class Views::Home::Index < Views::Base def main docs 'Buttons' do a.button 'Yo!' text ' ' 'Info' text ' ' a.button.primary 'Primary' text ' ' a.button.success 'Success' text ' ' a.button.white 'White' text ' ' a.button_uppercase 'Uppercase' end docs 'Code' do pre %{

This is some awesome code

} p %{This is a paragraph with code.}.html_safe end docs 'Dropdowns' do span.dropdown { a.dropdown_toggle 'Click me', 'data-toggle' => 'dropdown' div.dropdown_menu { ul.dropdown_body { li { a 'Hey! This is some really long dropdown text, yo.' } li { a 'No!' } } } } end docs 'Forms' do form { input type: 'text' label.checkbox { input type: 'checkbox' text 'Foo' } div.input_sub { label.checkbox { input type: 'checkbox' text 'This is a sub-option of foo.' } } div.form_actions { button.button.primary 'Submit' } } end docs 'Grid' do div.grid { div.item.six_columns 'six_columns' div.item.six_columns 'six_columns' } div.grid.gutter_none { div.item.three_columns 'three_columns (gutter_none)' div.item.three_columns 'three_columns (gutter_none)' div.item.three_columns 'three_columns (gutter_none)' div.item.three_columns 'three_columns (gutter_none)' } end docs 'Labels' do span.label.label_error 'Error' text ' ' span.label.label_success 'Success' text ' ' span.label.label_info 'Info' text ' ' span.label.label_warning 'Warning' end docs 'Links' do a.uppercase 'Uppercase' text ' ' a.smallbold 'Smallbold' end docs 'Lists' do ul { li 'This' li 'is a' li 'list!' } end docs 'Modals' do a 'Open modal', 'data-toggle' => 'modal', href: '#modal' widget 'Awesome modal', id: 'modal') do div.modal_body { text 'This is the modal body!' } end br a 'Confirmation modal', 'data-toggle' => 'modal', href: '#confirmModal' widget title: 'Are you sure?', id: 'confirmModal', html_opts: { class: 'modal_confirm' } ) do div.modal_body { text 'Are you sure?' } div.modal_footer { a.button.error 'OK' } end end docs 'Pagination' do div(class: 'pagination-wrapper') { ul { li { a '‹' } li { a '1' } li { span '2' } li { a '3' } li { a '›' } } } end docs 'Progress' do div.progress { div.progress_inner(style: "width: 30%") { text '30%' } } end docs 'Sidebar' do div.sidebar_box { ul.sidebar_data { li { div.sidebar_data_icon { i '✓' } div.sidebar_data_text { div.sidebar_data_label 'Label' div.sidebar_data_value 'Value' div.sidebar_data_details 'Details' } } } } end docs 'Tables' do table { thead { tr { th 'ID' th 'Name' } } tbody { tr { td '1' td 'Bob' } tr { td '2' td 'Job' } } } end docs 'Tooltips' do %w(top right bottom left).each do |x| a x.capitalize, 'data-toggle' => 'tooltip', 'data-placement' => x, 'data-container' => 'body', title: "Tooltip on the #{x}!" text ' ' end end docs 'Typography' do h1 'Heading 1' h2 'Heading 2' h3 'Heading 3' h4 'Heading 4' h5 'Heading 5' h6 'Heading 6' p 'Lorem ipsum.' p.microcopy { text 'This is some awesome .microcopy.' a.microcopy_action 'Microcopy action' } end end end