require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helper.rb' context "When packing to a binary stream" do setup do @out ='', 'w') @encoder = end specify "A symbol should be encoded to an erlang atom" do get{@encoder.write_symbol :haha}.should == get_erl("haha") write_any(:haha).should == get_erl_with_magic("haha") end specify "A boolean should be encoded to an erlang atom" do get{@encoder.write_boolean true}.should == get_erl("true") get{@encoder.write_boolean false}.should == get_erl("false") write_any(true).should == get_erl_with_magic("true") write_any(false).should == get_erl_with_magic("false") end specify "A number should be encoded as an erlang number would be" do #SMALL_INTS get{@encoder.write_fixnum 0}.should == get_erl("0") get{@encoder.write_fixnum 255}.should == get_erl("255") write_any(0).should == get_erl_with_magic("0") write_any(255).should == get_erl_with_magic("255") #INTS get{@encoder.write_fixnum 256}.should == get_erl("256") get{@encoder.write_fixnum((1 << 27) - 1)}.should == get_erl("#{(1 << 27) - 1}") get{@encoder.write_fixnum(-1)}.should == get_erl("-1") get{@encoder.write_fixnum(-(1 << 27))}.should == get_erl("#{-(1 << 27)}") write_any(256).should == get_erl_with_magic("256") write_any((1 << 27) - 1).should == get_erl_with_magic("#{(1 << 27) - 1}") write_any(-1).should == get_erl_with_magic("-1") write_any(-(1 << 27)).should == get_erl_with_magic("#{-(1 << 27)}") # #SMALL_BIGNUMS # get{@encoder.write_fixnum((1 << word_length))}.should == get_erl("#{(1 << word_length)}") # get{@encoder.write_fixnum(-(1 << word_length) - 1)}.should == get_erl("#{-(1 << word_length) - 1}") # get{@encoder.write_fixnum((1 << (255 * 8)) - 1)}.should == get_erl("#{(1 << (255 * 8)) - 1}") # get{@encoder.write_fixnum(-((1 << (255 * 8)) - 1))}.should == get_erl("#{-((1 << (255 * 8)) - 1)}") # # write_any((1 << word_length)).should == get_erl_with_magic("#{(1 << word_length)}") # write_any(-(1 << word_length) - 1).should == get_erl_with_magic("#{-(1 << word_length) - 1}") # write_any((1 << (255 * 8)) - 1).should == get_erl_with_magic("#{(1 << (255 * 8)) - 1}") # write_any(-((1 << (255 * 8)) - 1)).should == get_erl_with_magic("#{-((1 << (255 * 8)) - 1)}") # # #LARG_BIGNUMS # get{@encoder.write_fixnum((1 << (255 * 8)))}.should == get_erl("#{(1 << (255 * 8))}") # get{@encoder.write_fixnum(-(1 << (255 * 8))}.should == get_erl("#{-(1 << (255 * 8)}") # get{@encoder.write_fixnum((1 << (512 * 8))}.should == get_erl("#{(1 << (512 * 8))}") # get{@encoder.write_fixnum(-((1 << (512 * 8)) - 1))}.should == get_erl("#{-((1 << (512 * 8)) - 1)}") # # write_any((1 << (255 * 8))).should == get_erl_with_magic("#{(1 << (255 * 8))}") # write_any(-(1 << (255 * 8)).should == get_erl_with_magic("#{-(1 << (255 * 8)}") # write_any((1 << (512 * 8))).should == get_erl_with_magic("#{(1 << (512 * 8))}") # write_any(-((1 << (512 * 8)) - 1)).should == get_erl_with_magic("#{-((1 << (512 * 8)) - 1)}") end # specify "A float (that is within the truncated precision of ruby compared to erlang) should encode as erlang does" do # get{@encoder.write_float 1.0}.should == get_erl("1.0") # get{@encoder.write_float -1.0}.should == get_erl("-1.0") # get{@encoder.write_float 123.456}.should == get_erl("123.456") # get{@encoder.write_float 123.456789012345}.should == get_erl("123.456789012345") # end specify "An Erlectiricity::NewReference should encode back to its original form" do ref_bin = run_erl("term_to_binary(make_ref())") ruby_ref = Erlectricity::Decoder.decode(ref_bin) get{@encoder.write_new_reference(ruby_ref)}.should == ref_bin[1..-1] write_any(ruby_ref).should == ref_bin end specify "An Erlectiricity::Pid should encode back to its original form" do pid_bin = run_erl("term_to_binary(spawn(fun() -> 3 end))") ruby_pid = Erlectricity::Decoder.decode(pid_bin) get{@encoder.write_pid(ruby_pid)}.should == pid_bin[1..-1] write_any(ruby_pid).should == pid_bin end specify "An array written with write_tuple should encode as erlang would a tuple" do get{@encoder.write_tuple [1,2,3]}.should == get_erl("{1,2,3}") get{@encoder.write_tuple [3] * 255}.should == get_erl("{#{([3] * 255).join(',')}}") get{@encoder.write_tuple [3] * 256}.should == get_erl("{#{([3] * 256).join(',')}}") get{@encoder.write_tuple [3] * 512}.should == get_erl("{#{([3] * 512).join(',')}}") end specify "An array should by default be written as a tuple" do write_any([1,2,3]).should == get_erl_with_magic("{1,2,3}") write_any([3] * 255).should == get_erl_with_magic("{#{([3] * 255).join(',')}}") write_any([3] * 256).should == get_erl_with_magic("{#{([3] * 256).join(',')}}") write_any([3] * 512).should == get_erl_with_magic("{#{([3] * 512).join(',')}}") end specify "An Erlectricity::List should by default be written as a list" do write_any([1,2,300])).should == get_erl_with_magic("[1,2,300]") write_any([300] * 255)).should == get_erl_with_magic("[#{([300] * 255).join(',')}]") write_any([300] * 256)).should == get_erl_with_magic("[#{([300] * 256).join(',')}]") write_any([300] * 512)).should == get_erl_with_magic("[#{([300] * 512).join(',')}]") end specify "An array written with write_list should encode as erlang would a list" do get{@encoder.write_list [1,2,300]}.should == get_erl("[1,2,300]") get{@encoder.write_list [300] * 255}.should == get_erl("[#{([300] * 255).join(',')}]") get{@encoder.write_list [300] * 256}.should == get_erl("[#{([300] * 256).join(',')}]") get{@encoder.write_list [300] * 512}.should == get_erl("[#{([300] * 512).join(',')}]") end specify "a string should be encoded as a erlang binary would be" do get{@encoder.write_binary "hey who"}.should == get_erl("<< \"hey who\" >>") get{@encoder.write_binary ""}.should == get_erl("<< \"\" >>") write_any("hey who").should == get_erl_with_magic("<< \"hey who\" >>") write_any("").should == get_erl_with_magic("<< \"\" >>") end def get @encoder.out ='', 'w') yield @encoder.out.string end def write_any(term) @encoder.out ='', 'w') @encoder.write_any term @encoder.out.string end def get_erl(str) get_erl_with_magic(str)[1..-1] #[1..-1] to chop off the magic number end def get_erl_with_magic(str) run_erl("term_to_binary(#{str.gsub(/"/, '\\\"')})") end end