require File.join(pwd, 'lib/build/jake.rb') require 'fileutils' namespace 'device' do namespace 'android' do task :make_container, [:target_path] => 'device:android:production' do |t,args| target_path = args[:target_path] puts "Target path for prebuilt binaries: #{args}" FileUtils.mkdir_p target_path FileUtils.cp( File.join($bindir,'classes.dex'), target_path ) FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join(target_path,'native','lib') Dir.glob(File.join($bindir,'tmp','**','lib*.so')) { |lib| arch = File.basename(File.dirname(lib)) FileUtils::mkdir_p File.join(target_path,'native','lib',arch) FileUtils.cp(lib, File.join(target_path,'native','lib',arch)) } cp_r( File.join($bindir,'tmp', 'assets' ), File.join( target_path, 'assets' ) ) cp_r( File.join($bindir,'tmp', 'res' ), File.join( target_path, 'res' ) ) FileUtils.cp( File.join($app_path,'build.yml'), target_path ) #save manifest changes $ext_android_manifest_changes.each do |ext, manifest_changes| addspath = File.join(target_path, 'extensions', ext, 'adds') mkdir_p addspath manifest_changes.each do |path| if File.extname(path) == '.xml' cp path, File.join(addspath, 'AndroidManifest.xml') else if File.extname(path) == '.rb' cp path, File.join(addspath, 'AndroidManifest.rb') else if File.extname(path) == '.erb' cp path, addspath else raise "Wrong AndroidManifest patch file: #{path}" end end end end end end module AndroidPrebuild def self.determine_prebuild_path(config) RhoPackages.request 'rhodes-containers' require 'rhodes/containers' Rhodes::Containers::get_container_path_prefix('android', config) end def self.make_app_bundle print_timestamp('AndroidPrebuild.make_app_bundle START') $use_prebuild_data = true $skip_build_rhodes_main = true $skip_build_extensions = true $skip_build_xmls = true $skip_build_js_api_files = true Rake::Task['build:android:rhobundle'].execute print_timestamp('AndroidPrebuild.make_app_bundle FINISH') return $appassets end def self.generate_manifest(prebuilt_path,prebuilt_config,app_config) print_timestamp('AndroidPrebuild.generate_manifest START') version = {'major' => 0, 'minor' => 0, 'patch' => 0, "build" => 0} versionName = '0.0' if $app_config["version"] versionName = $app_config["version"] if $app_config["version"] =~ /^(\d+)$/ version["major"] = $1.to_i elsif $app_config["version"] =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)$/ version["major"] = $1.to_i version["minor"] = $2.to_i elsif $app_config["version"] =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/ version["major"] = $1.to_i version["minor"] = $2.to_i version["patch"] = $3.to_i elsif $app_config["version"] =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/ version["major"] = $1.to_i version["minor"] = $2.to_i version["patch"] = $3.to_i version["build"] = $4.to_i else raise "Version number must be numeric and in one of these formats: major, major.minor, major.minor.patch, or" end end version = version["major"]*1000000 + version["minor"]*10000 + version["patch"]*100 + version["build"] usesPermissions = ['android.permission.INTERNET', 'android.permission.PERSISTENT_ACTIVITY', 'android.permission.WAKE_LOCK'] capabilities = [] capabilities.concat(app_config['capabilities']) if app_config['capabilities'] capabilities.uniq! capabilities.each do |cap| cap = ANDROID_PERMISSIONS[cap] next if cap.nil? cap = [cap] unless cap.is_a? Array cap.each do |cap_item| if cap_item.is_a? String usesPermissions << "android.permission.