(function (global, factory) {
  if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
    define(["exports"], factory);
  } else if (typeof exports !== "undefined") {
  } else {
    var mod = {
      exports: {}
    global.chevrotainModuleMin = mod.exports;
})(typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : this, function (_exports) {
  "use strict";

  Object.defineProperty(_exports, "__esModule", {
    value: true
  _exports.default = void 0;

  /*! chevrotain - v9.0.1 */
  var R = function R(t, e) {
    return function () {
      return e || (e = {
        exports: {}
      }, t(e.exports, e)), e.exports;

  var Er = R(function (Pt) {
    "use strict";

    Object.defineProperty(Pt, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    Pt.VERSION = void 0;
    Pt.VERSION = "9.0.1";
  var k = R(function (exports, module) {
    "use strict";

    var __spreadArray = exports && exports.__spreadArray || function (t, e) {
      for (var r = 0, n = e.length, i = t.length; r < n; r++, i++) {
        t[i] = e[r];

      return t;

    Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    exports.toFastProperties = exports.timer = exports.peek = exports.isES2015MapSupported = exports.PRINT_WARNING = exports.PRINT_ERROR = exports.packArray = exports.IDENTITY = exports.NOOP = exports.merge = exports.groupBy = exports.defaults = exports.assignNoOverwrite = exports.assign = exports.zipObject = exports.sortBy = exports.indexOf = exports.some = exports.difference = exports.every = exports.isObject = exports.isRegExp = exports.isArray = exports.partial = exports.uniq = exports.compact = exports.reduce = exports.findAll = exports.find = exports.cloneObj = exports.cloneArr = exports.contains = exports.has = exports.pick = exports.reject = exports.filter = exports.dropRight = exports.drop = exports.isFunction = exports.isUndefined = exports.isString = exports.forEach = exports.last = exports.first = exports.flatten = exports.map = exports.mapValues = exports.values = exports.keys = exports.isEmpty = void 0;

    function isEmpty(t) {
      return t && t.length === 0;

    exports.isEmpty = isEmpty;

    function keys(t) {
      return t == null ? [] : Object.keys(t);

    exports.keys = keys;

    function values(t) {
      for (var e = [], r = Object.keys(t), n = 0; n < r.length; n++) {

      return e;

    exports.values = values;

    function mapValues(t, e) {
      for (var r = [], n = keys(t), i = 0; i < n.length; i++) {
        var a = n[i];
        r.push(e.call(null, t[a], a));

      return r;

    exports.mapValues = mapValues;

    function map(t, e) {
      for (var r = [], n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
        r.push(e.call(null, t[n], n));

      return r;

    exports.map = map;

    function flatten(t) {
      for (var e = [], r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
        var n = t[r];
        Array.isArray(n) ? e = e.concat(flatten(n)) : e.push(n);

      return e;

    exports.flatten = flatten;

    function first(t) {
      return isEmpty(t) ? void 0 : t[0];

    exports.first = first;

    function last(t) {
      var e = t && t.length;
      return e ? t[e - 1] : void 0;

    exports.last = last;

    function forEach(t, e) {
      if (Array.isArray(t)) for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
        e.call(null, t[r], r);
      } else if (isObject(t)) for (var n = keys(t), r = 0; r < n.length; r++) {
        var i = n[r],
            a = t[i];
        e.call(null, a, i);
      } else throw Error("non exhaustive match");

    exports.forEach = forEach;

    function isString(t) {
      return typeof t == "string";

    exports.isString = isString;

    function isUndefined(t) {
      return t === void 0;

    exports.isUndefined = isUndefined;

    function isFunction(t) {
      return t instanceof Function;

    exports.isFunction = isFunction;

    function drop(t, e) {
      return e === void 0 && (e = 1), t.slice(e, t.length);

    exports.drop = drop;

    function dropRight(t, e) {
      return e === void 0 && (e = 1), t.slice(0, t.length - e);

    exports.dropRight = dropRight;

    function filter(t, e) {
      var r = [];
      if (Array.isArray(t)) for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
        var i = t[n];
        e.call(null, i) && r.push(i);
      return r;

    exports.filter = filter;

    function reject(t, e) {
      return filter(t, function (r) {
        return !e(r);

    exports.reject = reject;

    function pick(t, e) {
      for (var r = Object.keys(t), n = {}, i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
        var a = r[i],
            o = t[a];
        e(o) && (n[a] = o);

      return n;

    exports.pick = pick;

    function has(t, e) {
      return isObject(t) ? t.hasOwnProperty(e) : !1;

    exports.has = has;

    function contains(t, e) {
      return find(t, function (r) {
        return r === e;
      }) !== void 0;

    exports.contains = contains;

    function cloneArr(t) {
      for (var e = [], r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {

      return e;

    exports.cloneArr = cloneArr;

    function cloneObj(t) {
      var e = {};

      for (var r in t) {
        Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, r) && (e[r] = t[r]);

      return e;

    exports.cloneObj = cloneObj;

    function find(t, e) {
      for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
        var n = t[r];
        if (e.call(null, n)) return n;

    exports.find = find;

    function findAll(t, e) {
      for (var r = [], n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
        var i = t[n];
        e.call(null, i) && r.push(i);

      return r;

    exports.findAll = findAll;

    function reduce(t, e, r) {
      for (var n = Array.isArray(t), i = n ? t : values(t), a = n ? [] : keys(t), o = r, s = 0; s < i.length; s++) {
        o = e.call(null, o, i[s], n ? s : a[s]);

      return o;

    exports.reduce = reduce;

    function compact(t) {
      return reject(t, function (e) {
        return e == null;

    exports.compact = compact;

    function uniq(t, e) {
      e === void 0 && (e = function e(n) {
        return n;
      var r = [];
      return reduce(t, function (n, i) {
        var a = e(i);
        return contains(r, a) ? n : (r.push(a), n.concat(i));
      }, []);

    exports.uniq = uniq;

    function partial(t) {
      for (var e = [], r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) {
        e[r - 1] = arguments[r];

      var n = [null],
          i = n.concat(e);
      return Function.bind.apply(t, i);

    exports.partial = partial;

    function isArray(t) {
      return Array.isArray(t);

    exports.isArray = isArray;

    function isRegExp(t) {
      return t instanceof RegExp;

    exports.isRegExp = isRegExp;

    function isObject(t) {
      return t instanceof Object;

    exports.isObject = isObject;

    function every(t, e) {
      for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
        if (!e(t[r], r)) return !1;

      return !0;

    exports.every = every;

    function difference(t, e) {
      return reject(t, function (r) {
        return contains(e, r);

    exports.difference = difference;

    function some(t, e) {
      for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
        if (e(t[r])) return !0;

      return !1;

    exports.some = some;

    function indexOf(t, e) {
      for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
        if (t[r] === e) return r;

      return -1;

    exports.indexOf = indexOf;

    function sortBy(t, e) {
      var r = cloneArr(t);
      return r.sort(function (n, i) {
        return e(n) - e(i);
      }), r;

    exports.sortBy = sortBy;

    function zipObject(t, e) {
      if (t.length !== e.length) throw Error("can't zipObject with different number of keys and values!");

      for (var r = {}, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
        r[t[n]] = e[n];

      return r;

    exports.zipObject = zipObject;

    function assign(t) {
      for (var e = [], r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) {
        e[r - 1] = arguments[r];

      for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
        for (var i = e[n], a = keys(i), o = 0; o < a.length; o++) {
          var s = a[o];
          t[s] = i[s];

      return t;

    exports.assign = assign;

    function assignNoOverwrite(t) {
      for (var e = [], r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) {
        e[r - 1] = arguments[r];

      for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
        for (var i = e[n], a = keys(i), o = 0; o < a.length; o++) {
          var s = a[o];
          has(t, s) || (t[s] = i[s]);

      return t;

    exports.assignNoOverwrite = assignNoOverwrite;

    function defaults() {
      for (var t = [], e = 0; e < arguments.length; e++) {
        t[e] = arguments[e];

      return assignNoOverwrite.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([{}], t));

    exports.defaults = defaults;

    function groupBy(t, e) {
      var r = {};
      return forEach(t, function (n) {
        var i = e(n),
            a = r[i];
        a ? a.push(n) : r[i] = [n];
      }), r;

    exports.groupBy = groupBy;

    function merge(t, e) {
      for (var r = cloneObj(t), n = keys(e), i = 0; i < n.length; i++) {
        var a = n[i],
            o = e[a];
        r[a] = o;

      return r;

    exports.merge = merge;

    function NOOP() {}

    exports.NOOP = NOOP;

    function IDENTITY(t) {
      return t;

    exports.IDENTITY = IDENTITY;

    function packArray(t) {
      for (var e = [], r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
        var n = t[r];
        e.push(n !== void 0 ? n : void 0);

      return e;

    exports.packArray = packArray;

    function PRINT_ERROR(t) {
      console && console.error && console.error("Error: " + t);


    function PRINT_WARNING(t) {
      console && console.warn && console.warn("Warning: " + t);


    function isES2015MapSupported() {
      return typeof Map == "function";

    exports.isES2015MapSupported = isES2015MapSupported;

    function peek(t) {
      return t[t.length - 1];

    exports.peek = peek;

    function timer(t) {
      var e = new Date().getTime(),
          r = t(),
          n = new Date().getTime(),
          i = n - e;
      return {
        time: i,
        value: r

    exports.timer = timer;

    function toFastProperties(toBecomeFast) {
      function FakeConstructor() {}

      FakeConstructor.prototype = toBecomeFast;
      var fakeInstance = new FakeConstructor();

      function fakeAccess() {
        return typeof fakeInstance.bar;

      return fakeAccess(), fakeAccess(), toBecomeFast;

    exports.toFastProperties = toFastProperties;
  var xt = R(function (sn, St) {
    (function (t, e) {
      typeof define == "function" && define.amd ? define([], e) : typeof St == "object" && St.exports ? St.exports = e() : t.regexpToAst = e();
    })(typeof self != "undefined" ? self : sn, function () {
      function t() {}

      t.prototype.saveState = function () {
        return {
          idx: this.idx,
          input: this.input,
          groupIdx: this.groupIdx
      }, t.prototype.restoreState = function (u) {
        this.idx = u.idx, this.input = u.input, this.groupIdx = u.groupIdx;
      }, t.prototype.pattern = function (u) {
        this.idx = 0, this.input = u, this.groupIdx = 0, this.consumeChar("/");
        var d = this.disjunction();

        for (var A = {
          type: "Flags",
          loc: {
            begin: this.idx,
            end: u.length
          global: !1,
          ignoreCase: !1,
          multiLine: !1,
          unicode: !1,
          sticky: !1
        }; this.isRegExpFlag();) {
          switch (this.popChar()) {
            case "g":
              o(A, "global");

            case "i":
              o(A, "ignoreCase");

            case "m":
              o(A, "multiLine");

            case "u":
              o(A, "unicode");

            case "y":
              o(A, "sticky");

        if (this.idx !== this.input.length) throw Error("Redundant input: " + this.input.substring(this.idx));
        return {
          type: "Pattern",
          flags: A,
          value: d,
          loc: this.loc(0)
      }, t.prototype.disjunction = function () {
        var u = [],
            d = this.idx;

        for (u.push(this.alternative()); this.peekChar() === "|";) {
          this.consumeChar("|"), u.push(this.alternative());

        return {
          type: "Disjunction",
          value: u,
          loc: this.loc(d)
      }, t.prototype.alternative = function () {
        for (var u = [], d = this.idx; this.isTerm();) {

        return {
          type: "Alternative",
          value: u,
          loc: this.loc(d)
      }, t.prototype.term = function () {
        return this.isAssertion() ? this.assertion() : this.atom();
      }, t.prototype.assertion = function () {
        var u = this.idx;

        switch (this.popChar()) {
          case "^":
            return {
              type: "StartAnchor",
              loc: this.loc(u)

          case "$":
            return {
              type: "EndAnchor",
              loc: this.loc(u)

          case "\\":
            switch (this.popChar()) {
              case "b":
                return {
                  type: "WordBoundary",
                  loc: this.loc(u)

              case "B":
                return {
                  type: "NonWordBoundary",
                  loc: this.loc(u)

            throw Error("Invalid Assertion Escape");

          case "(":
            var d;

            switch (this.popChar()) {
              case "=":
                d = "Lookahead";

              case "!":
                d = "NegativeLookahead";

            var A = this.disjunction();
            return this.consumeChar(")"), {
              type: d,
              value: A,
              loc: this.loc(u)

      }, t.prototype.quantifier = function (u) {
        var d,
            A = this.idx;

        switch (this.popChar()) {
          case "*":
            d = {
              atLeast: 0,
              atMost: Infinity

          case "+":
            d = {
              atLeast: 1,
              atMost: Infinity

          case "?":
            d = {
              atLeast: 0,
              atMost: 1

          case "{":
            var _ = this.integerIncludingZero();

            switch (this.popChar()) {
              case "}":
                d = {
                  atLeast: _,
                  atMost: _

              case ",":
                var g;
                this.isDigit() ? (g = this.integerIncludingZero(), d = {
                  atLeast: _,
                  atMost: g
                }) : d = {
                  atLeast: _,
                  atMost: Infinity
                }, this.consumeChar("}");

            if (u === !0 && d === void 0) return;

        if (!(u === !0 && d === void 0)) return s(d), this.peekChar(0) === "?" ? (this.consumeChar("?"), d.greedy = !1) : d.greedy = !0, d.type = "Quantifier", d.loc = this.loc(A), d;
      }, t.prototype.atom = function () {
        var u,
            d = this.idx;

        switch (this.peekChar()) {
          case ".":
            u = this.dotAll();

          case "\\":
            u = this.atomEscape();

          case "[":
            u = this.characterClass();

          case "(":
            u = this.group();

        return u === void 0 && this.isPatternCharacter() && (u = this.patternCharacter()), s(u), u.loc = this.loc(d), this.isQuantifier() && (u.quantifier = this.quantifier()), u;
      }, t.prototype.dotAll = function () {
        return this.consumeChar("."), {
          type: "Set",
          complement: !0,
          value: [i("\n"), i("\r"), i("\u2028"), i("\u2029")]
      }, t.prototype.atomEscape = function () {
        switch (this.consumeChar("\\"), this.peekChar()) {
          case "1":
          case "2":
          case "3":
          case "4":
          case "5":
          case "6":
          case "7":
          case "8":
          case "9":
            return this.decimalEscapeAtom();

          case "d":
          case "D":
          case "s":
          case "S":
          case "w":
          case "W":
            return this.characterClassEscape();

          case "f":
          case "n":
          case "r":
          case "t":
          case "v":
            return this.controlEscapeAtom();

          case "c":
            return this.controlLetterEscapeAtom();

          case "0":
            return this.nulCharacterAtom();

          case "x":
            return this.hexEscapeSequenceAtom();

          case "u":
            return this.regExpUnicodeEscapeSequenceAtom();

            return this.identityEscapeAtom();
      }, t.prototype.decimalEscapeAtom = function () {
        var u = this.positiveInteger();
        return {
          type: "GroupBackReference",
          value: u
      }, t.prototype.characterClassEscape = function () {
        var u,
            d = !1;

        switch (this.popChar()) {
          case "d":
            u = p;

          case "D":
            u = p, d = !0;

          case "s":
            u = m;

          case "S":
            u = m, d = !0;

          case "w":
            u = l;

          case "W":
            u = l, d = !0;

        return s(u), {
          type: "Set",
          value: u,
          complement: d
      }, t.prototype.controlEscapeAtom = function () {
        var u;

        switch (this.popChar()) {
          case "f":
            u = i("\f");

          case "n":
            u = i("\n");

          case "r":
            u = i("\r");

          case "t":
            u = i("	");

          case "v":
            u = i("\v");

        return s(u), {
          type: "Character",
          value: u
      }, t.prototype.controlLetterEscapeAtom = function () {
        var u = this.popChar();
        if (/[a-zA-Z]/.test(u) === !1) throw Error("Invalid ");
        var d = u.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0) - 64;
        return {
          type: "Character",
          value: d
      }, t.prototype.nulCharacterAtom = function () {
        return this.consumeChar("0"), {
          type: "Character",
          value: i("\0")
      }, t.prototype.hexEscapeSequenceAtom = function () {
        return this.consumeChar("x"), this.parseHexDigits(2);
      }, t.prototype.regExpUnicodeEscapeSequenceAtom = function () {
        return this.consumeChar("u"), this.parseHexDigits(4);
      }, t.prototype.identityEscapeAtom = function () {
        var u = this.popChar();
        return {
          type: "Character",
          value: i(u)
      }, t.prototype.classPatternCharacterAtom = function () {
        switch (this.peekChar()) {
          case "\n":
          case "\r":
          case "\u2028":
          case "\u2029":
          case "\\":
          case "]":
            throw Error("TBD");

            var u = this.popChar();
            return {
              type: "Character",
              value: i(u)
      }, t.prototype.characterClass = function () {
        var u = [],
            d = !1;

        for (this.consumeChar("["), this.peekChar(0) === "^" && (this.consumeChar("^"), d = !0); this.isClassAtom();) {
          var A = this.classAtom(),
              _ = A.type === "Character";

          if (_ && this.isRangeDash()) {
            var g = this.classAtom(),
                y = g.type === "Character";

            if (y) {
              if (g.value < A.value) throw Error("Range out of order in character class");
                from: A.value,
                to: g.value
            } else a(A.value, u), u.push(i("-")), a(g.value, u);
          } else a(A.value, u);

        return this.consumeChar("]"), {
          type: "Set",
          complement: d,
          value: u
      }, t.prototype.classAtom = function () {
        switch (this.peekChar()) {
          case "]":
          case "\n":
          case "\r":
          case "\u2028":
          case "\u2029":
            throw Error("TBD");

          case "\\":
            return this.classEscape();

            return this.classPatternCharacterAtom();
      }, t.prototype.classEscape = function () {
        switch (this.consumeChar("\\"), this.peekChar()) {
          case "b":
            return this.consumeChar("b"), {
              type: "Character",
              value: i("\b")

          case "d":
          case "D":
          case "s":
          case "S":
          case "w":
          case "W":
            return this.characterClassEscape();

          case "f":
          case "n":
          case "r":
          case "t":
          case "v":
            return this.controlEscapeAtom();

          case "c":
            return this.controlLetterEscapeAtom();

          case "0":
            return this.nulCharacterAtom();

          case "x":
            return this.hexEscapeSequenceAtom();

          case "u":
            return this.regExpUnicodeEscapeSequenceAtom();

            return this.identityEscapeAtom();
      }, t.prototype.group = function () {
        var u = !0;

        switch (this.consumeChar("("), this.peekChar(0)) {
          case "?":
            this.consumeChar("?"), this.consumeChar(":"), u = !1;


        var d = this.disjunction();
        var A = {
          type: "Group",
          capturing: u,
          value: d
        return u && (A.idx = this.groupIdx), A;
      }, t.prototype.positiveInteger = function () {
        var u = this.popChar();
        if (n.test(u) === !1) throw Error("Expecting a positive integer");

        for (; r.test(this.peekChar(0));) {
          u += this.popChar();

        return parseInt(u, 10);
      }, t.prototype.integerIncludingZero = function () {
        var u = this.popChar();
        if (r.test(u) === !1) throw Error("Expecting an integer");

        for (; r.test(this.peekChar(0));) {
          u += this.popChar();

        return parseInt(u, 10);
      }, t.prototype.patternCharacter = function () {
        var u = this.popChar();

        switch (u) {
          case "\n":
          case "\r":
          case "\u2028":
          case "\u2029":
          case "^":
          case "$":
          case "\\":
          case ".":
          case "*":
          case "+":
          case "?":
          case "(":
          case ")":
          case "[":
          case "|":
            throw Error("TBD");

            return {
              type: "Character",
              value: i(u)
      }, t.prototype.isRegExpFlag = function () {
        switch (this.peekChar(0)) {
          case "g":
          case "i":
          case "m":
          case "u":
          case "y":
            return !0;

            return !1;
      }, t.prototype.isRangeDash = function () {
        return this.peekChar() === "-" && this.isClassAtom(1);
      }, t.prototype.isDigit = function () {
        return r.test(this.peekChar(0));
      }, t.prototype.isClassAtom = function (u) {
        switch (u === void 0 && (u = 0), this.peekChar(u)) {
          case "]":
          case "\n":
          case "\r":
          case "\u2028":
          case "\u2029":
            return !1;

            return !0;
      }, t.prototype.isTerm = function () {
        return this.isAtom() || this.isAssertion();
      }, t.prototype.isAtom = function () {
        if (this.isPatternCharacter()) return !0;

        switch (this.peekChar(0)) {
          case ".":
          case "\\":
          case "[":
          case "(":
            return !0;

            return !1;
      }, t.prototype.isAssertion = function () {
        switch (this.peekChar(0)) {
          case "^":
          case "$":
            return !0;

          case "\\":
            switch (this.peekChar(1)) {
              case "b":
              case "B":
                return !0;

                return !1;

          case "(":
            return this.peekChar(1) === "?" && (this.peekChar(2) === "=" || this.peekChar(2) === "!");

            return !1;
      }, t.prototype.isQuantifier = function () {
        var u = this.saveState();

        try {
          return this.quantifier(!0) !== void 0;
        } catch (d) {
          return !1;
        } finally {
      }, t.prototype.isPatternCharacter = function () {
        switch (this.peekChar()) {
          case "^":
          case "$":
          case "\\":
          case ".":
          case "*":
          case "+":
          case "?":
          case "(":
          case ")":
          case "[":
          case "|":
          case "/":
          case "\n":
          case "\r":
          case "\u2028":
          case "\u2029":
            return !1;

            return !0;
      }, t.prototype.parseHexDigits = function (u) {
        for (var d = "", A = 0; A < u; A++) {
          var _ = this.popChar();

          if (e.test(_) === !1) throw Error("Expecting a HexDecimal digits");
          d += _;

        var g = parseInt(d, 16);
        return {
          type: "Character",
          value: g
      }, t.prototype.peekChar = function (u) {
        return u === void 0 && (u = 0), this.input[this.idx + u];
      }, t.prototype.popChar = function () {
        var u = this.peekChar(0);
        return this.consumeChar(), u;
      }, t.prototype.consumeChar = function (u) {
        if (u !== void 0 && this.input[this.idx] !== u) throw Error("Expected: '" + u + "' but found: '" + this.input[this.idx] + "' at offset: " + this.idx);
        if (this.idx >= this.input.length) throw Error("Unexpected end of input");
      }, t.prototype.loc = function (u) {
        return {
          begin: u,
          end: this.idx
      var e = /[0-9a-fA-F]/,
          r = /[0-9]/,
          n = /[1-9]/;

      function i(u) {
        return u.charCodeAt(0);

      function a(u, d) {
        u.length !== void 0 ? u.forEach(function (A) {
        }) : d.push(u);

      function o(u, d) {
        if (u[d] === !0) throw "duplicate flag " + d;
        u[d] = !0;

      function s(u) {
        if (u === void 0) throw Error("Internal Error - Should never get here!");

      function c() {
        throw Error("Internal Error - Should never get here!");

      var f,
          p = [];

      for (f = i("0"); f <= i("9"); f++) {

      var l = [i("_")].concat(p);

      for (f = i("a"); f <= i("z"); f++) {

      for (f = i("A"); f <= i("Z"); f++) {

      var m = [i(" "), i("\f"), i("\n"), i("\r"), i("	"), i("\v"), i("	"), i("\xA0"), i("\u1680"), i("\u2000"), i("\u2001"), i("\u2002"), i("\u2003"), i("\u2004"), i("\u2005"), i("\u2006"), i("\u2007"), i("\u2008"), i("\u2009"), i("\u200A"), i("\u2028"), i("\u2029"), i("\u202F"), i("\u205F"), i("\u3000"), i("\uFEFF")];

      function v() {}

      return v.prototype.visitChildren = function (u) {
        for (var d in u) {
          var A = u[d];
          u.hasOwnProperty(d) && (A.type !== void 0 ? this.visit(A) : Array.isArray(A) && A.forEach(function (_) {
          }, this));
      }, v.prototype.visit = function (u) {
        switch (u.type) {
          case "Pattern":

          case "Flags":

          case "Disjunction":

          case "Alternative":

          case "StartAnchor":

          case "EndAnchor":

          case "WordBoundary":

          case "NonWordBoundary":

          case "Lookahead":

          case "NegativeLookahead":

          case "Character":

          case "Set":

          case "Group":

          case "GroupBackReference":

          case "Quantifier":

      }, v.prototype.visitPattern = function (u) {}, v.prototype.visitFlags = function (u) {}, v.prototype.visitDisjunction = function (u) {}, v.prototype.visitAlternative = function (u) {}, v.prototype.visitStartAnchor = function (u) {}, v.prototype.visitEndAnchor = function (u) {}, v.prototype.visitWordBoundary = function (u) {}, v.prototype.visitNonWordBoundary = function (u) {}, v.prototype.visitLookahead = function (u) {}, v.prototype.visitNegativeLookahead = function (u) {}, v.prototype.visitCharacter = function (u) {}, v.prototype.visitSet = function (u) {}, v.prototype.visitGroup = function (u) {}, v.prototype.visitGroupBackReference = function (u) {}, v.prototype.visitQuantifier = function (u) {}, {
        RegExpParser: t,
        BaseRegExpVisitor: v,
        VERSION: "0.5.0"
  var Lt = R(function (He) {
    "use strict";

    Object.defineProperty(He, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    He.clearRegExpParserCache = He.getRegExpAst = void 0;
    var Ga = xt(),
        Ct = {},
        Wa = new Ga.RegExpParser();

    function Ba(t) {
      var e = t.toString();
      if (Ct.hasOwnProperty(e)) return Ct[e];
      var r = Wa.pattern(e);
      return Ct[e] = r, r;

    He.getRegExpAst = Ba;

    function qa() {
      Ct = {};

    He.clearRegExpParserCache = qa;
  var pn = R(function (re) {
    "use strict";

    var ja = re && re.__extends || function () {
      var _t2 = function t(e, r) {
        return _t2 = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
          __proto__: []
        } instanceof Array && function (n, i) {
          n.__proto__ = i;
        } || function (n, i) {
          for (var a in i) {
            Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i, a) && (n[a] = i[a]);
        }, _t2(e, r);

      return function (e, r) {
        if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null) throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(r) + " is not a constructor or null");

        _t2(e, r);

        function n() {
          this.constructor = e;

        e.prototype = r === null ? Object.create(r) : (n.prototype = r.prototype, new n());

