require "base64" require "tmpdir" require_relative "subprocess" require_relative "which" module Vagrant module Util # Executes PowerShell scripts. # # This is primarily a convenience wrapper around Subprocess that # properly sets powershell flags for you. class PowerShell # NOTE: Version checks are only on Major MINIMUM_REQUIRED_VERSION = 3 # Number of seconds to wait while attempting to get powershell version DEFAULT_VERSION_DETECTION_TIMEOUT = 30 LOGGER ="vagrant::util::powershell") # @return [String|nil] a powershell executable, depending on environment def self.executable if !defined?(@_powershell_executable) @_powershell_executable = "powershell" if Which.which(@_powershell_executable).nil? # Try to use WSL interoperability if PowerShell is not symlinked to # the container. if Platform.wsl? @_powershell_executable += ".exe" if Which.which(@_powershell_executable).nil? @_powershell_executable = "/mnt/c/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/powershell.exe" if Which.which(@_powershell_executable).nil? @_powershell_executable = nil end end else @_powershell_executable = nil end end end @_powershell_executable end # @return [Boolean] powershell executable available on PATH def self.available? !executable.nil? end # Execute a powershell script. # # @param [String] path Path to the PowerShell script to execute. # @param [Array] args Command arguments # @param [Hash] opts Options passed to execute # @option opts [Hash] :env Custom environment variables # @return [Subprocess::Result] def self.execute(path, *args, **opts, &block) validate_install! if opts.delete(:sudo) || opts.delete(:runas) powerup_command(path, args, opts) else if mpath = opts.delete(:module_path) m_env = opts.fetch(:env, {}) m_env["PSModulePath"] = "$env:PSModulePath+';#{mpath}'" opts[:env] = m_env end if env = opts.delete(:env) env ={|k,v| "$env:#{k}=#{v}"}.join(";") + "; " end command = [ executable, "-NoLogo", "-NoProfile", "-NonInteractive", "-ExecutionPolicy", "Bypass", "#{env}&('#{path}')", args ].flatten # Append on the options hash since Subprocess doesn't use # Ruby 2.0 style options yet. command << opts Subprocess.execute(*command, &block) end end # Execute a powershell command. # # @param [String] command PowerShell command to execute. # @param [Hash] opts Extra options # @option opts [Hash] :env Custom environment variables # @return [nil, String] Returns nil if exit code is non-zero. # Returns stdout string if exit code is zero. def self.execute_cmd(command, **opts) validate_install! if mpath = opts.delete(:module_path) m_env = opts.fetch(:env, {}) m_env["PSModulePath"] = "$env:PSModulePath+';#{mpath}'" opts[:env] = m_env end if env = opts.delete(:env) env ={|k,v| "$env:#{k}=#{v}"}.join(";") + "; " end c = [ executable, "-NoLogo", "-NoProfile", "-NonInteractive", "-ExecutionPolicy", "Bypass", "-Command", "#{env}#{command}" ].flatten.compact r = Subprocess.execute(*c) return nil if r.exit_code != 0 return r.stdout.chomp end # Execute a powershell command and return a result # # @param [String] command PowerShell command to execute. # @param [Hash] opts A collection of options for subprocess::execute # @option opts [Hash] :env Custom environment variables # @param [Block] block Ruby block def self.execute_inline(*command, **opts, &block) validate_install! if mpath = opts.delete(:module_path) m_env = opts.fetch(:env, {}) m_env["PSModulePath"] = "$env:PSModulePath+';#{mpath}'" opts[:env] = m_env end if env = opts.delete(:env) env ={|k,v| "$env:#{k}=#{v}"}.join(";") + "; " end command = command.join(' ') c = [ executable, "-NoLogo", "-NoProfile", "-NonInteractive", "-ExecutionPolicy", "Bypass", "-Command", "#{env}#{command}" ].flatten.compact c << opts Subprocess.execute(*c, &block) end # Returns the version of PowerShell that is installed. # # @return [String] def self.version if !defined?(@_powershell_version) command = [ executable, "-NoLogo", "-NoProfile", "-NonInteractive", "-ExecutionPolicy", "Bypass", "-Command", "Write-Output $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major" ].flatten version = nil timeout = ENV["VAGRANT_POWERSHELL_VERSION_DETECTION_TIMEOUT"].to_i if timeout < 1 timeout = DEFAULT_VERSION_DETECTION_TIMEOUT end begin r = Subprocess.execute(*command, notify: [:stdout, :stderr], timeout: timeout, ) {|io_name,data| version = data} rescue Vagrant::Util::Subprocess::TimeoutExceeded LOGGER.debug("Timeout exceeded while attempting to determine version of Powershell.") end @_powershell_version = version end @_powershell_version end # Validates that powershell is installed, available, and # at or above minimum required version # # @return [Boolean] # @raises [] def self.validate_install! if !defined?(@_powershell_validation) raise Errors::PowerShellNotFound if !available? if version.to_i < MINIMUM_REQUIRED_VERSION raise Errors::PowerShellInvalidVersion, minimum_version: MINIMUM_REQUIRED_VERSION, installed_version: version ? version : "N/A" end @_powershell_validation = true end @_powershell_validation end # Powerup the given command to perform privileged operations. # # @param [String] path # @param [Array] args # @return [Array] def self.powerup_command(path, args, opts) Dir.mktmpdir("vagrant") do |dpath| all_args = [path] +{ |a| a.gsub(/^['"](.+)['"]$/, "\\1") } arg_list = "\"" + all_args.join("\" \"") + "\"" stdout = File.join(dpath, "stdout.txt") stderr = File.join(dpath, "stderr.txt") script = "& #{arg_list} ; exit $LASTEXITCODE;" script_content = Base64.strict_encode64(script.encode("UTF-16LE", "UTF-8")) # Wrap so we can redirect output to read later wrapper = "$p = Start-Process -FilePath powershell -ArgumentList @('-NoLogo', '-NoProfile', " \ "'-NonInteractive', '-ExecutionPolicy', 'Bypass', '-EncodedCommand', '#{script_content}') " \ "-PassThru -WindowStyle Hidden -Wait -RedirectStandardOutput '#{stdout}' -RedirectStandardError '#{stderr}'; " \ "if($p){ exit $p.ExitCode; }else{ exit 1 }" wrapper_content = Base64.strict_encode64(wrapper.encode("UTF-16LE", "UTF-8")) powerup = "$p = Start-Process -FilePath powershell -ArgumentList @('-NoLogo', '-NoProfile', " \ "'-NonInteractive', '-ExecutionPolicy', 'Bypass', '-EncodedCommand', '#{wrapper_content}') " \ "-PassThru -WindowStyle Hidden -Wait -Verb RunAs; if($p){ exit $p.ExitCode; }else{ exit 1 }" cmd = [ "powershell", "-NoLogo", "-NoProfile", "-NonInteractive", "-ExecutionPolicy", "Bypass", "-Command", powerup ] result = Subprocess.execute(*cmd.push(opts)) r_stdout = result.stdout if File.exist?(stdout) r_stdout += end r_stderr = result.stderr if File.exist?(stderr) r_stderr += end, r_stdout, r_stderr) end end # @private # Reset the cached values for platform. This is not considered a public # API and should only be used for testing. def self.reset! instance_variables.each(&method(:remove_instance_variable)) end end end end