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# This file is automatically generated by the WXRuby3 documentation 
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class Wx::EvtHandler

  # @!group RBN Event handler methods
  # Triggered after the transition from one page being active to a different page being active. 
  # Processes a {Wx::RBN::EVT_RIBBONBAR_PAGE_CHANGED} event.
  # @param [Integer,Wx::Enum,Wx::Window,Wx::MenuItem,Wx::ToolBarTool,Wx::Timer] id window/control id
  # @param [String,Symbol,Method,Proc] meth (name of) method or handler proc
  # @yieldparam [Wx::RBN::RibbonBarEvent] event the event to handle
  def evt_ribbonbar_page_changed(id, meth = nil, &block) end
  # Triggered prior to the transition from one page being active to a different page being active, and can veto the change. 
  # Processes a {Wx::RBN::EVT_RIBBONBAR_PAGE_CHANGING} event.
  # @param [Integer,Wx::Enum,Wx::Window,Wx::MenuItem,Wx::ToolBarTool,Wx::Timer] id window/control id
  # @param [String,Symbol,Method,Proc] meth (name of) method or handler proc
  # @yieldparam [Wx::RBN::RibbonBarEvent] event the event to handle
  def evt_ribbonbar_page_changing(id, meth = nil, &block) end
  # Triggered when the middle mouse button is pressed on a tab. 
  # Processes a {Wx::RBN::EVT_RIBBONBAR_TAB_MIDDLE_DOWN} event.
  # @param [Integer,Wx::Enum,Wx::Window,Wx::MenuItem,Wx::ToolBarTool,Wx::Timer] id window/control id
  # @param [String,Symbol,Method,Proc] meth (name of) method or handler proc
  # @yieldparam [Wx::RBN::RibbonBarEvent] event the event to handle
  def evt_ribbonbar_tab_middle_down(id, meth = nil, &block) end
  # Triggered when the middle mouse button is released on a tab. 
  # Processes a {Wx::RBN::EVT_RIBBONBAR_TAB_MIDDLE_UP} event.
  # @param [Integer,Wx::Enum,Wx::Window,Wx::MenuItem,Wx::ToolBarTool,Wx::Timer] id window/control id
  # @param [String,Symbol,Method,Proc] meth (name of) method or handler proc
  # @yieldparam [Wx::RBN::RibbonBarEvent] event the event to handle
  def evt_ribbonbar_tab_middle_up(id, meth = nil, &block) end
  # Triggered when the right mouse button is pressed on a tab. 
  # Processes a {Wx::RBN::EVT_RIBBONBAR_TAB_RIGHT_DOWN} event.
  # @param [Integer,Wx::Enum,Wx::Window,Wx::MenuItem,Wx::ToolBarTool,Wx::Timer] id window/control id
  # @param [String,Symbol,Method,Proc] meth (name of) method or handler proc
  # @yieldparam [Wx::RBN::RibbonBarEvent] event the event to handle
  def evt_ribbonbar_tab_right_down(id, meth = nil, &block) end
  # Triggered when the right mouse button is released on a tab. 
  # Processes a {Wx::RBN::EVT_RIBBONBAR_TAB_RIGHT_UP} event.
  # @param [Integer,Wx::Enum,Wx::Window,Wx::MenuItem,Wx::ToolBarTool,Wx::Timer] id window/control id
  # @param [String,Symbol,Method,Proc] meth (name of) method or handler proc
  # @yieldparam [Wx::RBN::RibbonBarEvent] event the event to handle
  def evt_ribbonbar_tab_right_up(id, meth = nil, &block) end
  # Triggered when the left mouse button is double clicked on a tab. 
  # Processes a {Wx::RBN::EVT_RIBBONBAR_TAB_LEFT_DCLICK} event.
  # @param [Integer,Wx::Enum,Wx::Window,Wx::MenuItem,Wx::ToolBarTool,Wx::Timer] id window/control id
  # @param [String,Symbol,Method,Proc] meth (name of) method or handler proc
  # @yieldparam [Wx::RBN::RibbonBarEvent] event the event to handle
  def evt_ribbonbar_tab_left_dclick(id, meth = nil, &block) end
  # Triggered when the button triggering the ribbon bar is clicked. This event is new since wxWidgets 2.9.5. 
  # Processes a {Wx::RBN::EVT_RIBBONBAR_TOGGLED} event.
  # @param [Integer,Wx::Enum,Wx::Window,Wx::MenuItem,Wx::ToolBarTool,Wx::Timer] id window/control id
  # @param [String,Symbol,Method,Proc] meth (name of) method or handler proc
  # @yieldparam [Wx::RBN::RibbonBarEvent] event the event to handle
  def evt_ribbonbar_toggled(id, meth = nil, &block) end
  # Triggered when the help button is clicked. This even is new since wxWidgets 2.9.5. 
  # Processes a {Wx::RBN::EVT_RIBBONBAR_HELP_CLICK} event.
  # @param [Integer,Wx::Enum,Wx::Window,Wx::MenuItem,Wx::ToolBarTool,Wx::Timer] id window/control id
  # @param [String,Symbol,Method,Proc] meth (name of) method or handler proc
  # @yieldparam [Wx::RBN::RibbonBarEvent] event the event to handle
  def evt_ribbonbar_help_click(id, meth = nil, &block) end
