src ="tri_tri_intersect.js") # build list of inline functions inlines = [] signature_rx = /function\s*\/\*\s*inline\s*\*\/\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_$]+)\s*\((.*?)\)\s*\{/m while src =~ signature_rx function_definition_offset = $~.offset(0)[0] function_body_offset_start = $~.offset(0)[1] function_body_offset_end = function_body_offset_start function_name = $1 params_list = $2.split(/,/) puts "Inline: #{function_name}(#{params_list}) (beginning at offset #{function_body_offset_start})" scope_depth = 1 for i in function_body_offset_start...src.length case src[i] when ?{ scope_depth += 1 when ?} scope_depth -= 1 if scope_depth == 0 # function body end function_body_offset_end = i break end end end if scope_depth > 0 raise "Couldn't find a closing curly brace for inline function #{function_name}!" end function_body = src[function_body_offset_start...function_body_offset_end] src = (src[0...function_definition_offset].to_s + src[(function_body_offset_end+1)..-1].to_s).strip # last step: make sure param names are unique to this function params_list.collect! do |name| new_name = "#{function_name}_#{name}" # function_body.gsub! /#{Regexp::escape name}/, new_name function_body.gsub! /([^a-zA-Z0-9_$])#{Regexp::escape name}([^a-zA-Z0-9_$])/, "\\1#{new_name}\\2" new_name end inlines << { :name => function_name, :params => params_list, :body => function_body } end # parse src and replace funcalls to inline functions again = true while again again = false inlines.each do |inline| if src =~ /#{inline[:name]}\s*\(/ function_call_start = $~.offset(0)[0] function_params_start = $~.offset(0)[1] function_params_end = function_params_start parens_depth = 1 for i in function_params_start...src.length case src[i] when ?( parens_depth += 1 when ?) parens_depth -= 1 if parens_depth == 0 # params end # see if there's (optionally, white space, followed by) a semicolon # if there is, it's superfluous; get rid of it. if src[(i+1)..-1] =~ /\A([\s\n\t]*;)/m src[(i+1)..(i+$1.length)] = "" end function_params_end = i break end end end params = src[function_params_start...function_params_end].split(/,/) puts "Discovered call to #{inline[:name]} with params: #{params.inspect}" if params.length != inline[:params].length raise "Incorrect params length: #{params.length} for #{inline[:params].length}\n\t\t\t(expected params are: #{inline[:params].inspect})" end inline_body = inline[:body].dup for i in 0...params.length inline_body.gsub! /([^a-zA-Z0-9_$])#{Regexp::escape inline[:params][i]}([^a-zA-Z0-9_$])/, "\\1#{params[i]}\\2" end inline_body = "/* (inline function #{inline[:name]}) */\n#{inline_body}" src[function_call_start..function_params_end] = inline_body again = true end end end dst ="tri_tri_intersect_optimized.js", "w") do |f| f.puts src end