# remote_table Open Google Docs spreadsheets, local or remote XLSX, XLS, ODS, CSV (comma separated), TSV (tab separated), SHP (ESRI shapefiles), other delimited, fixed-width files. Tested on MRI 1.8, MRI 1.9, and JRuby 1.6.7+. Thread-safe. ## Real-world usage
We use `remote_table` for [data science at Brighter Planet](http://brighterplanet.com/research) and in production at * [Brighter Planet's impact estimate web service](http://impact.brighterplanet.com) * [Brighter Planet's reference data web service](http://data.brighterplanet.com) It's also a big part of * the [`data_miner`](https://github.com/seamusabshere/data_miner) library * the [`earth`](https://github.com/brighterplanet/earth) library ## Example >> require 'remote_table' => true >> t = RemoteTable.new 'http://www.fueleconomy.gov/FEG/epadata/98guide6.zip', :filename => '98guide6.csv' => #Array
of Hash
es with **string keys**.
* If you set :headers => false
, then you get an Array
of Array
## Row keys
Row keys are **strings**. Row keys are NOT symbolized.
row['foobar'] # correct
row[:foobar] # incorrect
You can call symbolize_keys
yourself, but we don't do it automatically to avoid creating loads of garbage symbols.
## Supported formats
Format | Notes | Library |
Delimited (CSV, TSV, etc.) | All RemoteTable::Delimited::PASSTHROUGH_CSV_SETTINGS , for example :col_sep , are passed directly to fastercsv. |
fastercsv (1.8); stdlib (1.9) |
Fixed width | You have to set up a :schema . |
fixed_width-multibyte |
HTML | See XML. | nokogiri |
ODS | roo | |
XLS | roo | |
XLSX | roo | |
XML | The idea is to set up a :row_[xpath|css] and (optionally) a :column_[xpath|css] . |
nokogiri |
or use a :glob
* zip
* tar
* bz2
* gz
* exe (treated as zip)
## Encoding
Everything is forced into UTF-8. You can improve the quality of the conversion by specifying the original encoding with `:encoding`
* ASCII-8BIT and BINARY are equal
* ISO-8859-1 and Latin1 are equal
## More examples
# aircraft fuel use equations derived from EMEP/EEA and ICAO
# distance classes from the WRI business travel tool and UK DEFRA/DECC GHG Conversion Factors for Company Reporting
# seat classes used in the WRI GHG Protocol calculation tools
# pure automobile fuels
# blended automobile fuels
# A list of hybrid make model years derived from the EPA fuel economy guide
# BTS aircraft type lookup table
:errata => { :url => RemoteTable.new('https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AoQJbWqPrREqdEZ2d3JQMzV5T1o1T3JmVlFyNUZxdEE&output=csv' })
# aircraft made by whitelisted manufacturers whose ICAO code starts with 'B' from the FAA
# for definition of `Aircraft::Guru` and `manufacturer_whitelist?` see https://github.com/brighterplanet/earth/blob/master/lib/earth/air/aircraft/data_miner.rb
:encoding => 'windows-1252',
:row_xpath => '//table/tr[2]/td/table/tr',
:column_xpath => 'td',
:errata => { :url => 'https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AoQJbWqPrREqdGVBRnhkRGhSaVptSDJ5bXJGbkpUSWc&output=csv', :responder => Aircraft::Guru.new },
:select => proc { |record| manufacturer_whitelist? record['Manufacturer'] })
# OpenFlights.org airports database
:headers => %w{ id name city country_name iata_code icao_code latitude longitude altitude timezone daylight_savings },
:select => proc { |record| record['iata_code'].present? },
:errata => { :url => RemoteTable.new('https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0AoQJbWqPrREqdFc2UzhQYU5PWEQ0N21yWFZGNmc2a3c&gid=0&output=csv', :responder => Airport::Guru.new }) # see https://github.com/brighterplanet/earth/blob/master/lib/earth/air/aircraft/data_miner.rb
# T100 flight segment data for #{month.strftime('%B %Y')}
# for definition of `form_data` and `FlightSegment::Guru` see https://github.com/brighterplanet/earth/blob/master/lib/earth/air/flight_segment/data_miner.rb
:form_data => form_data,
