* UI development toolkit for HTML5 (OpenUI5)
* (c) Copyright 2009-2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see LICENSE.txt.
) {
"use strict";
// shortcut for sap.m.ListType
var ListType = library.ListType;
// shortcut for sap.m.ImageHelper
var ImageHelper = library.ImageHelper;
// shortcut for sap.m.LinkConversion
var LinkConversion = library.LinkConversion;
// shortcut for sap.m.ButtonType
var ButtonType = library.ButtonType;
* Constructor for a new FeedListItem.
* @param {string} [sId] id for the new control, generated automatically if no id is given
* @param {object} [mSettings] initial settings for the new control
* @class
* The control provides a set of properties for text, sender information, time stamp.
* Beginning with release 1.23 the new feature expand / collapse was introduced, which uses the property maxCharacters.
* Beginning with release 1.44, sap.m.FormattedText was introduced which allows html formatted text to be displayed
* @extends sap.m.ListItemBase
* @author SAP SE
* @version 1.60.23
* @constructor
* @public
* @since 1.12
* @alias sap.m.FeedListItem
* @ui5-metamodel This control/element also will be described in the UI5 (legacy) designtime metamodel
var FeedListItem = ListItemBase.extend("sap.m.FeedListItem", /** @lends sap.m.FeedListItem.prototype */ {
metadata: {
library: "sap.m",
designtime: "sap/m/designtime/FeedListItem.designtime",
properties: {
* Icon to be displayed as graphical element within the FeedListItem. This can be an image or an icon from the icon font. If no icon is provided, a default person-placeholder icon is displayed.
* Icon is only shown if showIcon = true.
icon: {type: "sap.ui.core.URI", group: "Data", defaultValue: null},
* Icon displayed when the list item is active.
activeIcon: {type: "sap.ui.core.URI", group: "Data", defaultValue: null},
* Sender of the chunk
sender: {type: "string", group: "Data", defaultValue: null},
* The FeedListItem text. It supports html formatted tags as described in the documentation of sap.m.FormattedText
text: {type: "string", group: "Data", defaultValue: null},
* Customizable text for the "MORE" link at the end of the feed list item.
When the maximum number of characters defined by the maxCharacters
property is exceeded and the text of the feed list item is collapsed, the "MORE" link can be used to expand the feed list item and show the rest of the text.
* @since 1.60
moreLabel: {type: "string", group: "Data", defaultValue: null},
* Customizable text for the "LESS" link at the end of the feed list item.
Clicking the "LESS" link collapses the item, hiding the text that exceeds the allowed maximum number of characters.
* @since 1.60
lessLabel: {type: "string", group: "Data", defaultValue: null},
* The Info text.
info: {type: "string", group: "Data", defaultValue: null},
* This chunks timestamp
timestamp: {type: "string", group: "Data", defaultValue: null},
* If true, sender string is a link, which will fire 'senderPress' events. If false, sender is normal text.
senderActive: {type: "boolean", group: "Behavior", defaultValue: true},
* If true, icon is a link, which will fire 'iconPress' events. If false, icon is normal image
iconActive: {type: "boolean", group: "Behavior", defaultValue: true},
* By default, this is set to true but then one or more requests are sent trying to get the density perfect version of image if this version of image doesn't exist on the server.
* If bandwidth is the key for the application, set this value to false.
iconDensityAware: {type: "boolean", defaultValue: true},
* If set to "true" (default), icons will be displayed, if set to false icons are hidden
showIcon: {type: "boolean", group: "Behavior", defaultValue: true},
* Determines whether strings that appear to be links will be converted to HTML anchor tags, and what are the criteria for recognizing them.
* @since 1.46.1
convertLinksToAnchorTags: {
type: "sap.m.LinkConversion",
group: "Behavior",
defaultValue: LinkConversion.None
* Determines the target attribute of the generated HTML anchor tags. Note: Applicable only if ConvertLinksToAnchorTags property is used with a value other than sap.m.LinkConversion.None. Options are the standard values for the target attribute of the HTML anchor tag: _self, _top, _blank, _parent, _search.
