require "logstash/devutils/rspec/spec_helper" require "logstash/outputs/http" require "logstash/codecs/plain" require "thread" require "sinatra" require_relative "../supports/compressed_requests" PORT = rand(65535-1024) + 1025 class LogStash::Outputs::Http attr_writer :agent attr_reader :request_tokens end # note that Sinatra startup and shutdown messages are directly logged to stderr so # it is not really possible to disable them without reopening stderr which is not advisable. # # == Sinatra (v1.4.6) has taken the stage on 51572 for development with backup from WEBrick # == Sinatra has ended his set (crowd applauds) # class TestApp < Sinatra::Base # on the fly uncompress gzip content use CompressedRequests # disable WEBrick logging def self.server_settings { :AccessLog => [], :Logger => WEBrick::BasicLog::new(nil, WEBrick::BasicLog::FATAL) } end def self.multiroute(methods, path, &block) methods.each do |method| method.to_sym self.send method, path, &block end end def self.last_request=(request) @last_request = request end def self.last_request @last_request end def self.retry_fail_count=(count) @retry_fail_count = count end def self.retry_fail_count() @retry_fail_count end multiroute(%w(get post put patch delete), "/good") do self.class.last_request = request [200, "YUP"] end multiroute(%w(get post put patch delete), "/bad") do self.class.last_request = request [400, "YUP"] end multiroute(%w(get post put patch delete), "/retry") do self.class.last_request = request if self.class.retry_fail_count > 0 self.class.retry_fail_count -= 1 [429, "Will succeed in #{self.class.retry_fail_count}"] else [200, "Done Retrying"] end end end RSpec.configure do |config| # def sinatra_run_wait(app, opts) queue = t = proc do begin!(opts) do |server| queue.push("started") end rescue => e puts "Error in webserver thread #{e}" # ignore end end ) t.daemon = true t.start queue.pop # blocks until the run! callback runs end config.before(:suite) do sinatra_run_wait(TestApp, :port => PORT, :server => 'webrick') puts "Test webserver on port #{PORT}" end end describe LogStash::Outputs::Http do # Wait for the async request to finish in this spinlock # Requires pool_max to be 1 let(:port) { PORT } let(:event) {{"message" => "hi"}) } let(:url) { "http://localhost:#{port}/good" } let(:method) { "post" } shared_examples("verb behavior") do |method| let(:verb_behavior_config) { {"url" => url, "http_method" => method, "pool_max" => 1} } subject { } let(:expected_method) { method.clone.to_sym } let(:client) { subject.client } let(:client_proxy) { subject.client.background } before do allow(client).to receive(:background).and_return(client_proxy) subject.register allow(client_proxy).to receive(:send). with(expected_method, url, anything). and_call_original allow(subject).to receive(:log_failure).with(any_args) end context "performing a get" do describe "invoking the request" do before do subject.multi_receive([event]) end it "should execute the request" do expect(client_proxy).to have_received(:send). with(expected_method, url, anything) end end context "with passing requests" do before do subject.multi_receive([event]) end it "should not log a failure" do expect(subject).not_to have_received(:log_failure).with(any_args) end end context "with failing requests" do let(:url) { "http://localhost:#{port}/bad"} before do subject.multi_receive([event]) end it "should log a failure" do expect(subject).to have_received(:log_failure).with(any_args) end end context "with ignorable failing requests" do let(:url) { "http://localhost:#{port}/bad"} let(:verb_behavior_config) { super.merge("ignorable_codes" => [400]) } before do subject.multi_receive([event]) end it "should log a failure" do expect(subject).not_to have_received(:log_failure).with(any_args) end end context "with retryable failing requests" do let(:url) { "http://localhost:#{port}/retry"} before do TestApp.retry_fail_count=2 allow(subject).to receive(:send_event).and_call_original subject.multi_receive([event]) end it "should log a failure 2 times" do expect(subject).to have_received(:log_failure).with(any_args).twice end it "should make three total requests" do expect(subject).to have_received(:send_event).exactly(3).times end end end end LogStash::Outputs::Http::VALID_METHODS.each do |method| context "when using '#{method}'" do include_examples("verb behavior", method) end end shared_examples("a received event") do before do TestApp.last_request = nil end before do subject.multi_receive([event]) end let(:last_request) { TestApp.last_request } let(:body) { } let(:content_type) { last_request.env["CONTENT_TYPE"] } it "should receive the request" do expect(last_request).to be_truthy end it "should receive the event as a hash" do expect(body).to eql(expected_body) end it "should have the correct content type" do expect(content_type).to eql(expected_content_type) end end shared_examples "integration tests" do let(:base_config) { {} } let(:url) { "http://localhost:#{port}/good" } let(:event) {"foo" => "bar", "baz" => "bot", "user" => "McBest") } subject { } before do subject.register end describe "sending with the default (JSON) config" do let(:config) { base_config.merge({"url" => url, "http_method" => "post", "pool_max" => 1}) } let(:expected_body) { LogStash::Json.dump(event) } let(:expected_content_type) { "application/json" } include_examples("a received event") end describe "sending the event as a form" do let(:config) { base_config.merge({"url" => url, "http_method" => "post", "pool_max" => 1, "format" => "form"}) } let(:expected_body) { subject.send(:encode, event.to_hash) } let(:expected_content_type) { "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" } include_examples("a received event") end describe "sending the event as a message" do let(:config) { base_config.merge({"url" => url, "http_method" => "post", "pool_max" => 1, "format" => "message", "message" => "%{foo} AND %{baz}"}) } let(:expected_body) { "#{event.get("foo")} AND #{event.get("baz")}" } let(:expected_content_type) { "text/plain" } include_examples("a received event") end describe "sending a mapped event" do let(:config) { base_config.merge({"url" => url, "http_method" => "post", "pool_max" => 1, "mapping" => {"blah" => "X %{foo}"} }) } let(:expected_body) { LogStash::Json.dump("blah" => "X #{event.get("foo")}") } let(:expected_content_type) { "application/json" } include_examples("a received event") end describe "sending a mapped, nested event" do let(:config) { base_config.merge({ "url" => url, "http_method" => "post", "pool_max" => 1, "mapping" => { "host" => "X %{foo}", "event" => { "user" => "Y %{user}" }, "arrayevent" => [{ "user" => "Z %{user}" }] } }) } let(:expected_body) { LogStash::Json.dump({ "host" => "X #{event.get("foo")}", "event" => { "user" => "Y #{event.get("user")}" }, "arrayevent" => [{ "user" => "Z #{event.get("user")}" }] }) } let(:expected_content_type) { "application/json" } include_examples("a received event") end end describe "integration test without gzip compression" do include_examples("integration tests") end describe "integration test with gzip compression" do include_examples("integration tests") do let(:base_config) { { "http_compression" => true } } end end end