require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe "Virility" do # # Factory # describe "factory" do context "valid strategies" do Virility::TESTING_STRATEGIES.each do |strategy, object| it "#{strategy} should create and return a #{object} object" do expect(Virility.factory(strategy, "")).to be_a_kind_of(object) end end end context "invalid strategies" do Virility::FAKE_TESTING_STRATEGIES.each do |strategy| it "#{strategy} should raise an error" do expect{ Virility.factory(strategy, "") }.to raise_error(Virility::UnknownStrategy, "#{strategy} Is Not A Known Strategy") end end end end # # Public API # describe "Public API testing" do before(:each) do @url = "" allow(Virility::Facebook).to receive(:get) { double("HTTParty::Response", :parsed_response => {"links_getStats_response"=>{"list"=>"true", "link_stat"=>{"like_count"=>"977662", "click_count"=>"265614", "share_count"=>"3020040", "comment_count"=>"1118601", "commentsbox_count"=>"0", "total_count"=>"5116303"}}}) } allow(Virility::Pinterest).to receive(:get) { double("HTTParty::Response", :parsed_response => {"count"=>1, "url"=>""}) } allow(Virility::PlusOne).to receive(:get) { double("HTTParty::Response", :parsed_response => {"shares"=>"8"}) } allow(Virility::StumbleUpon).to receive(:get) { double("HTTParty::Response", :parsed_response => {"url"=>"", "in_index"=>true, "publicid"=>"2UhTwK", "views"=>4731, "title"=>"Creative Allies | Create Art For Rockstars | Upload For A Chance To Win", "thumbnail"=>"", "thumbnail_b"=>"", "submit_link"=>"", "badge_link"=>"", "info_link"=>""}) } allow(Virility::Linkedin).to receive(:get) { double("HTTParty::Response", :parsed_response => { "count":17, "fCnt":"17", "fCntPlusOne":"18", "url":"http:\/\/" }) } allow(Virility::Reddit).to receive(:get) { double("HTTParty::Response", :parsed_response => { "data" => { "children" => [{ "data" => { "domain" => "", "banned_by" => nil, "media_embed" => {}, "num_reports" => nil, "score" => 1}}, { "data" => { "domain" => "", "banned_by" => nil, "media_embed" => {}, "num_reports" => nil, "score" => 34 }}]}})} end it "Virility.counts should return a hash of counts" do expect(Virility.counts(@url)).to eq({:facebook=>5116303, :linkedin => 17, :pinterest=>1, :plus_one=>8, reddit:35, :stumble_upon=>4731 }) end it " should return the total count" do expect( eq(5121095) end it "Virility.poll should return all of the hashed responses" do expect(Virility.poll(@url)).to eq({ :facebook=>{"like_count"=>"977662", "click_count"=>"265614", "share_count"=>"3020040", "comment_count"=>"1118601", "commentsbox_count"=>"0", "total_count"=>"5116303"}, :linkedin=>{ "count":17, "fCnt":"17", "fCntPlusOne":"18", "url":"http:\/\/" }, :pinterest=>{"count"=>1, "url"=>""}, :plus_one=>{"shares"=>"8"}, :stumble_upon=>{"url"=>"", "in_index"=>true, "publicid"=>"2UhTwK", "views"=>4731, "title"=>"Creative Allies | Create Art For Rockstars | Upload For A Chance To Win", "thumbnail"=>"", "thumbnail_b"=>"", "submit_link"=>"", "badge_link"=>"", "info_link"=>""}, :reddit=>{"score"=>35 } }) end it "Virility.poll should return all of the hashed responses with filtered strategies only" do expect(Virility.poll(@url,[:facebook,:linkedin,:pinterest,:plus_one,:stumble_upon])).to eq({ :facebook=>{"like_count"=>"977662", "click_count"=>"265614", "share_count"=>"3020040", "comment_count"=>"1118601", "commentsbox_count"=>"0", "total_count"=>"5116303"}, :linkedin=>{ "count":17, "fCnt":"17", "fCntPlusOne":"18", "url":"http:\/\/" }, :pinterest=>{"count"=>1, "url"=>""}, :plus_one=>{"shares"=>"8"}, :stumble_upon=>{"url"=>"", "in_index"=>true, "publicid"=>"2UhTwK", "views"=>4731, "title"=>"Creative Allies | Create Art For Rockstars | Upload For A Chance To Win", "thumbnail"=>"", "thumbnail_b"=>"", "submit_link"=>"", "badge_link"=>"", "info_link"=>""} }) end it "Virility.url should return a Virility::Excitation object" do expect(Virility.url(@url)).to be_a_kind_of(Virility::Excitation) end end # # Error Proofing # describe "Error Proofing" do it "should not raise an error with a bad URL" do expect{ Virility.counts("") }.not_to raise_error end it "should return 0 for all strategy counts" do @virility = Virility.url("") expect( eq(0) expect(@virility.counts).to eq({:facebook=>0, :linkedin=>0, :pinterest=>0, :plus_one=>0, :reddit=>0, :stumble_upon=>0 }) end end end