#!/usr/bin/env ruby BEGIN { require 'pathname' basedir = Pathname.new( __FILE__ ).dirname.parent.parent libdir = basedir + "lib" $LOAD_PATH.unshift( basedir ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( basedir ) $LOAD_PATH.unshift( libdir ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( libdir ) } require 'rspec' require 'spec/lib/constants' require 'spec/lib/helpers' require 'treequel/branchset' require 'treequel/branchcollection' require 'treequel/control' ##################################################################### ### C O N T E X T S ##################################################################### describe Treequel::Branchset do DEFAULT_PARAMS = { :limit => 0, :selectattrs => [], :timeout => 0, :client_controls => [], :server_controls => [], } before( :all ) do setup_logging( :fatal ) end after( :all ) do reset_logging() end before( :each ) do @conn = double( "LDAP connection", :set_option => true, :bound? => false ) @directory = get_fixtured_directory( @conn ) @branch = @directory.base @params = DEFAULT_PARAMS.dup end context "an instance" do before( :each ) do @branchset = Treequel::Branchset.new( @branch ) end it "is Enumerable" do @conn.should_receive( :search_ext2 ). with( TEST_BASE_DN, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, "(objectClass=*)", [], false, [], [], 0, 0, 0, "", nil ). and_return([ TEST_HOSTS_ENTRY.dup ]) @branchset.all? {|b| b.dn } end # # #empty? # it "is empty if it doesn't match at least one entry" do @conn.should_receive( :search_ext2 ). with( TEST_BASE_DN, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, "(objectClass=*)", [], false, [], [], 0, 0, 1, "", nil ). and_return([ ]) @branchset.should be_empty() end it "isn't empty if it matches at least one entry" do @conn.should_receive( :search_ext2 ). with( TEST_BASE_DN, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, "(objectClass=*)", [], false, [], [], 0, 0, 1, "", nil ). and_return([ TEST_HOSTS_ENTRY.dup ]) @branchset.should_not be_empty() end # # #map # it "can be mapped into an Array of attribute values" do @conn.should_receive( :search_ext2 ). with( TEST_BASE_DN, LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, "(objectClass=*)", [], false, [], [], 0, 0, 0, "", nil ). and_return([ TEST_HOSTS_ENTRY.dup, TEST_PEOPLE_ENTRY.dup ]) @branchset.map( :ou ).should == [ ['Hosts'], ['People'] ] end # # #to_hash # it "can be mapped into a Hash of entries keyed by one of its attributes" do @conn.should_receive( :search_ext2 ). with( "dc=acme,dc=com", 2, "(objectClass=*)", [], false, [], [], 0, 0, 0, "", nil ). and_return([ TEST_HOSTS_ENTRY.dup, TEST_PEOPLE_ENTRY.dup ]) hosthash = TEST_HOSTS_ENTRY.dup hosthash.delete( 'dn' ) peoplehash = TEST_PEOPLE_ENTRY.dup peoplehash.delete( 'dn' ) @branchset.to_hash( :ou ).should == { 'Hosts' => hosthash, 'People' => peoplehash, } end it "can be mapped into a Hash of tuples using two attributes" do @conn.should_receive( :search_ext2 ). with( "dc=acme,dc=com", 2, "(objectClass=*)", [], false, [], [], 0, 0, 0, "", nil ). and_return([ TEST_HOSTS_ENTRY.dup, TEST_PEOPLE_ENTRY.dup ]) @branchset.to_hash( :ou, :description ).should == { 'Hosts' => TEST_HOSTS_ENTRY['description'].first, 'People' => TEST_PEOPLE_ENTRY['description'].first, } end # # #+ # it "can be combined with another instance into a BranchCollection by adding them together" do other_branch = @directory.ou( :people ) other_branchset = Treequel::Branchset.new( other_branch ) result = @branchset + other_branchset result.should be_a( Treequel::BranchCollection ) result.branchsets.should have( 2 ).members result.branchsets.should include( @branchset, other_branchset ) end it "returns the results of the search with the additional Branch if one is added to it" do @conn.should_receive( :search_ext2 ). with( "dc=acme,dc=com", 2, "(objectClass=*)", [], false, [], [], 0, 0, 0, "", nil ). and_return([ TEST_HOSTS_ENTRY.dup, TEST_PEOPLE_ENTRY.dup ]) other_branch = @directory.ou( :netgroups ) result = @branchset + other_branch result.should have( 3 ).members result.should include( other_branch ) end # # #- # it "returns the results of the search without the specified object if an object is " + "subtracted from it" do otherbranch = @directory.ou( :people ) @conn.should_receive( :search_ext2 ). with( "dc=acme,dc=com", 2, "(objectClass=*)", [], false, [], [], 0, 0, 0, "", nil ). and_return([ TEST_HOSTS_ENTRY.dup, TEST_PEOPLE_ENTRY.dup ]) result = @branchset - otherbranch