:compression => :zip,
:glob => '/*.csv',
:errata => { :url => RemoteTable.new('https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AoQJbWqPrREqdGxpYU1qWFR3d0syTVMyQVVOaDd0V3c&output=csv', :responder => FlightSegment::Guru.new },
:select => proc { |record| record['DEPARTURES_PERFORMED'].to_i > 0 })
# 1995 Fuel Economy Guide
# for definition of `:fuel_economy_guide_b` and `AutomobileMakeModelYearVariant::ParserB` see https://github.com/brighterplanet/earth/blob/master/lib/earth/automobile/automobile_make_model_year_variant/data_miner.rb
:filename => '95MFGUI.DAT',
:format => :fixed_width,
:cut => '13-',
:schema_name => :fuel_economy_guide_b,
:select => proc { |row| row['model'].present? and (row['suppress_code'].blank? or row['suppress_code'].to_f == 0) and row['state_code'] == 'F' },
:transform => { :class => AutomobileMakeModelYearVariant::ParserB, :year => 1995 },
:errata => { :url => "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AoQJbWqPrREqdDkxTElWRVlvUXB3Uy04SDhSYWkzakE&output=csv", :responder => AutomobileMakeModelYearVariant::Guru.new })
# 1998 Fuel Economy Guide
# for definition of `AutomobileMakeModelYearVariant::ParserC` see https://github.com/brighterplanet/earth/blob/master/lib/earth/automobile/automobile_make_model_year_variant/data_miner.rb
:filename => '98guide6.csv',
:transform => { :class => AutomobileMakeModelYearVariant::ParserC, :year => 1998 },
:errata => { :url => "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AoQJbWqPrREqdDkxTElWRVlvUXB3Uy04SDhSYWkzakE&output=csv", :responder => AutomobileMakeModelYearVariant::Guru.new },
:select => proc { |row| row['model'].present? })
# annual corporate average fuel economy data for domestic and imported vehicle fleets from the NHTSA
:errata => { 'url' => 'http://static.brighterplanet.com/science/data/transport/automobiles/make_fleet_years/errata.csv' },
:select => proc { |row| row['volume'].to_i > 0 })
# total vehicle miles travelled by gasoline passenger cars from the 2010 EPA GHG Inventory
:filename => 'Annex Tables/Annex 3/Table A-87.csv',
:skip => 1,
:select => proc { |row| row['Year'].to_i.to_s == row['Year'] })
# total vehicle miles travelled from the 2010 EPA GHG Inventory
:filename => 'Annex Tables/Annex 3/Table A-87.csv',
:skip => 1,
:select => proc { |row| row['Year'].to_i.to_s == row['Year'] })
# total travel distribution from the 2010 EPA GHG Inventory
:filename => 'Annex Tables/Annex 3/Table A-93.csv',
:skip => 1,
:select => proc { |row| row['Vehicle Age'].to_i.to_s == row['Vehicle Age'] })
# building characteristics from the 2003 EIA Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey
:skip => 1,
# 2003 CBECS C17 - Electricity Consumption and Intensity - New England Division
# for definition of `CbecsEnergyIntensity::NAICS_CODE_SYNTHESIZER` see https://github.com/brighterplanet/earth/blob/master/lib/earth/industry/cbecs_energy_intensity/data_miner.rb
:headers => false,
:select => proc { |row| CbecsEnergyIntensity::NAICS_CODE_SYNTHESIZER.call(row) },
:crop => (21..37))
# U.S. Census 2002 NAICS code list
:skip => 4,
:headers => false,
:delimiter => ' ')
# MECS table 3.2 Total US
:crop => (15..94),
:headers => ["NAICS Code", "Subsector and Industry", "Total", "BLANK", "Net Electricity", "BLANK", "Residual Fuel Oil", "Distillate Fuel Oil", "Natural Gas", "BLANK", "LPG and NGL", "BLANK", "Coal", "Coke and Breeze", "Other"])
# MECS table 6.1 Midwest
:crop => (184..263),
:headers => ["NAICS Code", "Subsector and Industry", "Consumption per Employee", "Consumption per Dollar of Value Added", "Consumption per Dollar of Value of Shipments"])
# U.S. Census Geographic Terms and Definitions
:skip => 6,
:headers => %w{ Region Division FIPS Name },
