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Once installed, from any class that extends from any of the three rails classes you can use the double underscore method to allow for real time text translation. For example: ```ruby @user = User.new(user_params) if @user.save redirect_to @user, notice: __("User has been saved successfully.") else flash.now[:alert] = __("User could not be saved.") render :new end ``` or to use interpolation to support dynamic phrases: ```ruby @user = User.new(user_params) if @user.save redirect_to @user, notice: __("User with name %{person_name} has been saved successfully.", person_name: @user.name) else flash.now[:alert] = __("User with name %{person_name} could not be saved.", person_name: [user_params[:first_name], user_params[:last_name]].join(" ")) render :new end ``` If the value of `Voltron.config.translate.enabled` is `true` and the code was running under one of the environments specified in `Voltron.config.translate.build_environment` (default: "development") then the line of text will be written to a each locale file you've configured. i.e. - If `Voltron.config.translate.locales == [:en, :es, :de]` then the phrase will be written to en.csv, es.csv, de.csv ## Translating To translate a phrase, you only need to open the locale file you wish to translate the text for and change the value in the second column. For example, given en.csv with the following contents: ``` "User with name %{person_name} has been saved successfully.","User with name %{person_name} has been saved successfully." ``` Changing it to this: ``` "User with name %{person_name} has been saved successfully.","Welcome, %{person_name}! You're all ready to go." ``` Will cause any instance of `__("User with name %{person_name} has been saved successfully.", person_name: "Carl")` to output `Welcome, Carl! You're all ready to go.` Note that if a phrase does not exist in the CSV, you can always add it manually just so long as it matches exactly the text contained within the first argument of a __("") method. Voltron Translate uses `Voltron.config.translate.build_environment` to determine what environments it's allowed to auto-generate translations for, but it only writes to locale files whenever a __() is actually reached. Consider: ```ruby if 1 == 1 __("Hello World") else __("Goodbye World") end ``` In a case like the above, "Goodbye World" will never be written to any locale file. If you still want to translate that phrase however you can just add the following to the csv: ``` "Goodbye World","Goodbye World, nice to know ya." ``` Then consider changing your if condition to something a little less absurd so that code could be reached. ## Choosing a translation locale By default, the file Voltron Translate will pull the translations from is determined by the value of `I18n.locale` If you set the value to `:de` it will look for translations in de.csv If you need a specific __() call to use a specific locale, you may specify it as the second argument: ```ruby __("User with name %{person_name} has been saved successfully.", :de, person_name: @user.name) ``` Will always look for the above translation within de.csv ## Things to Note Setting `Voltron.config.translate.enabled` to `false` will never break any __() call, it simply causes it to ignore the locale argument (if specified) and return the interpolated string using the latter arguments (again, if any) Disabling translations simply disables any IO related actions that would occur normally, like building or looking up translations when __() methods are called. ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/ehainer/voltron-translate. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant](http://contributor-covenant.org) code of conduct. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).