module CurationConcerns # Actions are decoupled from controller logic so that they may be called from a controller or a background job. class FileSetActor include CurationConcerns::ManagesEmbargoesActor attr_reader :file_set, :user, :attributes, :curation_concern def initialize(file_set, user) # we're setting attributes and curation_concern to bridge the difference # between CurationConcerns::FileSetActor and ManagesEmbargoesActor @curation_concern = file_set @file_set = file_set @user = user end # Adds the appropriate metadata, visibility and relationships to file_set # # *Note*: In past versions of Sufia this method did not perform a save because it is mainly used in conjunction with # create_content, which also performs a save. However, due to the relationship between Hydra::PCDM objects, # we have to save both the parent work and the file_set in order to record the "metadata" relationship # between them. # @param [String] upload_set_id id of the batch of files that the file was uploaded with # @param [ActiveFedora::Base] work the parent work that will contain the file_set. # @param [Hash] file_set specifying the visibility, lease and/or embargo of the file set. If you don't provide at least one of visibility, embargo_release_date or lease_expiration_date, visibility will be copied from the parent. def create_metadata(upload_set_id, work, file_set_params = {}) file_set.apply_depositor_metadata(user) now = CurationConcerns::TimeService.time_in_utc file_set.date_uploaded = now file_set.date_modified = now file_set.creator = [user.user_key] if upload_set_id && file_set.respond_to?(:upload_set_id=) UploadSet.create(id: upload_set_id) unless UploadSet.exists?(upload_set_id) file_set.upload_set_id = upload_set_id else ActiveFedora::Base.logger.warn 'unable to find UploadSet to attach to' end if assign_visibility?(file_set_params) interpret_visibility file_set_params end # TODO: Why do we need to check if work is nil? Shoudn't that raise an error? attach_file_to_work(work, file_set, file_set_params) if work yield(file_set) if block_given? end # Puts the uploaded content into a staging directory. Then kicks off a # job to characterize and create derivatives with this on disk variant. # Simultaneously moving a preservation copy to the repostiory. # TODO: create a job to monitor this directory and prune old files that # have made it to the repo # @param [ActionDigest::HTTP::UploadedFile, Tempfile] file the file uploaded by the user. def create_content(file) file_set.label ||= file.original_filename file_set.title = [file_set.label] if file_set.title.blank? return false unless working_file = copy_file_to_working_directory(file, IngestFileJob.perform_later(, working_file, file.content_type, user.user_key) make_derivative(, working_file) true end def revert_content(revision_id) file_set.original_file.restore_version(revision_id) return false unless CurationConcerns::VersioningService.create(file_set.original_file, user) # Retrieve a copy of the orginal file from the repository working_file = copy_repository_resource_to_working_directory(file_set) make_derivative(, working_file), file_set, user, revision_id) true end def update_content(file) working_file = copy_file_to_working_directory(file, IngestFileJob.perform_later(, working_file, file.content_type, user.user_key) make_derivative(, working_file), file_set, user) true end def update_metadata(attributes) update_visibility(attributes) # attributes.delete(:visibility) # Applying this attribute is handled by update_visibility file_set.attributes = attributes file_set.date_modified = CurationConcerns::TimeService.time_in_utc save do, file_set, user) end end def destroy file_set.destroy # TODO: need to mend the linked list of proxies (possibly wrap with a lock),, user) end private def make_derivative(file_set_id, working_file) CharacterizeJob.perform_later(file_set_id, working_file) end # @param [ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile] file # @param [String] id the identifer # @return [String] path of the working file def copy_file_to_working_directory(file, id) copy_stream_to_working_directory(id, file.original_filename, file) end # @param [FileSet] file_set the resource # @return [String] path of the working file def copy_repository_resource_to_working_directory(file_set) file = file_set.original_file copy_stream_to_working_directory(, file.original_name, end # @param [String] id the identifer # @param [String] name the file name # @param [#read] stream the stream to copy to the working directory # @return [String] path of the working file def copy_stream_to_working_directory(id, name, stream) working_path = full_filename(id, name) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(working_path)) IO.copy_stream(stream, working_path) working_path end def full_filename(id, original_name) pair = id.scan(/..?/).first(4) File.join(CurationConcerns.config.working_path, *pair, original_name) end # Takes an optional block and executes the block if the save was successful. # returns false if the save was unsuccessful def save save_tries = 0 begin return false unless rescue RSolr::Error::Http => error ActiveFedora::Base.logger.warn "CurationConcerns::FileSetActor#save Caught RSOLR error #{error.inspect}" save_tries += 1 # fail for good if the tries is greater than 3 raise error if save_tries >= 3 sleep 0.01 retry end yield if block_given? true end # Adds a FileSet to the work using ore:Aggregations. # Locks to ensure that only one process is operating on # the list at a time. def attach_file_to_work(work, file_set, file_set_params) acquire_lock_for( do # Ensure we have an up-to-date copy of the members association, so # that we append to the end of the list. work.reload unless work.new_record? unless assign_visibility?(file_set_params) copy_visibility(work, file_set) end work.ordered_members << file_set set_representative(work, file_set) set_thumbnail(work, file_set) # Save the work so the association between the work and the file_set is persisted (head_id) end end def acquire_lock_for(lock_key, &block) lock_manager.lock(lock_key, &block) end def lock_manager @lock_manager ||= CurationConcerns.config.lock_time_to_live, CurationConcerns.config.lock_retry_count, CurationConcerns.config.lock_retry_delay) end def assign_visibility?(file_set_params = {}) !((file_set_params || {}).keys & %w(visibility embargo_release_date lease_expiration_date)).empty? end # This method can be overridden in case there is a custom approach for visibility (e.g. embargo) def update_visibility(attributes) interpret_visibility(attributes) # relies on CurationConcerns::ManagesEmbargoesActor to interpret and apply visibility end # copy visibility from source_concern to destination_concern def copy_visibility(source_concern, destination_concern) destination_concern.visibility = source_concern.visibility end def set_representative(work, file_set) return unless work.representative_id.blank? work.representative = file_set end def set_thumbnail(work, file_set) return unless work.thumbnail_id.blank? work.thumbnail = file_set end end end