# Copyright (c) 2005,2006,2007,2008 Christopher Kleckner # All rights reserved # # This file is part of the Rio library for ruby. # # Rio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Rio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Rio; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # This is disgraceful -- a hack required to exert control over how rubygems builds # documentation for Rio. My desire to have the command "gem install rio" build the # docs correctly overrides my sense of propriety in this case. I apologize to anyone # who should have to look at this ugliness. # Begin UGLY module Generators #:nodoc: all ##################################################################### # # Handle common markup tasks for the various Html classes # module MarkUp # Convert a string in markup format into HTML. We keep a cached # SimpleMarkup object lying around after the first time we're # called per object. def markup(str, remove_para=false) return '' unless str unless defined? @markup #p 'RIO MARKUP' @markup = SM::SimpleMarkup.new # class names, variable names, file names, or instance variables # @markup.add_special(/( # \b([A-Z]\w*(::\w+)*[.\#]\w+) # A::B.meth # | \b([A-Z]\w+(::\w+)*) # A::B.. # | \#\w+[!?=]? # #meth_name # | \b\w+([_\/\.]+\w+)+[!?=]? # meth_name # )/x, # :CROSSREF) meth_name_re = '\w+[!?=]?|<{1,2}|>{1,2}|\[\]|\||\/|\+@?|={2,3}|=~' @markup.add_special(/( \b([A-Z]\w*(::\w+)*[.\#](#{meth_name_re})) # A::B.meth | \b([A-Z]\w+(::\w+)*) # A::B.. | \#(#{meth_name_re}) # #meth_name | \b\w+([_\/\.]+\w+)+[!?=]? # meth_name )/x, :CROSSREF) # external hyperlinks @markup.add_special(/((link:|https?:|mailto:|ftp:|www\.)\S+\w)/, :HYPERLINK) # and links of the form <text>[<url>] @markup.add_special(/(((\{.*?\})|\b\S+?)\[\S+?\.\S+?\])/, :TIDYLINK) # @markup.add_special(/\b(\S+?\[\S+?\.\S+?\])/, :TIDYLINK) end unless defined? @html_formatter @html_formatter = HyperlinkHtml.new(self.path, self) end # Convert leading comment markers to spaces, but only # if all non-blank lines have them if str =~ /^(?>\s*)[^\#]/ content = str else content = str.gsub(/^\s*(#+)/) { $1.tr('#',' ') } end res = @markup.convert(content, @html_formatter) if remove_para res.sub!(/^<p>/, '') res.sub!(/<\/p>$/, '') end res end end end module Generators class HyperlinkHtml < SM::ToHtml def handle_special_CROSSREF(special) #p 'handle_special_CROSSREF' name = special.text if name[0,1] == '#' lookup = name[1..-1] name = lookup unless Options.instance.show_hash else lookup = name end if /([A-Z].*)[.\#](.*)/ =~ lookup container = $1 method = $2 ref = @context.find_symbol(container, method) else ref = @context.find_symbol(lookup) end if ref and ref.document_self #print "#{name} =>" #name.sub!(/^(RIO::)?IF::.+\#/,'Rio#') name.sub!(/^(RIO::)?IF::.+\#/,'') #name.sub!(/^#/,'Rio#') name.sub!(/^#/,'') #puts " #{name}" if %w[Rio Grande String].include?(name) or name =~ /^(Dir)/ #if %w[Rio Grande String].include?(name) name else "<a href=\"#{ref.as_href(@from_path)}\">#{name}</a>" end else name end end end end # End UGLY