    Object.defineProperty(re, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    re.canMatchCharCode = re.firstCharOptimizedIndices = re.getOptimizedStartCodesIndices = re.failedOptimizationPrefixMsg = void 0;
    var un = xt(),
        pe = k(),
        cn = Lt(),
        Ce = Tr(),
        ln = "Complement Sets are not supported for first char optimization";
    re.failedOptimizationPrefixMsg = "Unable to use \"first char\" lexer optimizations:\n";

    function Va(t, e) {
      e === void 0 && (e = !1);

      try {
        var r = cn.getRegExpAst(t),
            n = Mt(r.value, {}, r.flags.ignoreCase);
        return n;
      } catch (a) {
        if (a.message === ln) e && pe.PRINT_WARNING("" + re.failedOptimizationPrefixMsg + ("	Unable to optimize: < " + t.toString() + " >\n") + "\tComplement Sets cannot be automatically optimized.\n\tThis will disable the lexer's first char optimizations.\n\tSee: https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#COMPLEMENT for details.");else {
          var i = "";
          e && (i = "\n\tThis will disable the lexer's first char optimizations.\n\tSee: https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#REGEXP_PARSING for details."), pe.PRINT_ERROR(re.failedOptimizationPrefixMsg + "\n" + ("	Failed parsing: < " + t.toString() + " >\n") + ("	Using the regexp-to-ast library version: " + un.VERSION + "\n") + "	Please open an issue at: https://github.com/bd82/regexp-to-ast/issues" + i);

      return [];

    re.getOptimizedStartCodesIndices = Va;

    function Mt(t, e, r) {
      switch (t.type) {
        case "Disjunction":
          for (var n = 0; n < t.value.length; n++) {
            Mt(t.value[n], e, r);


        case "Alternative":
          for (var i = t.value, n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
            var a = i[n];

            switch (a.type) {
              case "EndAnchor":
              case "GroupBackReference":
              case "Lookahead":
              case "NegativeLookahead":
              case "StartAnchor":
              case "WordBoundary":
              case "NonWordBoundary":

            var o = a;

            switch (o.type) {
              case "Character":
                bt(o.value, e, r);

              case "Set":
                if (o.complement === !0) throw Error(ln);
                pe.forEach(o.value, function (f) {
                  if (typeof f == "number") bt(f, e, r);else {
                    var p = f;
                    if (r === !0) for (var l = p.from; l <= p.to; l++) {
                      bt(l, e, r);
                    } else {
                      for (var l = p.from; l <= p.to && l < Ce.minOptimizationVal; l++) {
                        bt(l, e, r);

                      if (p.to >= Ce.minOptimizationVal) for (var m = p.from >= Ce.minOptimizationVal ? p.from : Ce.minOptimizationVal, v = p.to, u = Ce.charCodeToOptimizedIndex(m), d = Ce.charCodeToOptimizedIndex(v), A = u; A <= d; A++) {
                        e[A] = A;

              case "Group":
                Mt(o.value, e, r);

                throw Error("Non Exhaustive Match");

            var s = o.quantifier !== void 0 && o.quantifier.atLeast === 0;
            if (o.type === "Group" && yr(o) === !1 || o.type !== "Group" && s === !1) break;


          throw Error("non exhaustive match!");

      return pe.values(e);

    re.firstCharOptimizedIndices = Mt;

    function bt(t, e, r) {
      var n = Ce.charCodeToOptimizedIndex(t);
      e[n] = n, r === !0 && Ka(t, e);

    function Ka(t, e) {
      var r = String.fromCharCode(t),
          n = r.toUpperCase();

      if (n !== r) {
        var i = Ce.charCodeToOptimizedIndex(n.charCodeAt(0));
        e[i] = i;
      } else {
        var a = r.toLowerCase();

        if (a !== r) {
          var i = Ce.charCodeToOptimizedIndex(a.charCodeAt(0));
          e[i] = i;

    function fn(t, e) {
      return pe.find(t.value, function (r) {
        if (typeof r == "number") return pe.contains(e, r);
        var n = r;
        return pe.find(e, function (i) {
          return n.from <= i && i <= n.to;
        }) !== void 0;

    function yr(t) {
      return t.quantifier && t.quantifier.atLeast === 0 ? !0 : t.value ? pe.isArray(t.value) ? pe.every(t.value, yr) : yr(t.value) : !1;

    var za = function (t) {
      ja(e, t);

      function e(r) {
        var n = t.call(this) || this;
        return n.targetCharCodes = r, n.found = !1, n;

      return e.prototype.visitChildren = function (r) {
        if (this.found !== !0) {
          switch (r.type) {
            case "Lookahead":

            case "NegativeLookahead":

          t.prototype.visitChildren.call(this, r);
      }, e.prototype.visitCharacter = function (r) {
        pe.contains(this.targetCharCodes, r.value) && (this.found = !0);
      }, e.prototype.visitSet = function (r) {
        r.complement ? fn(r, this.targetCharCodes) === void 0 && (this.found = !0) : fn(r, this.targetCharCodes) !== void 0 && (this.found = !0);
      }, e;

    function Ha(t, e) {
      if (e instanceof RegExp) {
        var r = cn.getRegExpAst(e),
            n = new za(t);
        return n.visit(r), n.found;
      } else return pe.find(e, function (i) {
        return pe.contains(t, i.charCodeAt(0));
      }) !== void 0;

    re.canMatchCharCode = Ha;
  var Tr = R(function (T) {
    "use strict";

    var hn = T && T.__extends || function () {
      var _t3 = function t(e, r) {
        return _t3 = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
          __proto__: []
        } instanceof Array && function (n, i) {
          n.__proto__ = i;
        } || function (n, i) {
          for (var a in i) {
            Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i, a) && (n[a] = i[a]);
        }, _t3(e, r);

      return function (e, r) {
        if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null) throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(r) + " is not a constructor or null");

        _t3(e, r);

        function n() {
          this.constructor = e;

        e.prototype = r === null ? Object.create(r) : (n.prototype = r.prototype, new n());

    Object.defineProperty(T, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    T.charCodeToOptimizedIndex = T.minOptimizationVal = T.buildLineBreakIssueMessage = T.LineTerminatorOptimizedTester = T.isShortPattern = T.isCustomPattern = T.cloneEmptyGroups = T.performWarningRuntimeChecks = T.performRuntimeChecks = T.addStickyFlag = T.addStartOfInput = T.findUnreachablePatterns = T.findModesThatDoNotExist = T.findInvalidGroupType = T.findDuplicatePatterns = T.findUnsupportedFlags = T.findStartOfInputAnchor = T.findEmptyMatchRegExps = T.findEndOfInputAnchor = T.findInvalidPatterns = T.findMissingPatterns = T.validatePatterns = T.analyzeTokenTypes = T.enableSticky = T.disableSticky = T.SUPPORT_STICKY = T.MODES = T.DEFAULT_MODE = void 0;
    var dn = xt(),
        F = ft(),
        h = k(),
        Ye = pn(),
        vn = Lt(),
        Ae = "PATTERN";
    T.DEFAULT_MODE = "defaultMode";
    T.MODES = "modes";
    T.SUPPORT_STICKY = typeof new RegExp("(?:)").sticky == "boolean";

    function Ya() {
      T.SUPPORT_STICKY = !1;

    T.disableSticky = Ya;

    function Xa() {
      T.SUPPORT_STICKY = !0;

    T.enableSticky = Xa;

    function Za(t, e) {
      e = h.defaults(e, {
        useSticky: T.SUPPORT_STICKY,
        debug: !1,
        safeMode: !1,
        positionTracking: "full",
        lineTerminatorCharacters: ["\r", "\n"],
        tracer: function tracer(g, y) {
          return y();
      var r = e.tracer;
      r("initCharCodeToOptimizedIndexMap", function () {
      var n;
      r("Reject Lexer.NA", function () {
        n = h.reject(t, function (g) {
          return g[Ae] === F.Lexer.NA;
      var i = !1,
      r("Transform Patterns", function () {
        i = !1, a = h.map(n, function (g) {
          var y = g[Ae];

          if (h.isRegExp(y)) {
            var b = y.source;
            return b.length === 1 && b !== "^" && b !== "$" && b !== "." && !y.ignoreCase ? b : b.length === 2 && b[0] === "\\" && !h.contains(["d", "D", "s", "S", "t", "r", "n", "t", "0", "c", "b", "B", "f", "v", "w", "W"], b[1]) ? b[1] : e.useSticky ? gr(y) : _r(y);
          } else {
            if (h.isFunction(y)) return i = !0, {
              exec: y
            if (h.has(y, "exec")) return i = !0, y;

            if (typeof y == "string") {
              if (y.length === 1) return y;
              var L = y.replace(/[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g, "\\$&"),
                  se = new RegExp(L);
              return e.useSticky ? gr(se) : _r(se);
            } else throw Error("non exhaustive match");
      var o, s, c, f, p;
      r("misc mapping", function () {
        o = h.map(n, function (g) {
          return g.tokenTypeIdx;
        }), s = h.map(n, function (g) {
          var y = g.GROUP;

          if (y !== F.Lexer.SKIPPED) {
            if (h.isString(y)) return y;
            if (h.isUndefined(y)) return !1;
            throw Error("non exhaustive match");
        }), c = h.map(n, function (g) {
          var y = g.LONGER_ALT;

          if (y) {
            var b = h.indexOf(n, y);
            return b;
        }), f = h.map(n, function (g) {
          return g.PUSH_MODE;
        }), p = h.map(n, function (g) {
          return h.has(g, "POP_MODE");
      var l;
      r("Line Terminator Handling", function () {
        var g = Tn(e.lineTerminatorCharacters);
        l = h.map(n, function (y) {
          return !1;
        }), e.positionTracking !== "onlyOffset" && (l = h.map(n, function (y) {
          if (h.has(y, "LINE_BREAKS")) return y.LINE_BREAKS;
          if (En(y, g) === !1) return Ye.canMatchCharCode(g, y.PATTERN);
      var m, v, u, d;
      r("Misc Mapping #2", function () {
        m = h.map(n, Ar), v = h.map(a, mn), u = h.reduce(n, function (g, y) {
          var b = y.GROUP;
          return h.isString(b) && b !== F.Lexer.SKIPPED && (g[b] = []), g;
        }, {}), d = h.map(a, function (g, y) {
          return {
            pattern: a[y],
            longerAlt: c[y],
            canLineTerminator: l[y],
            isCustom: m[y],
            short: v[y],
            group: s[y],
            push: f[y],
            pop: p[y],
            tokenTypeIdx: o[y],
            tokenType: n[y]
      var A = !0,
          _ = [];
      return e.safeMode || r("First Char Optimization", function () {
        _ = h.reduce(n, function (g, y, b) {
          if (typeof y.PATTERN == "string") {
            var L = y.PATTERN.charCodeAt(0),
                se = Or(L);
            Rr(g, se, d[b]);
          } else if (h.isArray(y.START_CHARS_HINT)) {
            var fe;
            h.forEach(y.START_CHARS_HINT, function (ue) {
              var Q = typeof ue == "string" ? ue.charCodeAt(0) : ue,
                  te = Or(Q);
              fe !== te && (fe = te, Rr(g, te, d[b]));
          } else if (h.isRegExp(y.PATTERN)) {
            if (y.PATTERN.unicode) A = !1, e.ensureOptimizations && h.PRINT_ERROR("" + Ye.failedOptimizationPrefixMsg + ("	Unable to analyze < " + y.PATTERN.toString() + " > pattern.\n") + "\tThe regexp unicode flag is not currently supported by the regexp-to-ast library.\n\tThis will disable the lexer's first char optimizations.\n\tFor details See: https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#UNICODE_OPTIMIZE");else {
              var Z = Ye.getOptimizedStartCodesIndices(y.PATTERN, e.ensureOptimizations);
              h.isEmpty(Z) && (A = !1), h.forEach(Z, function (ue) {
                Rr(g, ue, d[b]);
          } else e.ensureOptimizations && h.PRINT_ERROR("" + Ye.failedOptimizationPrefixMsg + ("	TokenType: <" + y.name + "> is using a custom token pattern without providing <start_chars_hint> parameter.\n") + "\tThis will disable the lexer's first char optimizations.\n\tFor details See: https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#CUSTOM_OPTIMIZE"), A = !1;

          return g;
        }, []);
      }), r("ArrayPacking", function () {
        _ = h.packArray(_);
      }), {
        emptyGroups: u,
        patternIdxToConfig: d,
        charCodeToPatternIdxToConfig: _,
        hasCustom: i,
        canBeOptimized: A

    T.analyzeTokenTypes = Za;

    function Ja(t, e) {
      var r = [],
          n = yn(t);
      r = r.concat(n.errors);

      var i = _n(n.valid),
          a = i.valid;

      return r = r.concat(i.errors), r = r.concat(Qa(a)), r = r.concat(gn(a)), r = r.concat(An(a, e)), r = r.concat(Rn(a)), r;

    T.validatePatterns = Ja;

    function Qa(t) {
      var e = [],
          r = h.filter(t, function (n) {
        return h.isRegExp(n[Ae]);
      return e = e.concat(On(r)), e = e.concat(In(r)), e = e.concat(kn(r)), e = e.concat(Pn(r)), e = e.concat(Nn(r)), e;

    function yn(t) {
      var e = h.filter(t, function (i) {
        return !h.has(i, Ae);
          r = h.map(e, function (i) {
        return {
          message: "Token Type: ->" + i.name + "<- missing static 'PATTERN' property",
          type: F.LexerDefinitionErrorType.MISSING_PATTERN,
          tokenTypes: [i]
          n = h.difference(t, e);
      return {
        errors: r,
        valid: n

    T.findMissingPatterns = yn;

    function _n(t) {
      var e = h.filter(t, function (i) {
        var a = i[Ae];
        return !h.isRegExp(a) && !h.isFunction(a) && !h.has(a, "exec") && !h.isString(a);
          r = h.map(e, function (i) {
        return {
          message: "Token Type: ->" + i.name + "<- static 'PATTERN' can only be a RegExp, a Function matching the {CustomPatternMatcherFunc} type or an Object matching the {ICustomPattern} interface.",
          type: F.LexerDefinitionErrorType.INVALID_PATTERN,
          tokenTypes: [i]
          n = h.difference(t, e);
      return {
        errors: r,
        valid: n

    T.findInvalidPatterns = _n;
    var eo = /[^\\][\$]/;

    function On(t) {
      var e = function (i) {
        hn(a, i);

        function a() {
          var o = i !== null && i.apply(this, arguments) || this;
          return o.found = !1, o;

        return a.prototype.visitEndAnchor = function (o) {
          this.found = !0;
        }, a;
          r = h.filter(t, function (i) {
        var a = i[Ae];

        try {
          var o = vn.getRegExpAst(a),
              s = new e();
          return s.visit(o), s.found;
        } catch (c) {
          return eo.test(a.source);
          n = h.map(r, function (i) {
        return {
          message: "Unexpected RegExp Anchor Error:\n\tToken Type: ->" + i.name + "<- static 'PATTERN' cannot contain end of input anchor '$'\n\tSee chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#ANCHORS\tfor details.",
          type: F.LexerDefinitionErrorType.EOI_ANCHOR_FOUND,
          tokenTypes: [i]

      return n;

    T.findEndOfInputAnchor = On;

    function Nn(t) {
      var e = h.filter(t, function (n) {
        var i = n[Ae];
        return i.test("");
          r = h.map(e, function (n) {
        return {
          message: "Token Type: ->" + n.name + "<- static 'PATTERN' must not match an empty string",
          type: F.LexerDefinitionErrorType.EMPTY_MATCH_PATTERN,
          tokenTypes: [n]
      return r;

    T.findEmptyMatchRegExps = Nn;
    var to = /[^\\[][\^]|^\^/;

    function In(t) {
      var e = function (i) {
        hn(a, i);

        function a() {
          var o = i !== null && i.apply(this, arguments) || this;
          return o.found = !1, o;

        return a.prototype.visitStartAnchor = function (o) {
          this.found = !0;
        }, a;
          r = h.filter(t, function (i) {
        var a = i[Ae];

        try {
          var o = vn.getRegExpAst(a),
              s = new e();
          return s.visit(o), s.found;
        } catch (c) {
          return to.test(a.source);
          n = h.map(r, function (i) {
        return {
          message: "Unexpected RegExp Anchor Error:\n\tToken Type: ->" + i.name + "<- static 'PATTERN' cannot contain start of input anchor '^'\n\tSee https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#ANCHORS\tfor details.",
          type: F.LexerDefinitionErrorType.SOI_ANCHOR_FOUND,
          tokenTypes: [i]

      return n;

    T.findStartOfInputAnchor = In;

    function kn(t) {
      var e = h.filter(t, function (n) {
        var i = n[Ae];
        return i instanceof RegExp && (i.multiline || i.global);
          r = h.map(e, function (n) {
        return {
          message: "Token Type: ->" + n.name + "<- static 'PATTERN' may NOT contain global('g') or multiline('m')",
          type: F.LexerDefinitionErrorType.UNSUPPORTED_FLAGS_FOUND,
          tokenTypes: [n]
      return r;

    T.findUnsupportedFlags = kn;

    function Pn(t) {
      var e = [],
          r = h.map(t, function (a) {
        return h.reduce(t, function (o, s) {
          return a.PATTERN.source === s.PATTERN.source && !h.contains(e, s) && s.PATTERN !== F.Lexer.NA && (e.push(s), o.push(s)), o;
        }, []);
      r = h.compact(r);
      var n = h.filter(r, function (a) {
        return a.length > 1;
          i = h.map(n, function (a) {
        var o = h.map(a, function (c) {
          return c.name;
            s = h.first(a).PATTERN;
        return {
          message: "The same RegExp pattern ->" + s + "<-" + ("has been used in all of the following Token Types: " + o.join(", ") + " <-"),
          type: F.LexerDefinitionErrorType.DUPLICATE_PATTERNS_FOUND,
          tokenTypes: a
      return i;

    T.findDuplicatePatterns = Pn;

    function gn(t) {
      var e = h.filter(t, function (n) {
        if (!h.has(n, "GROUP")) return !1;
        var i = n.GROUP;
        return i !== F.Lexer.SKIPPED && i !== F.Lexer.NA && !h.isString(i);
          r = h.map(e, function (n) {
        return {
          message: "Token Type: ->" + n.name + "<- static 'GROUP' can only be Lexer.SKIPPED/Lexer.NA/A String",
          type: F.LexerDefinitionErrorType.INVALID_GROUP_TYPE_FOUND,
          tokenTypes: [n]
      return r;

    T.findInvalidGroupType = gn;

    function An(t, e) {
      var r = h.filter(t, function (i) {
        return i.PUSH_MODE !== void 0 && !h.contains(e, i.PUSH_MODE);
          n = h.map(r, function (i) {
        var a = "Token Type: ->" + i.name + "<- static 'PUSH_MODE' value cannot refer to a Lexer Mode ->" + i.PUSH_MODE + "<-which does not exist";
        return {
          message: a,
          type: F.LexerDefinitionErrorType.PUSH_MODE_DOES_NOT_EXIST,
          tokenTypes: [i]
      return n;

    T.findModesThatDoNotExist = An;

    function Rn(t) {
      var e = [],
          r = h.reduce(t, function (n, i, a) {
        var o = i.PATTERN;
        return o === F.Lexer.NA || (h.isString(o) ? n.push({
          str: o,
          idx: a,
          tokenType: i
        }) : h.isRegExp(o) && no(o) && n.push({
          str: o.source,
          idx: a,
          tokenType: i
        })), n;
      }, []);
      return h.forEach(t, function (n, i) {
        h.forEach(r, function (a) {
          var o = a.str,
              s = a.idx,
              c = a.tokenType;

          if (i < s && ro(o, n.PATTERN)) {
            var f = "Token: ->" + c.name + "<- can never be matched.\n" + ("Because it appears AFTER the Token Type ->" + n.name + "<-") + "in the lexer's definition.\nSee https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#UNREACHABLE";
              message: f,
              type: F.LexerDefinitionErrorType.UNREACHABLE_PATTERN,
              tokenTypes: [n, c]
      }), e;

    T.findUnreachablePatterns = Rn;

    function ro(t, e) {
      if (h.isRegExp(e)) {
        var r = e.exec(t);
        return r !== null && r.index === 0;
      } else {
        if (h.isFunction(e)) return e(t, 0, [], {});
        if (h.has(e, "exec")) return e.exec(t, 0, [], {});
        if (typeof e == "string") return e === t;
        throw Error("non exhaustive match");

    function no(t) {
      var e = [".", "\\", "[", "]", "|", "^", "$", "(", ")", "?", "*", "+", "{"];
      return h.find(e, function (r) {
        return t.source.indexOf(r) !== -1;
      }) === void 0;

    function _r(t) {
      var e = t.ignoreCase ? "i" : "";
      return new RegExp("^(?:" + t.source + ")", e);

    T.addStartOfInput = _r;

    function gr(t) {
      var e = t.ignoreCase ? "iy" : "y";
      return new RegExp("" + t.source, e);

    T.addStickyFlag = gr;

    function io(t, e, r) {
      var n = [];
      return h.has(t, T.DEFAULT_MODE) || n.push({
        message: "A MultiMode Lexer cannot be initialized without a <" + T.DEFAULT_MODE + "> property in its definition\n",
        type: F.LexerDefinitionErrorType.MULTI_MODE_LEXER_WITHOUT_DEFAULT_MODE
      }), h.has(t, T.MODES) || n.push({
        message: "A MultiMode Lexer cannot be initialized without a <" + T.MODES + "> property in its definition\n",
        type: F.LexerDefinitionErrorType.MULTI_MODE_LEXER_WITHOUT_MODES_PROPERTY
      }), h.has(t, T.MODES) && h.has(t, T.DEFAULT_MODE) && !h.has(t.modes, t.defaultMode) && n.push({
        message: "A MultiMode Lexer cannot be initialized with a " + T.DEFAULT_MODE + ": <" + t.defaultMode + ">which does not exist\n",
      }), h.has(t, T.MODES) && h.forEach(t.modes, function (i, a) {
        h.forEach(i, function (o, s) {
          h.isUndefined(o) && n.push({
            message: "A Lexer cannot be initialized using an undefined Token Type. Mode:" + ("<" + a + "> at index: <" + s + ">\n"),
            type: F.LexerDefinitionErrorType.LEXER_DEFINITION_CANNOT_CONTAIN_UNDEFINED
      }), n;

    T.performRuntimeChecks = io;

    function ao(t, e, r) {
      var n = [],
          i = !1,
          a = h.compact(h.flatten(h.mapValues(t.modes, function (c) {
        return c;
          o = h.reject(a, function (c) {
        return c[Ae] === F.Lexer.NA;
          s = Tn(r);
      return e && h.forEach(o, function (c) {
        var f = En(c, s);

        if (f !== !1) {
          var p = Sn(c, f),
              l = {
            message: p,
            type: f.issue,
            tokenType: c
        } else h.has(c, "LINE_BREAKS") ? c.LINE_BREAKS === !0 && (i = !0) : Ye.canMatchCharCode(s, c.PATTERN) && (i = !0);
      }), e && !i && n.push({
        message: "Warning: No LINE_BREAKS Found.\n\tThis Lexer has been defined to track line and column information,\n\tBut none of the Token Types can be identified as matching a line terminator.\n\tSee https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#LINE_BREAKS\n\tfor details.",
        type: F.LexerDefinitionErrorType.NO_LINE_BREAKS_FLAGS
      }), n;

    T.performWarningRuntimeChecks = ao;

    function oo(t) {
      var e = {},
          r = h.keys(t);
      return h.forEach(r, function (n) {
        var i = t[n];
        if (h.isArray(i)) e[n] = [];else throw Error("non exhaustive match");
      }), e;

    T.cloneEmptyGroups = oo;

    function Ar(t) {
      var e = t.PATTERN;
      if (h.isRegExp(e)) return !1;
      if (h.isFunction(e)) return !0;
      if (h.has(e, "exec")) return !0;
      if (h.isString(e)) return !1;
      throw Error("non exhaustive match");

    T.isCustomPattern = Ar;

    function mn(t) {
      return h.isString(t) && t.length === 1 ? t.charCodeAt(0) : !1;

    T.isShortPattern = mn;
    T.LineTerminatorOptimizedTester = {
      test: function test(t) {
        for (var e = t.length, r = this.lastIndex; r < e; r++) {
          var n = t.charCodeAt(r);
          if (n === 10) return this.lastIndex = r + 1, !0;
          if (n === 13) return t.charCodeAt(r + 1) === 10 ? this.lastIndex = r + 2 : this.lastIndex = r + 1, !0;

        return !1;
      lastIndex: 0

    function En(t, e) {
      if (h.has(t, "LINE_BREAKS")) return !1;

      if (h.isRegExp(t.PATTERN)) {
        try {
          Ye.canMatchCharCode(e, t.PATTERN);
        } catch (r) {
          return {
            issue: F.LexerDefinitionErrorType.IDENTIFY_TERMINATOR,
            errMsg: r.message

        return !1;
      } else {
        if (h.isString(t.PATTERN)) return !1;
        if (Ar(t)) return {
          issue: F.LexerDefinitionErrorType.CUSTOM_LINE_BREAK
        throw Error("non exhaustive match");

    function Sn(t, e) {
      if (e.issue === F.LexerDefinitionErrorType.IDENTIFY_TERMINATOR) return "Warning: unable to identify line terminator usage in pattern.\n" + ("	The problem is in the <" + t.name + "> Token Type\n") + ("	 Root cause: " + e.errMsg + ".\n") + "	For details See: https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#IDENTIFY_TERMINATOR";
      if (e.issue === F.LexerDefinitionErrorType.CUSTOM_LINE_BREAK) return "Warning: A Custom Token Pattern should specify the <line_breaks> option.\n" + ("	The problem is in the <" + t.name + "> Token Type\n") + "	For details See: https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#CUSTOM_LINE_BREAK";
      throw Error("non exhaustive match");

    T.buildLineBreakIssueMessage = Sn;

    function Tn(t) {
      var e = h.map(t, function (r) {
        return h.isString(r) && r.length > 0 ? r.charCodeAt(0) : r;
      return e;

    function Rr(t, e, r) {
      t[e] === void 0 ? t[e] = [r] : t[e].push(r);

    T.minOptimizationVal = 256;
    var Ft = [];

    function Or(t) {
      return t < T.minOptimizationVal ? t : Ft[t];

    T.charCodeToOptimizedIndex = Or;

    function $a() {
      if (h.isEmpty(Ft)) {
        Ft = new Array(65536);

        for (var t = 0; t < 65536; t++) {
          Ft[t] = t > 255 ? 255 + ~~(t / 255) : t;
  var Xe = R(function (N) {
    "use strict";

    Object.defineProperty(N, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    N.isTokenType = N.hasExtendingTokensTypesMapProperty = N.hasExtendingTokensTypesProperty = N.hasCategoriesProperty = N.hasShortKeyProperty = N.singleAssignCategoriesToksMap = N.assignCategoriesMapProp = N.assignCategoriesTokensProp = N.assignTokenDefaultProps = N.expandCategories = N.augmentTokenTypes = N.tokenIdxToClass = N.tokenShortNameIdx = N.tokenStructuredMatcherNoCategories = N.tokenStructuredMatcher = void 0;
    var V = k();

    function so(t, e) {
      var r = t.tokenTypeIdx;
      return r === e.tokenTypeIdx ? !0 : e.isParent === !0 && e.categoryMatchesMap[r] === !0;

