Print the URL's fragment component. `-S`, `--status` : Print the HTTP status of each URL. `-h`, `--help` : Print help information. ## AUTHOR Postmodern <>
Version data entries
3 entries across 3 versions & 1 rubygems
Version | Path |
ronin-2.1.1 | man/ |
ronin-2.1.0 | man/ |
ronin-2.1.0.rc1 | man/ |