# frozen_string_literal: true # WARNING ABOUT GENERATED CODE # # This file is generated. See the contributing guide for more information: # https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md # # WARNING ABOUT GENERATED CODE module Aws::Outposts module Types # You do not have permission to perform this operation. # # @!attribute [rw] message # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/outposts-2019-12-03/AccessDeniedException AWS API Documentation # class AccessDeniedException < Struct.new( :message) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass CreateOutpostInput # data as a hash: # # { # name: "OutpostName", # required # description: "OutpostDescription", # site_id: "SiteId", # required # availability_zone: "AvailabilityZone", # availability_zone_id: "AvailabilityZoneId", # tags: { # "TagKey" => "TagValue", # }, # } # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the Outpost. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] description # The description of the Outpost. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] site_id # The ID of the site. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] availability_zone # The Availability Zone. # # You must specify `AvailabilityZone` or `AvailabilityZoneId`. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] availability_zone_id # The ID of the Availability Zone. # # You must specify `AvailabilityZone` or `AvailabilityZoneId`. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] tags # The tags to apply to the Outpost. # @return [Hash] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/outposts-2019-12-03/CreateOutpostInput AWS API Documentation # class CreateOutpostInput < Struct.new( :name, :description, :site_id, :availability_zone, :availability_zone_id, :tags) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] outpost # Information about an Outpost. # @return [Types::Outpost] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/outposts-2019-12-03/CreateOutpostOutput AWS API Documentation # class CreateOutpostOutput < Struct.new( :outpost) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass DeleteOutpostInput # data as a hash: # # { # outpost_id: "OutpostId", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] outpost_id # The ID of the Outpost. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/outposts-2019-12-03/DeleteOutpostInput AWS API Documentation # class DeleteOutpostInput < Struct.new( :outpost_id) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/outposts-2019-12-03/DeleteOutpostOutput AWS API Documentation # class DeleteOutpostOutput < Aws::EmptyStructure; end # @note When making an API call, you may pass DeleteSiteInput # data as a hash: # # { # site_id: "SiteId", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] site_id # The ID of the site. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/outposts-2019-12-03/DeleteSiteInput AWS API Documentation # class DeleteSiteInput < Struct.new( :site_id) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/outposts-2019-12-03/DeleteSiteOutput AWS API Documentation # class DeleteSiteOutput < Aws::EmptyStructure; end # @note When making an API call, you may pass GetOutpostInput # data as a hash: # # { # outpost_id: "OutpostId", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] outpost_id # The ID of the Outpost. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/outposts-2019-12-03/GetOutpostInput AWS API Documentation # class GetOutpostInput < Struct.new( :outpost_id) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass GetOutpostInstanceTypesInput # data as a hash: # # { # outpost_id: "OutpostId", # required # next_token: "Token", # max_results: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] outpost_id # The ID of the Outpost. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # The pagination token. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] max_results # The maximum page size. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/outposts-2019-12-03/GetOutpostInstanceTypesInput AWS API Documentation # class GetOutpostInstanceTypesInput < Struct.new( :outpost_id, :next_token, :max_results) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] instance_types # Information about the instance types. # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # The pagination token. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] outpost_id # The ID of the Outpost. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] outpost_arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Outpost. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/outposts-2019-12-03/GetOutpostInstanceTypesOutput AWS API Documentation # class GetOutpostInstanceTypesOutput < Struct.new( :instance_types, :next_token, :outpost_id, :outpost_arn) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] outpost # Information about an Outpost. # @return [Types::Outpost] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/outposts-2019-12-03/GetOutpostOutput AWS API Documentation # class GetOutpostOutput < Struct.new( :outpost) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # Information about an instance type. # # @!attribute [rw] instance_type # The instance type. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/outposts-2019-12-03/InstanceTypeItem AWS API Documentation # class InstanceTypeItem < Struct.new( :instance_type) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # An internal error has occurred. # # @!attribute [rw] message # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/outposts-2019-12-03/InternalServerException AWS API Documentation # class InternalServerException < Struct.new( :message) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass ListOutpostsInput # data as a hash: # # { # next_token: "Token", # max_results: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # The pagination token. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] max_results # The maximum page size. