require 'spec_helper' require 'dotfile_linker' describe DotfileLinker::Linker do before(:each) do @linker = @linker.stub(:user_response).and_return(:yes) DotfileLinker::Linker.any_instance.stub(:puts) end describe "#user_response" do before do @linker = end it "returns expected symbols" do values = { :yes => %w{y Y yes Yes}, :no => %w{n N no No}, :ignore => %w{i I ignore Ignore}, :quit => %w{q Q quit Quit} } values.each do |k, v| v.each do |response| @linker.stub(:gets).and_return(response) @linker.user_response('fake message', 'fake options').should == k end end end end describe "#each_dotfile" do it "should return only files starting with ." do dotfiles = %w{ .bash_profile .emacs .gitconfig .tmux.conf } normal_files = %w{ Applications Users SomeFolder test} all_files = dotfiles + normal_files expectation = Dir.should_receive(:foreach).with('/some/path/') all_files.each { |file| expectation.and_yield(file) } actual = [] @linker.each_dotfile('/some/path/') { |filename| actual << filename } actual.should == dotfiles end end describe "#exclude_file?" do it "excludes files in blacklist" do %w{ . .. .git }.each { |filename| @linker.exclude_file?(filename).should be } end it "doesn't exclude files prefixed with dot" do %w{ .bash_profile .emacs .gitconfig .tmux.conf }.each { |filename| @linker.exclude_file?(filename).should_not be } end it "doesn't exclude files that aren't prefixed with dot" do ['my_script' 'sample.rb'].each { |filename| @linker.exclude_file?(filename).should_not be } end it "excludes files in ignore list" do @linker.stub(:ignore_list).and_return(%w{ignored_file .other_ignored_file}) @linker.exclude_file?('ignored_file').should be @linker.exclude_file?('.other_ignored_file').should be end end describe "#ignore_list" do it "excludes files which are in the .dotfiles_ignore file" do File.should_receive(:open).with(File.expand_path("~/.dotfile_linker_ignore"), kind_of(String)).and_return(".ignored_file1\n.ignored_file2\n.ignored_file3\n") @linker.ignore_list.should == %w[.ignored_file1 .ignored_file2 .ignored_file3] end it "returns [] when file does not exist" do File.should_receive(:open).with(File.expand_path("~/.dotfile_linker_ignore"), kind_of(String)).and_raise(Errno::ENOENT) @linker.ignore_list.should == [] end end describe "#ignore_file" do it "should write a new ignore entry" do file = mock('file') File.should_receive(:open).with(@linker.ignore_file_name, 'a').and_yield(file) file.should_receive(:puts).with('some_file') @linker.ignore_file('some_file') end end describe "#raise_if_home_and_dotfiles_dir_match" do it "raises exception when home dir and dotfiles dir are the same" do @linker.stub(:dotfiles_dir).and_return(@linker.home_dir) expect { @linker.raise_if_home_and_dotfiles_dir_match }.to raise_error(DotfileLinker::InvalidDotfilesDir) end end describe "#link_file" do before do @bad_filenames = %w{ . .. .git } @good_filenames = %w{.bash_profile .bashrc .dotrc .emacs .gemrc .gitconfig .gitignore_global .irbrc .oh-my-zsh .pryrc .rvmrc .ssh .tmux.conf .zshrc .zshrc.pre-oh-my-zsh} end describe "when the user ignores a file" do before do @linker.stub(:user_response).and_return(:ignore) end it "should call #ignore_file" do @linker.should_receive(:ignore_file).with(".dotfile_i_want_to_ignore") @linker.link_file(".dotfile_i_want_to_ignore") end end describe "when file exists in ~/" do before do File.stub(:exist?).with(/^#{ ENV['HOME'] }/).and_return(true) end describe "and is a symlink" do before do File.stub(:symlink?).and_return(true) end it "doesn't attempt to move or symlink any files" do FileUtils.should_not_receive(:ln_s) FileUtils.should_not_receive(:mv) @good_filenames.each do |filename| @linker.link_file(filename) end @bad_filenames.each do |filename| @linker.link_file(filename) end end end describe "and is not a symlink" do before do File.stub(:symlink?).and_return(false) end it "should move then symlinks accepted files" do @good_filenames.each do |filename| home_dir_file_path = "#{ ENV['HOME'] }/#{ filename }" dotfiles_dir_file_path = "#{ @linker.dotfiles_dir }/#{ filename }" FileUtils.should_receive(:mv).with(home_dir_file_path, dotfiles_dir_file_path, { :verbose => true }).ordered FileUtils.should_receive(:ln_s).with(dotfiles_dir_file_path, home_dir_file_path, { :verbose => true }).ordered @linker.link_file(filename) end end it "shouldn't move or symlink blacklisted files" do FileUtils.should_not_receive(:ln_s) FileUtils.should_not_receive(:mv) @bad_filenames.each do |filename| @linker.link_file(filename) end end end end end describe "#unlink_file" do [true, false].each do |home_dir_file_is_symlink| describe "when symlink #{ "isn't" unless home_dir_file_is_symlink } in ~" do it "should #{ "not" unless home_dir_file_is_symlink } remove symlink and move file" do filename = ".file_to_unlink" home_dir_file_path = "#{ ENV['HOME'] }/#{ filename }" dotfiles_dir_file_path = "#{ @linker.dotfiles_dir }/#{ filename }" File.stub(:symlink?).with(home_dir_file_path).and_return(home_dir_file_is_symlink) if home_dir_file_is_symlink FileUtils.should_receive(:rm).with(home_dir_file_path, { :verbose => true }).ordered FileUtils.should_receive(:mv).with(dotfiles_dir_file_path, home_dir_file_path, { :verbose => true }).ordered else FileUtils.should_not_receive(:rm) FileUtils.should_not_receive(:mv) end @linker.unlink_file(filename) end end end describe "with negative response" do before do @linker.stub(:user_response).and_return(:no) end it "does not remove symlink or move file" do File.stub(:symlink?).and_return(true) FileUtils.should_not_receive(:rm) FileUtils.should_not_receive(:mv) @linker.unlink_file('some_file') end end end describe "String#human_filename" do it "replaces home dir for short path" do File.expand_path("~/.bash_rc").human_filename.should == '~/.bash_rc' end it "replaces home dir for long path" do File.expand_path("~/some/test/dir/.gitignore").human_filename.should == '~/some/test/dir/.gitignore' end end end