#{cap_item}" next end end end usesPermissions.uniq! hidden = get_boolean(prebuilt_config['hidden_app']) generator = JAVA_PACKAGE_NAME, $app_package_name, hidden, usesPermissions generator.versionName = versionName generator.versionCode = version generator.installLocation = 'auto' generator.minSdkVer = $min_sdk_level generator.maxSdkVer = $max_sdk_level generator.screenOrientation = $android_orientation unless $android_orientation.nil? generator.hardwareAcceleration = true if $app_config["capabilities"].index('hardware_acceleration') generator.apikey = $gapikey if $gapikey generator.addUriParams $uri_scheme, $uri_host, $uri_path_prefix puts "Apply app's extensions manifest changes in generator..." Dir.glob(File.join($app_builddir, 'extensions', '*', 'adds', 'AndroidManifest.rb')).each do |extscript| puts "Evaluating #{extscript}" eval( end Dir.glob(File.join($app_builddir, 'extensions', '*', 'adds', 'Manifest*.erb')).each do |exttemplate| puts "Adding template #{exttemplate}" generator.manifestManifestAdds << exttemplate end Dir.glob(File.join($app_builddir, 'extensions', '*', 'adds', 'Application*.erb')).each do |exttemplate| puts "Adding template #{exttemplate}" generator.applicationManifestAdds << exttemplate end puts "Apply container's extensions manifest changes in generator..." $app_config['extensions'].each { |ext| addspath = File.join(prebuilt_path,'extensions',ext,'adds') if ( extscript = File.join(addspath,'AndroidManifest.rb') if (File.file?(extscript)) puts "Evaluating #{extscript}" eval( end Dir.glob(File.join(addspath, 'Manifest*.erb')).each do |exttemplate| puts "Adding template #{exttemplate}" generator.manifestManifestAdds << exttemplate end Dir.glob(File.join(addspath, 'Application*.erb')).each do |exttemplate| puts "Adding template #{exttemplate}" generator.applicationManifestAdds << exttemplate end end } manifest = generator.render $rhomanifesterb$appmanifest, "w") { |f| f.write manifest } ext_manifest_changes = [] puts "Collecting legacy manifest changes for container extensions..." $app_config['extensions'].each { |ext| extmanifest = File.join(prebuilt_path,'extensions',ext,'adds','AndroidManifest.xml') if (File.file?(extmanifest)) ext_manifest_changes << extmanifest end } puts "Collecting legacy manifest changes for app extensions..." Dir.glob(File.join($app_builddir, 'extensions', '*', 'adds', 'AndroidManifest.xml')).each do |ext_manifest| if File.file? ext_manifest ext_manifest_changes << ext_manifest end end puts "Applying legacy manifest changes..." apply_manifest_ext_changes($appmanifest,ext_manifest_changes) print_timestamp('AndroidPrebuild.generate_manifest FINISH') return $appmanifest end def self.apply_manifest_ext_changes(target_manifest, manifest_changes) ####################################################### # Deprecated staff below print_timestamp('AndroidPrebuild.apply_manifest_ext_changes START') app_f = manifest_orig_doc = app_f.close dst_manifest = manifest_orig_doc.elements["manifest"] dst_application = manifest_orig_doc.elements["manifest/application"] dst_main_activity = nil puts '$$$ try to found MainActivity' dst_application.elements.each("activity") do |a| puts '$$$ activity with attr = '+a.attribute('name', 'android').to_s if a.attribute('name', 'android').to_s == 'com.rhomobile.rhodes.RhodesActivity' puts ' $$$ FOUND !' dst_main_activity = a end end manifest_changes.each do |ext_manifest| if File.exists? ext_manifest puts 'AndroidManifest.xml['+ext_manifest+'] from native extension found !' manifest_ext_doc = src_manifest = manifest_ext_doc.elements["manifest"] src_application = manifest_ext_doc.elements["manifest/application"] if src_application != nil puts 'Extension Manifest process application item :' src_application.elements.each do |e| puts '$$$ process element with attr = '+e.attribute('name', 'android').to_s if e.attribute('name', 'android').to_s == 'com.rhomobile.rhodes.RhodesActivity' e.elements.each do |sube| puts ' add item to MainActivity['+sube.xpath+']' dst_main_activity.add sube end else puts ' add item ['+e.xpath+']' dst_application.add e end end end puts 'Extension Manifest