    N.tokenStructuredMatcher = so;

    function uo(t, e) {
      return t.tokenTypeIdx === e.tokenTypeIdx;

    N.tokenStructuredMatcherNoCategories = uo;
    N.tokenShortNameIdx = 1;
    N.tokenIdxToClass = {};

    function co(t) {
      var e = xn(t);
      Cn(e), Mn(e), Ln(e), V.forEach(e, function (r) {
        r.isParent = r.categoryMatches.length > 0;

    N.augmentTokenTypes = co;

    function xn(t) {
      for (var e = V.cloneArr(t), r = t, n = !0; n;) {
        r = V.compact(V.flatten(V.map(r, function (a) {
          return a.CATEGORIES;
        var i = V.difference(r, e);
        e = e.concat(i), V.isEmpty(i) ? n = !1 : r = i;

      return e;

    N.expandCategories = xn;

    function Cn(t) {
      V.forEach(t, function (e) {
        bn(e) || (N.tokenIdxToClass[N.tokenShortNameIdx] = e, e.tokenTypeIdx = N.tokenShortNameIdx++), Nr(e) && !V.isArray(e.CATEGORIES) && (e.CATEGORIES = [e.CATEGORIES]), Nr(e) || (e.CATEGORIES = []), Fn(e) || (e.categoryMatches = []), wn(e) || (e.categoryMatchesMap = {});

    N.assignTokenDefaultProps = Cn;

    function Ln(t) {
      V.forEach(t, function (e) {
        e.categoryMatches = [], V.forEach(e.categoryMatchesMap, function (r, n) {

    N.assignCategoriesTokensProp = Ln;

    function Mn(t) {
      V.forEach(t, function (e) {
        Ir([], e);

    N.assignCategoriesMapProp = Mn;

    function Ir(t, e) {
      V.forEach(t, function (r) {
        e.categoryMatchesMap[r.tokenTypeIdx] = !0;
      }), V.forEach(e.CATEGORIES, function (r) {
        var n = t.concat(e);
        V.contains(n, r) || Ir(n, r);

    N.singleAssignCategoriesToksMap = Ir;

    function bn(t) {
      return V.has(t, "tokenTypeIdx");

    N.hasShortKeyProperty = bn;

    function Nr(t) {
      return V.has(t, "CATEGORIES");

    N.hasCategoriesProperty = Nr;

    function Fn(t) {
      return V.has(t, "categoryMatches");

    N.hasExtendingTokensTypesProperty = Fn;

    function wn(t) {
      return V.has(t, "categoryMatchesMap");

    N.hasExtendingTokensTypesMapProperty = wn;

    function lo(t) {
      return V.has(t, "tokenTypeIdx");

    N.isTokenType = lo;
  var kr = R(function (wt) {
    "use strict";

    Object.defineProperty(wt, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    wt.defaultLexerErrorProvider = void 0;
    wt.defaultLexerErrorProvider = {
      buildUnableToPopLexerModeMessage: function buildUnableToPopLexerModeMessage(t) {
        return "Unable to pop Lexer Mode after encountering Token ->" + t.image + "<- The Mode Stack is empty";
      buildUnexpectedCharactersMessage: function buildUnexpectedCharactersMessage(t, e, r, n, i) {
        return "unexpected character: ->" + t.charAt(e) + "<- at offset: " + e + "," + (" skipped " + r + " characters.");
  var ft = R(function (qe) {
    "use strict";

    Object.defineProperty(qe, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    qe.Lexer = qe.LexerDefinitionErrorType = void 0;
    var Ee = Tr(),
        w = k(),
        fo = Xe(),
        po = kr(),
        ho = Lt(),

    (function (t) {
    })(vo = qe.LexerDefinitionErrorType || (qe.LexerDefinitionErrorType = {}));

    var pt = {
      deferDefinitionErrorsHandling: !1,
      positionTracking: "full",
      lineTerminatorsPattern: /\n|\r\n?/g,
      lineTerminatorCharacters: ["\n", "\r"],
      ensureOptimizations: !1,
      safeMode: !1,
      errorMessageProvider: po.defaultLexerErrorProvider,
      traceInitPerf: !1,
      skipValidations: !1

    var mo = function () {
      function t(e, r) {
        var n = this;
        if (r === void 0 && (r = pt), this.lexerDefinition = e, this.lexerDefinitionErrors = [], this.lexerDefinitionWarning = [], this.patternIdxToConfig = {}, this.charCodeToPatternIdxToConfig = {}, this.modes = [], this.emptyGroups = {}, this.config = void 0, this.trackStartLines = !0, this.trackEndLines = !0, this.hasCustom = !1, this.canModeBeOptimized = {}, typeof r == "boolean") throw Error("The second argument to the Lexer constructor is now an ILexerConfig Object.\na boolean 2nd argument is no longer supported");
        this.config = w.merge(pt, r);
        var i = this.config.traceInitPerf;
        i === !0 ? (this.traceInitMaxIdent = Infinity, this.traceInitPerf = !0) : typeof i == "number" && (this.traceInitMaxIdent = i, this.traceInitPerf = !0), this.traceInitIndent = -1, this.TRACE_INIT("Lexer Constructor", function () {
          var a,
              o = !0;
          n.TRACE_INIT("Lexer Config handling", function () {
            if (n.config.lineTerminatorsPattern === pt.lineTerminatorsPattern) n.config.lineTerminatorsPattern = Ee.LineTerminatorOptimizedTester;else if (n.config.lineTerminatorCharacters === pt.lineTerminatorCharacters) throw Error("Error: Missing <lineTerminatorCharacters> property on the Lexer config.\n\tFor details See: https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#MISSING_LINE_TERM_CHARS");
            if (r.safeMode && r.ensureOptimizations) throw Error('"safeMode" and "ensureOptimizations" flags are mutually exclusive.');
            n.trackStartLines = /full|onlyStart/i.test(n.config.positionTracking), n.trackEndLines = /full/i.test(n.config.positionTracking), w.isArray(e) ? (a = {
              modes: {}
            }, a.modes[Ee.DEFAULT_MODE] = w.cloneArr(e), a[Ee.DEFAULT_MODE] = Ee.DEFAULT_MODE) : (o = !1, a = w.cloneObj(e));
          }), n.config.skipValidations === !1 && (n.TRACE_INIT("performRuntimeChecks", function () {
            n.lexerDefinitionErrors = n.lexerDefinitionErrors.concat(Ee.performRuntimeChecks(a, n.trackStartLines, n.config.lineTerminatorCharacters));
          }), n.TRACE_INIT("performWarningRuntimeChecks", function () {
            n.lexerDefinitionWarning = n.lexerDefinitionWarning.concat(Ee.performWarningRuntimeChecks(a, n.trackStartLines, n.config.lineTerminatorCharacters));
          })), a.modes = a.modes ? a.modes : {}, w.forEach(a.modes, function (p, l) {
            a.modes[l] = w.reject(p, function (m) {
              return w.isUndefined(m);
          var s = w.keys(a.modes);

          if (w.forEach(a.modes, function (p, l) {
            n.TRACE_INIT("Mode: <" + l + "> processing", function () {
              if (n.modes.push(l), n.config.skipValidations === !1 && n.TRACE_INIT("validatePatterns", function () {
                n.lexerDefinitionErrors = n.lexerDefinitionErrors.concat(Ee.validatePatterns(p, s));
              }), w.isEmpty(n.lexerDefinitionErrors)) {
                var m;
                n.TRACE_INIT("analyzeTokenTypes", function () {
                  m = Ee.analyzeTokenTypes(p, {
                    lineTerminatorCharacters: n.config.lineTerminatorCharacters,
                    positionTracking: r.positionTracking,
                    ensureOptimizations: r.ensureOptimizations,
                    safeMode: r.safeMode,
                    tracer: n.TRACE_INIT.bind(n)
                }), n.patternIdxToConfig[l] = m.patternIdxToConfig, n.charCodeToPatternIdxToConfig[l] = m.charCodeToPatternIdxToConfig, n.emptyGroups = w.merge(n.emptyGroups, m.emptyGroups), n.hasCustom = m.hasCustom || n.hasCustom, n.canModeBeOptimized[l] = m.canBeOptimized;
          }), n.defaultMode = a.defaultMode, !w.isEmpty(n.lexerDefinitionErrors) && !n.config.deferDefinitionErrorsHandling) {
            var c = w.map(n.lexerDefinitionErrors, function (p) {
              return p.message;
                f = c.join("-----------------------\n");
            throw new Error("Errors detected in definition of Lexer:\n" + f);

          w.forEach(n.lexerDefinitionWarning, function (p) {
          }), n.TRACE_INIT("Choosing sub-methods implementations", function () {
            if (Ee.SUPPORT_STICKY ? (n.chopInput = w.IDENTITY, n.match = n.matchWithTest) : (n.updateLastIndex = w.NOOP, n.match = n.matchWithExec), o && (n.handleModes = w.NOOP), n.trackStartLines === !1 && (n.computeNewColumn = w.IDENTITY), n.trackEndLines === !1 && (n.updateTokenEndLineColumnLocation = w.NOOP), /full/i.test(n.config.positionTracking)) n.createTokenInstance = n.createFullToken;else if (/onlyStart/i.test(n.config.positionTracking)) n.createTokenInstance = n.createStartOnlyToken;else if (/onlyOffset/i.test(n.config.positionTracking)) n.createTokenInstance = n.createOffsetOnlyToken;else throw Error('Invalid <positionTracking> config option: "' + n.config.positionTracking + '"');
            n.hasCustom ? (n.addToken = n.addTokenUsingPush, n.handlePayload = n.handlePayloadWithCustom) : (n.addToken = n.addTokenUsingMemberAccess, n.handlePayload = n.handlePayloadNoCustom);
          }), n.TRACE_INIT("Failed Optimization Warnings", function () {
            var p = w.reduce(n.canModeBeOptimized, function (l, m, v) {
              return m === !1 && l.push(v), l;
            }, []);
            if (r.ensureOptimizations && !w.isEmpty(p)) throw Error("Lexer Modes: < " + p.join(", ") + " > cannot be optimized.\n\t Disable the \"ensureOptimizations\" lexer config flag to silently ignore this and run the lexer in an un-optimized mode.\n\t Or inspect the console log for details on how to resolve these issues.");
          }), n.TRACE_INIT("clearRegExpParserCache", function () {
          }), n.TRACE_INIT("toFastProperties", function () {

      return t.prototype.tokenize = function (e, r) {
        if (r === void 0 && (r = this.defaultMode), !w.isEmpty(this.lexerDefinitionErrors)) {
          var n = w.map(this.lexerDefinitionErrors, function (o) {
            return o.message;
              i = n.join("-----------------------\n");
          throw new Error("Unable to Tokenize because Errors detected in definition of Lexer:\n" + i);

        var a = this.tokenizeInternal(e, r);
        return a;
      }, t.prototype.tokenizeInternal = function (e, r) {
        var n = this,
            y = e,
            b = y.length,
            L = 0,
            se = 0,
            fe = this.hasCustom ? 0 : Math.floor(e.length / 10),
            Z = new Array(fe),
            ue = [],
            Q = this.trackStartLines ? 1 : void 0,
            te = this.trackStartLines ? 1 : void 0,
            xe = Ee.cloneEmptyGroups(this.emptyGroups),
            it = this.trackStartLines,
            at = this.config.lineTerminatorsPattern,
            Ke = 0,
            we = [],
            ot = [],
            It = [],
            Qr = [];

        var st = void 0;

        function Jr() {
          return we;

        function en(J) {
          var lt = Ee.charCodeToOptimizedIndex(J),
              ze = ot[lt];
          return ze === void 0 ? Qr : ze;

        var wa = function wa(J) {
          if (It.length === 1 && J.tokenType.PUSH_MODE === void 0) {
            var lt = n.config.errorMessageProvider.buildUnableToPopLexerModeMessage(J);
              offset: J.startOffset,
              line: J.startLine !== void 0 ? J.startLine : void 0,
              column: J.startColumn !== void 0 ? J.startColumn : void 0,
              length: J.image.length,
              message: lt
          } else {
            var ze = w.last(It);
            we = n.patternIdxToConfig[ze], ot = n.charCodeToPatternIdxToConfig[ze], Ke = we.length;
            var Ua = n.canModeBeOptimized[ze] && n.config.safeMode === !1;
            ot && Ua ? st = en : st = Jr;

        function tn(J) {
          It.push(J), ot = this.charCodeToPatternIdxToConfig[J], we = this.patternIdxToConfig[J], Ke = we.length, Ke = we.length;
          var lt = this.canModeBeOptimized[J] && this.config.safeMode === !1;
          ot && lt ? st = en : st = Jr;

        tn.call(this, r);

        for (var me; L < b;) {
          c = null;
          var rn = y.charCodeAt(L),
              nn = st(rn),
              Da = nn.length;

          for (i = 0; i < Da; i++) {
            me = nn[i];
            var De = me.pattern;
            f = null;
            var ut = me.short;

            if (ut !== !1 ? rn === ut && (c = De) : me.isCustom === !0 ? (g = De.exec(y, L, Z, xe), g !== null ? (c = g[0], g.payload !== void 0 && (f = g.payload)) : c = null) : (this.updateLastIndex(De, L), c = this.match(De, e, L)), c !== null) {
              if (s = me.longerAlt, s !== void 0) {
                var fr = we[s],
                    pr = fr.pattern;
                p = null, fr.isCustom === !0 ? (g = pr.exec(y, L, Z, xe), g !== null ? (o = g[0], g.payload !== void 0 && (p = g.payload)) : o = null) : (this.updateLastIndex(pr, L), o = this.match(pr, e, L)), o && o.length > c.length && (c = o, f = p, me = fr);


          if (c !== null) {
            if (l = c.length, m = me.group, m !== void 0 && (v = me.tokenTypeIdx, u = this.createTokenInstance(c, L, v, me.tokenType, Q, te, l), this.handlePayload(u, f), m === !1 ? se = this.addToken(Z, se, u) : xe[m].push(u)), e = this.chopInput(e, l), L = L + l, te = this.computeNewColumn(te, l), it === !0 && me.canLineTerminator === !0) {
              var kt = 0,
                  hr = void 0,
                  dr = void 0;
              at.lastIndex = 0;

              do {
                hr = at.test(c), hr === !0 && (dr = at.lastIndex - 1, kt++);
              } while (hr === !0);

              kt !== 0 && (Q = Q + kt, te = l - dr, this.updateTokenEndLineColumnLocation(u, m, dr, kt, Q, te, l));

            this.handleModes(me, wa, tn, u);
          } else {
            for (var vr = L, an = Q, on = te, ct = !1; !ct && L < b;) {
              for (A = y.charCodeAt(L), e = this.chopInput(e, 1), L++, a = 0; a < Ke; a++) {
                var mr = we[a],
                    De = mr.pattern,
                    ut = mr.short;
                if (ut !== !1 ? y.charCodeAt(L) === ut && (ct = !0) : mr.isCustom === !0 ? ct = De.exec(y, L, Z, xe) !== null : (this.updateLastIndex(De, L), ct = De.exec(e) !== null), ct === !0) break;

            d = L - vr, _ = this.config.errorMessageProvider.buildUnexpectedCharactersMessage(y, vr, d, an, on), ue.push({
              offset: vr,
              line: an,
              column: on,
              length: d,
              message: _

        return this.hasCustom || (Z.length = se), {
          tokens: Z,
          groups: xe,
          errors: ue
      }, t.prototype.handleModes = function (e, r, n, i) {
        if (e.pop === !0) {
          var a = e.push;
          r(i), a !== void 0 && n.call(this, a);
        } else e.push !== void 0 && n.call(this, e.push);
      }, t.prototype.chopInput = function (e, r) {
        return e.substring(r);
      }, t.prototype.updateLastIndex = function (e, r) {
        e.lastIndex = r;
      }, t.prototype.updateTokenEndLineColumnLocation = function (e, r, n, i, a, o, s) {
        var c, f;
        r !== void 0 && (c = n === s - 1, f = c ? -1 : 0, i === 1 && c === !0 || (e.endLine = a + f, e.endColumn = o - 1 + -f));
      }, t.prototype.computeNewColumn = function (e, r) {
        return e + r;
      }, t.prototype.createTokenInstance = function () {
        for (var e = [], r = 0; r < arguments.length; r++) {
          e[r] = arguments[r];

        return null;
      }, t.prototype.createOffsetOnlyToken = function (e, r, n, i) {
        return {
          image: e,
          startOffset: r,
          tokenTypeIdx: n,
          tokenType: i
      }, t.prototype.createStartOnlyToken = function (e, r, n, i, a, o) {
        return {
          image: e,
          startOffset: r,
          startLine: a,
          startColumn: o,
          tokenTypeIdx: n,
          tokenType: i
      }, t.prototype.createFullToken = function (e, r, n, i, a, o, s) {
        return {
          image: e,
          startOffset: r,
          endOffset: r + s - 1,
          startLine: a,
          endLine: a,
          startColumn: o,
          endColumn: o + s - 1,
          tokenTypeIdx: n,
          tokenType: i
      }, t.prototype.addToken = function (e, r, n) {
        return 666;
      }, t.prototype.addTokenUsingPush = function (e, r, n) {
        return e.push(n), r;
      }, t.prototype.addTokenUsingMemberAccess = function (e, r, n) {
        return e[r] = n, r++, r;
      }, t.prototype.handlePayload = function (e, r) {}, t.prototype.handlePayloadNoCustom = function (e, r) {}, t.prototype.handlePayloadWithCustom = function (e, r) {
        r !== null && (e.payload = r);
      }, t.prototype.match = function (e, r, n) {
        return null;
      }, t.prototype.matchWithTest = function (e, r, n) {
        var i = e.test(r);
        return i === !0 ? r.substring(n, e.lastIndex) : null;
      }, t.prototype.matchWithExec = function (e, r) {
        var n = e.exec(r);
        return n !== null ? n[0] : n;
      }, t.prototype.TRACE_INIT = function (e, r) {
        if (this.traceInitPerf === !0) {
          var n = new Array(this.traceInitIndent + 1).join("	");
          this.traceInitIndent < this.traceInitMaxIdent && console.log(n + "--> <" + e + ">");
          var i = w.timer(r),
              a = i.time,
              o = i.value,
              s = a > 10 ? console.warn : console.log;
          return this.traceInitIndent < this.traceInitMaxIdent && s(n + "<-- <" + e + "> time: " + a + "ms"), this.traceInitIndent--, o;
        } else return r();
      }, t.SKIPPED = "This marks a skipped Token pattern, this means each token identified by it willbe consumed and then thrown into oblivion, this can be used to for example to completely ignore whitespace.", t.NA = /NOT_APPLICABLE/, t;

    qe.Lexer = mo;
  var Ue = R(function (H) {
    "use strict";

    Object.defineProperty(H, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    H.tokenMatcher = H.createTokenInstance = H.EOF = H.createToken = H.hasTokenLabel = H.tokenName = H.tokenLabel = void 0;
    var Te = k(),
        Eo = ft(),
        Pr = Xe();

    function To(t) {
      return Dn(t) ? t.LABEL : t.name;

    H.tokenLabel = To;

    function yo(t) {
      return t.name;

    H.tokenName = yo;

    function Dn(t) {
      return Te.isString(t.LABEL) && t.LABEL !== "";

    H.hasTokenLabel = Dn;
    var _o = "parent",
        Un = "categories",
        Gn = "label",
        Wn = "group",
        Bn = "push_mode",
        qn = "pop_mode",
        jn = "longer_alt",
        Vn = "line_breaks",
        Kn = "start_chars_hint";

    function zn(t) {
      return go(t);

    H.createToken = zn;

    function go(t) {
      var e = t.pattern,
          r = {};
      if (r.name = t.name, Te.isUndefined(e) || (r.PATTERN = e), Te.has(t, _o)) throw "The parent property is no longer supported.\nSee: https://github.com/chevrotain/chevrotain/issues/564#issuecomment-349062346 for details.";
      return Te.has(t, Un) && (r.CATEGORIES = t[Un]), Pr.augmentTokenTypes([r]), Te.has(t, Gn) && (r.LABEL = t[Gn]), Te.has(t, Wn) && (r.GROUP = t[Wn]), Te.has(t, qn) && (r.POP_MODE = t[qn]), Te.has(t, Bn) && (r.PUSH_MODE = t[Bn]), Te.has(t, jn) && (r.LONGER_ALT = t[jn]), Te.has(t, Vn) && (r.LINE_BREAKS = t[Vn]), Te.has(t, Kn) && (r.START_CHARS_HINT = t[Kn]), r;

    H.EOF = zn({
      name: "EOF",
      pattern: Eo.Lexer.NA

    function Ao(t, e, r, n, i, a, o, s) {
      return {
        image: e,
        startOffset: r,
        endOffset: n,
        startLine: i,
        endLine: a,
        startColumn: o,
        endColumn: s,
        tokenTypeIdx: t.tokenTypeIdx,
        tokenType: t

    H.createTokenInstance = Ao;

    function Ro(t, e) {
      return Pr.tokenStructuredMatcher(t, e);

    H.tokenMatcher = Ro;
  var ne = R(function (S) {
    "use strict";

    var Le = S && S.__extends || function () {
      var _t4 = function t(e, r) {
        return _t4 = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
          __proto__: []
        } instanceof Array && function (n, i) {
          n.__proto__ = i;
        } || function (n, i) {
          for (var a in i) {
            Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i, a) && (n[a] = i[a]);
        }, _t4(e, r);

      return function (e, r) {
        if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null) throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(r) + " is not a constructor or null");

        _t4(e, r);

        function n() {
          this.constructor = e;

        e.prototype = r === null ? Object.create(r) : (n.prototype = r.prototype, new n());

    Object.defineProperty(S, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    S.serializeProduction = S.serializeGrammar = S.Terminal = S.Alternation = S.RepetitionWithSeparator = S.Repetition = S.RepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator = S.RepetitionMandatory = S.Option = S.Alternative = S.Rule = S.NonTerminal = S.AbstractProduction = void 0;

    var G = k(),
        Oo = Ue(),
        Re = function () {
      function t(e) {
        this._definition = e;

      return Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "definition", {
        get: function get() {
          return this._definition;
        set: function set(e) {
          this._definition = e;
        enumerable: !1,
        configurable: !0
      }), t.prototype.accept = function (e) {
        e.visit(this), G.forEach(this.definition, function (r) {
      }, t;

    S.AbstractProduction = Re;

    var Hn = function (t) {
      Le(e, t);

      function e(r) {
        var n = t.call(this, []) || this;
        return n.idx = 1, G.assign(n, G.pick(r, function (i) {
          return i !== void 0;
        })), n;

      return Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "definition", {
        get: function get() {
          return this.referencedRule !== void 0 ? this.referencedRule.definition : [];
        set: function set(r) {},
        enumerable: !1,
        configurable: !0
      }), e.prototype.accept = function (r) {
      }, e;

    S.NonTerminal = Hn;

    var Yn = function (t) {
      Le(e, t);

      function e(r) {
        var n = t.call(this, r.definition) || this;
        return n.orgText = "", G.assign(n, G.pick(r, function (i) {
          return i !== void 0;
        })), n;

      return e;

    S.Rule = Yn;

    var Xn = function (t) {
      Le(e, t);

      function e(r) {
        var n = t.call(this, r.definition) || this;
        return n.ignoreAmbiguities = !1, G.assign(n, G.pick(r, function (i) {
          return i !== void 0;
        })), n;

      return e;

    S.Alternative = Xn;

    var $n = function (t) {
      Le(e, t);

      function e(r) {
        var n = t.call(this, r.definition) || this;
        return n.idx = 1, G.assign(n, G.pick(r, function (i) {
          return i !== void 0;
        })), n;

      return e;

    S.Option = $n;

    var Zn = function (t) {
      Le(e, t);

      function e(r) {
        var n = t.call(this, r.definition) || this;
        return n.idx = 1, G.assign(n, G.pick(r, function (i) {
          return i !== void 0;
        })), n;

      return e;

    S.RepetitionMandatory = Zn;

    var Qn = function (t) {
      Le(e, t);

      function e(r) {
        var n = t.call(this, r.definition) || this;
        return n.idx = 1, G.assign(n, G.pick(r, function (i) {
          return i !== void 0;
        })), n;

      return e;

    S.RepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator = Qn;

    var Jn = function (t) {
      Le(e, t);

      function e(r) {
        var n = t.call(this, r.definition) || this;
        return n.idx = 1, G.assign(n, G.pick(r, function (i) {
          return i !== void 0;
        })), n;

      return e;

    S.Repetition = Jn;

    var ei = function (t) {
      Le(e, t);

      function e(r) {
        var n = t.call(this, r.definition) || this;
        return n.idx = 1, G.assign(n, G.pick(r, function (i) {
          return i !== void 0;
        })), n;

      return e;

    S.RepetitionWithSeparator = ei;

    var ti = function (t) {
      Le(e, t);

      function e(r) {
        var n = t.call(this, r.definition) || this;
        return n.idx = 1, n.ignoreAmbiguities = !1, n.hasPredicates = !1, G.assign(n, G.pick(r, function (i) {
          return i !== void 0;
        })), n;

      return Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "definition", {
        get: function get() {
          return this._definition;
        set: function set(r) {
          this._definition = r;
        enumerable: !1,
        configurable: !0
      }), e;

    S.Alternation = ti;

    var Dt = function () {
      function t(e) {
        this.idx = 1, G.assign(this, G.pick(e, function (r) {
          return r !== void 0;

      return t.prototype.accept = function (e) {
      }, t;

    S.Terminal = Dt;

    function No(t) {
      return G.map(t, ht);

    S.serializeGrammar = No;

    function ht(t) {
      function e(i) {
        return G.map(i, ht);

      if (t instanceof Hn) return {
        type: "NonTerminal",
        name: t.nonTerminalName,
        idx: t.idx
      if (t instanceof Xn) return {
        type: "Alternative",
        definition: e(t.definition)
      if (t instanceof $n) return {
        type: "Option",
        idx: t.idx,
        definition: e(t.definition)
      if (t instanceof Zn) return {
        type: "RepetitionMandatory",
        idx: t.idx,
        definition: e(t.definition)
      if (t instanceof Qn) return {
        type: "RepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator",
        idx: t.idx,
        separator: ht(new Dt({
          terminalType: t.separator
        definition: e(t.definition)
      if (t instanceof ei) return {
        type: "RepetitionWithSeparator",
        idx: t.idx,
        separator: ht(new Dt({
          terminalType: t.separator
        definition: e(t.definition)
      if (t instanceof Jn) return {
        type: "Repetition",
        idx: t.idx,
        definition: e(t.definition)
      if (t instanceof ti) return {
        type: "Alternation",
        idx: t.idx,
        definition: e(t.definition)

      if (t instanceof Dt) {
        var r = {
          type: "Terminal",
          name: t.terminalType.name,
          label: Oo.tokenLabel(t.terminalType),
          idx: t.idx
            n = t.terminalType.PATTERN;
        return t.terminalType.PATTERN && (r.pattern = G.isRegExp(n) ? n.source : n), r;
      } else {
        if (t instanceof Yn) return {
          type: "Rule",
          name: t.name,
          orgText: t.orgText,
          definition: e(t.definition)
        throw Error("non exhaustive match");