result.should have( 1 ).members result.should_not include( otherbranch ) end end context "instance with no filter, options, or scope set" do before( :each ) do @branchset = Treequel::Branchset.new( @branch ) end it "can clone itself with merged options" do newset = @branchset.clone( :scope => :one ) newset.should be_a( Treequel::Branchset ) newset.should_not equal( @branchset ) newset.options.should_not equal( @branchset.options ) newset.scope.should == :one end # # #filter # it "generates a valid filter string" do @branchset.filter_string.should == '(objectClass=*)' end it "performs a search using the default filter and scope when all records are requested" do @branch.should_receive( :search ). with( Treequel::Branchset::DEFAULT_SCOPE, @branchset.filter, @params ). and_yield( :matching_branches ) @branchset.all.should == [ :matching_branches ] end it "performs a search using the default filter, scope, and a limit of 1 when the first " + "record is requested" do params = @params.merge( :limit => 1 ) @branch.should_receive( :search ). with( Treequel::Branchset::DEFAULT_SCOPE, @branchset.filter, params ). and_return( [:first_matching_branch, :other_branches] ) @branchset.first.should == :first_matching_branch end it "creates a new branchset cloned from itself with the specified filter" do newset = @branchset.filter( :clothing, 'pants' ) newset.filter_string.should == '(clothing=pants)' end # # #or # it "creates a new branchset cloned from itself with an OR clause added to to an " + "existing filter" do pantset = @branchset.filter( :clothing => 'pants' ) bothset = pantset.or( :clothing => 'shirt' ) bothset.filter_string.should == '(|(clothing=pants)(clothing=shirt))' end it "raises an exception if #or is invoked without an existing filter" do expect { @branchset.or( :clothing => 'shirt' ) }.to raise_exception( Treequel::ExpressionError, /no existing filter/i ) end # # #scope # it "provides a reader for its scope" do @branchset.scope.should == :subtree end it "can return the DN of its base" do @branch.should_receive( :dn ).and_return( :foo ) @branchset.base_dn.should == :foo end it "can create a new branchset cloned from itself with a different scope" do newset = @branchset.scope( :onelevel ) newset.should be_a( Treequel::Branchset ) newset.should_not equal( @branchset ) newset.options.should_not equal( @branchset.options ) newset.scope.should == :onelevel end it "can create a new branchset cloned from itself with a different string scope" do newset = @branchset.scope( 'sub' ) newset.scope.should == :sub end it "uses its scope setting as the scope to use when searching" do @branchset.options[:scope] = :onelevel @branch.should_receive( :search ). with( :onelevel, @branchset.filter, @params ). and_yield( :matching_branches ) @branchset.all.should == [:matching_branches] end # # #select # it "can create a new branchset cloned from itself with an attribute selection" do newset = @branchset.select( :l, :lastName, :disabled ) newset.select.should == [ 'l', 'lastName', 'disabled' ] end it "can create a new branchset cloned from itself with all attributes selected" do newset = @branchset.select_all newset.select.should == [] end it "can create a new branchset cloned from itself with additional attributes selected" do @branchset.options[:select] = [ :l, :cn, :uid ] newset = @branchset.select_more( :firstName, :uid, :lastName ) newset.select.should == [ 'l', 'cn', 'uid', 'firstName', 'lastName' ] end it "adding attributes via #select_more should work even if there was no current " + "attribute selection" do newset = @branchset.select_more( :firstName, :uid, :lastName, :objectClass ) newset.select.should include( 'uid', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'objectClass' ) end it "uses its selection as the list of attributes to fetch when searching" do @branchset.options[:select] = [ :l, :cn, :uid ] @branch.should_receive( :search ). with( Treequel::Branchset::DEFAULT_SCOPE, @branchset.filter, @params.merge(:selectattrs => ['l', 'cn', 'uid']) ). and_yield( :matching_branches ) @branchset.all.should == [:matching_branches] end # # #timeout # it "can create a new branchset cloned from itself with a timeout" do newset = @branchset.timeout( 30 ) newset.timeout.should == 30.0 end it "can create a new branchset cloned from itself without a timeout" do @branchset.options[:timeout] = 5.375 newset = @branchset.without_timeout newset.timeout.should == 0 end it "uses its timeout as