scaffolder-sequence(1) -- assemble yaml scaffold file into fasta sequence ========================================================================= ## SYNOPSIS `scaffolder sequence` [...] ## DESCRIPTION **Scaffolder-sequence** assembles a single fasta nucleotide sequence from the sequences and coordinates specified in the **scaffold-file**. ## FILES **Scaffolder-sequence** requires two files to create a fasta assembly. The **scaffold-file** specifies the positions of individual contigs in the scaffold assembly. The **sequence-file** contains the corresponding fasta sequences of each contig specified in the scaffold file. ## OPTIONS * `--definition`=[]: Fasta definition line added at the top of the assembled sequence. The default is to use the SHA1 hash of the sequence as the definition. * `--no-sequence-hash`: Do not append the SHA1 hash of the assembled sequence to the definition line. ## EXAMPLES Assemble sequence using a scaffold file and fasta formatted set of contigs. Pipe the assembly into another file. $ scaffolder-sequence scaffold.yml contigs.fna > assembly.fna ## BUGS ## BUGS **Scaffolder-sequence** is written in Ruby and depends on the scaffolder, BioRuby, configliere and ronn gems. See the Gemfile in the scaffolder-tools gem install directory for version details. ## COPYRIGHT **Scaffolder** is Copyright (C) 2010 Michael Barton