    S.serializeProduction = ht;
  var Gt = R(function (Ut) {
    "use strict";

    Object.defineProperty(Ut, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    Ut.RestWalker = void 0;

    var Sr = k(),
        ie = ne(),
        Io = function () {
      function t() {}

      return t.prototype.walk = function (e, r) {
        var n = this;
        r === void 0 && (r = []), Sr.forEach(e.definition, function (i, a) {
          var o = Sr.drop(e.definition, a + 1);
          if (i instanceof ie.NonTerminal) n.walkProdRef(i, o, r);else if (i instanceof ie.Terminal) n.walkTerminal(i, o, r);else if (i instanceof ie.Alternative) n.walkFlat(i, o, r);else if (i instanceof ie.Option) n.walkOption(i, o, r);else if (i instanceof ie.RepetitionMandatory) n.walkAtLeastOne(i, o, r);else if (i instanceof ie.RepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator) n.walkAtLeastOneSep(i, o, r);else if (i instanceof ie.RepetitionWithSeparator) n.walkManySep(i, o, r);else if (i instanceof ie.Repetition) n.walkMany(i, o, r);else if (i instanceof ie.Alternation) n.walkOr(i, o, r);else throw Error("non exhaustive match");
      }, t.prototype.walkTerminal = function (e, r, n) {}, t.prototype.walkProdRef = function (e, r, n) {}, t.prototype.walkFlat = function (e, r, n) {
        var i = r.concat(n);
        this.walk(e, i);
      }, t.prototype.walkOption = function (e, r, n) {
        var i = r.concat(n);
        this.walk(e, i);
      }, t.prototype.walkAtLeastOne = function (e, r, n) {
        var i = [new ie.Option({
          definition: e.definition
        })].concat(r, n);
        this.walk(e, i);
      }, t.prototype.walkAtLeastOneSep = function (e, r, n) {
        var i = ri(e, r, n);
        this.walk(e, i);
      }, t.prototype.walkMany = function (e, r, n) {
        var i = [new ie.Option({
          definition: e.definition
        })].concat(r, n);
        this.walk(e, i);
      }, t.prototype.walkManySep = function (e, r, n) {
        var i = ri(e, r, n);
        this.walk(e, i);
      }, t.prototype.walkOr = function (e, r, n) {
        var i = this,
            a = r.concat(n);
        Sr.forEach(e.definition, function (o) {
          var s = new ie.Alternative({
            definition: [o]
          i.walk(s, a);
      }, t;

    Ut.RestWalker = Io;

    function ri(t, e, r) {
      var n = [new ie.Option({
        definition: [new ie.Terminal({
          terminalType: t.separator
          i = n.concat(e, r);
      return i;
  var $e = R(function (Wt) {
    "use strict";

    Object.defineProperty(Wt, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    Wt.GAstVisitor = void 0;

    var Oe = ne(),
        ko = function () {
      function t() {}

      return t.prototype.visit = function (e) {
        var r = e;

        switch (r.constructor) {
          case Oe.NonTerminal:
            return this.visitNonTerminal(r);

          case Oe.Alternative:
            return this.visitAlternative(r);

          case Oe.Option:
            return this.visitOption(r);

          case Oe.RepetitionMandatory:
            return this.visitRepetitionMandatory(r);

          case Oe.RepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator:
            return this.visitRepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator(r);

          case Oe.RepetitionWithSeparator:
            return this.visitRepetitionWithSeparator(r);

          case Oe.Repetition:
            return this.visitRepetition(r);

          case Oe.Alternation:
            return this.visitAlternation(r);

          case Oe.Terminal:
            return this.visitTerminal(r);

          case Oe.Rule:
            return this.visitRule(r);

            throw Error("non exhaustive match");
      }, t.prototype.visitNonTerminal = function (e) {}, t.prototype.visitAlternative = function (e) {}, t.prototype.visitOption = function (e) {}, t.prototype.visitRepetition = function (e) {}, t.prototype.visitRepetitionMandatory = function (e) {}, t.prototype.visitRepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator = function (e) {}, t.prototype.visitRepetitionWithSeparator = function (e) {}, t.prototype.visitAlternation = function (e) {}, t.prototype.visitTerminal = function (e) {}, t.prototype.visitRule = function (e) {}, t;

    Wt.GAstVisitor = ko;
  var vt = R(function (X) {
    "use strict";

    var Po = X && X.__extends || function () {
      var _t5 = function t(e, r) {
        return _t5 = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
          __proto__: []
        } instanceof Array && function (n, i) {
          n.__proto__ = i;
        } || function (n, i) {
          for (var a in i) {
            Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i, a) && (n[a] = i[a]);
        }, _t5(e, r);

      return function (e, r) {
        if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null) throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(r) + " is not a constructor or null");

        _t5(e, r);

        function n() {
          this.constructor = e;

        e.prototype = r === null ? Object.create(r) : (n.prototype = r.prototype, new n());

    Object.defineProperty(X, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    X.collectMethods = X.DslMethodsCollectorVisitor = X.getProductionDslName = X.isBranchingProd = X.isOptionalProd = X.isSequenceProd = void 0;
    var dt = k(),
        W = ne(),
        So = $e();

    function xo(t) {
      return t instanceof W.Alternative || t instanceof W.Option || t instanceof W.Repetition || t instanceof W.RepetitionMandatory || t instanceof W.RepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator || t instanceof W.RepetitionWithSeparator || t instanceof W.Terminal || t instanceof W.Rule;

    X.isSequenceProd = xo;

    function xr(t, e) {
      e === void 0 && (e = []);
      var r = t instanceof W.Option || t instanceof W.Repetition || t instanceof W.RepetitionWithSeparator;
      return r ? !0 : t instanceof W.Alternation ? dt.some(t.definition, function (n) {
        return xr(n, e);
      }) : t instanceof W.NonTerminal && dt.contains(e, t) ? !1 : t instanceof W.AbstractProduction ? (t instanceof W.NonTerminal && e.push(t), dt.every(t.definition, function (n) {
        return xr(n, e);
      })) : !1;

    X.isOptionalProd = xr;

    function Co(t) {
      return t instanceof W.Alternation;

    X.isBranchingProd = Co;

    function Lo(t) {
      if (t instanceof W.NonTerminal) return "SUBRULE";
      if (t instanceof W.Option) return "OPTION";
      if (t instanceof W.Alternation) return "OR";
      if (t instanceof W.RepetitionMandatory) return "AT_LEAST_ONE";
      if (t instanceof W.RepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator) return "AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP";
      if (t instanceof W.RepetitionWithSeparator) return "MANY_SEP";
      if (t instanceof W.Repetition) return "MANY";
      if (t instanceof W.Terminal) return "CONSUME";
      throw Error("non exhaustive match");

    X.getProductionDslName = Lo;

    var ni = function (t) {
      Po(e, t);

      function e() {
        var r = t !== null && t.apply(this, arguments) || this;
        return r.separator = "-", r.dslMethods = {
          option: [],
          alternation: [],
          repetition: [],
          repetitionWithSeparator: [],
          repetitionMandatory: [],
          repetitionMandatoryWithSeparator: []
        }, r;

      return e.prototype.reset = function () {
        this.dslMethods = {
          option: [],
          alternation: [],
          repetition: [],
          repetitionWithSeparator: [],
          repetitionMandatory: [],
          repetitionMandatoryWithSeparator: []
      }, e.prototype.visitTerminal = function (r) {
        var n = r.terminalType.name + this.separator + "Terminal";
        dt.has(this.dslMethods, n) || (this.dslMethods[n] = []), this.dslMethods[n].push(r);
      }, e.prototype.visitNonTerminal = function (r) {
        var n = r.nonTerminalName + this.separator + "Terminal";
        dt.has(this.dslMethods, n) || (this.dslMethods[n] = []), this.dslMethods[n].push(r);
      }, e.prototype.visitOption = function (r) {
      }, e.prototype.visitRepetitionWithSeparator = function (r) {
      }, e.prototype.visitRepetitionMandatory = function (r) {
      }, e.prototype.visitRepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator = function (r) {
      }, e.prototype.visitRepetition = function (r) {
      }, e.prototype.visitAlternation = function (r) {
      }, e;

    X.DslMethodsCollectorVisitor = ni;
    var Bt = new ni();

    function Mo(t) {
      Bt.reset(), t.accept(Bt);
      var e = Bt.dslMethods;
      return Bt.reset(), e;

    X.collectMethods = Mo;
  var Lr = R(function (Ne) {
    "use strict";

    Object.defineProperty(Ne, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    Ne.firstForTerminal = Ne.firstForBranching = Ne.firstForSequence = Ne.first = void 0;
    var qt = k(),
        ii = ne(),
        Cr = vt();

    function jt(t) {
      if (t instanceof ii.NonTerminal) return jt(t.referencedRule);
      if (t instanceof ii.Terminal) return si(t);
      if (Cr.isSequenceProd(t)) return ai(t);
      if (Cr.isBranchingProd(t)) return oi(t);
      throw Error("non exhaustive match");

    Ne.first = jt;

    function ai(t) {
      for (var e = [], r = t.definition, n = 0, i = r.length > n, a, o = !0; i && o;) {
        a = r[n], o = Cr.isOptionalProd(a), e = e.concat(jt(a)), n = n + 1, i = r.length > n;

      return qt.uniq(e);

    Ne.firstForSequence = ai;

    function oi(t) {
      var e = qt.map(t.definition, function (r) {
        return jt(r);
      return qt.uniq(qt.flatten(e));

    Ne.firstForBranching = oi;

    function si(t) {
      return [t.terminalType];

    Ne.firstForTerminal = si;
  var Mr = R(function (Vt) {
    "use strict";

    Object.defineProperty(Vt, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    Vt.IN = void 0;
    Vt.IN = "_~IN~_";
  var pi = R(function (he) {
    "use strict";

    var bo = he && he.__extends || function () {
      var _t6 = function t(e, r) {
        return _t6 = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
          __proto__: []
        } instanceof Array && function (n, i) {
          n.__proto__ = i;
        } || function (n, i) {
          for (var a in i) {
            Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i, a) && (n[a] = i[a]);
        }, _t6(e, r);

      return function (e, r) {
        if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null) throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(r) + " is not a constructor or null");

        _t6(e, r);

        function n() {
          this.constructor = e;

        e.prototype = r === null ? Object.create(r) : (n.prototype = r.prototype, new n());

    Object.defineProperty(he, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    he.buildInProdFollowPrefix = he.buildBetweenProdsFollowPrefix = he.computeAllProdsFollows = he.ResyncFollowsWalker = void 0;

    var Fo = Gt(),
        wo = Lr(),
        ui = k(),
        ci = Mr(),
        Do = ne(),
        fi = function (t) {
      bo(e, t);

      function e(r) {
        var n = t.call(this) || this;
        return n.topProd = r, n.follows = {}, n;

      return e.prototype.startWalking = function () {
        return this.walk(this.topProd), this.follows;
      }, e.prototype.walkTerminal = function (r, n, i) {}, e.prototype.walkProdRef = function (r, n, i) {
        var a = li(r.referencedRule, r.idx) + this.topProd.name,
            o = n.concat(i),
            s = new Do.Alternative({
          definition: o
            c = wo.first(s);
        this.follows[a] = c;
      }, e;

    he.ResyncFollowsWalker = fi;

    function Uo(t) {
      var e = {};
      return ui.forEach(t, function (r) {
        var n = new fi(r).startWalking();
        ui.assign(e, n);
      }), e;

    he.computeAllProdsFollows = Uo;

    function li(t, e) {
      return t.name + e + ci.IN;

    he.buildBetweenProdsFollowPrefix = li;

    function Go(t) {
      var e = t.terminalType.name;
      return e + t.idx + ci.IN;

    he.buildInProdFollowPrefix = Go;
  var mt = R(function (Me) {
    "use strict";

    Object.defineProperty(Me, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    Me.defaultGrammarValidatorErrorProvider = Me.defaultGrammarResolverErrorProvider = Me.defaultParserErrorProvider = void 0;
    var Ze = Ue(),
        Wo = k(),
        ye = k(),
        br = ne(),
        hi = vt();
    Me.defaultParserErrorProvider = {
      buildMismatchTokenMessage: function buildMismatchTokenMessage(t) {
        var e = t.expected,
            r = t.actual,
            n = t.previous,
            i = t.ruleName,
            a = Ze.hasTokenLabel(e),
            o = a ? "--> " + Ze.tokenLabel(e) + " <--" : "token of type --> " + e.name + " <--",
            s = "Expecting " + o + " but found --> '" + r.image + "' <--";
        return s;
      buildNotAllInputParsedMessage: function buildNotAllInputParsedMessage(t) {
        var e = t.firstRedundant,
            r = t.ruleName;
        return "Redundant input, expecting EOF but found: " + e.image;
      buildNoViableAltMessage: function buildNoViableAltMessage(t) {
        var e = t.expectedPathsPerAlt,
            r = t.actual,
            n = t.previous,
            i = t.customUserDescription,
            a = t.ruleName,
            o = "Expecting: ",
            s = ye.first(r).image,
            c = "\nbut found: '" + s + "'";
        if (i) return o + i + c;
        var f = ye.reduce(e, function (v, u) {
          return v.concat(u);
        }, []),
            p = ye.map(f, function (v) {
          return "[" + ye.map(v, function (u) {
            return Ze.tokenLabel(u);
          }).join(", ") + "]";
            l = ye.map(p, function (v, u) {
          return "  " + (u + 1) + ". " + v;
            m = "one of these possible Token sequences:\n" + l.join("\n");
        return o + m + c;
      buildEarlyExitMessage: function buildEarlyExitMessage(t) {
        var e = t.expectedIterationPaths,
            r = t.actual,
            n = t.customUserDescription,
            i = t.ruleName,
            a = "Expecting: ",
            o = ye.first(r).image,
            s = "\nbut found: '" + o + "'";
        if (n) return a + n + s;
        var c = ye.map(e, function (p) {
          return "[" + ye.map(p, function (l) {
            return Ze.tokenLabel(l);
          }).join(",") + "]";
            f = "expecting at least one iteration which starts with one of these possible Token sequences::\n  " + ("<" + c.join(" ,") + ">");
        return a + f + s;
    Me.defaultGrammarResolverErrorProvider = {
      buildRuleNotFoundError: function buildRuleNotFoundError(t, e) {
        var r = "Invalid grammar, reference to a rule which is not defined: ->" + e.nonTerminalName + "<-\ninside top level rule: ->" + t.name + "<-";
        return r;
    Me.defaultGrammarValidatorErrorProvider = {
      buildDuplicateFoundError: function buildDuplicateFoundError(t, e) {
        function r(p) {
          return p instanceof br.Terminal ? p.terminalType.name : p instanceof br.NonTerminal ? p.nonTerminalName : "";

        var n = t.name,
            i = ye.first(e),
            a = i.idx,
            o = hi.getProductionDslName(i),
            s = r(i),
            c = a > 0,
            f = "->" + o + (c ? a : "") + "<- " + (s ? "with argument: ->" + s + "<-" : "") + "\n                  appears more than once (" + e.length + " times) in the top level rule: ->" + n + "<-.\n                  For further details see: https://chevrotain.io/docs/FAQ.html#NUMERICAL_SUFFIXES\n                  ";
        return f = f.replace(/[ \t]+/g, " "), f = f.replace(/\s\s+/g, "\n"), f;
      buildNamespaceConflictError: function buildNamespaceConflictError(t) {
        var e = "Namespace conflict found in grammar.\n" + ("The grammar has both a Terminal(Token) and a Non-Terminal(Rule) named: <" + t.name + ">.\n") + "To resolve this make sure each Terminal and Non-Terminal names are unique\nThis is easy to accomplish by using the convention that Terminal names start with an uppercase letter\nand Non-Terminal names start with a lower case letter.";
        return e;
      buildAlternationPrefixAmbiguityError: function buildAlternationPrefixAmbiguityError(t) {
        var e = ye.map(t.prefixPath, function (i) {
          return Ze.tokenLabel(i);
        }).join(", "),
            r = t.alternation.idx === 0 ? "" : t.alternation.idx,
            n = "Ambiguous alternatives: <" + t.ambiguityIndices.join(" ,") + "> due to common lookahead prefix\n" + ("in <OR" + r + "> inside <" + t.topLevelRule.name + "> Rule,\n") + ("<" + e + "> may appears as a prefix path in all these alternatives.\n") + "See: https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_grammar_errors.html#COMMON_PREFIX\nFor Further details.";
        return n;
      buildAlternationAmbiguityError: function buildAlternationAmbiguityError(t) {
        var e = ye.map(t.prefixPath, function (i) {
          return Ze.tokenLabel(i);
        }).join(", "),
            r = t.alternation.idx === 0 ? "" : t.alternation.idx,
            n = "Ambiguous Alternatives Detected: <" + t.ambiguityIndices.join(" ,") + "> in <OR" + r + ">" + (" inside <" + t.topLevelRule.name + "> Rule,\n") + ("<" + e + "> may appears as a prefix path in all these alternatives.\n");
        return n = n + "See: https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_grammar_errors.html#AMBIGUOUS_ALTERNATIVES\nFor Further details.", n;
      buildEmptyRepetitionError: function buildEmptyRepetitionError(t) {
        var e = hi.getProductionDslName(t.repetition);
        t.repetition.idx !== 0 && (e += t.repetition.idx);
        var r = "The repetition <" + e + "> within Rule <" + t.topLevelRule.name + "> can never consume any tokens.\nThis could lead to an infinite loop.";
        return r;
      buildTokenNameError: function buildTokenNameError(t) {
        return "deprecated";
      buildEmptyAlternationError: function buildEmptyAlternationError(t) {
        var e = "Ambiguous empty alternative: <" + (t.emptyChoiceIdx + 1) + ">" + (" in <OR" + t.alternation.idx + "> inside <" + t.topLevelRule.name + "> Rule.\n") + "Only the last alternative may be an empty alternative.";
        return e;
      buildTooManyAlternativesError: function buildTooManyAlternativesError(t) {
        var e = "An Alternation cannot have more than 256 alternatives:\n" + ("<OR" + t.alternation.idx + "> inside <" + t.topLevelRule.name + "> Rule.\n has " + (t.alternation.definition.length + 1) + " alternatives.");
        return e;
      buildLeftRecursionError: function buildLeftRecursionError(t) {
        var e = t.topLevelRule.name,
            r = Wo.map(t.leftRecursionPath, function (a) {
          return a.name;
            n = e + " --> " + r.concat([e]).join(" --> "),
            i = "Left Recursion found in grammar.\n" + ("rule: <" + e + "> can be invoked from itself (directly or indirectly)\n") + ("without consuming any Tokens. The grammar path that causes this is:\n " + n + "\n") + " To fix this refactor your grammar to remove the left recursion.\nsee: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LL_parser#Left_Factoring.";
        return i;
      buildInvalidRuleNameError: function buildInvalidRuleNameError(t) {
        return "deprecated";
      buildDuplicateRuleNameError: function buildDuplicateRuleNameError(t) {
        var e;
        t.topLevelRule instanceof br.Rule ? e = t.topLevelRule.name : e = t.topLevelRule;
        var r = "Duplicate definition, rule: ->" + e + "<- is already defined in the grammar: ->" + t.grammarName + "<-";
        return r;
  var mi = R(function (Ge) {
    "use strict";

    var Bo = Ge && Ge.__extends || function () {
      var _t7 = function t(e, r) {
        return _t7 = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
          __proto__: []
        } instanceof Array && function (n, i) {
          n.__proto__ = i;
        } || function (n, i) {
          for (var a in i) {
            Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i, a) && (n[a] = i[a]);
        }, _t7(e, r);

      return function (e, r) {
        if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null) throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(r) + " is not a constructor or null");

        _t7(e, r);

        function n() {
          this.constructor = e;

        e.prototype = r === null ? Object.create(r) : (n.prototype = r.prototype, new n());

    Object.defineProperty(Ge, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    Ge.GastRefResolverVisitor = Ge.resolveGrammar = void 0;
    var qo = ce(),
        di = k(),
        jo = $e();

    function Vo(t, e) {
      var r = new vi(t, e);
      return r.resolveRefs(), r.errors;

    Ge.resolveGrammar = Vo;

    var vi = function (t) {
      Bo(e, t);

      function e(r, n) {
        var i = t.call(this) || this;
        return i.nameToTopRule = r, i.errMsgProvider = n, i.errors = [], i;

      return e.prototype.resolveRefs = function () {
        var r = this;
        di.forEach(di.values(this.nameToTopRule), function (n) {
          r.currTopLevel = n, n.accept(r);
      }, e.prototype.visitNonTerminal = function (r) {
        var n = this.nameToTopRule[r.nonTerminalName];
        if (n) r.referencedRule = n;else {
          var i = this.errMsgProvider.buildRuleNotFoundError(this.currTopLevel, r);
            message: i,
            type: qo.ParserDefinitionErrorType.UNRESOLVED_SUBRULE_REF,
            ruleName: this.currTopLevel.name,
            unresolvedRefName: r.nonTerminalName
      }, e;

    Ge.GastRefResolverVisitor = vi;
  var Tt = R(function (j) {
    "use strict";

    var je = j && j.__extends || function () {
      var _t8 = function t(e, r) {
        return _t8 = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
          __proto__: []
        } instanceof Array && function (n, i) {
          n.__proto__ = i;
        } || function (n, i) {
          for (var a in i) {
            Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i, a) && (n[a] = i[a]);
        }, _t8(e, r);

      return function (e, r) {
        if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null) throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(r) + " is not a constructor or null");

        _t8(e, r);

        function n() {
          this.constructor = e;

        e.prototype = r === null ? Object.create(r) : (n.prototype = r.prototype, new n());

    Object.defineProperty(j, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    j.nextPossibleTokensAfter = j.possiblePathsFrom = j.NextTerminalAfterAtLeastOneSepWalker = j.NextTerminalAfterAtLeastOneWalker = j.NextTerminalAfterManySepWalker = j.NextTerminalAfterManyWalker = j.AbstractNextTerminalAfterProductionWalker = j.NextAfterTokenWalker = j.AbstractNextPossibleTokensWalker = void 0;

    var Ei = Gt(),
        I = k(),
        Ko = Lr(),
        O = ne(),
        Ti = function (t) {
      je(e, t);

      function e(r, n) {
        var i = t.call(this) || this;
        return i.topProd = r, i.path = n, i.possibleTokTypes = [], i.nextProductionName = "", i.nextProductionOccurrence = 0, i.found = !1, i.isAtEndOfPath = !1, i;

      return e.prototype.startWalking = function () {
        if (this.found = !1, this.path.ruleStack[0] !== this.topProd.name) throw Error("The path does not start with the walker's top Rule!");
        return this.ruleStack = I.cloneArr(this.path.ruleStack).reverse(), this.occurrenceStack = I.cloneArr(this.path.occurrenceStack).reverse(), this.ruleStack.pop(), this.occurrenceStack.pop(), this.updateExpectedNext(), this.walk(this.topProd), this.possibleTokTypes;
      }, e.prototype.walk = function (r, n) {
        n === void 0 && (n = []), this.found || t.prototype.walk.call(this, r, n);
      }, e.prototype.walkProdRef = function (r, n, i) {
        if (r.referencedRule.name === this.nextProductionName && r.idx === this.nextProductionOccurrence) {
          var a = n.concat(i);
          this.updateExpectedNext(), this.walk(r.referencedRule, a);
      }, e.prototype.updateExpectedNext = function () {
        I.isEmpty(this.ruleStack) ? (this.nextProductionName = "", this.nextProductionOccurrence = 0, this.isAtEndOfPath = !0) : (this.nextProductionName = this.ruleStack.pop(), this.nextProductionOccurrence = this.occurrenceStack.pop());
      }, e;

    j.AbstractNextPossibleTokensWalker = Ti;

    var zo = function (t) {
      je(e, t);

      function e(r, n) {
        var i = t.call(this, r, n) || this;
        return i.path = n, i.nextTerminalName = "", i.nextTerminalOccurrence = 0, i.nextTerminalName = i.path.lastTok.name, i.nextTerminalOccurrence = i.path.lastTokOccurrence, i;

      return e.prototype.walkTerminal = function (r, n, i) {
        if (this.isAtEndOfPath && r.terminalType.name === this.nextTerminalName && r.idx === this.nextTerminalOccurrence && !this.found) {
          var a = n.concat(i),
              o = new O.Alternative({
            definition: a
          this.possibleTokTypes = Ko.first(o), this.found = !0;
      }, e;

    j.NextAfterTokenWalker = zo;

    var Et = function (t) {
      je(e, t);

      function e(r, n) {
        var i = t.call(this) || this;
        return i.topRule = r, i.occurrence = n, i.result = {
          token: void 0,
          occurrence: void 0,
          isEndOfRule: void 0
        }, i;

      return e.prototype.startWalking = function () {
        return this.walk(this.topRule), this.result;
      }, e;

    j.AbstractNextTerminalAfterProductionWalker = Et;

    var Ho = function (t) {
      je(e, t);

      function e() {
        return t !== null && t.apply(this, arguments) || this;

      return e.prototype.walkMany = function (r, n, i) {
        if (r.idx === this.occurrence) {
          var a = I.first(n.concat(i));
          this.result.isEndOfRule = a === void 0, a instanceof O.Terminal && (this.result.token = a.terminalType, this.result.occurrence = a.idx);
        } else t.prototype.walkMany.call(this, r, n, i);
      }, e;

    j.NextTerminalAfterManyWalker = Ho;

    var Yo = function (t) {
      je(e, t);

      function e() {
        return t !== null && t.apply(this, arguments) || this;

      return e.prototype.walkManySep = function (r, n, i) {
        if (r.idx === this.occurrence) {
          var a = I.first(n.concat(i));
          this.result.isEndOfRule = a === void 0, a instanceof O.Terminal && (this.result.token = a.terminalType, this.result.occurrence = a.idx);
        } else t.prototype.walkManySep.call(this, r, n, i);
      }, e;

    j.NextTerminalAfterManySepWalker = Yo;

    var Xo = function (t) {
      je(e, t);

      function e() {
        return t !== null && t.apply(this, arguments) || this;

      return e.prototype.walkAtLeastOne = function (r, n, i) {
        if (r.idx === this.occurrence) {
          var a = I.first(n.concat(i));
          this.result.isEndOfRule = a === void 0, a instanceof O.Terminal && (this.result.token = a.terminalType, this.result.occurrence = a.idx);
        } else t.prototype.walkAtLeastOne.call(this, r, n, i);
      }, e;

    j.NextTerminalAfterAtLeastOneWalker = Xo;