  # Triggered when the user selects an item from the gallery. Note that the ID is that of the gallery, not of the item. 
  # Processes a {Wx::RBN::EVT_RIBBONGALLERY_SELECTED} event.
  # @param [Integer,Wx::Enum,Wx::Window,Wx::MenuItem,Wx::ToolBarTool,Wx::Timer] id window/control id
  # @param [String,Symbol,Method,Proc] meth (name of) method or handler proc
  # @yieldparam [Wx::RBN::RibbonGalleryEvent] event the event to handle
  def evt_ribbongallery_selected(id, meth = nil, &block) end
  # Similar to EVT_RIBBONGALLERY_SELECTED but triggered every time a gallery item is clicked, even if it is already selected. Note that the ID of the event is that of the gallery, not of the item, just as above. This event is available since wxWidgets 2.9.2. 
  # Processes a {Wx::RBN::EVT_RIBBONGALLERY_CLICKED} event.
  # @param [Integer,Wx::Enum,Wx::Window,Wx::MenuItem,Wx::ToolBarTool,Wx::Timer] id window/control id
  # @param [String,Symbol,Method,Proc] meth (name of) method or handler proc
  # @yieldparam [Wx::RBN::RibbonGalleryEvent] event the event to handle
  def evt_ribbongallery_clicked(id, meth = nil, &block) end
  # Triggered when the item being hovered over by the user changes. The item in the event will be the new item being hovered, or NULL if there is no longer an item being hovered. Note that the ID is that of the gallery, not of the item. 
  # @param [Integer,Wx::Enum,Wx::Window,Wx::MenuItem,Wx::ToolBarTool,Wx::Timer] id window/control id
  # @param [String,Symbol,Method,Proc] meth (name of) method or handler proc
  # @yieldparam [Wx::RBN::RibbonGalleryEvent] event the event to handle
  def evt_ribbongallery_hover_changed(id, meth = nil, &block) end
  # Triggered when the user activate the panel extension button. 
  # @param [Integer,Wx::Enum,Wx::Window,Wx::MenuItem,Wx::ToolBarTool,Wx::Timer] id window/control id
  # @param [String,Symbol,Method,Proc] meth (name of) method or handler proc
  # @yieldparam [Wx::RBN::RibbonPanelEvent] event the event to handle
  def evt_ribbonpanel_extbutton_activated(id, meth = nil, &block) end
  # Triggered when the normal (non-dropdown) region of a tool on the tool bar is clicked. 
  # Processes a {Wx::RBN::EVT_RIBBONTOOLBAR_CLICKED} event.
  # @param [Integer,Wx::Enum,Wx::Window,Wx::MenuItem,Wx::ToolBarTool,Wx::Timer] id window/control id
  # @param [String,Symbol,Method,Proc] meth (name of) method or handler proc
  # @yieldparam [Wx::RBN::RibbonToolBarEvent] event the event to handle
  def evt_ribbontoolbar_clicked(id, meth = nil, &block) end
  # Triggered when the dropdown region of a tool on the tool bar is clicked. {Wx::RBN::RibbonToolBarEvent#popup_menu} should be called by the event handler if it wants to display a popup menu (which is what most dropdown tools should be doing). 
  # @param [Integer,Wx::Enum,Wx::Window,Wx::MenuItem,Wx::ToolBarTool,Wx::Timer] id window/control id
  # @param [String,Symbol,Method,Proc] meth (name of) method or handler proc
  # @yieldparam [Wx::RBN::RibbonToolBarEvent] event the event to handle
  def evt_ribbontoolbar_dropdown_clicked(id, meth = nil, &block) end
  # Triggered when the normal (non-dropdown) region of a button on the button bar is clicked. 
  # Processes a {Wx::RBN::EVT_RIBBONBUTTONBAR_CLICKED} event.
  # @param [Integer,Wx::Enum,Wx::Window,Wx::MenuItem,Wx::ToolBarTool,Wx::Timer] id window/control id
  # @param [String,Symbol,Method,Proc] meth (name of) method or handler proc
  # @yieldparam [Wx::RBN::RibbonButtonBarEvent] event the event to handle
  def evt_ribbonbuttonbar_clicked(id, meth = nil, &block) end
  # Triggered when the dropdown region of a button on the button bar is clicked. {Wx::RBN::RibbonButtonBarEvent#popup_menu} should be called by the event handler if it wants to display a popup menu (which is what most dropdown buttons should be doing). 
  # @param [Integer,Wx::Enum,Wx::Window,Wx::MenuItem,Wx::ToolBarTool,Wx::Timer] id window/control id
  # @param [String,Symbol,Method,Proc] meth (name of) method or handler proc
  # @yieldparam [Wx::RBN::RibbonButtonBarEvent] event the event to handle
  def evt_ribbonbuttonbar_dropdown_clicked(id, meth = nil, &block) end
  # @!endgroup
