


Accepts inbound connections from other peers using TCP. After the peer finishes sending data, the connection is terminated. No data is returned to the sender.

Public Instance Methods

go() click to toggle source
    # File lib/journeta/peer_listener.rb, line 14
14:     def go
15:       begin
16:         # Grab configuration information from the injected object.
17:         port = @engine.peer_port
18:         socket = 
19:         putsd "Listening on port #{port}"
21:         begin
22:           loop do
24:             session = socket.accept
25:             # We'll put the actual handling of the new session in the background so we 
26:             # can continue listening for new connections as soon as possible.
27:    do |session| 
28:               data = ''
29:               # Read every last bit from the socket before passing off to the handler.
30:               while more = session.gets
31:                 data += more
32:               end
33:               begin
34:                 msg     = YAML::load(data)
35:                 h = @engine.peer_handler
36:        msg              
37:               rescue
38:                 putsd "YAML could not be deserialized! The data will not be passed up to the application."
39:               end
40:             end
41:           end
42:         rescue
43:           putsd "Session closed."
44:         end 
45:       ensure 
46:         putsd "Closing peer listener socket."
47:         # session.close
48:         # socket.close
49:       end
50:     end

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