module FinApps module Middleware class RaiseHttpExceptions < Faraday::Response::Middleware include FinApps::Logging CLIENT_ERROR_STATUSES = 400...600 def on_complete(env) case env[:status] when 400 raise FinApps::REST::BadRequest, response_values(env, 'The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax.') when 401 raise FinApps::REST::Unauthorized, response_values(env, 'The request requires user authentication.') when 403 raise FinApps::REST::Forbidden, response_values(env, 'Forbidden.') when 404 raise FinApps::REST::NotFound, response_values(env, 'Page not found.') when 405 raise FinApps::REST::MethodNotAllowed, response_values(env, 'The method specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for the resource identified by the Request-URI.') when 406 raise FinApps::REST::NotAcceptable, response_values(env, 'The resource identified by the request is only capable of generating response entities which have content characteristics not acceptable according to the accept headers sent in the request') when 407 raise Faraday::Error::ConnectionFailed, response_values(env, 'Proxy Authentication Required.') when 409 raise FinApps::REST::Conflict, response_values(env, 'The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource.') when 500 raise FinApps::REST::InternalServerError, response_values(env, 'Unexpected technical condition was encountered.') when 502 raise FinApps::REST::BadGateway, response_values(env, 'The server returned an invalid or incomplete response.') when 503 raise FinApps::REST::ServiceUnavailable, response_values(env, 'The server is currently unavailable.') when 504 raise FinApps::REST::GatewayTimeout, response_values(env, 'Gateway Time-out') when 505 raise FinApps::REST::VersionNotSupported, response_values(env, 'The Web server does not support the specified HTTP protocol version.') when CLIENT_ERROR_STATUSES raise FinApps::REST::Error, response_values(env, 'Unexpected error.') else # 200..206 Success codes # all good! logger.debug "##{__method__.to_s} => Status code: [#{env[:status]}]." end end private def error_messages(body) error_array = if body.present? && body.kind_of?(String) begin parsed = ::JSON.parse(body) if parsed parsed.each do |key, value| value.each do |message| logger.debug "#{key} => #{message}" error_array.push message.to_s end end "##{__method__.to_s} => Extracted errors: #{error_array.inspect}." else "##{__method__.to_s} => Cannot extract errors: unexpected error while parsing response." end rescue ::JSON::ParserError => e logger.error "##{__method__.to_s} => Unable to parse JSON response." logger.error e end end error_array end def response_values(env, status_message = nil) { :status => env.status, :status_message => status_message, :headers => env.response_headers, :body => env.body, :error_messages => error_messages(env.body) } end end end end