* @since 1.46.1
convertedLinksDefaultTarget: {type: "string", group: "Behavior", defaultValue: "_blank"},
* The expand and collapse feature is set by default and uses 300 characters on mobile devices and 500 characters on desktops as limits. Based on these values, the text of the FeedListItem is collapsed once text reaches these limits. In this case, only the specified number of characters is displayed. By clicking on the text link More, the entire text can be displayed. The text link Less collapses the text. The application is able to set the value to its needs.
maxCharacters: {type: "int", group: "Behavior", defaultValue: null}
defaultAggregation: "actions",
aggregations: {
* Contains {@link sap.m.FeedListItemAction elements} that are displayed in the action sheet.
* @since 1.52.0
actions: {type: "sap.m.FeedListItemAction", multiple: true},
* Hidden aggregation which contains the text value
_text: {type: "sap.m.FormattedText", multiple: false, visibility: "hidden"},
* Hidden aggregation that contains the actions.
_actionSheet: {type: "sap.m.ActionSheet", multiple: false, visibility: "hidden"},
* Hidden aggregation that displays the action button.
_actionButton: {type: "sap.m.Button", multiple: false, visibility: "hidden"}
events: {
* Event is fired when name of the sender is pressed.
senderPress: {
parameters: {
* Dom reference of the feed item's sender string to be used for positioning.
* @deprecated Since version 1.28.36. This parameter is deprecated, use parameter getDomRef instead.
domRef: {type: "string"},
* Function to retrieve the DOM reference for the senderPress
* The function returns the DOM element of the sender link or null
getDomRef: {type: "function"}
* Event is fired when the icon is pressed.
iconPress: {
parameters: {
* Dom reference of the feed item's icon to be used for positioning.
* @deprecated Since version 1.28.36. This parameter is deprecated, use parameter getDomRef instead.
domRef: {type: "string"},
* Function to retrieve the DOM reference for the iconPress
* The function returns the DOM element of the icon or null
getDomRef: {type: "function"}
FeedListItem._oRb = sap.ui.getCore().getLibraryResourceBundle("sap.m");
FeedListItem._nMaxCharactersMobile = 300;
FeedListItem._nMaxCharactersDesktop = 500;
* Default texts are fetched from the sap.m resource bundle
FeedListItem._sTextShowMore = FeedListItem._oRb.getText("TEXT_SHOW_MORE");
FeedListItem._sTextShowLess = FeedListItem._oRb.getText("TEXT_SHOW_LESS");
FeedListItem.prototype.init = function() {
this.setAggregation("_text", new FormattedText(this.getId() + "-formattedText"), true);
this.setAggregation("_actionButton", new Button({
id: this.getId() + "-actionButton",
type: ButtonType.Transparent,
icon: "sap-icon://overflow",
press: [ this._onActionButtonPress, this ]
}), true);
* @private
FeedListItem.prototype._onActionButtonPress = function () {
sap.ui.require(["sap/m/ActionSheet"], this._openActionSheet.bind(this));
* @param {function} ActionSheet The constructor function of sap.m.ActionSheet
* @private
FeedListItem.prototype._openActionSheet = function(ActionSheet) {
var oActionSheet = this.getAggregation("_actionSheet");
var aActions = this.getActions();
var oAction;
if (!(oActionSheet && oActionSheet instanceof ActionSheet)) {
oActionSheet = new ActionSheet({
id: this.getId() + "-actionSheet",
beforeOpen: [ this._onBeforeOpenActionSheet, this ]
this.setAggregation("_actionSheet", oActionSheet, true);
oActionSheet.destroyAggregation("buttons", true);
for (var i = 0; i < aActions.length; i++) {
oAction = aActions[i];
oActionSheet.addButton(new Button({
icon: oAction.getIcon(),
text: oAction.getText(),
press: oAction.firePress.bind(oAction, { "item": this })
* Sets the contrast class on the ActionSheet's Popover based on the current theme.