    var $o = function (t) {
      je(e, t);

      function e() {
        return t !== null && t.apply(this, arguments) || this;

      return e.prototype.walkAtLeastOneSep = function (r, n, i) {
        if (r.idx === this.occurrence) {
          var a = I.first(n.concat(i));
          this.result.isEndOfRule = a === void 0, a instanceof O.Terminal && (this.result.token = a.terminalType, this.result.occurrence = a.idx);
        } else t.prototype.walkAtLeastOneSep.call(this, r, n, i);
      }, e;

    j.NextTerminalAfterAtLeastOneSepWalker = $o;

    function yi(t, e, r) {
      r === void 0 && (r = []), r = I.cloneArr(r);
      var n = [],
          i = 0;

      function a(f) {
        return f.concat(I.drop(t, i + 1));

      function o(f) {
        var p = yi(a(f), e, r);
        return n.concat(p);

      for (; r.length < e && i < t.length;) {
        var s = t[i];
        if (s instanceof O.Alternative) return o(s.definition);
        if (s instanceof O.NonTerminal) return o(s.definition);
        if (s instanceof O.Option) n = o(s.definition);else if (s instanceof O.RepetitionMandatory) {
          var c = s.definition.concat([new O.Repetition({
            definition: s.definition
          return o(c);
        } else if (s instanceof O.RepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator) {
          var c = [new O.Alternative({
            definition: s.definition
          }), new O.Repetition({
            definition: [new O.Terminal({
              terminalType: s.separator
          return o(c);
        } else if (s instanceof O.RepetitionWithSeparator) {
          var c = s.definition.concat([new O.Repetition({
            definition: [new O.Terminal({
              terminalType: s.separator
          n = o(c);
        } else if (s instanceof O.Repetition) {
          var c = s.definition.concat([new O.Repetition({
            definition: s.definition
          n = o(c);
        } else {
          if (s instanceof O.Alternation) return I.forEach(s.definition, function (f) {
            I.isEmpty(f.definition) === !1 && (n = o(f.definition));
          }), n;
          if (s instanceof O.Terminal) r.push(s.terminalType);else throw Error("non exhaustive match");

      return n.push({
        partialPath: r,
        suffixDef: I.drop(t, i)
      }), n;

    j.possiblePathsFrom = yi;

    function Qo(t, e, r, n) {
      var i = "EXIT_NONE_TERMINAL",
          a = [i],
          o = "EXIT_ALTERNATIVE",
          s = !1,
          c = e.length,
          f = c - n - 1,
          p = [],
          l = [];

      for (l.push({
        idx: -1,
        def: t,
        ruleStack: [],
        occurrenceStack: []
      }); !I.isEmpty(l);) {
        var m = l.pop();

        if (m === o) {
          s && I.last(l).idx <= f && l.pop();

        var v = m.def,
            u = m.idx,
            d = m.ruleStack,
            A = m.occurrenceStack;

        if (!I.isEmpty(v)) {
          var _ = v[0];

          if (_ === i) {
            var g = {
              idx: u,
              def: I.drop(v),
              ruleStack: I.dropRight(d),
              occurrenceStack: I.dropRight(A)
          } else if (_ instanceof O.Terminal) {
            if (u < c - 1) {
              var y = u + 1,
                  b = e[y];

              if (r(b, _.terminalType)) {
                var g = {
                  idx: y,
                  def: I.drop(v),
                  ruleStack: d,
                  occurrenceStack: A
            } else if (u === c - 1) p.push({
              nextTokenType: _.terminalType,
              nextTokenOccurrence: _.idx,
              ruleStack: d,
              occurrenceStack: A
            }), s = !0;else throw Error("non exhaustive match");
          } else if (_ instanceof O.NonTerminal) {
            var L = I.cloneArr(d);
            var se = I.cloneArr(A);
            var g = {
              idx: u,
              def: _.definition.concat(a, I.drop(v)),
              ruleStack: L,
              occurrenceStack: se
          } else if (_ instanceof O.Option) {
            var fe = {
              idx: u,
              def: I.drop(v),
              ruleStack: d,
              occurrenceStack: A
            l.push(fe), l.push(o);
            var Z = {
              idx: u,
              def: _.definition.concat(I.drop(v)),
              ruleStack: d,
              occurrenceStack: A
          } else if (_ instanceof O.RepetitionMandatory) {
            var ue = new O.Repetition({
              definition: _.definition,
              idx: _.idx
                Q = _.definition.concat([ue], I.drop(v)),
                g = {
              idx: u,
              def: Q,
              ruleStack: d,
              occurrenceStack: A

          } else if (_ instanceof O.RepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator) {
            var te = new O.Terminal({
              terminalType: _.separator
                ue = new O.Repetition({
              definition: [te].concat(_.definition),
              idx: _.idx
                Q = _.definition.concat([ue], I.drop(v)),
                g = {
              idx: u,
              def: Q,
              ruleStack: d,
              occurrenceStack: A

          } else if (_ instanceof O.RepetitionWithSeparator) {
            var fe = {
              idx: u,
              def: I.drop(v),
              ruleStack: d,
              occurrenceStack: A
            l.push(fe), l.push(o);

            var te = new O.Terminal({
              terminalType: _.separator
                xe = new O.Repetition({
              definition: [te].concat(_.definition),
              idx: _.idx
                Q = _.definition.concat([xe], I.drop(v)),
                Z = {
              idx: u,
              def: Q,
              ruleStack: d,
              occurrenceStack: A

          } else if (_ instanceof O.Repetition) {
            var fe = {
              idx: u,
              def: I.drop(v),
              ruleStack: d,
              occurrenceStack: A
            l.push(fe), l.push(o);

            var xe = new O.Repetition({
              definition: _.definition,
              idx: _.idx
                Q = _.definition.concat([xe], I.drop(v)),
                Z = {
              idx: u,
              def: Q,
              ruleStack: d,
              occurrenceStack: A

          } else if (_ instanceof O.Alternation) for (var it = _.definition.length - 1; it >= 0; it--) {
            var at = _.definition[it],
                Ke = {
              idx: u,
              def: at.definition.concat(I.drop(v)),
              ruleStack: d,
              occurrenceStack: A
            l.push(Ke), l.push(o);
          } else if (_ instanceof O.Alternative) l.push({
            idx: u,
            def: _.definition.concat(I.drop(v)),
            ruleStack: d,
            occurrenceStack: A
          });else if (_ instanceof O.Rule) l.push(Zo(_, u, d, A));else throw Error("non exhaustive match");

      return p;

    j.nextPossibleTokensAfter = Qo;

    function Zo(t, e, r, n) {
      var i = I.cloneArr(r);
      var a = I.cloneArr(n);
      return a.push(1), {
        idx: e,
        def: t.definition,
        ruleStack: i,
        occurrenceStack: a
  var yt = R(function (C) {
    "use strict";

    var _i = C && C.__extends || function () {
      var _t9 = function t(e, r) {
        return _t9 = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
          __proto__: []
        } instanceof Array && function (n, i) {
          n.__proto__ = i;
        } || function (n, i) {
          for (var a in i) {
            Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i, a) && (n[a] = i[a]);
        }, _t9(e, r);

      return function (e, r) {
        if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null) throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(r) + " is not a constructor or null");

        _t9(e, r);

        function n() {
          this.constructor = e;

        e.prototype = r === null ? Object.create(r) : (n.prototype = r.prototype, new n());

    Object.defineProperty(C, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    C.areTokenCategoriesNotUsed = C.isStrictPrefixOfPath = C.containsPath = C.getLookaheadPathsForOptionalProd = C.getLookaheadPathsForOr = C.lookAheadSequenceFromAlternatives = C.buildSingleAlternativeLookaheadFunction = C.buildAlternativesLookAheadFunc = C.buildLookaheadFuncForOptionalProd = C.buildLookaheadFuncForOr = C.getProdType = C.PROD_TYPE = void 0;
    var D = k(),
        gi = Tt(),
        Jo = Gt(),
        Kt = Xe(),
        We = ne(),
        es = $e(),

    (function (t) {
    })(z = C.PROD_TYPE || (C.PROD_TYPE = {}));

    function ts(t) {
      if (t instanceof We.Option) return z.OPTION;
      if (t instanceof We.Repetition) return z.REPETITION;
      if (t instanceof We.RepetitionMandatory) return z.REPETITION_MANDATORY;
      if (t instanceof We.RepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator) return z.REPETITION_MANDATORY_WITH_SEPARATOR;
      if (t instanceof We.RepetitionWithSeparator) return z.REPETITION_WITH_SEPARATOR;
      if (t instanceof We.Alternation) return z.ALTERNATION;
      throw Error("non exhaustive match");

    C.getProdType = ts;

    function rs(t, e, r, n, i, a) {
      var o = Ai(t, e, r),
          s = Fr(o) ? Kt.tokenStructuredMatcherNoCategories : Kt.tokenStructuredMatcher;
      return a(o, n, s, i);

    C.buildLookaheadFuncForOr = rs;

    function ns(t, e, r, n, i, a) {
      var o = Ri(t, e, i, r),
          s = Fr(o) ? Kt.tokenStructuredMatcherNoCategories : Kt.tokenStructuredMatcher;
      return a(o[0], s, n);

    C.buildLookaheadFuncForOptionalProd = ns;

    function is(t, e, r, n) {
      var i = t.length,
          a = D.every(t, function (c) {
        return D.every(c, function (f) {
          return f.length === 1;
      if (e) return function (c) {
        for (var f = D.map(c, function (y) {
          return y.GATE;
        }), p = 0; p < i; p++) {
          var l = t[p],
              m = l.length,
              v = f[p];
          if (v !== void 0 && v.call(this) === !1) continue;

          e: for (var u = 0; u < m; u++) {
            for (var d = l[u], A = d.length, _ = 0; _ < A; _++) {
              var g = this.LA(_ + 1);
              if (r(g, d[_]) === !1) continue e;

            return p;

      if (a && !n) {
        var o = D.map(t, function (c) {
          return D.flatten(c);
            s = D.reduce(o, function (c, f, p) {
          return D.forEach(f, function (l) {
            D.has(c, l.tokenTypeIdx) || (c[l.tokenTypeIdx] = p), D.forEach(l.categoryMatches, function (m) {
              D.has(c, m) || (c[m] = p);
          }), c;
        }, []);
        return function () {
          var c = this.LA(1);
          return s[c.tokenTypeIdx];
      } else return function () {
        for (var c = 0; c < i; c++) {
          var f = t[c],
              p = f.length;

          e: for (var l = 0; l < p; l++) {
            for (var m = f[l], v = m.length, u = 0; u < v; u++) {
              var d = this.LA(u + 1);
              if (r(d, m[u]) === !1) continue e;

            return c;

    C.buildAlternativesLookAheadFunc = is;

    function as(t, e, r) {
      var n = D.every(t, function (f) {
        return f.length === 1;
          i = t.length;

      if (n && !r) {
        var a = D.flatten(t);

        if (a.length === 1 && D.isEmpty(a[0].categoryMatches)) {
          var o = a[0],
              s = o.tokenTypeIdx;
          return function () {
            return this.LA(1).tokenTypeIdx === s;
        } else {
          var c = D.reduce(a, function (f, p, l) {
            return f[p.tokenTypeIdx] = !0, D.forEach(p.categoryMatches, function (m) {
              f[m] = !0;
            }), f;
          }, []);
          return function () {
            var f = this.LA(1);
            return c[f.tokenTypeIdx] === !0;
      } else return function () {
        e: for (var f = 0; f < i; f++) {
          for (var p = t[f], l = p.length, m = 0; m < l; m++) {
            var v = this.LA(m + 1);
            if (e(v, p[m]) === !1) continue e;

          return !0;

        return !1;

    C.buildSingleAlternativeLookaheadFunction = as;

    var os = function (t) {
      _i(e, t);

      function e(r, n, i) {
        var a = t.call(this) || this;
        return a.topProd = r, a.targetOccurrence = n, a.targetProdType = i, a;

      return e.prototype.startWalking = function () {
        return this.walk(this.topProd), this.restDef;
      }, e.prototype.checkIsTarget = function (r, n, i, a) {
        return r.idx === this.targetOccurrence && this.targetProdType === n ? (this.restDef = i.concat(a), !0) : !1;
      }, e.prototype.walkOption = function (r, n, i) {
        this.checkIsTarget(r, z.OPTION, n, i) || t.prototype.walkOption.call(this, r, n, i);
      }, e.prototype.walkAtLeastOne = function (r, n, i) {
        this.checkIsTarget(r, z.REPETITION_MANDATORY, n, i) || t.prototype.walkOption.call(this, r, n, i);
      }, e.prototype.walkAtLeastOneSep = function (r, n, i) {
        this.checkIsTarget(r, z.REPETITION_MANDATORY_WITH_SEPARATOR, n, i) || t.prototype.walkOption.call(this, r, n, i);
      }, e.prototype.walkMany = function (r, n, i) {
        this.checkIsTarget(r, z.REPETITION, n, i) || t.prototype.walkOption.call(this, r, n, i);
      }, e.prototype.walkManySep = function (r, n, i) {
        this.checkIsTarget(r, z.REPETITION_WITH_SEPARATOR, n, i) || t.prototype.walkOption.call(this, r, n, i);
      }, e;
        Oi = function (t) {
      _i(e, t);

      function e(r, n, i) {
        var a = t.call(this) || this;
        return a.targetOccurrence = r, a.targetProdType = n, a.targetRef = i, a.result = [], a;

      return e.prototype.checkIsTarget = function (r, n) {
        r.idx === this.targetOccurrence && this.targetProdType === n && (this.targetRef === void 0 || r === this.targetRef) && (this.result = r.definition);
      }, e.prototype.visitOption = function (r) {
        this.checkIsTarget(r, z.OPTION);
      }, e.prototype.visitRepetition = function (r) {
        this.checkIsTarget(r, z.REPETITION);
      }, e.prototype.visitRepetitionMandatory = function (r) {
        this.checkIsTarget(r, z.REPETITION_MANDATORY);
      }, e.prototype.visitRepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator = function (r) {
        this.checkIsTarget(r, z.REPETITION_MANDATORY_WITH_SEPARATOR);
      }, e.prototype.visitRepetitionWithSeparator = function (r) {
        this.checkIsTarget(r, z.REPETITION_WITH_SEPARATOR);
      }, e.prototype.visitAlternation = function (r) {
        this.checkIsTarget(r, z.ALTERNATION);
      }, e;

    function Ni(t) {
      for (var e = new Array(t), r = 0; r < t; r++) {
        e[r] = [];

      return e;

    function wr(t) {
      for (var e = [""], r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
        for (var n = t[r], i = [], a = 0; a < e.length; a++) {
          var o = e[a];
          i.push(o + "_" + n.tokenTypeIdx);

          for (var s = 0; s < n.categoryMatches.length; s++) {
            var c = "_" + n.categoryMatches[s];
            i.push(o + c);

        e = i;

      return e;

    function ss(t, e, r) {
      for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
        if (n !== r) for (var i = t[n], a = 0; a < e.length; a++) {
          var o = e[a];
          if (i[o] === !0) return !1;

      return !0;

    function Dr(t, e) {
      for (var r = D.map(t, function (p) {
        return gi.possiblePathsFrom([p], 1);
      }), n = Ni(r.length), i = D.map(r, function (p) {
        var l = {};
        return D.forEach(p, function (m) {
          var v = wr(m.partialPath);
          D.forEach(v, function (u) {
            l[u] = !0;
        }), l;
      }), a = r, o = 1; o <= e; o++) {
        var s = a;
        a = Ni(s.length);

        for (var c = function c(p) {
          for (var l = s[p], m = 0; m < l.length; m++) {
            var v = l[m].partialPath,
                u = l[m].suffixDef,
                d = wr(v),
                A = ss(i, d, p);

            if (A || D.isEmpty(u) || v.length === e) {
              var _ = n[p];

              if (Ii(_, v) === !1) {

                for (var g = 0; g < d.length; g++) {
                  var y = d[g];
                  i[p][y] = !0;
            } else {
              var b = gi.possiblePathsFrom(u, o + 1, v);
              a[p] = a[p].concat(b), D.forEach(b, function (L) {
                var se = wr(L.partialPath);
                D.forEach(se, function (fe) {
                  i[p][fe] = !0;
        }, f = 0; f < s.length; f++) {

      return n;

    C.lookAheadSequenceFromAlternatives = Dr;

    function Ai(t, e, r, n) {
      var i = new Oi(t, z.ALTERNATION, n);
      return e.accept(i), Dr(i.result, r);

    C.getLookaheadPathsForOr = Ai;

    function Ri(t, e, r, n) {
      var i = new Oi(t, r);
      var a = i.result,
          o = new os(e, t, r),
          s = o.startWalking(),
          c = new We.Alternative({
        definition: a
          f = new We.Alternative({
        definition: s
      return Dr([c, f], n);

    C.getLookaheadPathsForOptionalProd = Ri;

    function Ii(t, e) {
      e: for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
        var n = t[r];

        if (n.length === e.length) {
          for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++) {
            var a = e[i],
                o = n[i],
                s = a === o || o.categoryMatchesMap[a.tokenTypeIdx] !== void 0;
            if (s === !1) continue e;

          return !0;

      return !1;

    C.containsPath = Ii;

    function us(t, e) {
      return t.length < e.length && D.every(t, function (r, n) {
        var i = e[n];
        return r === i || i.categoryMatchesMap[r.tokenTypeIdx];

    C.isStrictPrefixOfPath = us;

    function Fr(t) {
      return D.every(t, function (e) {
        return D.every(e, function (r) {
          return D.every(r, function (n) {
            return D.isEmpty(n.categoryMatches);

    C.areTokenCategoriesNotUsed = Fr;
  var jr = R(function (x) {
    "use strict";

    var Ur = x && x.__extends || function () {
      var _t10 = function t(e, r) {
        return _t10 = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
          __proto__: []
        } instanceof Array && function (n, i) {
          n.__proto__ = i;
        } || function (n, i) {
          for (var a in i) {
            Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i, a) && (n[a] = i[a]);
        }, _t10(e, r);

      return function (e, r) {
        if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null) throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(r) + " is not a constructor or null");

        _t10(e, r);

        function n() {
          this.constructor = e;

        e.prototype = r === null ? Object.create(r) : (n.prototype = r.prototype, new n());

    Object.defineProperty(x, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    x.checkPrefixAlternativesAmbiguities = x.validateSomeNonEmptyLookaheadPath = x.validateTooManyAlts = x.RepetionCollector = x.validateAmbiguousAlternationAlternatives = x.validateEmptyOrAlternative = x.getFirstNoneTerminal = x.validateNoLeftRecursion = x.validateRuleIsOverridden = x.validateRuleDoesNotAlreadyExist = x.OccurrenceValidationCollector = x.identifyProductionForDuplicates = x.validateGrammar = void 0;

    var M = k(),
        B = k(),
        Ie = ce(),
        Gr = vt(),
        Qe = yt(),
        cs = Tt(),
        _e = ne(),
        Wr = $e();

    function ps(t, e, r, n, i) {
      var a = M.map(t, function (v) {
        return ls(v, n);
          o = M.map(t, function (v) {
        return Br(v, v, n);
          s = [],
          c = [],
          f = [];
      B.every(o, B.isEmpty) && (s = B.map(t, function (v) {
        return Pi(v, n);
      }), c = B.map(t, function (v) {
        return Si(v, e, n);
      }), f = Ci(t, e, n));
      var p = fs(t, r, n),
          l = B.map(t, function (v) {
        return xi(v, n);
          m = B.map(t, function (v) {
        return ki(v, t, i, n);
      return M.flatten(a.concat(f, o, s, c, p, l, m));

    x.validateGrammar = ps;

    function ls(t, e) {
      var r = new bi();
      var n = r.allProductions,
          i = M.groupBy(n, Li),
          a = M.pick(i, function (s) {
        return s.length > 1;
          o = M.map(M.values(a), function (s) {
        var c = M.first(s),
            f = e.buildDuplicateFoundError(t, s),
            p = Gr.getProductionDslName(c),
            l = {
          message: f,
          type: Ie.ParserDefinitionErrorType.DUPLICATE_PRODUCTIONS,
          ruleName: t.name,
          dslName: p,
          occurrence: c.idx
            m = Mi(c);
        return m && (l.parameter = m), l;
      return o;

    function Li(t) {
      return Gr.getProductionDslName(t) + "_#_" + t.idx + "_#_" + Mi(t);

    x.identifyProductionForDuplicates = Li;

    function Mi(t) {
      return t instanceof _e.Terminal ? t.terminalType.name : t instanceof _e.NonTerminal ? t.nonTerminalName : "";

    var bi = function (t) {
      Ur(e, t);

      function e() {
        var r = t !== null && t.apply(this, arguments) || this;
        return r.allProductions = [], r;

      return e.prototype.visitNonTerminal = function (r) {
      }, e.prototype.visitOption = function (r) {
      }, e.prototype.visitRepetitionWithSeparator = function (r) {
      }, e.prototype.visitRepetitionMandatory = function (r) {
      }, e.prototype.visitRepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator = function (r) {
      }, e.prototype.visitRepetition = function (r) {
      }, e.prototype.visitAlternation = function (r) {
      }, e.prototype.visitTerminal = function (r) {
      }, e;

    x.OccurrenceValidationCollector = bi;

    function ki(t, e, r, n) {
      var i = [],
          a = B.reduce(e, function (s, c) {
        return c.name === t.name ? s + 1 : s;
      }, 0);

      if (a > 1) {
        var o = n.buildDuplicateRuleNameError({
          topLevelRule: t,
          grammarName: r
          message: o,
          type: Ie.ParserDefinitionErrorType.DUPLICATE_RULE_NAME,
          ruleName: t.name

      return i;

    x.validateRuleDoesNotAlreadyExist = ki;

    function hs(t, e, r) {
      var n = [],
      return M.contains(e, t) || (i = "Invalid rule override, rule: ->" + t + "<- cannot be overridden in the grammar: ->" + r + "<-as it is not defined in any of the super grammars ", n.push({
        message: i,
        type: Ie.ParserDefinitionErrorType.INVALID_RULE_OVERRIDE,
        ruleName: t
      })), n;

    x.validateRuleIsOverridden = hs;

    function Br(t, e, r, n) {
      n === void 0 && (n = []);

      var i = [],
          a = _t(e.definition);

      if (M.isEmpty(a)) return [];
      var o = t.name,
          s = M.contains(a, t);
      s && i.push({
        message: r.buildLeftRecursionError({
          topLevelRule: t,
          leftRecursionPath: n
        type: Ie.ParserDefinitionErrorType.LEFT_RECURSION,
        ruleName: o
      var c = M.difference(a, n.concat([t])),
          f = M.map(c, function (p) {
        var l = M.cloneArr(n);
        return l.push(p), Br(t, p, r, l);
      return i.concat(M.flatten(f));

    x.validateNoLeftRecursion = Br;

    function _t(t) {
      var e = [];
      if (M.isEmpty(t)) return e;
      var r = M.first(t);
      if (r instanceof _e.NonTerminal) e.push(r.referencedRule);else if (r instanceof _e.Alternative || r instanceof _e.Option || r instanceof _e.RepetitionMandatory || r instanceof _e.RepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator || r instanceof _e.RepetitionWithSeparator || r instanceof _e.Repetition) e = e.concat(_t(r.definition));else if (r instanceof _e.Alternation) e = M.flatten(M.map(r.definition, function (o) {
        return _t(o.definition);
      }));else if (!(r instanceof _e.Terminal)) throw Error("non exhaustive match");
      var n = Gr.isOptionalProd(r),
          i = t.length > 1;

      if (n && i) {
        var a = M.drop(t);
        return e.concat(_t(a));
      } else return e;

    x.getFirstNoneTerminal = _t;

    var qr = function (t) {
      Ur(e, t);

      function e() {
        var r = t !== null && t.apply(this, arguments) || this;
        return r.alternations = [], r;

      return e.prototype.visitAlternation = function (r) {
      }, e;

    function Pi(t, e) {
      var r = new qr();
      var n = r.alternations,
          i = M.reduce(n, function (a, o) {
        var s = M.dropRight(o.definition),
            c = M.map(s, function (f, p) {
          var l = cs.nextPossibleTokensAfter([f], [], null, 1);
          return M.isEmpty(l) ? {
            message: e.buildEmptyAlternationError({
              topLevelRule: t,
              alternation: o,
              emptyChoiceIdx: p
            type: Ie.ParserDefinitionErrorType.NONE_LAST_EMPTY_ALT,
            ruleName: t.name,
            occurrence: o.idx,
            alternative: p + 1
          } : null;
        return a.concat(M.compact(c));
      }, []);
      return i;

    x.validateEmptyOrAlternative = Pi;

    function Si(t, e, r) {
      var n = new qr();
      var i = n.alternations;
      i = B.reject(i, function (o) {
        return o.ignoreAmbiguities === !0;
      var a = M.reduce(i, function (o, s) {
        var c = s.idx,
            f = s.maxLookahead || e,
            p = Qe.getLookaheadPathsForOr(c, t, f, s),
            l = ds(p, s, t, r),
            m = Fi(p, s, t, r);
        return o.concat(l, m);
      }, []);
      return a;

    x.validateAmbiguousAlternationAlternatives = Si;

    var wi = function (t) {
      Ur(e, t);

      function e() {
        var r = t !== null && t.apply(this, arguments) || this;
        return r.allProductions = [], r;

      return e.prototype.visitRepetitionWithSeparator = function (r) {
      }, e.prototype.visitRepetitionMandatory = function (r) {
      }, e.prototype.visitRepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator = function (r) {
      }, e.prototype.visitRepetition = function (r) {
      }, e;

    x.RepetionCollector = wi;

    function xi(t, e) {
      var r = new qr();
      var n = r.alternations,
          i = M.reduce(n, function (a, o) {
        return o.definition.length > 255 && a.push({
          message: e.buildTooManyAlternativesError({
            topLevelRule: t,
            alternation: o
          type: Ie.ParserDefinitionErrorType.TOO_MANY_ALTS,
          ruleName: t.name,
          occurrence: o.idx
        }), a;
      }, []);
      return i;

    x.validateTooManyAlts = xi;

    function Ci(t, e, r) {
      var n = [];
      return B.forEach(t, function (i) {
        var a = new wi();
        var o = a.allProductions;
        B.forEach(o, function (s) {
          var c = Qe.getProdType(s),
              f = s.maxLookahead || e,
              p = s.idx,
              l = Qe.getLookaheadPathsForOptionalProd(p, i, c, f),
              m = l[0];

          if (B.isEmpty(B.flatten(m))) {
            var v = r.buildEmptyRepetitionError({
              topLevelRule: i,
              repetition: s
              message: v,
              type: Ie.ParserDefinitionErrorType.NO_NON_EMPTY_LOOKAHEAD,
              ruleName: i.name
      }), n;

    x.validateSomeNonEmptyLookaheadPath = Ci;

    function ds(t, e, r, n) {
      var i = [],
          a = B.reduce(t, function (s, c, f) {
        return e.definition[f].ignoreAmbiguities === !0 || B.forEach(c, function (p) {
          var l = [f];
          B.forEach(t, function (m, v) {
            f !== v && Qe.containsPath(m, p) && e.definition[v].ignoreAmbiguities !== !0 && l.push(v);
          }), l.length > 1 && !Qe.containsPath(i, p) && (i.push(p), s.push({
            alts: l,
            path: p
        }), s;
      }, []),
          o = M.map(a, function (s) {
        var c = B.map(s.alts, function (p) {
          return p + 1;
            f = n.buildAlternationAmbiguityError({
          topLevelRule: r,
          alternation: e,
          ambiguityIndices: c,
          prefixPath: s.path
        return {
          message: f,
          type: Ie.ParserDefinitionErrorType.AMBIGUOUS_ALTS,
          ruleName: r.name,
          occurrence: e.idx,
          alternatives: [s.alts]
      return o;

    function Fi(t, e, r, n) {
      var i = [],
          a = B.reduce(t, function (o, s, c) {
        var f = B.map(s, function (p) {
          return {
            idx: c,
            path: p
        return o.concat(f);
      }, []);
      return B.forEach(a, function (o) {
        var s = e.definition[o.idx];

        if (s.ignoreAmbiguities !== !0) {
          var c = o.idx,
              f = o.path,
              p = B.findAll(a, function (m) {
            return e.definition[m.idx].ignoreAmbiguities !== !0 && m.idx < c && Qe.isStrictPrefixOfPath(m.path, f);
              l = B.map(p, function (m) {
            var v = [m.idx + 1, c + 1],
                u = e.idx === 0 ? "" : e.idx,
                d = n.buildAlternationPrefixAmbiguityError({
              topLevelRule: r,
              alternation: e,
              ambiguityIndices: v,
              prefixPath: m.path
            return {
              message: d,
              type: Ie.ParserDefinitionErrorType.AMBIGUOUS_PREFIX_ALTS,
              ruleName: r.name,
              occurrence: u,
              alternatives: v
          i = i.concat(l);
      }), i;

    x.checkPrefixAlternativesAmbiguities = Fi;

    function fs(t, e, r) {
      var n = [],
          i = B.map(e, function (a) {
        return a.name;
      return B.forEach(t, function (a) {
        var o = a.name;

        if (B.contains(i, o)) {
          var s = r.buildNamespaceConflictError(a);
            message: s,
            type: Ie.ParserDefinitionErrorType.CONFLICT_TOKENS_RULES_NAMESPACE,
            ruleName: o
      }), n;
  var Ui = R(function (Je) {
    "use strict";

