describe "main" do before(:all) do reconfigure_logging # reconfigure Terraspace.logger to a file stack_path = File.expand_path("../..", __dir__) # the source of the stack to test is 2 levels up ts_root = File.expand_path("../../..", stack_path) # original Terraspace.root # Build terraspace project to use as a test harness # Will be located at: /tmp/terraspace/test-harnesses/<%= name %>-harness terraspace.build_test_harness( name: "<%= name %>-harness", modules: "#{ts_root}/app/modules", # include all modules in folder stacks: {<%= name %>: stack_path}, # override demo stack tfvars for testing tfvars: {demo: "#{stack_path}/test/spec/fixtures/tfvars/demo.tfvars"}, config: "#{stack_path}/test/spec/fixtures/config", ) terraspace.up("<%= name %>") end after(:all) do terraspace.down("<%= name %>") end it "successful deploy" do # Replace with your own test expect(true).to be true # Example # pp terraspace.outputs # output_value = terraspace.output("<%= name %>", "some-output") # expect(output_value).to include("some-value") end end