* @param {sap.ui.base.Event} event The 'beforeOpen' event
* @private
FeedListItem.prototype._onBeforeOpenActionSheet = function(event) {
var oActionSheetPopover, sTheme;
// On phone there is no need to overstyle the ActionSheet's Popover with a contrast class
if (Device.system.phone) {
sTheme = sap.ui.getCore().getConfiguration().getTheme();
oActionSheetPopover = event.getSource().getParent();
oActionSheetPopover.removeStyleClass("sapContrast sapContrastPlus");
if (sTheme === "sap_belize") {
} else if (sTheme === "sap_belize_plus") {
FeedListItem.prototype.invalidate = function() {
Control.prototype.invalidate.apply(this, arguments);
var sMoreLabel = FeedListItem._sTextShowMore;
if (this.getMoreLabel()) {
sMoreLabel = this.getMoreLabel();
delete this._bTextExpanded;
if (this._oLinkExpandCollapse) {
this._oLinkExpandCollapse.setProperty("text", sMoreLabel, true);
FeedListItem.prototype.onBeforeRendering = function() {
var oFormattedText = this.getAggregation("_text");
oFormattedText.setProperty("convertLinksToAnchorTags", this.getConvertLinksToAnchorTags(), true);
oFormattedText.setProperty("convertedLinksDefaultTarget", this.getConvertedLinksDefaultTarget(), true);
if (this.getConvertLinksToAnchorTags() === library.LinkConversion.None) {
} else {
oFormattedText.setProperty("htmlText", this.getText(), true);
this._sFullText = oFormattedText._getDisplayHtml().replace(/\n/g, "
this._sShortText = this._getCollapsedText();
this._bEmptyTagsInShortTextCleared = false;
FeedListItem.prototype.onAfterRendering = function() {
if (this._checkTextIsExpandable() && !this._bTextExpanded) {
// Additional processing of the links takes place in the onAfterRendering function of sap.m.FormattedText, e.g. registration of the click event handlers.
// FeedListItem does not render sap.m.FormattedText control as part of its own DOM structure, therefore the onAfterRendering function of the FormattedText
// must be called manually with the correct context, providing access to the DOM elements that must be processed.
var $RealText = this.$("realtext");
$: function() {
return $RealText;
FeedListItem.prototype.exit = function() {
// Should be done always, since the registration occurs independently of the properties that determine auto link recognition.
// destroy link control if initialized
if (this._oLinkControl) {
if (this._oImageControl) {
if (this._oLinkExpandCollapse) {
* Overwrite ListItemBase's ontap: Propagate tap event from FeedListItem to ListItemBase only when tap performed
* not on active elements of FeedListItem (i.e. image, sender link, expand/collapse link)
* @private
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent - The touch event.
FeedListItem.prototype.ontap = function(oEvent) {
if (oEvent.srcControl) {
if ((!this.getIconActive() && this._oImageControl && oEvent.srcControl.getId() === this._oImageControl.getId()) || // click on inactive image
(!this.getSenderActive() && this._oLinkControl && oEvent.srcControl.getId() === this._oLinkControl.getId()) || // click on inactive sender link
(!this._oImageControl || (oEvent.srcControl.getId() !== this._oImageControl.getId()) && // no image clicked
(!this._oLinkControl || (oEvent.srcControl.getId() !== this._oLinkControl.getId())) && // no sender link clicked
(!this._oLinkExpandCollapse || (oEvent.srcControl.getId() !== this._oLinkExpandCollapse.getId())))) { // no expand/collapse link clicked
ListItemBase.prototype.ontap.apply(this, [oEvent]);
* The implementation of this method is a workaround for an issue in Jaws screenreader: when the alt text for the image is set, the other content of the list item is not read out.
* Therefore the alt text is removed when the list item is focused.
* When one of the inner elements (image or links) is focused, the alt text is set to space; otherwise the alt text would be read again with the link text.
* The aria-label for the image holds the information for the image.
* @private
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent - The focus event.
FeedListItem.prototype.onfocusin = function(oEvent) {
if (this._oImageControl) {
var $icon = this.$("icon");
if (oEvent.target.id === this.getId()) {
} else {
$icon.attr("alt", " ");
// Added for calculating List Count.
var oItem = oEvent.srcControl ,
oItemDomRef = oItem.getDomRef(),
mPosition = this.getParent().getAccessbilityPosition(oItem);
if ( oItem instanceof sap.m.FeedListItem ) {
oItemDomRef.setAttribute("aria-posinset", mPosition.posInset);
oItemDomRef.setAttribute("aria-setsize", mPosition.setSize);
* Lazy load feed icon image.