the timeout values when searching" do @branchset.options[:timeout] = 5.375 @branch.should_receive( :search ). with( Treequel::Branchset::DEFAULT_SCOPE, @branchset.filter, @params.merge(:timeout => 5.375) ). and_yield( :matching_branches ) @branchset.all.should == [:matching_branches] end # # #order # # it "can create a new branchset cloned from itself with a sort-order attribute" do # newset = @branchset.order( :uid ) # newset.order.should == :uid # end # # it "converts a string sort-order attribute to a Symbol" do # newset = @branchset.order( 'uid' ) # newset.order.should == :uid # end # # it "can set a sorting function instead of an attribute" do # newset = @branchset.order {|branch| branch.uid } # newset.order.should be_a( Proc ) # end # # it "can create a new branchset cloned from itself without a sort-order attribute" do # @branchset.options[:order] = :uid # newset = @branchset.order( nil ) # newset.order.should == nil # end # # it "uses its order attribute list when searching" do # @branchset.options[:order] = [ :uid ] # @branch.should_receive( :directory ).and_return( @directory ) # @directory.should_receive( :search ). # with( @branch, Treequel::Branchset::DEFAULT_SCOPE, @branchset.filter, # @params.merge(:sortby => ['uid']) ). # and_yield( :matching_branches ) # # @branchset.all.should == [:matching_branches] # end # # #limit # it "can create a new branchset cloned from itself with a limit attribute" do newset = @branchset.limit( 5 ) newset.limit.should == 5 end it "can create a new branchset cloned from itself without a limit" do newset = @branchset.without_limit newset.limit.should == 0 end it "uses its limit as the limit when searching" do @branchset.options[:limit] = 8 @branch.should_receive( :search ). with( Treequel::Branchset::DEFAULT_SCOPE, @branchset.filter, @params.merge(:limit => 8) ). and_yield( :matching_branches ) @branchset.all.should == [:matching_branches] end # # #as # it "can create a new branchset cloned from itself that will return instances of a " + "different branch class" do subclass = Class.new( Treequel::Branch ) @branch.stub( :directory ).and_return( :the_directory ) @branch.stub( :dn ).and_return( TEST_HOSTS_DN ) newset = @branchset.as( subclass ) newset.branch.should be_an_instance_of( subclass ) end # # from # it "can create a new branchset cloned from itself with a different base DN (String)" do newset = @branchset.from( TEST_SUBHOSTS_DN ) newset.base_dn.should == TEST_SUBHOSTS_DN end it "can create a new branchset cloned from itself with a different base DN " + "(Treequel::Branch)" do branch = Treequel::Branch.new( @directory, TEST_SUBHOSTS_DN ) newset = @branchset.from( branch ) newset.base_dn.should == TEST_SUBHOSTS_DN end # # with_operational_attributes # it "can create a new branchset cloned from itself with operational attributes selected" do newset = @branchset.with_operational_attributes newset.options[:select].should include( :+ ) end end context "instance with no filter, and scope set to 'onelevel'" do before( :each ) do @branchset = Treequel::Branchset.new( @branch, :scope => :onelevel ) end it "generates a valid filter string" do @branchset.filter_string.should == '(objectClass=*)' end it "performs a search using the default filter and scope when all records are requested" do @branch.should_receive( :search ). with( :onelevel, @branchset.filter, @params ). and_yield( :matching_branches ) @branchset.all.should == [:matching_branches] end end context "created for a directory with registered controls" do before( :all ) do @control = Module.new { include Treequel::Control OID = '' def yep; end def get_client_controls; [:client_control]; end def get_server_controls; [:server_control]; end } end before( :each ) do @directory.stub( :registered_controls ).and_return([ @control ]) end after( :each ) do @directory = nil end it "extends instances of itself with any controls registered with its Branch's Directory" do set = Treequel::Branchset.new( @branch ) set.should respond_to( :yep ) end it "appends client controls to search arguments" do resultbranch = mock( "Result Branch" ) set = Treequel::Branchset.new( @branch ) @params[:server_controls] = [:server_control] @params[:client_controls] = [:client_control] @branch.should_receive( :search ). with( Treequel::Branchset::DEFAULT_SCOPE, set.filter, @params ). and_yield( resultbranch ) set.all.should == [ resultbranch ] end end end # 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