    Object.defineProperty(Je, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    Je.validateGrammar = Je.resolveGrammar = void 0;
    var Vr = k(),
        vs = mi(),
        ms = jr(),
        Di = mt();

    function Es(t) {
      t = Vr.defaults(t, {
        errMsgProvider: Di.defaultGrammarResolverErrorProvider
      var e = {};
      return Vr.forEach(t.rules, function (r) {
        e[r.name] = r;
      }), vs.resolveGrammar(e, t.errMsgProvider);

    Je.resolveGrammar = Es;

    function Ts(t) {
      return t = Vr.defaults(t, {
        errMsgProvider: Di.defaultGrammarValidatorErrorProvider
      }), ms.validateGrammar(t.rules, t.maxLookahead, t.tokenTypes, t.errMsgProvider, t.grammarName);

    Je.validateGrammar = Ts;
  var et = R(function (ae) {
    "use strict";

    var gt = ae && ae.__extends || function () {
      var _t11 = function t(e, r) {
        return _t11 = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
          __proto__: []
        } instanceof Array && function (n, i) {
          n.__proto__ = i;
        } || function (n, i) {
          for (var a in i) {
            Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i, a) && (n[a] = i[a]);
        }, _t11(e, r);

      return function (e, r) {
        if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null) throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(r) + " is not a constructor or null");

        _t11(e, r);

        function n() {
          this.constructor = e;

        e.prototype = r === null ? Object.create(r) : (n.prototype = r.prototype, new n());

    Object.defineProperty(ae, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    ae.EarlyExitException = ae.NotAllInputParsedException = ae.NoViableAltException = ae.MismatchedTokenException = ae.isRecognitionException = void 0;
    var ys = k(),
        Gi = "MismatchedTokenException",
        Wi = "NoViableAltException",
        Bi = "EarlyExitException",
        qi = "NotAllInputParsedException",
        ji = [Gi, Wi, Bi, qi];

    function _s(t) {
      return ys.contains(ji, t.name);

    ae.isRecognitionException = _s;

    var zt = function (t) {
      gt(e, t);

      function e(r, n) {
        var i = this.constructor,
            a = t.call(this, r) || this;
        return a.token = n, a.resyncedTokens = [], Object.setPrototypeOf(a, i.prototype), Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(a, a.constructor), a;

      return e;
        gs = function (t) {
      gt(e, t);

      function e(r, n, i) {
        var a = t.call(this, r, n) || this;
        return a.previousToken = i, a.name = Gi, a;

      return e;

    ae.MismatchedTokenException = gs;

    var As = function (t) {
      gt(e, t);

      function e(r, n, i) {
        var a = t.call(this, r, n) || this;
        return a.previousToken = i, a.name = Wi, a;

      return e;

    ae.NoViableAltException = As;

    var Rs = function (t) {
      gt(e, t);

      function e(r, n) {
        var i = t.call(this, r, n) || this;
        return i.name = qi, i;

      return e;

    ae.NotAllInputParsedException = Rs;

    var Os = function (t) {
      gt(e, t);

      function e(r, n, i) {
        var a = t.call(this, r, n) || this;
        return a.previousToken = i, a.name = Bi, a;

      return e;

    ae.EarlyExitException = Os;
  var zr = R(function ($) {
    "use strict";

    Object.defineProperty($, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    $.attemptInRepetitionRecovery = $.Recoverable = $.InRuleRecoveryException = $.IN_RULE_RECOVERY_EXCEPTION = $.EOF_FOLLOW_KEY = void 0;
    var Ht = Ue(),
        de = k(),
        Ns = et(),
        Is = Mr(),
        ks = ce();
    $.EOF_FOLLOW_KEY = {};
    $.IN_RULE_RECOVERY_EXCEPTION = "InRuleRecoveryException";

    function Kr(t) {
      this.name = $.IN_RULE_RECOVERY_EXCEPTION, this.message = t;

    $.InRuleRecoveryException = Kr;
    Kr.prototype = Error.prototype;

    var Ps = function () {
      function t() {}

      return t.prototype.initRecoverable = function (e) {
        this.firstAfterRepMap = {}, this.resyncFollows = {}, this.recoveryEnabled = de.has(e, "recoveryEnabled") ? e.recoveryEnabled : ks.DEFAULT_PARSER_CONFIG.recoveryEnabled, this.recoveryEnabled && (this.attemptInRepetitionRecovery = Vi);
      }, t.prototype.getTokenToInsert = function (e) {
        var r = Ht.createTokenInstance(e, "", NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN);
        return r.isInsertedInRecovery = !0, r;
      }, t.prototype.canTokenTypeBeInsertedInRecovery = function (e) {
        return !0;
      }, t.prototype.tryInRepetitionRecovery = function (e, r, n, i) {
        for (var a = this, o = this.findReSyncTokenType(), s = this.exportLexerState(), c = [], f = !1, p = this.LA(1), l = this.LA(1), m = function m() {
          var v = a.LA(0),
              u = a.errorMessageProvider.buildMismatchTokenMessage({
            expected: i,
            actual: p,
            previous: v,
            ruleName: a.getCurrRuleFullName()
              d = new Ns.MismatchedTokenException(u, p, a.LA(0));
          d.resyncedTokens = de.dropRight(c), a.SAVE_ERROR(d);
        }; !f;) {
          if (this.tokenMatcher(l, i)) {
          } else if (n.call(this)) {
            m(), e.apply(this, r);
          } else this.tokenMatcher(l, o) ? f = !0 : (l = this.SKIP_TOKEN(), this.addToResyncTokens(l, c));

      }, t.prototype.shouldInRepetitionRecoveryBeTried = function (e, r, n) {
        return !(n === !1 || e === void 0 || r === void 0 || this.tokenMatcher(this.LA(1), e) || this.isBackTracking() || this.canPerformInRuleRecovery(e, this.getFollowsForInRuleRecovery(e, r)));
      }, t.prototype.getFollowsForInRuleRecovery = function (e, r) {
        var n = this.getCurrentGrammarPath(e, r),
            i = this.getNextPossibleTokenTypes(n);
        return i;
      }, t.prototype.tryInRuleRecovery = function (e, r) {
        if (this.canRecoverWithSingleTokenInsertion(e, r)) {
          var n = this.getTokenToInsert(e);
          return n;

        if (this.canRecoverWithSingleTokenDeletion(e)) {
          var i = this.SKIP_TOKEN();
          return this.consumeToken(), i;

        throw new Kr("sad sad panda");
      }, t.prototype.canPerformInRuleRecovery = function (e, r) {
        return this.canRecoverWithSingleTokenInsertion(e, r) || this.canRecoverWithSingleTokenDeletion(e);
      }, t.prototype.canRecoverWithSingleTokenInsertion = function (e, r) {
        var n = this;
        if (!this.canTokenTypeBeInsertedInRecovery(e) || de.isEmpty(r)) return !1;
        var i = this.LA(1),
            a = de.find(r, function (o) {
          return n.tokenMatcher(i, o);
        }) !== void 0;
        return a;
      }, t.prototype.canRecoverWithSingleTokenDeletion = function (e) {
        var r = this.tokenMatcher(this.LA(2), e);
        return r;
      }, t.prototype.isInCurrentRuleReSyncSet = function (e) {
        var r = this.getCurrFollowKey(),
            n = this.getFollowSetFromFollowKey(r);
        return de.contains(n, e);
      }, t.prototype.findReSyncTokenType = function () {
        for (var e = this.flattenFollowSet(), r = this.LA(1), n = 2;;) {
          var i = r.tokenType;
          if (de.contains(e, i)) return i;
          r = this.LA(n), n++;
      }, t.prototype.getCurrFollowKey = function () {
        if (this.RULE_STACK.length === 1) return $.EOF_FOLLOW_KEY;
        var e = this.getLastExplicitRuleShortName(),
            r = this.getLastExplicitRuleOccurrenceIndex(),
            n = this.getPreviousExplicitRuleShortName();
        return {
          ruleName: this.shortRuleNameToFullName(e),
          idxInCallingRule: r,
          inRule: this.shortRuleNameToFullName(n)
      }, t.prototype.buildFullFollowKeyStack = function () {
        var e = this,
            r = this.RULE_STACK,
            n = this.RULE_OCCURRENCE_STACK;
        return de.map(r, function (i, a) {
          return a === 0 ? $.EOF_FOLLOW_KEY : {
            ruleName: e.shortRuleNameToFullName(i),
            idxInCallingRule: n[a],
            inRule: e.shortRuleNameToFullName(r[a - 1])
      }, t.prototype.flattenFollowSet = function () {
        var e = this,
            r = de.map(this.buildFullFollowKeyStack(), function (n) {
          return e.getFollowSetFromFollowKey(n);
        return de.flatten(r);
      }, t.prototype.getFollowSetFromFollowKey = function (e) {
        if (e === $.EOF_FOLLOW_KEY) return [Ht.EOF];
        var r = e.ruleName + e.idxInCallingRule + Is.IN + e.inRule;
        return this.resyncFollows[r];
      }, t.prototype.addToResyncTokens = function (e, r) {
        return this.tokenMatcher(e, Ht.EOF) || r.push(e), r;
      }, t.prototype.reSyncTo = function (e) {
        for (var r = [], n = this.LA(1); this.tokenMatcher(n, e) === !1;) {
          n = this.SKIP_TOKEN(), this.addToResyncTokens(n, r);

        return de.dropRight(r);
      }, t.prototype.attemptInRepetitionRecovery = function (e, r, n, i, a, o, s) {}, t.prototype.getCurrentGrammarPath = function (e, r) {
        var n = this.getHumanReadableRuleStack(),
            i = de.cloneArr(this.RULE_OCCURRENCE_STACK),
            a = {
          ruleStack: n,
          occurrenceStack: i,
          lastTok: e,
          lastTokOccurrence: r
        return a;
      }, t.prototype.getHumanReadableRuleStack = function () {
        var e = this;
        return de.map(this.RULE_STACK, function (r) {
          return e.shortRuleNameToFullName(r);
      }, t;

    $.Recoverable = Ps;

    function Vi(t, e, r, n, i, a, o) {
      var s = this.getKeyForAutomaticLookahead(n, i),
          c = this.firstAfterRepMap[s];

      if (c === void 0) {
        var f = this.getCurrRuleFullName(),
            p = this.getGAstProductions()[f],
            l = new a(p, i);
        c = l.startWalking(), this.firstAfterRepMap[s] = c;

      var m = c.token,
          v = c.occurrence,
          u = c.isEndOfRule;
      this.RULE_STACK.length === 1 && u && m === void 0 && (m = Ht.EOF, v = 1), this.shouldInRepetitionRecoveryBeTried(m, v, o) && this.tryInRepetitionRecovery(t, e, r, m);

    $.attemptInRepetitionRecovery = Vi;
  var Yt = R(function (P) {
    "use strict";

    Object.defineProperty(P, "__esModule", {
      value: !0

    function Ss(t, e, r) {
      return r | e | t;

    P.getKeyForAutomaticLookahead = Ss;
    var ic = 32 - P.BITS_FOR_ALT_IDX;
  var zi = R(function (Xt) {
    "use strict";

    Object.defineProperty(Xt, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    Xt.LooksAhead = void 0;

    var be = yt(),
        ge = k(),
        Ki = ce(),
        Fe = Yt(),
        Ve = vt(),
        xs = function () {
      function t() {}

      return t.prototype.initLooksAhead = function (e) {
        this.dynamicTokensEnabled = ge.has(e, "dynamicTokensEnabled") ? e.dynamicTokensEnabled : Ki.DEFAULT_PARSER_CONFIG.dynamicTokensEnabled, this.maxLookahead = ge.has(e, "maxLookahead") ? e.maxLookahead : Ki.DEFAULT_PARSER_CONFIG.maxLookahead, this.lookAheadFuncsCache = ge.isES2015MapSupported() ? new Map() : [], ge.isES2015MapSupported() ? (this.getLaFuncFromCache = this.getLaFuncFromMap, this.setLaFuncCache = this.setLaFuncCacheUsingMap) : (this.getLaFuncFromCache = this.getLaFuncFromObj, this.setLaFuncCache = this.setLaFuncUsingObj);
      }, t.prototype.preComputeLookaheadFunctions = function (e) {
        var r = this;
        ge.forEach(e, function (n) {
          r.TRACE_INIT(n.name + " Rule Lookahead", function () {
            var i = Ve.collectMethods(n),
                a = i.alternation,
                o = i.repetition,
                s = i.option,
                c = i.repetitionMandatory,
                f = i.repetitionMandatoryWithSeparator,
                p = i.repetitionWithSeparator;
            ge.forEach(a, function (l) {
              var m = l.idx === 0 ? "" : l.idx;
              r.TRACE_INIT("" + Ve.getProductionDslName(l) + m, function () {
                var v = be.buildLookaheadFuncForOr(l.idx, n, l.maxLookahead || r.maxLookahead, l.hasPredicates, r.dynamicTokensEnabled, r.lookAheadBuilderForAlternatives),
                    u = Fe.getKeyForAutomaticLookahead(r.fullRuleNameToShort[n.name], Fe.OR_IDX, l.idx);
                r.setLaFuncCache(u, v);
            }), ge.forEach(o, function (l) {
              r.computeLookaheadFunc(n, l.idx, Fe.MANY_IDX, be.PROD_TYPE.REPETITION, l.maxLookahead, Ve.getProductionDslName(l));
            }), ge.forEach(s, function (l) {
              r.computeLookaheadFunc(n, l.idx, Fe.OPTION_IDX, be.PROD_TYPE.OPTION, l.maxLookahead, Ve.getProductionDslName(l));
            }), ge.forEach(c, function (l) {
              r.computeLookaheadFunc(n, l.idx, Fe.AT_LEAST_ONE_IDX, be.PROD_TYPE.REPETITION_MANDATORY, l.maxLookahead, Ve.getProductionDslName(l));
            }), ge.forEach(f, function (l) {
              r.computeLookaheadFunc(n, l.idx, Fe.AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP_IDX, be.PROD_TYPE.REPETITION_MANDATORY_WITH_SEPARATOR, l.maxLookahead, Ve.getProductionDslName(l));
            }), ge.forEach(p, function (l) {
              r.computeLookaheadFunc(n, l.idx, Fe.MANY_SEP_IDX, be.PROD_TYPE.REPETITION_WITH_SEPARATOR, l.maxLookahead, Ve.getProductionDslName(l));
      }, t.prototype.computeLookaheadFunc = function (e, r, n, i, a, o) {
        var s = this;
        this.TRACE_INIT("" + o + (r === 0 ? "" : r), function () {
          var c = be.buildLookaheadFuncForOptionalProd(r, e, a || s.maxLookahead, s.dynamicTokensEnabled, i, s.lookAheadBuilderForOptional),
              f = Fe.getKeyForAutomaticLookahead(s.fullRuleNameToShort[e.name], n, r);
          s.setLaFuncCache(f, c);
      }, t.prototype.lookAheadBuilderForOptional = function (e, r, n) {
        return be.buildSingleAlternativeLookaheadFunction(e, r, n);
      }, t.prototype.lookAheadBuilderForAlternatives = function (e, r, n, i) {
        return be.buildAlternativesLookAheadFunc(e, r, n, i);
      }, t.prototype.getKeyForAutomaticLookahead = function (e, r) {
        var n = this.getLastExplicitRuleShortName();
        return Fe.getKeyForAutomaticLookahead(n, e, r);
      }, t.prototype.getLaFuncFromCache = function (e) {}, t.prototype.getLaFuncFromMap = function (e) {
        return this.lookAheadFuncsCache.get(e);
      }, t.prototype.getLaFuncFromObj = function (e) {
        return this.lookAheadFuncsCache[e];
      }, t.prototype.setLaFuncCache = function (e, r) {}, t.prototype.setLaFuncCacheUsingMap = function (e, r) {
        this.lookAheadFuncsCache.set(e, r);
      }, t.prototype.setLaFuncUsingObj = function (e, r) {
        this.lookAheadFuncsCache[e] = r;
      }, t;

    Xt.LooksAhead = xs;
  var Hi = R(function (ke) {
    "use strict";

    Object.defineProperty(ke, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    ke.addNoneTerminalToCst = ke.addTerminalToCst = ke.setNodeLocationFull = ke.setNodeLocationOnlyOffset = void 0;

    function Cs(t, e) {
      isNaN(t.startOffset) === !0 ? (t.startOffset = e.startOffset, t.endOffset = e.endOffset) : t.endOffset < e.endOffset && (t.endOffset = e.endOffset);

    ke.setNodeLocationOnlyOffset = Cs;

    function Ls(t, e) {
      isNaN(t.startOffset) === !0 ? (t.startOffset = e.startOffset, t.startColumn = e.startColumn, t.startLine = e.startLine, t.endOffset = e.endOffset, t.endColumn = e.endColumn, t.endLine = e.endLine) : t.endOffset < e.endOffset && (t.endOffset = e.endOffset, t.endColumn = e.endColumn, t.endLine = e.endLine);

    ke.setNodeLocationFull = Ls;

    function Ms(t, e, r) {
      t.children[r] === void 0 ? t.children[r] = [e] : t.children[r].push(e);

    ke.addTerminalToCst = Ms;

    function bs(t, e, r) {
      t.children[e] === void 0 ? t.children[e] = [r] : t.children[e].push(r);

    ke.addNoneTerminalToCst = bs;
  var Hr = R(function (Be) {
    "use strict";

    Object.defineProperty(Be, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    Be.defineNameProp = Be.functionName = Be.classNameFromInstance = void 0;
    var Fs = k();

    function ws(t) {
      return Yi(t.constructor);

    Be.classNameFromInstance = ws;
    var Xi = "name";

    function Yi(t) {
      var e = t.name;
      return e || "anonymous";

    Be.functionName = Yi;

    function Ds(t, e) {
      var r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, Xi);
      return Fs.isUndefined(r) || r.configurable ? (Object.defineProperty(t, Xi, {
        enumerable: !1,
        configurable: !0,
        writable: !1,
        value: e
      }), !0) : !1;

    Be.defineNameProp = Ds;
  var ea = R(function (Y) {
    "use strict";

    Object.defineProperty(Y, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    Y.validateRedundantMethods = Y.validateMissingCstMethods = Y.validateVisitor = Y.CstVisitorDefinitionError = Y.createBaseVisitorConstructorWithDefaults = Y.createBaseSemanticVisitorConstructor = Y.defaultVisit = void 0;
    var ve = k(),
        At = Hr();

    function $i(t, e) {
      for (var r = ve.keys(t), n = r.length, i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        for (var a = r[i], o = t[a], s = o.length, c = 0; c < s; c++) {
          var f = o[c];
          f.tokenTypeIdx === void 0 && this[f.name](f.children, e);

    Y.defaultVisit = $i;

    function Us(t, e) {
      var r = function r() {};

      At.defineNameProp(r, t + "BaseSemantics");
      var n = {
        visit: function visit(i, a) {
          if (ve.isArray(i) && (i = i[0]), !ve.isUndefined(i)) return this[i.name](i.children, a);
        validateVisitor: function validateVisitor() {
          var i = Zi(this, e);

          if (!ve.isEmpty(i)) {
            var a = ve.map(i, function (o) {
              return o.msg;
            throw Error("Errors Detected in CST Visitor <" + At.functionName(this.constructor) + ">:\n\t" + ("" + a.join("\n\n").replace(/\n/g, "\n\t")));
      return r.prototype = n, r.prototype.constructor = r, r._RULE_NAMES = e, r;

    Y.createBaseSemanticVisitorConstructor = Us;

    function Gs(t, e, r) {
      var n = function n() {};

      At.defineNameProp(n, t + "BaseSemanticsWithDefaults");
      var i = Object.create(r.prototype);
      return ve.forEach(e, function (a) {
        i[a] = $i;
      }), n.prototype = i, n.prototype.constructor = n, n;

    Y.createBaseVisitorConstructorWithDefaults = Gs;
    var Yr;

    (function (t) {
    })(Yr = Y.CstVisitorDefinitionError || (Y.CstVisitorDefinitionError = {}));

    function Zi(t, e) {
      var r = Qi(t, e),
          n = Ji(t, e);
      return r.concat(n);

    Y.validateVisitor = Zi;

    function Qi(t, e) {
      var r = ve.map(e, function (n) {
        if (!ve.isFunction(t[n])) return {
          msg: "Missing visitor method: <" + n + "> on " + At.functionName(t.constructor) + " CST Visitor.",
          type: Yr.MISSING_METHOD,
          methodName: n
      return ve.compact(r);

    Y.validateMissingCstMethods = Qi;
    var Ws = ["constructor", "visit", "validateVisitor"];

    function Ji(t, e) {
      var r = [];

      for (var n in t) {
        ve.isFunction(t[n]) && !ve.contains(Ws, n) && !ve.contains(e, n) && r.push({
          msg: "Redundant visitor method: <" + n + "> on " + At.functionName(t.constructor) + " CST Visitor\nThere is no Grammar Rule corresponding to this method's name.\n",
          type: Yr.REDUNDANT_METHOD,
          methodName: n

      return r;

    Y.validateRedundantMethods = Ji;
  var ra = R(function ($t) {
    "use strict";

    Object.defineProperty($t, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    $t.TreeBuilder = void 0;

    var tt = Hi(),
        K = k(),
        ta = ea(),
        Bs = ce(),
        qs = function () {
      function t() {}

      return t.prototype.initTreeBuilder = function (e) {
        if (this.CST_STACK = [], this.outputCst = e.outputCst, this.nodeLocationTracking = K.has(e, "nodeLocationTracking") ? e.nodeLocationTracking : Bs.DEFAULT_PARSER_CONFIG.nodeLocationTracking, !this.outputCst) this.cstInvocationStateUpdate = K.NOOP, this.cstFinallyStateUpdate = K.NOOP, this.cstPostTerminal = K.NOOP, this.cstPostNonTerminal = K.NOOP, this.cstPostRule = K.NOOP;else if (/full/i.test(this.nodeLocationTracking)) this.recoveryEnabled ? (this.setNodeLocationFromToken = tt.setNodeLocationFull, this.setNodeLocationFromNode = tt.setNodeLocationFull, this.cstPostRule = K.NOOP, this.setInitialNodeLocation = this.setInitialNodeLocationFullRecovery) : (this.setNodeLocationFromToken = K.NOOP, this.setNodeLocationFromNode = K.NOOP, this.cstPostRule = this.cstPostRuleFull, this.setInitialNodeLocation = this.setInitialNodeLocationFullRegular);else if (/onlyOffset/i.test(this.nodeLocationTracking)) this.recoveryEnabled ? (this.setNodeLocationFromToken = tt.setNodeLocationOnlyOffset, this.setNodeLocationFromNode = tt.setNodeLocationOnlyOffset, this.cstPostRule = K.NOOP, this.setInitialNodeLocation = this.setInitialNodeLocationOnlyOffsetRecovery) : (this.setNodeLocationFromToken = K.NOOP, this.setNodeLocationFromNode = K.NOOP, this.cstPostRule = this.cstPostRuleOnlyOffset, this.setInitialNodeLocation = this.setInitialNodeLocationOnlyOffsetRegular);else if (/none/i.test(this.nodeLocationTracking)) this.setNodeLocationFromToken = K.NOOP, this.setNodeLocationFromNode = K.NOOP, this.cstPostRule = K.NOOP, this.setInitialNodeLocation = K.NOOP;else throw Error('Invalid <nodeLocationTracking> config option: "' + e.nodeLocationTracking + '"');
      }, t.prototype.setInitialNodeLocationOnlyOffsetRecovery = function (e) {
        e.location = {
          startOffset: NaN,
          endOffset: NaN
      }, t.prototype.setInitialNodeLocationOnlyOffsetRegular = function (e) {
        e.location = {
          startOffset: this.LA(1).startOffset,
          endOffset: NaN
      }, t.prototype.setInitialNodeLocationFullRecovery = function (e) {
        e.location = {
          startOffset: NaN,
          startLine: NaN,
          startColumn: NaN,
          endOffset: NaN,
          endLine: NaN,
          endColumn: NaN
      }, t.prototype.setInitialNodeLocationFullRegular = function (e) {
        var r = this.LA(1);
        e.location = {
          startOffset: r.startOffset,
          startLine: r.startLine,
          startColumn: r.startColumn,
          endOffset: NaN,
          endLine: NaN,
          endColumn: NaN
      }, t.prototype.cstInvocationStateUpdate = function (e, r) {
        var n = {
          name: e,
          children: {}
        this.setInitialNodeLocation(n), this.CST_STACK.push(n);
      }, t.prototype.cstFinallyStateUpdate = function () {
      }, t.prototype.cstPostRuleFull = function (e) {
        var r = this.LA(0),
            n = e.location;
        n.startOffset <= r.startOffset ? (n.endOffset = r.endOffset, n.endLine = r.endLine, n.endColumn = r.endColumn) : (n.startOffset = NaN, n.startLine = NaN, n.startColumn = NaN);
      }, t.prototype.cstPostRuleOnlyOffset = function (e) {
        var r = this.LA(0),
            n = e.location;
        n.startOffset <= r.startOffset ? n.endOffset = r.endOffset : n.startOffset = NaN;
      }, t.prototype.cstPostTerminal = function (e, r) {
        var n = this.CST_STACK[this.CST_STACK.length - 1];
        tt.addTerminalToCst(n, r, e), this.setNodeLocationFromToken(n.location, r);
      }, t.prototype.cstPostNonTerminal = function (e, r) {
        var n = this.CST_STACK[this.CST_STACK.length - 1];
        tt.addNoneTerminalToCst(n, r, e), this.setNodeLocationFromNode(n.location, e.location);
      }, t.prototype.getBaseCstVisitorConstructor = function () {
        if (K.isUndefined(this.baseCstVisitorConstructor)) {
          var e = ta.createBaseSemanticVisitorConstructor(this.className, K.keys(this.gastProductionsCache));
          return this.baseCstVisitorConstructor = e, e;

        return this.baseCstVisitorConstructor;
      }, t.prototype.getBaseCstVisitorConstructorWithDefaults = function () {
        if (K.isUndefined(this.baseCstVisitorWithDefaultsConstructor)) {
          var e = ta.createBaseVisitorConstructorWithDefaults(this.className, K.keys(this.gastProductionsCache), this.getBaseCstVisitorConstructor());
          return this.baseCstVisitorWithDefaultsConstructor = e, e;

        return this.baseCstVisitorWithDefaultsConstructor;
      }, t.prototype.getLastExplicitRuleShortName = function () {
        var e = this.RULE_STACK;
        return e[e.length - 1];
      }, t.prototype.getPreviousExplicitRuleShortName = function () {
        var e = this.RULE_STACK;
        return e[e.length - 2];
      }, t.prototype.getLastExplicitRuleOccurrenceIndex = function () {
        var e = this.RULE_OCCURRENCE_STACK;
        return e[e.length - 1];
      }, t;