* @private
* @returns {sap.m.Image} Image control based on the provided 'icon' control property
FeedListItem.prototype._getImageControl = function() {
var sIcon = this.getIcon();
var sIconSrc = sIcon ? sIcon : IconPool.getIconURI("person-placeholder");
var sImgId = this.getId() + '-icon';
var mProperties = {
src: sIconSrc,
alt: this.getSender(),
densityAware: this.getIconDensityAware(),
decorative: false,
useIconTooltip: false
var aCssClasses;
if (this.getIconActive()) {
aCssClasses = ['sapMFeedListItemImage'];
} else {
aCssClasses = ['sapMFeedListItemImageInactive'];
var that = this;
this._oImageControl = ImageHelper.getImageControl(sImgId, this._oImageControl, this, mProperties, aCssClasses);
if (this.getIconActive()) {
this._oImageControl.attachPress(function() {
domRef: this.getDomRef(),
getDomRef: this.getDomRef.bind(this)
return this._oImageControl;
* Returns a link control with sender text firing a 'senderPress' event. Does not take care of the 'senderActive' flag,
* though
* @param {boolean} withColon if true a ":" is added to the text. If false no colon is added.
* @returns {sap.m.Link} link control with current sender text which fires a 'senderPress' event.
* @private
FeedListItem.prototype._getLinkSender = function(withColon) {
if (!this._oLinkControl) {
var that = this;
this._oLinkControl = new Link({
press: function() {
domRef: this.getDomRef(),
getDomRef: this.getDomRef.bind(this)
// Necessary so this gets garbage collected
this._oLinkControl.setParent(this, null, true);
if (withColon) {
this._oLinkControl.setProperty("text", this.getSender() + FeedListItem._oRb.getText("COLON"), true);
} else {
this._oLinkControl.setProperty("text", this.getSender(), true);
this._oLinkControl.setProperty("enabled", this.getSenderActive(), true);
return this._oLinkControl;
* Overwrite base method to hook into list item's active handling
* @private
FeedListItem.prototype._activeHandlingInheritor = function() {
var sActiveSrc = this.getActiveIcon();
if (this._oImageControl && sActiveSrc) {
* Overwrite base method to hook into list item's inactive handling
* @private
FeedListItem.prototype._inactiveHandlingInheritor = function() {
var sSrc = this.getIcon() ? this.getIcon() : IconPool.getIconURI("person-placeholder");
if (this._oImageControl) {
* The first this._nMaxCollapsedLength characters of the text are shown in the collapsed form, the text string ends up
* with a complete word, the text string contains at least one word
* If maxCharacters is empty, the default values are used which are 300 characters (on mobile devices)
* and 500 characters ( on tablet and desktop). Otherwise maxCharacters is used as a limit. Based on
* this value, the text of the FeedListItem is collapsed once the text reaches this limit.
* @private
* @returns {String} Collapsed string based on the "maxCharacter" property. If the size of the string before collapsing
* is smaller than the provided threshold, it returns null.
FeedListItem.prototype._getCollapsedText = function() {
this._nMaxCollapsedLength = this.getMaxCharacters();
if (this._nMaxCollapsedLength === 0) {
if (Device.system.phone) {
this._nMaxCollapsedLength = FeedListItem._nMaxCharactersMobile;
} else {
this._nMaxCollapsedLength = FeedListItem._nMaxCharactersDesktop;
var sPlainText = this._convertHtmlToPlainText(this._sFullText);
var sText = null;
if (sPlainText && sPlainText.length > this._nMaxCollapsedLength) {
var sCollapsedPlainText = sPlainText.substring(0, this._nMaxCollapsedLength);
var nLastSpace = sCollapsedPlainText.lastIndexOf(" ");
if (nLastSpace > 0) {
sCollapsedPlainText = sCollapsedPlainText.substr(0, nLastSpace);
if (sPlainText.length === this._sFullText.length) {//no HTML tags detected
sText = sCollapsedPlainText;
} else {
sText = this._convertPlainToHtmlText(sCollapsedPlainText);
return sText;
* Removes the remaining empty tags for collapsed text
* @private
FeedListItem.prototype._clearEmptyTagsInCollapsedText = function() {
var aRemoved;
if (this._bEmptyTagsInShortTextCleared) {
