require: - rubocop-rake - rubocop-rspec AllCops: DisplayCopNames: true TargetRubyVersion: 3.1 NewCops: disable Exclude: - 'vendor/**/*' - 'spec/fixtures/**/*' - 'tmp/**/*' - '.git/**/*' - 'bin/*' Naming/PredicateName: # Method define macros for dynamically generated method. MethodDefinitionMacros: - define_method - define_singleton_method - def_node_matcher - def_node_search Style/BlockComments: Exclude: - 'spec/**/*.rb' Style/FormatStringToken: # Because we parse a lot of source codes from strings. Percent arrays # look like unannotated format string tokens to this cop. Exclude: - spec/**/* Layout/EndOfLine: EnforcedStyle: lf Layout/ClassStructure: Enabled: true Layout/RedundantLineBreak: Enabled: true Layout/TrailingWhitespace: AllowInHeredoc: false Lint/AmbiguousBlockAssociation: Exclude: - 'spec/**/*.rb' Layout/HashAlignment: EnforcedHashRocketStyle: - key - table EnforcedColonStyle: - key - table Layout/LineLength: Max: 100 Exclude: - 'redcarpet-form-extension.gemspec' - 'spec/**/*.rb' Lint/InterpolationCheck: Exclude: - 'spec/**/*.rb' Lint/UselessAccessModifier: MethodCreatingMethods: - 'def_matcher' - 'def_node_matcher' Metrics/BlockLength: Exclude: - 'Rakefile' - '**/*.rake' - 'spec/**/*.rb' - '**/*.gemspec' Metrics/ModuleLength: Exclude: - 'spec/**/*.rb' RSpec/PredicateMatcher: EnforcedStyle: explicit RSpec/MessageSpies: EnforcedStyle: receive RSpec/NestedGroups: Max: 7 RSpec/MultipleMemoizedHelpers: Enabled: false RSpec/StubbedMock: Enabled: false Gemspec/DependencyVersion: Enabled: true