process root item :' src_manifest.elements.each do |e| p = e.xpath if p != '/manifest/application' dst_e = manifest_orig_doc.elements[p] if dst_e != nil if p == '/manifest/uses-sdk' puts ' found and delete original item ['+p+']' manifest_orig_doc.elements.delete p end end puts ' and new item ['+p+']' dst_manifest.add e end end else puts 'AndroidManifest change file ['+m+'] from native extension not found !' end end puts 'delete original manifest' File.delete(target_manifest) updated_f =, "w") manifest_orig_doc.write updated_f, 2 updated_f.close print_timestamp('AndroidPrebuild.apply_manifest_ext_changes FINISH') puts 'Manifest updated by extension is saved!' end def self.build_resources(prebuilt_builddir) print_timestamp('AndroidPrebuild.build_resources START') set_app_name_android($appname) puts 'EXT: add additional files to project before build' Dir.glob(File.join(prebuilt_builddir, 'extensions', '*', 'adds', '*')).each do |res| if && (res != '.') && (res != '..') puts "add resources from extension [#{res}] to [#{$tmpdir}]" cp_r res, $tmpdir end end #copy icon after extension resources in case it overwrites them (like rhoelementsext...) set_app_icon_android if $config_xml puts "Copying custom config.xml" rawres_path = File.join($tmpdir, 'res', 'raw') mkdir_p rawres_path unless File.exist? rawres_path cp $config_xml, File.join(rawres_path, 'config.xml') end mkdir_p File.join($applibs,'armeabi') mkdir_p File.join($applibs,'armeabi-v7a') mkdir_p File.join($applibs,'x86') # Add .so libraries Dir.glob($app_builddir + "/**/lib*.so").each do |lib| arch = File.basename(File.dirname(lib)) file = File.basename(lib) cp_r lib, File.join($applibs,arch,file) end =begin $ext_android_additional_lib.each do |lib| arch = File.basename(File.dirname(lib)) file = File.basename(lib) cp_r lib, File.join($applibs,arch,file) end =end print_timestamp('AndroidPrebuild.build_resources FINISH') return $appres end def self.get_underscore_files_from_bundle(bundle_path) underscores = [] Dir.glob(File.join(bundle_path, "**/*")).each do |f| next unless File.basename(f) =~ /^_/ relpath =$tmpdir)).to_s underscores << relpath end return underscores end def self.get_native_libs_path(prebuilt_path) return File.join(prebuilt_path,'native') end def self.make_output_path return $targetdir + '/' + $appname + '_signed.apk' end def self.make_package(manifest_path, resources_path, assets_path, underscore_files, native_libs_path, classes_dex, output_path) print_timestamp('AndroidPrebuild.make_package START') resourcepkg = $bindir + "/rhodes.ap_" puts "Packaging Assets and Jars" print_timestamp('Packaging Assets and Jars START') args = ["package", "-f", "-M", manifest_path, "-S", resources_path, "-A", assets_path, "-I", $androidjar, "-F", resourcepkg] if $no_compression $no_compression.each do |ext| args << '-0' args << ext end end$aapt, args) unless $?.success? raise "Error running AAPT (1)" end print_timestamp('Packaging Assets and Jars FINISH') # Workaround: manually add files starting with '_' because aapt silently ignore such files when creating package print_timestamp('Packaging underscore START') underscore_files.each do |relpath| puts "Add #{relpath} to #{resourcepkg}..." args = ["uf", resourcepkg, relpath]$jarbin, args, $tmpdir) unless $?.success? raise "Error packaging assets" end end print_timestamp('Packaging underscore FINISH') puts "Packaging Native Libs" print_timestamp('Packaging Native Libs START') args = ["uf", resourcepkg] abis = $abis #replace 'arm' to 'armeabi'! { |abi| abi == 'arm' ? 'armeabi' : abi } Dir.glob(File.join(native_libs_path,'**','lib*.so')) do |lib| arch = File.basename(File.dirname(lib)) args << "lib/#{arch}/#{File.basename(lib)}" if abis.include?(arch) abis.delete(arch) end puts "WARNING: Requested ABIs not found in container: #{abis}" unless abis.empty?