this._bEmptyTagsInShortTextCleared = true;
do {
aRemoved = this.$("realtext").find(":empty").remove();
} while (aRemoved.length > 0);
this._sShortText = this.$("realtext").html();
* Expands or collapses the text of the FeedListItem expanded state: this._sFullText + ' ' + 'LESS' collapsed state:
* this._sShortText + '...' + 'MORE'
* @private
FeedListItem.prototype._toggleTextExpanded = function() {
var $text = this.$("realtext");
var $threeDots = this.$("threeDots");
var sMoreLabel = FeedListItem._sTextShowMore;
var sLessLabel = FeedListItem._sTextShowLess;
if (this.getMoreLabel()) {
sMoreLabel = this.getMoreLabel();
if (this.getLessLabel()) {
sLessLabel = this.getLessLabel();
if (this._bTextExpanded) {
/g, "
$threeDots.text(" ... ");
this._bTextExpanded = false;
} else {
/g, "
$threeDots.text(" ");
this._bTextExpanded = true;
* Gets the link for expanding/collapsing the text
* @private
* @returns {sap.m.Link} Link control for expanded function ("MORE" or "LESS" or Alternative texts)
FeedListItem.prototype._getLinkExpandCollapse = function() {
var sMoreLabel = FeedListItem._sTextShowMore;
if (this.getMoreLabel()) {
sMoreLabel = this.getMoreLabel();
if (!this._oLinkExpandCollapse) {
this._oLinkExpandCollapse = new Link({
text: sMoreLabel,
press: [this._toggleTextExpanded, this]
this._bTextExpanded = false;
// Necessary so this gets garbage collected and the text of the link changes at clicking on it
this._oLinkExpandCollapse.setParent(this, null, true);
return this._oLinkExpandCollapse;
* Converts an HTML text to plain text by removing all the HTML tags
* @private
* @param {String} htmlText The HtmlText to be converted
* @returns {String} plain text
FeedListItem.prototype._convertHtmlToPlainText = function(htmlText) {
var oRegex = /(<([^>]+)>)/ig;
return htmlText.replace(oRegex, "");
* Converts the plain text to HTML text by adding the corresponding HTML tags
* @private
* @param {String} inputText The input plain text
* @returns {String} the HTML text
FeedListItem.prototype._convertPlainToHtmlText = function(inputText) {
var sFullText = this._sFullText;
var oRegex = /(<([^>]+)>)/ig;
var aElements = sFullText.split(oRegex);
var sText = "";
//remove duplicated tag
for (var i = 0; i < aElements.length; i++) {
if (aElements[i].length === 0) {
if (inputText.length > 0 && aElements[i].indexOf(inputText.trim()) !== -1) {
aElements[i] = inputText;
if (/^<.+>$/.test(aElements[i])) {//tag
sText = sText + aElements[i];
//tag content duplicate to be removed
aElements[i + 1] = "";
if (inputText.indexOf(aElements[i].trim()) === -1) {
} else {
inputText = inputText.replace(aElements[i], "");
sText = sText + aElements[i];
return sText;
* The text can be expanded if it is longer than the threshold. Then, the control can have two states:
* a state where the text is expanded and a state where the text is collapsed.
* The text cannot be expanded if the text is shorter than the threshold and the complete text is always visible.
* @private
* @returns {boolean} true if the text can be expanded. Otherwise returns false.
FeedListItem.prototype._checkTextIsExpandable = function() {
return this._sShortText !== null;
* Redefinition of sap.m.ListItemBase.setType: type = "sap.m.ListType.Navigation" behaves like type = "sap.m.ListType.Active" for a FeedListItem
* @public
* @param {sap.m.ListType} type new value for property type
* @returns {sap.m.FeedListItem} this allows method chaining
FeedListItem.prototype.setType = function(type) {
if (this.getType() !== type) {
if (type === ListType.Navigation) {
this.setProperty("type", ListType.Active);
} else {
this.setProperty("type", type);
return this;
* Redefinition of sap.m.ListItemBase.setUnread: Unread is not supported for FeedListItem
* @public
* @param {boolean} value new value for property unread is ignored
* @returns {sap.m.FeedListItem} this allows method chaining
FeedListItem.prototype.setUnread = function(value) {
return this.setProperty("unread", false, true);
return FeedListItem;