    $t.TreeBuilder = qs;
  var ia = R(function (Zt) {
    "use strict";

    Object.defineProperty(Zt, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    Zt.LexerAdapter = void 0;

    var na = ce(),
        js = function () {
      function t() {}

      return t.prototype.initLexerAdapter = function () {
        this.tokVector = [], this.tokVectorLength = 0, this.currIdx = -1;
      }, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "input", {
        get: function get() {
          return this.tokVector;
        set: function set(e) {
          if (this.selfAnalysisDone !== !0) throw Error("Missing <performSelfAnalysis> invocation at the end of the Parser's constructor.");
          this.reset(), this.tokVector = e, this.tokVectorLength = e.length;
        enumerable: !1,
        configurable: !0
      }), t.prototype.SKIP_TOKEN = function () {
        return this.currIdx <= this.tokVector.length - 2 ? (this.consumeToken(), this.LA(1)) : na.END_OF_FILE;
      }, t.prototype.LA = function (e) {
        var r = this.currIdx + e;
        return r < 0 || this.tokVectorLength <= r ? na.END_OF_FILE : this.tokVector[r];
      }, t.prototype.consumeToken = function () {
      }, t.prototype.exportLexerState = function () {
        return this.currIdx;
      }, t.prototype.importLexerState = function (e) {
        this.currIdx = e;
      }, t.prototype.resetLexerState = function () {
        this.currIdx = -1;
      }, t.prototype.moveToTerminatedState = function () {
        this.currIdx = this.tokVector.length - 1;
      }, t.prototype.getLexerPosition = function () {
        return this.exportLexerState();
      }, t;

    Zt.LexerAdapter = js;
  var oa = R(function (Qt) {
    "use strict";

    Object.defineProperty(Qt, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    Qt.RecognizerApi = void 0;

    var aa = k(),
        Vs = et(),
        Xr = ce(),
        Ks = mt(),
        zs = jr(),
        Hs = ne(),
        Ys = function () {
      function t() {}

      return t.prototype.ACTION = function (e) {
        return e.call(this);
      }, t.prototype.consume = function (e, r, n) {
        return this.consumeInternal(r, e, n);
      }, t.prototype.subrule = function (e, r, n) {
        return this.subruleInternal(r, e, n);
      }, t.prototype.option = function (e, r) {
        return this.optionInternal(r, e);
      }, t.prototype.or = function (e, r) {
        return this.orInternal(r, e);
      }, t.prototype.many = function (e, r) {
        return this.manyInternal(e, r);
      }, t.prototype.atLeastOne = function (e, r) {
        return this.atLeastOneInternal(e, r);
      }, t.prototype.CONSUME = function (e, r) {
        return this.consumeInternal(e, 0, r);
      }, t.prototype.CONSUME1 = function (e, r) {
        return this.consumeInternal(e, 1, r);
      }, t.prototype.CONSUME2 = function (e, r) {
        return this.consumeInternal(e, 2, r);
      }, t.prototype.CONSUME3 = function (e, r) {
        return this.consumeInternal(e, 3, r);
      }, t.prototype.CONSUME4 = function (e, r) {
        return this.consumeInternal(e, 4, r);
      }, t.prototype.CONSUME5 = function (e, r) {
        return this.consumeInternal(e, 5, r);
      }, t.prototype.CONSUME6 = function (e, r) {
        return this.consumeInternal(e, 6, r);
      }, t.prototype.CONSUME7 = function (e, r) {
        return this.consumeInternal(e, 7, r);
      }, t.prototype.CONSUME8 = function (e, r) {
        return this.consumeInternal(e, 8, r);
      }, t.prototype.CONSUME9 = function (e, r) {
        return this.consumeInternal(e, 9, r);
      }, t.prototype.SUBRULE = function (e, r) {
        return this.subruleInternal(e, 0, r);
      }, t.prototype.SUBRULE1 = function (e, r) {
        return this.subruleInternal(e, 1, r);
      }, t.prototype.SUBRULE2 = function (e, r) {
        return this.subruleInternal(e, 2, r);
      }, t.prototype.SUBRULE3 = function (e, r) {
        return this.subruleInternal(e, 3, r);
      }, t.prototype.SUBRULE4 = function (e, r) {
        return this.subruleInternal(e, 4, r);
      }, t.prototype.SUBRULE5 = function (e, r) {
        return this.subruleInternal(e, 5, r);
      }, t.prototype.SUBRULE6 = function (e, r) {
        return this.subruleInternal(e, 6, r);
      }, t.prototype.SUBRULE7 = function (e, r) {
        return this.subruleInternal(e, 7, r);
      }, t.prototype.SUBRULE8 = function (e, r) {
        return this.subruleInternal(e, 8, r);
      }, t.prototype.SUBRULE9 = function (e, r) {
        return this.subruleInternal(e, 9, r);
      }, t.prototype.OPTION = function (e) {
        return this.optionInternal(e, 0);
      }, t.prototype.OPTION1 = function (e) {
        return this.optionInternal(e, 1);
      }, t.prototype.OPTION2 = function (e) {
        return this.optionInternal(e, 2);
      }, t.prototype.OPTION3 = function (e) {
        return this.optionInternal(e, 3);
      }, t.prototype.OPTION4 = function (e) {
        return this.optionInternal(e, 4);
      }, t.prototype.OPTION5 = function (e) {
        return this.optionInternal(e, 5);
      }, t.prototype.OPTION6 = function (e) {
        return this.optionInternal(e, 6);
      }, t.prototype.OPTION7 = function (e) {
        return this.optionInternal(e, 7);
      }, t.prototype.OPTION8 = function (e) {
        return this.optionInternal(e, 8);
      }, t.prototype.OPTION9 = function (e) {
        return this.optionInternal(e, 9);
      }, t.prototype.OR = function (e) {
        return this.orInternal(e, 0);
      }, t.prototype.OR1 = function (e) {
        return this.orInternal(e, 1);
      }, t.prototype.OR2 = function (e) {
        return this.orInternal(e, 2);
      }, t.prototype.OR3 = function (e) {
        return this.orInternal(e, 3);
      }, t.prototype.OR4 = function (e) {
        return this.orInternal(e, 4);
      }, t.prototype.OR5 = function (e) {
        return this.orInternal(e, 5);
      }, t.prototype.OR6 = function (e) {
        return this.orInternal(e, 6);
      }, t.prototype.OR7 = function (e) {
        return this.orInternal(e, 7);
      }, t.prototype.OR8 = function (e) {
        return this.orInternal(e, 8);
      }, t.prototype.OR9 = function (e) {
        return this.orInternal(e, 9);
      }, t.prototype.MANY = function (e) {
        this.manyInternal(0, e);
      }, t.prototype.MANY1 = function (e) {
        this.manyInternal(1, e);
      }, t.prototype.MANY2 = function (e) {
        this.manyInternal(2, e);
      }, t.prototype.MANY3 = function (e) {
        this.manyInternal(3, e);
      }, t.prototype.MANY4 = function (e) {
        this.manyInternal(4, e);
      }, t.prototype.MANY5 = function (e) {
        this.manyInternal(5, e);
      }, t.prototype.MANY6 = function (e) {
        this.manyInternal(6, e);
      }, t.prototype.MANY7 = function (e) {
        this.manyInternal(7, e);
      }, t.prototype.MANY8 = function (e) {
        this.manyInternal(8, e);
      }, t.prototype.MANY9 = function (e) {
        this.manyInternal(9, e);
      }, t.prototype.MANY_SEP = function (e) {
        this.manySepFirstInternal(0, e);
      }, t.prototype.MANY_SEP1 = function (e) {
        this.manySepFirstInternal(1, e);
      }, t.prototype.MANY_SEP2 = function (e) {
        this.manySepFirstInternal(2, e);
      }, t.prototype.MANY_SEP3 = function (e) {
        this.manySepFirstInternal(3, e);
      }, t.prototype.MANY_SEP4 = function (e) {
        this.manySepFirstInternal(4, e);
      }, t.prototype.MANY_SEP5 = function (e) {
        this.manySepFirstInternal(5, e);
      }, t.prototype.MANY_SEP6 = function (e) {
        this.manySepFirstInternal(6, e);
      }, t.prototype.MANY_SEP7 = function (e) {
        this.manySepFirstInternal(7, e);
      }, t.prototype.MANY_SEP8 = function (e) {
        this.manySepFirstInternal(8, e);
      }, t.prototype.MANY_SEP9 = function (e) {
        this.manySepFirstInternal(9, e);
      }, t.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE = function (e) {
        this.atLeastOneInternal(0, e);
      }, t.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE1 = function (e) {
        return this.atLeastOneInternal(1, e);
      }, t.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE2 = function (e) {
        this.atLeastOneInternal(2, e);
      }, t.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE3 = function (e) {
        this.atLeastOneInternal(3, e);
      }, t.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE4 = function (e) {
        this.atLeastOneInternal(4, e);
      }, t.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE5 = function (e) {
        this.atLeastOneInternal(5, e);
      }, t.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE6 = function (e) {
        this.atLeastOneInternal(6, e);
      }, t.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE7 = function (e) {
        this.atLeastOneInternal(7, e);
      }, t.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE8 = function (e) {
        this.atLeastOneInternal(8, e);
      }, t.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE9 = function (e) {
        this.atLeastOneInternal(9, e);
      }, t.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP = function (e) {
        this.atLeastOneSepFirstInternal(0, e);
      }, t.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP1 = function (e) {
        this.atLeastOneSepFirstInternal(1, e);
      }, t.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP2 = function (e) {
        this.atLeastOneSepFirstInternal(2, e);
      }, t.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP3 = function (e) {
        this.atLeastOneSepFirstInternal(3, e);
      }, t.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP4 = function (e) {
        this.atLeastOneSepFirstInternal(4, e);
      }, t.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP5 = function (e) {
        this.atLeastOneSepFirstInternal(5, e);
      }, t.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP6 = function (e) {
        this.atLeastOneSepFirstInternal(6, e);
      }, t.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP7 = function (e) {
        this.atLeastOneSepFirstInternal(7, e);
      }, t.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP8 = function (e) {
        this.atLeastOneSepFirstInternal(8, e);
      }, t.prototype.AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP9 = function (e) {
        this.atLeastOneSepFirstInternal(9, e);
      }, t.prototype.RULE = function (e, r, n) {
        if (n === void 0 && (n = Xr.DEFAULT_RULE_CONFIG), aa.contains(this.definedRulesNames, e)) {
          var i = Ks.defaultGrammarValidatorErrorProvider.buildDuplicateRuleNameError({
            topLevelRule: e,
            grammarName: this.className
              a = {
            message: i,
            type: Xr.ParserDefinitionErrorType.DUPLICATE_RULE_NAME,
            ruleName: e

        var o = this.defineRule(e, r, n);
        return this[e] = o, o;
      }, t.prototype.OVERRIDE_RULE = function (e, r, n) {
        n === void 0 && (n = Xr.DEFAULT_RULE_CONFIG);
        var i = [];
        i = i.concat(zs.validateRuleIsOverridden(e, this.definedRulesNames, this.className)), this.definitionErrors = this.definitionErrors.concat(i);
        var a = this.defineRule(e, r, n);
        return this[e] = a, a;
      }, t.prototype.BACKTRACK = function (e, r) {
        return function () {
          var n = this.saveRecogState();

          try {
            return e.apply(this, r), !0;
          } catch (i) {
            if (Vs.isRecognitionException(i)) return !1;
            throw i;
          } finally {
            this.reloadRecogState(n), this.isBackTrackingStack.pop();
      }, t.prototype.getGAstProductions = function () {
        return this.gastProductionsCache;
      }, t.prototype.getSerializedGastProductions = function () {
        return Hs.serializeGrammar(aa.values(this.gastProductionsCache));
      }, t;

    Qt.RecognizerApi = Ys;
  var la = R(function (Jt) {
    "use strict";

    Object.defineProperty(Jt, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    Jt.RecognizerEngine = void 0;

    var q = k(),
        le = Yt(),
        er = et(),
        sa = yt(),
        rt = Tt(),
        ua = ce(),
        Xs = zr(),
        ca = Ue(),
        Rt = Xe(),
        $s = Hr(),
        Zs = function () {
      function t() {}

      return t.prototype.initRecognizerEngine = function (e, r) {
        if (this.className = $s.classNameFromInstance(this), this.shortRuleNameToFull = {}, this.fullRuleNameToShort = {}, this.ruleShortNameIdx = 256, this.tokenMatcher = Rt.tokenStructuredMatcherNoCategories, this.definedRulesNames = [], this.tokensMap = {}, this.isBackTrackingStack = [], this.RULE_STACK = [], this.RULE_OCCURRENCE_STACK = [], this.gastProductionsCache = {}, q.has(r, "serializedGrammar")) throw Error("The Parser's configuration can no longer contain a <serializedGrammar> property.\n\tSee: https://chevrotain.io/docs/changes/BREAKING_CHANGES.html#_6-0-0\n\tFor Further details.");

        if (q.isArray(e)) {
          if (q.isEmpty(e)) throw Error("A Token Vocabulary cannot be empty.\n\tNote that the first argument for the parser constructor\n\tis no longer a Token vector (since v4.0).");
          if (typeof e[0].startOffset == "number") throw Error("The Parser constructor no longer accepts a token vector as the first argument.\n\tSee: https://chevrotain.io/docs/changes/BREAKING_CHANGES.html#_4-0-0\n\tFor Further details.");

        if (q.isArray(e)) this.tokensMap = q.reduce(e, function (o, s) {
          return o[s.name] = s, o;
        }, {});else if (q.has(e, "modes") && q.every(q.flatten(q.values(e.modes)), Rt.isTokenType)) {
          var n = q.flatten(q.values(e.modes)),
              i = q.uniq(n);
          this.tokensMap = q.reduce(i, function (o, s) {
            return o[s.name] = s, o;
          }, {});
        } else if (q.isObject(e)) this.tokensMap = q.cloneObj(e);else throw new Error("<tokensDictionary> argument must be An Array of Token constructors, A dictionary of Token constructors or an IMultiModeLexerDefinition");
        this.tokensMap.EOF = ca.EOF;
        var a = q.every(q.values(e), function (o) {
          return q.isEmpty(o.categoryMatches);
        this.tokenMatcher = a ? Rt.tokenStructuredMatcherNoCategories : Rt.tokenStructuredMatcher, Rt.augmentTokenTypes(q.values(this.tokensMap));
      }, t.prototype.defineRule = function (e, r, n) {
        if (this.selfAnalysisDone) throw Error("Grammar rule <" + e + "> may not be defined after the 'performSelfAnalysis' method has been called'\nMake sure that all grammar rule definitions are done before 'performSelfAnalysis' is called.");
        var i = q.has(n, "resyncEnabled") ? n.resyncEnabled : ua.DEFAULT_RULE_CONFIG.resyncEnabled,
            a = q.has(n, "recoveryValueFunc") ? n.recoveryValueFunc : ua.DEFAULT_RULE_CONFIG.recoveryValueFunc,
            o = this.ruleShortNameIdx << le.BITS_FOR_METHOD_TYPE + le.BITS_FOR_OCCURRENCE_IDX;
        this.ruleShortNameIdx++, this.shortRuleNameToFull[o] = e, this.fullRuleNameToShort[e] = o;

        function s(p) {
          try {
            if (this.outputCst === !0) {
              r.apply(this, p);
              var l = this.CST_STACK[this.CST_STACK.length - 1];
              return this.cstPostRule(l), l;
            } else return r.apply(this, p);
          } catch (m) {
            return this.invokeRuleCatch(m, i, a);
          } finally {

        var c = function c(p, l) {
          return p === void 0 && (p = 0), this.ruleInvocationStateUpdate(o, e, p), s.call(this, l);
            f = "ruleName";

        return c[f] = e, c.originalGrammarAction = r, c;
      }, t.prototype.invokeRuleCatch = function (e, r, n) {
        var i = this.RULE_STACK.length === 1,
            a = r && !this.isBackTracking() && this.recoveryEnabled;

        if (er.isRecognitionException(e)) {
          var o = e;

          if (a) {
            var s = this.findReSyncTokenType();
            if (this.isInCurrentRuleReSyncSet(s)) {
              if (o.resyncedTokens = this.reSyncTo(s), this.outputCst) {
                var c = this.CST_STACK[this.CST_STACK.length - 1];
                return c.recoveredNode = !0, c;
              } else return n();
            } else {
              if (this.outputCst) {
                var c = this.CST_STACK[this.CST_STACK.length - 1];
                c.recoveredNode = !0, o.partialCstResult = c;

              throw o;
          } else {
            if (i) return this.moveToTerminatedState(), n();
            throw o;
        } else throw e;
      }, t.prototype.optionInternal = function (e, r) {
        var n = this.getKeyForAutomaticLookahead(le.OPTION_IDX, r);
        return this.optionInternalLogic(e, r, n);
      }, t.prototype.optionInternalLogic = function (e, r, n) {
        var i = this,
            a = this.getLaFuncFromCache(n),

        if (e.DEF !== void 0) {
          if (o = e.DEF, s = e.GATE, s !== void 0) {
            var c = a;

            a = function a() {
              return s.call(i) && c.call(i);
        } else o = e;

        if (a.call(this) === !0) return o.call(this);
      }, t.prototype.atLeastOneInternal = function (e, r) {
        var n = this.getKeyForAutomaticLookahead(le.AT_LEAST_ONE_IDX, e);
        return this.atLeastOneInternalLogic(e, r, n);
      }, t.prototype.atLeastOneInternalLogic = function (e, r, n) {
        var i = this,
            a = this.getLaFuncFromCache(n),

        if (r.DEF !== void 0) {
          if (o = r.DEF, s = r.GATE, s !== void 0) {
            var c = a;

            a = function a() {
              return s.call(i) && c.call(i);
        } else o = r;

        if (a.call(this) === !0) for (var f = this.doSingleRepetition(o); a.call(this) === !0 && f === !0;) {
          f = this.doSingleRepetition(o);
        } else throw this.raiseEarlyExitException(e, sa.PROD_TYPE.REPETITION_MANDATORY, r.ERR_MSG);
        this.attemptInRepetitionRecovery(this.atLeastOneInternal, [e, r], a, le.AT_LEAST_ONE_IDX, e, rt.NextTerminalAfterAtLeastOneWalker);
      }, t.prototype.atLeastOneSepFirstInternal = function (e, r) {
        var n = this.getKeyForAutomaticLookahead(le.AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP_IDX, e);
        this.atLeastOneSepFirstInternalLogic(e, r, n);
      }, t.prototype.atLeastOneSepFirstInternalLogic = function (e, r, n) {
        var i = this,
            a = r.DEF,
            o = r.SEP,
            s = this.getLaFuncFromCache(n);

        if (s.call(this) === !0) {

          for (var c = function c() {
            return i.tokenMatcher(i.LA(1), o);
          }; this.tokenMatcher(this.LA(1), o) === !0;) {
            this.CONSUME(o), a.call(this);

          this.attemptInRepetitionRecovery(this.repetitionSepSecondInternal, [e, o, c, a, rt.NextTerminalAfterAtLeastOneSepWalker], c, le.AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP_IDX, e, rt.NextTerminalAfterAtLeastOneSepWalker);
        } else throw this.raiseEarlyExitException(e, sa.PROD_TYPE.REPETITION_MANDATORY_WITH_SEPARATOR, r.ERR_MSG);
      }, t.prototype.manyInternal = function (e, r) {
        var n = this.getKeyForAutomaticLookahead(le.MANY_IDX, e);
        return this.manyInternalLogic(e, r, n);
      }, t.prototype.manyInternalLogic = function (e, r, n) {
        var i = this,
            a = this.getLaFuncFromCache(n),

        if (r.DEF !== void 0) {
          if (o = r.DEF, s = r.GATE, s !== void 0) {
            var c = a;

            a = function a() {
              return s.call(i) && c.call(i);
        } else o = r;

        for (var f = !0; a.call(this) === !0 && f === !0;) {
          f = this.doSingleRepetition(o);

        this.attemptInRepetitionRecovery(this.manyInternal, [e, r], a, le.MANY_IDX, e, rt.NextTerminalAfterManyWalker, f);
      }, t.prototype.manySepFirstInternal = function (e, r) {
        var n = this.getKeyForAutomaticLookahead(le.MANY_SEP_IDX, e);
        this.manySepFirstInternalLogic(e, r, n);
      }, t.prototype.manySepFirstInternalLogic = function (e, r, n) {
        var i = this,
            a = r.DEF,
            o = r.SEP,
            s = this.getLaFuncFromCache(n);

        if (s.call(this) === !0) {

          for (var c = function c() {
            return i.tokenMatcher(i.LA(1), o);
          }; this.tokenMatcher(this.LA(1), o) === !0;) {
            this.CONSUME(o), a.call(this);

          this.attemptInRepetitionRecovery(this.repetitionSepSecondInternal, [e, o, c, a, rt.NextTerminalAfterManySepWalker], c, le.MANY_SEP_IDX, e, rt.NextTerminalAfterManySepWalker);
      }, t.prototype.repetitionSepSecondInternal = function (e, r, n, i, a) {
        for (; n();) {
          this.CONSUME(r), i.call(this);

        this.attemptInRepetitionRecovery(this.repetitionSepSecondInternal, [e, r, n, i, a], n, le.AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP_IDX, e, a);
      }, t.prototype.doSingleRepetition = function (e) {
        var r = this.getLexerPosition();
        var n = this.getLexerPosition();
        return n > r;
      }, t.prototype.orInternal = function (e, r) {
        var n = this.getKeyForAutomaticLookahead(le.OR_IDX, r),
            i = q.isArray(e) ? e : e.DEF,
            a = this.getLaFuncFromCache(n),
            o = a.call(this, i);

        if (o !== void 0) {
          var s = i[o];
          return s.ALT.call(this);

        this.raiseNoAltException(r, e.ERR_MSG);
      }, t.prototype.ruleFinallyStateUpdate = function () {
        if (this.RULE_STACK.pop(), this.RULE_OCCURRENCE_STACK.pop(), this.cstFinallyStateUpdate(), this.RULE_STACK.length === 0 && this.isAtEndOfInput() === !1) {
          var e = this.LA(1),
              r = this.errorMessageProvider.buildNotAllInputParsedMessage({
            firstRedundant: e,
            ruleName: this.getCurrRuleFullName()
          this.SAVE_ERROR(new er.NotAllInputParsedException(r, e));
      }, t.prototype.subruleInternal = function (e, r, n) {
        var i;

        try {
          var a = n !== void 0 ? n.ARGS : void 0;
          return i = e.call(this, r, a), this.cstPostNonTerminal(i, n !== void 0 && n.LABEL !== void 0 ? n.LABEL : e.ruleName), i;
        } catch (o) {
          this.subruleInternalError(o, n, e.ruleName);
      }, t.prototype.subruleInternalError = function (e, r, n) {
        throw er.isRecognitionException(e) && e.partialCstResult !== void 0 && (this.cstPostNonTerminal(e.partialCstResult, r !== void 0 && r.LABEL !== void 0 ? r.LABEL : n), delete e.partialCstResult), e;
      }, t.prototype.consumeInternal = function (e, r, n) {
        var i;

        try {
          var a = this.LA(1);
          this.tokenMatcher(a, e) === !0 ? (this.consumeToken(), i = a) : this.consumeInternalError(e, a, n);
        } catch (o) {
          i = this.consumeInternalRecovery(e, r, o);

        return this.cstPostTerminal(n !== void 0 && n.LABEL !== void 0 ? n.LABEL : e.name, i), i;
      }, t.prototype.consumeInternalError = function (e, r, n) {
        var i,
            a = this.LA(0);
        throw n !== void 0 && n.ERR_MSG ? i = n.ERR_MSG : i = this.errorMessageProvider.buildMismatchTokenMessage({
          expected: e,
          actual: r,
          previous: a,
          ruleName: this.getCurrRuleFullName()
        }), this.SAVE_ERROR(new er.MismatchedTokenException(i, r, a));
      }, t.prototype.consumeInternalRecovery = function (e, r, n) {
        if (this.recoveryEnabled && n.name === "MismatchedTokenException" && !this.isBackTracking()) {
          var i = this.getFollowsForInRuleRecovery(e, r);

          try {
            return this.tryInRuleRecovery(e, i);
          } catch (a) {
            throw a.name === Xs.IN_RULE_RECOVERY_EXCEPTION ? n : a;
        } else throw n;
      }, t.prototype.saveRecogState = function () {
        var e = this.errors,
            r = q.cloneArr(this.RULE_STACK);
        return {
          errors: e,
          lexerState: this.exportLexerState(),
          RULE_STACK: r,
          CST_STACK: this.CST_STACK
      }, t.prototype.reloadRecogState = function (e) {
        this.errors = e.errors, this.importLexerState(e.lexerState), this.RULE_STACK = e.RULE_STACK;
      }, t.prototype.ruleInvocationStateUpdate = function (e, r, n) {
        this.RULE_OCCURRENCE_STACK.push(n), this.RULE_STACK.push(e), this.cstInvocationStateUpdate(r, e);
      }, t.prototype.isBackTracking = function () {
        return this.isBackTrackingStack.length !== 0;
      }, t.prototype.getCurrRuleFullName = function () {
        var e = this.getLastExplicitRuleShortName();
        return this.shortRuleNameToFull[e];
      }, t.prototype.shortRuleNameToFullName = function (e) {
        return this.shortRuleNameToFull[e];
      }, t.prototype.isAtEndOfInput = function () {
        return this.tokenMatcher(this.LA(1), ca.EOF);
      }, t.prototype.reset = function () {
        this.resetLexerState(), this.isBackTrackingStack = [], this.errors = [], this.RULE_STACK = [], this.CST_STACK = [], this.RULE_OCCURRENCE_STACK = [];
      }, t;