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/outposts-2019-12-03/ListOutpostsInput AWS API Documentation # class ListOutpostsInput < Struct.new( :next_token, :max_results) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] outposts # Information about the Outposts. # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # The pagination token. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/outposts-2019-12-03/ListOutpostsOutput AWS API Documentation # class ListOutpostsOutput < Struct.new( :outposts, :next_token) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass ListSitesInput # data as a hash: # # { # next_token: "Token", # max_results: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # The pagination token. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] max_results # The maximum page size. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/outposts-2019-12-03/ListSitesInput AWS API Documentation # class ListSitesInput < Struct.new( :next_token, :max_results) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] sites # Information about the sites. # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # The pagination token. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/outposts-2019-12-03/ListSitesOutput AWS API Documentation # class ListSitesOutput < Struct.new( :sites, :next_token) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass ListTagsForResourceRequest # data as a hash: # # { # resource_arn: "Arn", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] resource_arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/outposts-2019-12-03/ListTagsForResourceRequest AWS API Documentation # class ListTagsForResourceRequest < Struct.new( :resource_arn) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] tags # The resource tags. # @return [Hash] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/outposts-2019-12-03/ListTagsForResourceResponse AWS API Documentation # class ListTagsForResourceResponse < Struct.new( :tags) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # The specified request is not valid. # # @!attribute [rw] message # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/outposts-2019-12-03/NotFoundException AWS API Documentation # class NotFoundException < Struct.new( :message) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # Information about an Outpost. # # @!attribute [rw] outpost_id # The ID of the Outpost. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] owner_id # The AWS account ID of the Outpost owner. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] outpost_arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Outpost. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] site_id # The ID of the site. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the Outpost. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] description # The description of the Outpost. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] life_cycle_status # The life cycle status. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] availability_zone # The Availability Zone. # # You must specify `AvailabilityZone` or `AvailabilityZoneId`. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] availability_zone_id # The ID of the Availability Zone. # # You must specify `AvailabilityZone` or `AvailabilityZoneId`. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] tags # The Outpost tags. # @return [Hash] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/outposts-2019-12-03/Outpost AWS API Documentation # class Outpost < Struct.new( :outpost_id, :owner_id, :outpost_arn, :site_id, :name, :description, :life_cycle_status, :availability_zone, :availability_zone_id, :tags) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # You have exceeded a service quota. # # @!attribute [rw] message # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/outposts-2019-12-03/ServiceQuotaExceededException AWS API Documentation # class ServiceQuotaExceededException < Struct.new( :message) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # Information about a site. # # @!attribute [rw] site_id # The ID of the site. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] account_id # The ID of the AWS account. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the site. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] description # The description of the site. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] tags # The site tags. # @return [Hash] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/outposts-2019-12-03/Site AWS API Documentation # class Site < Struct.new( :site_id, :account_id, :name, :description, :tags) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass TagResourceRequest # data as a hash: # # { # resource_arn: "Arn", # required # tags: { # required # "TagKey" => "TagValue", # }, # } # # @!attribute [rw] resource_arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] tags # The tags to add to the resource. # @return [Hash] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/outposts-2019-12-03/TagResourceRequest AWS API Documentation # class TagResourceRequest < Struct.new( :resource_arn, :tags) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/outposts-2019-12-03/TagResourceResponse AWS API Documentation # class TagResourceResponse < Aws::EmptyStructure; end # @note When making an API call, you may pass UntagResourceRequest # data as a hash: # # { # resource_arn: "Arn", # required # tag_keys: ["TagKey"], # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] resource_arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] tag_keys # The tag keys. # @return [Array] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/outposts-2019-12-03/UntagResourceRequest AWS API Documentation # class UntagResourceRequest < Struct.new( :resource_arn, :tag_keys) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/outposts-2019-12-03/UntagResourceResponse AWS API Documentation # class UntagResourceResponse < Aws::EmptyStructure; end # A parameter is not valid. # # @!attribute [rw] message # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/outposts-2019-12-03/ValidationException AWS API Documentation # class ValidationException < Struct.new( :message) SENSITIVE = [] include Aws::Structure end end end