h1. roo h1. → 'roo' h2. What h2. Installing
sudo gem install roo
h2. The basics This gem allows you to access the values from open-office documents (.ods). Please note that the upper left cell of a table is numbered (1,1) or (1,'A') (not 0,0). h2. Demonstration of usage Not a complete tutorial (I will add this later) but these snippets from the tests will hopefully show you how to use this gem.

def test_sheets
    oo = Openoffice.new("numbers1.ods")
    assert_equal ["Tabelle1","Sheet2","Sheet3"], oo.sheets

  def test_cell
    oo = Openoffice.new("numbers1.ods")
    oo.default_sheet = oo.sheets.first
    assert_equal 1, oo.cell(1,1)
    assert_equal 2, oo.cell(1,2)
    assert_equal 3, oo.cell(1,3)
    assert_equal 4, oo.cell(1,4)
    assert_equal 5, oo.cell(2,1)
    assert_equal 6, oo.cell(2,2)
    assert_equal 7, oo.cell(2,3)
    assert_equal 8, oo.cell(2,4)
    assert_equal 9, oo.cell(2,5)
    assert_equal "test", oo.cell(2,6)
    assert_equal "string", oo.celltype(2,6)
    assert_equal 11, oo.cell(2,7)

    assert_equal 10, oo.cell(4,1)
    assert_equal 11, oo.cell(4,2)
    assert_equal 12, oo.cell(4,3)
    assert_equal 13, oo.cell(4,4)
    assert_equal 14, oo.cell(4,5)

    assert_equal 10, oo.cell(4,'A')
    assert_equal 11, oo.cell(4,'B')
    assert_equal 12, oo.cell(4,'C')
    assert_equal 13, oo.cell(4,'D')
    assert_equal 14, oo.cell(4,'E')

    assert_equal "date", oo.celltype(5,1)
    assert_equal "1961-11-21", oo.cell(5,1)

h2. Forum "http://groups.google.com/group/ruby-roo":http://groups.google.com/group/ruby-roo h2. License This code is free to use under the terms of Ruby h2. Contact Comments are welcome. Send an email to "Thomas Preymesser":mailto:thopre@gmail.com.