    Jt.RecognizerEngine = Zs;
  var pa = R(function (tr) {
    "use strict";

    Object.defineProperty(tr, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    tr.ErrorHandler = void 0;

    var $r = et(),
        Zr = k(),
        fa = yt(),
        Qs = ce(),
        Js = function () {
      function t() {}

      return t.prototype.initErrorHandler = function (e) {
        this._errors = [], this.errorMessageProvider = Zr.has(e, "errorMessageProvider") ? e.errorMessageProvider : Qs.DEFAULT_PARSER_CONFIG.errorMessageProvider;
      }, t.prototype.SAVE_ERROR = function (e) {
        if ($r.isRecognitionException(e)) return e.context = {
          ruleStack: this.getHumanReadableRuleStack(),
          ruleOccurrenceStack: Zr.cloneArr(this.RULE_OCCURRENCE_STACK)
        }, this._errors.push(e), e;
        throw Error("Trying to save an Error which is not a RecognitionException");
      }, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "errors", {
        get: function get() {
          return Zr.cloneArr(this._errors);
        set: function set(e) {
          this._errors = e;
        enumerable: !1,
        configurable: !0
      }), t.prototype.raiseEarlyExitException = function (e, r, n) {
        for (var i = this.getCurrRuleFullName(), a = this.getGAstProductions()[i], o = fa.getLookaheadPathsForOptionalProd(e, a, r, this.maxLookahead), s = o[0], c = [], f = 1; f <= this.maxLookahead; f++) {

        var p = this.errorMessageProvider.buildEarlyExitMessage({
          expectedIterationPaths: s,
          actual: c,
          previous: this.LA(0),
          customUserDescription: n,
          ruleName: i
        throw this.SAVE_ERROR(new $r.EarlyExitException(p, this.LA(1), this.LA(0)));
      }, t.prototype.raiseNoAltException = function (e, r) {
        for (var n = this.getCurrRuleFullName(), i = this.getGAstProductions()[n], a = fa.getLookaheadPathsForOr(e, i, this.maxLookahead), o = [], s = 1; s <= this.maxLookahead; s++) {

        var c = this.LA(0),
            f = this.errorMessageProvider.buildNoViableAltMessage({
          expectedPathsPerAlt: a,
          actual: o,
          previous: c,
          customUserDescription: r,
          ruleName: this.getCurrRuleFullName()
        throw this.SAVE_ERROR(new $r.NoViableAltException(f, this.LA(1), c));
      }, t;

    tr.ErrorHandler = Js;
  var va = R(function (rr) {
    "use strict";

    Object.defineProperty(rr, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    rr.ContentAssist = void 0;

    var ha = Tt(),
        da = k(),
        eu = function () {
      function t() {}

      return t.prototype.initContentAssist = function () {}, t.prototype.computeContentAssist = function (e, r) {
        var n = this.gastProductionsCache[e];
        if (da.isUndefined(n)) throw Error("Rule ->" + e + "<- does not exist in this grammar.");
        return ha.nextPossibleTokensAfter([n], r, this.tokenMatcher, this.maxLookahead);
      }, t.prototype.getNextPossibleTokenTypes = function (e) {
        var r = da.first(e.ruleStack),
            n = this.getGAstProductions(),
            i = n[r],
            a = new ha.NextAfterTokenWalker(i, e).startWalking();
        return a;
      }, t;

    rr.ContentAssist = eu;
  var Ra = R(function (nr) {
    "use strict";

    Object.defineProperty(nr, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    nr.GastRecorder = void 0;
    var oe = k(),
        Pe = ne(),
        tu = ft(),
        ma = Xe(),
        Ea = Ue(),
        ru = ce(),
        nu = Yt(),
        ir = {
      description: "This Object indicates the Parser is during Recording Phase"

    var Ta = !0,
        ya = Math.pow(2, nu.BITS_FOR_OCCURRENCE_IDX) - 1,
        _a = Ea.createToken({
      pattern: tu.Lexer.NA

    var ga = Ea.createTokenInstance(_a, "This IToken indicates the Parser is in Recording Phase\n\tSee: https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/internals.html#grammar-recording for details", -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1);

    var iu = {
      name: "This CSTNode indicates the Parser is in Recording Phase\n\tSee: https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/internals.html#grammar-recording for details",
      children: {}
        ou = function () {
      function t() {}

      return t.prototype.initGastRecorder = function (e) {
        this.recordingProdStack = [], this.RECORDING_PHASE = !1;
      }, t.prototype.enableRecording = function () {
        var e = this;
        this.RECORDING_PHASE = !0, this.TRACE_INIT("Enable Recording", function () {
          for (var r = function r(i) {
            var a = i > 0 ? i : "";
            e["CONSUME" + a] = function (o, s) {
              return this.consumeInternalRecord(o, i, s);
            }, e["SUBRULE" + a] = function (o, s) {
              return this.subruleInternalRecord(o, i, s);
            }, e["OPTION" + a] = function (o) {
              return this.optionInternalRecord(o, i);
            }, e["OR" + a] = function (o) {
              return this.orInternalRecord(o, i);
            }, e["MANY" + a] = function (o) {
              this.manyInternalRecord(i, o);
            }, e["MANY_SEP" + a] = function (o) {
              this.manySepFirstInternalRecord(i, o);
            }, e["AT_LEAST_ONE" + a] = function (o) {
              this.atLeastOneInternalRecord(i, o);
            }, e["AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP" + a] = function (o) {
              this.atLeastOneSepFirstInternalRecord(i, o);
          }, n = 0; n < 10; n++) {

          e.consume = function (i, a, o) {
            return this.consumeInternalRecord(a, i, o);
          }, e.subrule = function (i, a, o) {
            return this.subruleInternalRecord(a, i, o);
          }, e.option = function (i, a) {
            return this.optionInternalRecord(a, i);
          }, e.or = function (i, a) {
            return this.orInternalRecord(a, i);
          }, e.many = function (i, a) {
            this.manyInternalRecord(i, a);
          }, e.atLeastOne = function (i, a) {
            this.atLeastOneInternalRecord(i, a);
      }, t.prototype.disableRecording = function () {
        var e = this;
        this.RECORDING_PHASE = !1, this.TRACE_INIT("Deleting Recording methods", function () {
          for (var r = 0; r < 10; r++) {
            var n = r > 0 ? r : "";
            delete e["CONSUME" + n], delete e["SUBRULE" + n], delete e["OPTION" + n], delete e["OR" + n], delete e["MANY" + n], delete e["MANY_SEP" + n], delete e["AT_LEAST_ONE" + n], delete e["AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP" + n];

          delete e.consume, delete e.subrule, delete e.option, delete e.or, delete e.many, delete e.atLeastOne, delete e.ACTION, delete e.BACKTRACK, delete e.LA;
      }, t.prototype.ACTION_RECORD = function (e) {}, t.prototype.BACKTRACK_RECORD = function (e, r) {
        return function () {
          return !0;
      }, t.prototype.LA_RECORD = function (e) {
        return ru.END_OF_FILE;
      }, t.prototype.topLevelRuleRecord = function (e, r) {
        try {
          var n = new Pe.Rule({
            definition: [],
            name: e
          return n.name = e, this.recordingProdStack.push(n), r.call(this), this.recordingProdStack.pop(), n;
        } catch (i) {
          if (i.KNOWN_RECORDER_ERROR !== !0) try {
            i.message = i.message + "\n\t This error was thrown during the \"grammar recording phase\" For more info see:\n\thttps://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/internals.html#grammar-recording";
          } catch (a) {
            throw i;
          throw i;
      }, t.prototype.optionInternalRecord = function (e, r) {
        return Ot.call(this, Pe.Option, e, r);
      }, t.prototype.atLeastOneInternalRecord = function (e, r) {
        Ot.call(this, Pe.RepetitionMandatory, r, e);
      }, t.prototype.atLeastOneSepFirstInternalRecord = function (e, r) {
        Ot.call(this, Pe.RepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator, r, e, Ta);
      }, t.prototype.manyInternalRecord = function (e, r) {
        Ot.call(this, Pe.Repetition, r, e);
      }, t.prototype.manySepFirstInternalRecord = function (e, r) {
        Ot.call(this, Pe.RepetitionWithSeparator, r, e, Ta);
      }, t.prototype.orInternalRecord = function (e, r) {
        return au.call(this, e, r);
      }, t.prototype.subruleInternalRecord = function (e, r, n) {
        if (ar(r), !e || oe.has(e, "ruleName") === !1) {
          var i = new Error("<SUBRULE" + Aa(r) + "> argument is invalid" + (" expecting a Parser method reference but got: <" + JSON.stringify(e) + ">") + ("\n inside top level rule: <" + this.recordingProdStack[0].name + ">"));
          throw i.KNOWN_RECORDER_ERROR = !0, i;

        var a = oe.peek(this.recordingProdStack),
            o = e.ruleName,
            s = new Pe.NonTerminal({
          idx: r,
          nonTerminalName: o,
          referencedRule: void 0
        return a.definition.push(s), this.outputCst ? iu : ir;
      }, t.prototype.consumeInternalRecord = function (e, r, n) {
        if (ar(r), !ma.hasShortKeyProperty(e)) {
          var i = new Error("<CONSUME" + Aa(r) + "> argument is invalid" + (" expecting a TokenType reference but got: <" + JSON.stringify(e) + ">") + ("\n inside top level rule: <" + this.recordingProdStack[0].name + ">"));
          throw i.KNOWN_RECORDER_ERROR = !0, i;

        var a = oe.peek(this.recordingProdStack),
            o = new Pe.Terminal({
          idx: r,
          terminalType: e
        return a.definition.push(o), ga;
      }, t;

    nr.GastRecorder = ou;

    function Ot(t, e, r, n) {
      n === void 0 && (n = !1), ar(r);
      var i = oe.peek(this.recordingProdStack),
          a = oe.isFunction(e) ? e : e.DEF,
          o = new t({
        definition: [],
        idx: r
      return n && (o.separator = e.SEP), oe.has(e, "MAX_LOOKAHEAD") && (o.maxLookahead = e.MAX_LOOKAHEAD), this.recordingProdStack.push(o), a.call(this), i.definition.push(o), this.recordingProdStack.pop(), ir;

    function au(t, e) {
      var r = this;
      var n = oe.peek(this.recordingProdStack),
          i = oe.isArray(t) === !1,
          a = i === !1 ? t : t.DEF,
          o = new Pe.Alternation({
        definition: [],
        idx: e,
        ignoreAmbiguities: i && t.IGNORE_AMBIGUITIES === !0
      oe.has(t, "MAX_LOOKAHEAD") && (o.maxLookahead = t.MAX_LOOKAHEAD);
      var s = oe.some(a, function (c) {
        return oe.isFunction(c.GATE);
      return o.hasPredicates = s, n.definition.push(o), oe.forEach(a, function (c) {
        var f = new Pe.Alternative({
          definition: []
        o.definition.push(f), oe.has(c, "IGNORE_AMBIGUITIES") ? f.ignoreAmbiguities = c.IGNORE_AMBIGUITIES : oe.has(c, "GATE") && (f.ignoreAmbiguities = !0), r.recordingProdStack.push(f), c.ALT.call(r), r.recordingProdStack.pop();
      }), ir;

    function Aa(t) {
      return t === 0 ? "" : "" + t;

    function ar(t) {
      if (t < 0 || t > ya) {
        var e = new Error("Invalid DSL Method idx value: <" + t + ">\n\t" + ("Idx value must be a none negative value smaller than " + (ya + 1)));
        throw e.KNOWN_RECORDER_ERROR = !0, e;
  var Na = R(function (or) {
    "use strict";

    Object.defineProperty(or, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    or.PerformanceTracer = void 0;

    var Oa = k(),
        su = ce(),
        uu = function () {
      function t() {}

      return t.prototype.initPerformanceTracer = function (e) {
        if (Oa.has(e, "traceInitPerf")) {
          var r = e.traceInitPerf,
              n = typeof r == "number";
          this.traceInitMaxIdent = n ? r : Infinity, this.traceInitPerf = n ? r > 0 : r;
        } else this.traceInitMaxIdent = 0, this.traceInitPerf = su.DEFAULT_PARSER_CONFIG.traceInitPerf;

        this.traceInitIndent = -1;
      }, t.prototype.TRACE_INIT = function (e, r) {
        if (this.traceInitPerf === !0) {
          var n = new Array(this.traceInitIndent + 1).join("	");
          this.traceInitIndent < this.traceInitMaxIdent && console.log(n + "--> <" + e + ">");
          var i = Oa.timer(r),
              a = i.time,
              o = i.value,
              s = a > 10 ? console.warn : console.log;
          return this.traceInitIndent < this.traceInitMaxIdent && s(n + "<-- <" + e + "> time: " + a + "ms"), this.traceInitIndent--, o;
        } else return r();
      }, t;

    or.PerformanceTracer = uu;
  var Ia = R(function (sr) {
    "use strict";

    Object.defineProperty(sr, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    sr.applyMixins = void 0;

    function cu(t, e) {
      e.forEach(function (r) {
        var n = r.prototype;
        Object.getOwnPropertyNames(n).forEach(function (i) {
          if (i !== "constructor") {
            var a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, i);
            a && (a.get || a.set) ? Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, i, a) : t.prototype[i] = r.prototype[i];

    sr.applyMixins = cu;
  var ce = R(function (U) {
    "use strict";

    var ka = U && U.__extends || function () {
      var _t12 = function t(e, r) {
        return _t12 = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
          __proto__: []
        } instanceof Array && function (n, i) {
          n.__proto__ = i;
        } || function (n, i) {
          for (var a in i) {
            Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i, a) && (n[a] = i[a]);
        }, _t12(e, r);

      return function (e, r) {
        if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null) throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(r) + " is not a constructor or null");

        _t12(e, r);

        function n() {
          this.constructor = e;

        e.prototype = r === null ? Object.create(r) : (n.prototype = r.prototype, new n());

    Object.defineProperty(U, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    U.EmbeddedActionsParser = U.CstParser = U.Parser = U.EMPTY_ALT = U.ParserDefinitionErrorType = U.DEFAULT_RULE_CONFIG = U.DEFAULT_PARSER_CONFIG = U.END_OF_FILE = void 0;

    var ee = k(),
        lu = pi(),
        Pa = Ue(),
        Sa = mt(),
        xa = Ui(),
        fu = zr(),
        pu = zi(),
        hu = ra(),
        du = ia(),
        vu = oa(),
        mu = la(),
        Eu = pa(),
        Tu = va(),
        yu = Ra(),
        _u = Na(),
        gu = Ia();

    U.END_OF_FILE = Pa.createTokenInstance(Pa.EOF, "", NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN);
    U.DEFAULT_PARSER_CONFIG = Object.freeze({
      recoveryEnabled: !1,
      maxLookahead: 3,
      dynamicTokensEnabled: !1,
      outputCst: !0,
      errorMessageProvider: Sa.defaultParserErrorProvider,
      nodeLocationTracking: "none",
      traceInitPerf: !1,
      skipValidations: !1
    U.DEFAULT_RULE_CONFIG = Object.freeze({
      recoveryValueFunc: function recoveryValueFunc() {},
      resyncEnabled: !0
    var Au;

    (function (t) {
    })(Au = U.ParserDefinitionErrorType || (U.ParserDefinitionErrorType = {}));

    function Ru(t) {
      return t === void 0 && (t = void 0), function () {
        return t;

    U.EMPTY_ALT = Ru;

    var ur = function () {
      function t(e, r) {
        this.definitionErrors = [], this.selfAnalysisDone = !1;
        var n = this;
        if (n.initErrorHandler(r), n.initLexerAdapter(), n.initLooksAhead(r), n.initRecognizerEngine(e, r), n.initRecoverable(r), n.initTreeBuilder(r), n.initContentAssist(), n.initGastRecorder(r), n.initPerformanceTracer(r), ee.has(r, "ignoredIssues")) throw new Error("The <ignoredIssues> IParserConfig property has been deprecated.\n\tPlease use the <IGNORE_AMBIGUITIES> flag on the relevant DSL method instead.\n\tSee: https://chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_grammar_errors.html#IGNORING_AMBIGUITIES\n\tFor further details.");
        this.skipValidations = ee.has(r, "skipValidations") ? r.skipValidations : U.DEFAULT_PARSER_CONFIG.skipValidations;

      return t.performSelfAnalysis = function (e) {
        throw Error("The **static** `performSelfAnalysis` method has been deprecated.	\nUse the **instance** method with the same name instead.");
      }, t.prototype.performSelfAnalysis = function () {
        var e = this;
        this.TRACE_INIT("performSelfAnalysis", function () {
          var r;
          e.selfAnalysisDone = !0;
          var n = e.className;
          e.TRACE_INIT("toFastProps", function () {
          }), e.TRACE_INIT("Grammar Recording", function () {
            try {
              e.enableRecording(), ee.forEach(e.definedRulesNames, function (a) {
                var o = e[a],
                    s = o.originalGrammarAction,
                    c = void 0;
                e.TRACE_INIT(a + " Rule", function () {
                  c = e.topLevelRuleRecord(a, s);
                }), e.gastProductionsCache[a] = c;
            } finally {
          var i = [];
          if (e.TRACE_INIT("Grammar Resolving", function () {
            i = xa.resolveGrammar({
              rules: ee.values(e.gastProductionsCache)
            }), e.definitionErrors = e.definitionErrors.concat(i);
          }), e.TRACE_INIT("Grammar Validations", function () {
            if (ee.isEmpty(i) && e.skipValidations === !1) {
              var a = xa.validateGrammar({
                rules: ee.values(e.gastProductionsCache),
                maxLookahead: e.maxLookahead,
                tokenTypes: ee.values(e.tokensMap),
                errMsgProvider: Sa.defaultGrammarValidatorErrorProvider,
                grammarName: n
              e.definitionErrors = e.definitionErrors.concat(a);
          }), ee.isEmpty(e.definitionErrors) && (e.recoveryEnabled && e.TRACE_INIT("computeAllProdsFollows", function () {
            var a = lu.computeAllProdsFollows(ee.values(e.gastProductionsCache));
            e.resyncFollows = a;
          }), e.TRACE_INIT("ComputeLookaheadFunctions", function () {
          })), !t.DEFER_DEFINITION_ERRORS_HANDLING && !ee.isEmpty(e.definitionErrors)) throw r = ee.map(e.definitionErrors, function (a) {
            return a.message;
          }), new Error("Parser Definition Errors detected:\n " + r.join("\n-------------------------------\n"));

    U.Parser = ur;
    gu.applyMixins(ur, [fu.Recoverable, pu.LooksAhead, hu.TreeBuilder, du.LexerAdapter, mu.RecognizerEngine, vu.RecognizerApi, Eu.ErrorHandler, Tu.ContentAssist, yu.GastRecorder, _u.PerformanceTracer]);

    var Ou = function (t) {
      ka(e, t);

      function e(r, n) {
        n === void 0 && (n = U.DEFAULT_PARSER_CONFIG);
        var i = this,
            a = ee.cloneObj(n);
        return a.outputCst = !0, i = t.call(this, r, a) || this, i;

      return e;

    U.CstParser = Ou;

    var Nu = function (t) {
      ka(e, t);

      function e(r, n) {
        n === void 0 && (n = U.DEFAULT_PARSER_CONFIG);
        var i = this,
            a = ee.cloneObj(n);
        return a.outputCst = !1, i = t.call(this, r, a) || this, i;

      return e;

    U.EmbeddedActionsParser = Nu;
  var La = R(function (cr) {
    "use strict";

    Object.defineProperty(cr, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    cr.createSyntaxDiagramsCode = void 0;
    var Ca = Er();

    function Iu(t, e) {
      var r = e === void 0 ? {} : e,
          n = r.resourceBase,
          i = n === void 0 ? "https://unpkg.com/chevrotain@" + Ca.VERSION + "/diagrams/" : n,
          a = r.css,
          o = a === void 0 ? "https://unpkg.com/chevrotain@" + Ca.VERSION + "/diagrams/diagrams.css" : a,
          s = "\n<!-- This is a generated file -->\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<style>\n  body {\n    background-color: hsl(30, 20%, 95%)\n  }\n</style>\n\n",
          c = "\n<link rel='stylesheet' href='" + o + "'>\n",
          f = "\n<script src='" + i + "vendor/railroad-diagrams.js'></script>\n<script src='" + i + "src/diagrams_builder.js'></script>\n<script src='" + i + "src/diagrams_behavior.js'></script>\n<script src='" + i + "src/main.js'></script>\n",
          p = "\n<div id=\"diagrams\" align=\"center\"></div>\n",
          l = "\n<script>\n    window.serializedGrammar = " + JSON.stringify(t, null, "  ") + ";\n</script>\n",
          m = "\n<script>\n    var diagramsDiv = document.getElementById(\"diagrams\");\n    main.drawDiagramsFromSerializedGrammar(serializedGrammar, diagramsDiv);\n</script>\n";
      return s + c + f + p + l + m;

    cr.createSyntaxDiagramsCode = Iu;
  var Fa = R(function (E) {
    "use strict";

    Object.defineProperty(E, "__esModule", {
      value: !0
    E.Parser = E.createSyntaxDiagramsCode = E.clearCache = E.GAstVisitor = E.serializeProduction = E.serializeGrammar = E.Terminal = E.Rule = E.RepetitionWithSeparator = E.RepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator = E.RepetitionMandatory = E.Repetition = E.Option = E.NonTerminal = E.Alternative = E.Alternation = E.defaultLexerErrorProvider = E.NoViableAltException = E.NotAllInputParsedException = E.MismatchedTokenException = E.isRecognitionException = E.EarlyExitException = E.defaultParserErrorProvider = E.tokenName = E.tokenMatcher = E.tokenLabel = E.EOF = E.createTokenInstance = E.createToken = E.LexerDefinitionErrorType = E.Lexer = E.EMPTY_ALT = E.ParserDefinitionErrorType = E.EmbeddedActionsParser = E.CstParser = E.VERSION = void 0;
    var ku = Er();
    Object.defineProperty(E, "VERSION", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return ku.VERSION;
    var lr = ce();
    Object.defineProperty(E, "CstParser", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return lr.CstParser;
    Object.defineProperty(E, "EmbeddedActionsParser", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return lr.EmbeddedActionsParser;
    Object.defineProperty(E, "ParserDefinitionErrorType", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return lr.ParserDefinitionErrorType;
    Object.defineProperty(E, "EMPTY_ALT", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return lr.EMPTY_ALT;
    var Ma = ft();
    Object.defineProperty(E, "Lexer", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return Ma.Lexer;
    Object.defineProperty(E, "LexerDefinitionErrorType", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return Ma.LexerDefinitionErrorType;
    var nt = Ue();
    Object.defineProperty(E, "createToken", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return nt.createToken;
    Object.defineProperty(E, "createTokenInstance", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return nt.createTokenInstance;
    Object.defineProperty(E, "EOF", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return nt.EOF;
    Object.defineProperty(E, "tokenLabel", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return nt.tokenLabel;
    Object.defineProperty(E, "tokenMatcher", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return nt.tokenMatcher;
    Object.defineProperty(E, "tokenName", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return nt.tokenName;
    var Pu = mt();
    Object.defineProperty(E, "defaultParserErrorProvider", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return Pu.defaultParserErrorProvider;
    var Nt = et();
    Object.defineProperty(E, "EarlyExitException", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return Nt.EarlyExitException;
    Object.defineProperty(E, "isRecognitionException", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return Nt.isRecognitionException;
    Object.defineProperty(E, "MismatchedTokenException", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return Nt.MismatchedTokenException;
    Object.defineProperty(E, "NotAllInputParsedException", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return Nt.NotAllInputParsedException;
    Object.defineProperty(E, "NoViableAltException", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return Nt.NoViableAltException;
    var Su = kr();
    Object.defineProperty(E, "defaultLexerErrorProvider", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return Su.defaultLexerErrorProvider;
    var Se = ne();
    Object.defineProperty(E, "Alternation", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return Se.Alternation;
    Object.defineProperty(E, "Alternative", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return Se.Alternative;
    Object.defineProperty(E, "NonTerminal", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return Se.NonTerminal;
    Object.defineProperty(E, "Option", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return Se.Option;
    Object.defineProperty(E, "Repetition", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return Se.Repetition;
    Object.defineProperty(E, "RepetitionMandatory", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return Se.RepetitionMandatory;
    Object.defineProperty(E, "RepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return Se.RepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator;
    Object.defineProperty(E, "RepetitionWithSeparator", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return Se.RepetitionWithSeparator;
    Object.defineProperty(E, "Rule", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return Se.Rule;
    Object.defineProperty(E, "Terminal", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return Se.Terminal;
    var ba = ne();
    Object.defineProperty(E, "serializeGrammar", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return ba.serializeGrammar;
    Object.defineProperty(E, "serializeProduction", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return ba.serializeProduction;
    var xu = $e();
    Object.defineProperty(E, "GAstVisitor", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return xu.GAstVisitor;

    function Cu() {
      console.warn("The clearCache function was 'soft' removed from the Chevrotain API.\n\t It performs no action other than printing this message.\n\t Please avoid using it as it will be completely removed in the future");

    E.clearCache = Cu;
    var Lu = La();
    Object.defineProperty(E, "createSyntaxDiagramsCode", {
      enumerable: !0,
      get: function get() {
        return Lu.createSyntaxDiagramsCode;

    var Mu = function () {
      function t() {
        throw new Error("The Parser class has been deprecated, use CstParser or EmbeddedActionsParser instead.\nSee: https://chevrotain.io/docs/changes/BREAKING_CHANGES.html#_7-0-0");

      return t;

    E.Parser = Mu;

  var _default = Fa();

  _exports.default = _default;