$jarbin, args, native_libs_path) unless $?.success? raise "Error packaging native libraries" end print_timestamp('Packaging Native Libs FINISH') dexfile = classes_dex simple_apkfile = $targetdir + "/" + $appname + "_tmp.apk" final_apkfile = output_path signed_apkfile = $targetdir + "/" + $appname + "_tmp_signed.apk" resourcepkg = $bindir + "/rhodes.ap_" print_timestamp('build APK START') apk_build $androidsdkpath, simple_apkfile, resourcepkg, dexfile, false print_timestamp('build APK FINISH') if not File.exists? $keystore puts "Generating private keystore..." mkdir_p File.dirname($keystore) unless File.dirname($keystore) args = [] args << "-genkey" args << "-alias" args << $storealias args << "-keyalg" args << "RSA" args << "-validity" args << "20000" args << "-keystore" args << $keystore args << "-storepass" args << $storepass args << "-keypass" args << $keypass$keytool, args) unless $?.success? puts "Error generating keystore file" exit 1 end end print_timestamp('Signing APK file START') puts "Signing APK file" args = [] args << "-sigalg" args << "MD5withRSA" args << "-digestalg" args << "SHA1" args << "-verbose" args << "-keystore" args << $keystore args << "-storepass" args << $storepass args << "-signedjar" args << signed_apkfile args << simple_apkfile args << $storealias$jarsigner, args) unless $?.success? puts "Error running jarsigner" exit 1 end print_timestamp('Signing APK file FINISH') puts "Align APK file" print_timestamp('Align APK file START') args = [] args << "-f" args << "-v" args << "4" args << '"' + signed_apkfile + '"' args << '"' + final_apkfile + '"'$zipalign, args) unless $?.success? puts "Error running zipalign" exit 1 end print_timestamp('Align APK file FINISH') #remove temporary files rm_rf simple_apkfile rm_rf signed_apkfile, "app_info.txt"), "w") do |f| f.puts $app_package_name end print_timestamp('AndroidPrebuild.make_package FINISH') end def self.merge_assets( prebuilt_assets, app_assets ) print_timestamp('AndroidPrebuild.merge_assets START') target_assets = app_assets + '_merged' FileUtils.mkdir_p( target_assets ) cp_r( File.join(prebuilt_assets,'.'), target_assets, { :verbose => true } ) cp_r( File.join(app_assets,'.'), target_assets, { :verbose => true } ) target_public_api = File.join(target_assets,'apps','public','api') FileUtils.mkdir_p( target_public_api ) cp_r( File.join(prebuilt_assets,'apps','public','api','.'), target_public_api, { :verbose => true } ) target_db = File.join( target_assets, 'db' ) FileUtils.mkdir_p( target_db ) cp_r( File.join(prebuilt_assets,'db','.'), target_db, { :verbose => true } ) hash = nil ["apps", "db", "lib"].each do |d| # Calculate hash of directories hash = get_dir_hash(File.join(target_assets, d), hash) end rm File.join(target_assets, "hash") rm File.join(target_assets, "name") rm File.join(target_assets, "rho.dat") Jake.build_file_map(target_assets, "rho.dat"), "hash"), "w") { |f| f.write(hash.hexdigest) }, "name"), "w") { |f| f.write($appname) } print_timestamp('AndroidPrebuild.merge_assets FINISH') return target_assets end def self.merge_resources( prebuilt_res, app_res ) print_timestamp('AndroidPrebuild.merge_resources START') target_res = app_res + '_merged' FileUtils.mkdir_p( target_res ) cp_r( File.join(prebuilt_res,'.'), target_res, { :verbose => true } ) rhostrings = File.join(prebuilt_res, "values", "strings.xml") appstrings = File.join(target_res, "values", "strings.xml") doc = doc.elements["resources/string[@name='app_name']"].text = $appname, "w") { |f| doc.write f } iconappname = File.join($app_path, "icon", "icon.png") ['drawable', 'drawable-hdpi', 'drawable-mdpi', 'drawable-ldpi'].each do |dpi| drawable = File.join(target_res, dpi) iconresname = File.join(drawable, "icon.png") rm_f iconresname cp