:select => proc { |row| row['Division'].to_i > 0 and row['FIPS'].to_i == 0 })
# state census divisions from the U.S. Census
:skip => 8,
:headers => ['Region', 'Division', 'State FIPS', 'Name'],
:select => proc { |row| row['State FIPS'].to_i > 0 })
# OpenGeoCode.org's Country Codes to Country Names list
:format => :delimited,
:delimiter => ';',
:headers => false,
:skip => 22)
# heating degree day data from WRI CAIT
:select => Proc.new { |record| record['country'] != 'European Union (27)' },
:errata => { :url => RemoteTable.new('https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AoQJbWqPrREqdDNSMUtCV0h4cUF4UnBKZlNkczlNbFE&output=csv' })
# US average grid loss factor derived eGRID 2007 data
:sheet => 'USGC',
:skip => 5)
# eGRID 2010 regions and loss factors
:sheet => 'STIE07',
:skip => 4,
:select => proc { |row| row['eGRID2010 year 2007 file state sequence number'].to_i.between?(1, 51) })
# eGRID 2010 subregions and electricity emission factors
:filename => 'eGRID2010V1_1_year07_AGGREGATION.xls',
:sheet => 'SRL07',
:skip => 4,
:select => proc { |row| row['SEQSRL07'].to_i.between?(1, 26) })
# U.S. Census State ANSI Code file
:delimiter => '|',
:select => proc { |record| record['STATE'].to_i < 60 })
# Mapping Hacks zipcode database
:filename => 'zipcode.csv')
# zipcode states and eGRID Subregions from the US EPA
:sheet => 'Zip-subregion')
# horse breeds
# Brighter Planet's list of cat and dog breeds, genders, and weights
:encoding => 'ISO-8859-1',
:select => proc { |row| row['gender'].present? })
# residential electricity prices from the EIA
:select => proc { |row| row['Year'].to_s.first(4).to_i > 1989 })
# residential natural gas prices from the EIA
# for definition of `NaturalGasParser` see https://github.com/brighterplanet/earth/blob/master/lib/earth/residence/residence_fuel_price/data_miner.rb
:sheet => 'Data 1',
:skip => 2,
:select => proc { |row| row['year'].to_i > 1989 },
:transform => { :class => NaturalGasParser })
# 2005 EIA Residential Energy Consumption Survey microdata
:headers => :upcase)
# ...and more from the tests...
RemoteTable.new 'http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=t5HM1KbaRngmTUbntg8JwPA&single=true&gid=0'
RemoteTable.new 'http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=t5HM1KbaRngmTUbntg8JwPA'
RemoteTable.new 'http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=t5HM1KbaRngmTUbntg8JwPA', :skip => 1, :headers => false
RemoteTable.new 'http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tObVAGyqOkCBtGid0tJUZrw'
RemoteTable.new 'http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tObVAGyqOkCBtGid0tJUZrw', :headers => %w{ col1 col2 col3 }
RemoteTable.new 'http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tujrgUOwDSLWb-P4KCt1qBg'
RemoteTable.new 'http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/dnav/pet/xls/PET_PRI_RESID_A_EPPR_PTA_CPGAL_M.xls', :transform => { :class => FuelOilParser }
RemoteTable.new 'http://www.freebase.com/type/exporttypeinstances/base/horses/horse_breed?page=0&filter_mode=type&filter_view=table&show%01p%3D%2Ftype%2Fobject%2Fname%01index=0&show%01p%3D%2Fcommon%2Ftopic%2Fimage%01index=1&show%01p%3D%2Fcommon%2Ftopic%2Farticle%01index=2&sort%01p%3D%2Ftype%2Fobject%2Ftype%01p%3Dlink%01p%3D%2Ftype%2Flink%2Ftimestamp%01index=false&=&exporttype=csv-8'
RemoteTable.new 'http://www.fueleconomy.gov/FEG/epadata/02data.zip', :filename => 'guide_jan28.xls'
RemoteTable.new 'http://www.fueleconomy.gov/FEG/epadata/08data.zip', :filename => '2008_FE_guide_ALL_rel_dates_-no sales-for DOE-5-1-08.csv'
RemoteTable.new 'http://www.fueleconomy.gov/FEG/epadata/08data.zip', :glob => '/*.csv'
RemoteTable.new 'http://www.fueleconomy.gov/FEG/epadata/98guide6.zip', :filename => '98guide6.csv'