iconappname, iconresname if File.exist? drawable end #cp_r( File.join(app_res,'.'), target_res, { :verbose => true } ) print_timestamp('AndroidPrebuild.merge_resources FINISH') return target_res end def self.production_with_prebuild_binary print_timestamp('AndroidPrebuild.production_with_prebuild_binary START') Rake::Task['config:android'].invoke prebuilt_path = determine_prebuild_path($app_config) bundle_path = make_app_bundle prebuilt_config = Jake.config(, 'build.yml'))) manifest_path = generate_manifest(prebuilt_path,prebuilt_config,$app_config) prebuilt_builddir = File.join(bundle_path,'bin','target','android',$confdir) resources_path = build_resources(prebuilt_builddir) assets_path = merge_assets( File.join( prebuilt_path,'assets' ), bundle_path ) resources_path = merge_resources( File.join( prebuilt_path,'res' ), resources_path ) underscore_files = get_underscore_files_from_bundle(bundle_path) #jars = build_java native_libs_path = get_native_libs_path(prebuilt_path) output_path = make_output_path classes_dex = File.join(prebuilt_path,'classes.dex') make_package(manifest_path,resources_path,assets_path,underscore_files,native_libs_path, classes_dex, output_path) print_timestamp('AndroidPrebuild.production_with_prebuild_binary FINISH') end end task :production_with_prebuild_binary do AndroidPrebuild.production_with_prebuild_binary end end end =begin namespace 'build' do namespace 'android' do def get_bundle_map( stream ) bundle_map = {} stream.each { |line| vals = line.split('|') fpath = vals[0] type = vals[1] len = vals[2].to_i timestamp = vals[3].strip!.to_i bundle_map[fpath] = { :type => type, :len => len, :timestamp => timestamp } } return bundle_map end task :repack do puts 'Repacking final APK with updated bundle' Rake::Task['config:android'].execute Rake::Task['build:android:rhobundle'].execute if File.exists?(resourcepkg) then puts 'Make diff maps and repack only changed files' begin zipfile = packed_items = {} zipfile.get_input_stream('assets/RhoBundleMap.txt') do |filelist| packed_items = get_bundle_map(filelist) end zipfile.close bundle_items = {} File.join( $appassets, 'RhoBundleMap.txt' ) ) do |filelist| bundle_items = get_bundle_map(filelist) end remove_items = [] add_items = [] packed_items.each { |key,value| remove_items << key if (!bundle_items.has_key?(key) and value[:type]=='file') } bundle_items.each { |key,value| if value!=packed_items[key] and value[:type]=='file' then add_items << key unless key=='rho.dat' remove_items << key if packed_items.has_key?(key) end } currentdir = Dir.pwd() Dir.chdir $appassets+'/..' unless remove_items.empty? then args = [ 'remove', resourcepkg ] remove_items.each { |key| puts "Removing item from package: #{key}" args << 'assets/'+key packed_items.delete(key) }$aapt, args) unless $?.success? raise "Error running AAPT (1)" end end unless add_items.empty? then args = [ 'add', resourcepkg ] add_items.each { |key| puts "Adding item to package: #{key}:#{bundle_items[key]}" args << 'assets/'+key }$aapt, args) unless $?.success? raise "Error running AAPT (1)" end end has_changes = !(remove_items.empty? and add_items.empty?) if has_changes then puts 'Replacing bundle map and commiting package changes'$aapt, ['remove',resourcepkg,'assets/RhoBundleMap.txt','assets/rho.dat']) unless $?.success? raise "Error running AAPT (1)" end$aapt, ['add',resourcepkg,'assets/RhoBundleMap.txt','assets/rho.dat']) unless $?.success? raise "Error running AAPT (1)" end else puts "No changes detected in the bundle, do nothing" end Dir.chdir currentdir #zipfile.close rescue => e puts "EXCEPTION: #{e.inspect}" raise e end Rake::Task['device:android:production'].execute if has_changes else puts 'Pack everything from scratch' Rake::Task['device:android:production'].invoke end end end end =end