RemoteTable.new 'http://www.worldmapper.org/data/opendoc/2_worldmapper_data.ods', :sheet => 'Data', :keep_blank_rows => true
RemoteTable.new 'https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=t5HM1KbaRngmTUbntg8JwPA'
RemoteTable.new 'www.customerreferenceprogram.org/uploads/CRP_RFP_template.xlsx'
RemoteTable.new 'www.customerreferenceprogram.org/uploads/CRP_RFP_template.xlsx', :headers => %w{foo bar baz}
RemoteTable.new 'www.customerreferenceprogram.org/uploads/CRP_RFP_template.xlsx', :headers => false
RemoteTable.new 'http://www.transtats.bts.gov/DownLoad_Table.asp?Table_ID=293&Has_Group=3&Is_Zipped=0', :form_data => 'UserTableName=T_100_Segment__All_Carriers&[...]', :compression => :zip, :glob => '/*.csv'
RemoteTable.new "http://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/atpubs/CNT/5-2-E.htm",
:encoding => 'US-ASCII',
:row_xpath => '//table/tr[2]/td/table/tr',
:column_xpath => 'td'
RemoteTable.new "http://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/atpubs/CNT/5-2-G.htm",
:encoding => 'windows-1252',
:row_xpath => '//table/tr[2]/td/table/tr',
:column_xpath => 'td',
:errata => Errata.new(:url => 'http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tObVAGyqOkCBtGid0tJUZrw',
:responder => AircraftGuru.new)
RemoteTable.new "http://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/atpubs/CNT/5-2-G.htm",
:encoding => 'windows-1252',
:row_xpath => '//table/tr[2]/td/table/tr',
:column_xpath => 'td',
:errata => { :url => 'http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tObVAGyqOkCBtGid0tJUZrw',
:responder => AircraftGuru.new }
RemoteTable.new 'http://www.fueleconomy.gov/FEG/epadata/00data.zip',
:filename => 'Gd6-dsc.txt',
:format => :fixed_width,
:crop => 21..26, # inclusive
:cut => '2-',
:select => proc { |row| /\A[A-Z]/.match row['code'] },
:schema => [[ 'code', 2, { :type => :string } ],
[ 'spacer', 2 ],
[ 'name', 52, { :type => :string } ]]
RemoteTable.new 'http://cloud.github.com/downloads/seamusabshere/remote_table/test2.fixed_width.txt',
:format => :fixed_width,
:skip => 1,
:schema => [[ 'header4', 10, { :type => :string } ],
[ 'spacer', 1 ],
[ 'header5', 10, { :type => :string } ],
[ 'spacer', 12 ],
[ 'header6', 10, { :type => :string } ]]
RemoteTable.new 'http://cloud.github.com/downloads/seamusabshere/remote_table/test2.fixed_width.txt',
:format => :fixed_width,
:keep_blank_rows => true,
:skip => 1,
:schema => [[ 'header4', 10, { :type => :string } ],
[ 'spacer', 1 ],
[ 'header5', 10, { :type => :string } ],
[ 'spacer', 12 ],
[ 'header6', 10, { :type => :string } ]]
RemoteTable.new 'http://cloud.github.com/downloads/seamusabshere/remote_table/remote_table_row_hash_test.fixed_width.txt',
:format => :fixed_width,
:skip => 1,
:schema => [[ 'header1', 10, { :type => :string } ],
[ 'spacer', 1 ],
[ 'header2', 10, { :type => :string } ],
[ 'spacer', 12 ],
[ 'header3', 10, { :type => :string } ]]
RemoteTable.new 'http://cloud.github.com/downloads/seamusabshere/remote_table/remote_table_row_hash_test.alternate_order.fixed_width.txt',
:format => :fixed_width,
:skip => 1,
:schema => [[ 'spacer', 11 ],
[ 'header2', 10, { :type => :string } ],
[ 'spacer', 1 ],
[ 'header3', 10, { :type => :string } ],
[ 'spacer', 1 ],
[ 'header1', 10, { :type => :string } ]]
# ESRI Shapefile from NREL
require 'geo_ruby'
require 'dbf'
RemoteTable.new 'http://www.nrel.gov/gis/cfm/data/GIS_Data_Technology_Specific/United_States/Solar/High_Resolution/Lower_48_DNI_High_Resolution.zip',
:format => :shp
## Requirements
* Unix tools like curl, iconv, perl, cat, cut, tail, etc. accessible from your `$PATH`
* geo\_ruby and dbf gems if you plan on fetching shapefiles
## Wishlist
* Win32 compat
* The new "custom parser" syntax (aka transformer) hasn't been defined yet... only the old-style syntax is available
## Authors
* Seamus Abshere