module XeroGateway class Payment include Money include Dates # Any errors that occurred when the #valid? method called. attr_reader :errors # All accessible fields attr_accessor :invoice_id, :invoice_number, :account_id, :code, :payment_id, :payment_type, :date, :amount, :reference, :currency_rate, :updated_at, :reconciled alias_method :reconciled?, :reconciled def initialize(params = {}) @errors ||= [] params.each do |k,v| self.send("#{k}=", v) end end def self.from_xml(payment_element) payment = payment_element.children.each do | element | case when 'PaymentID' then payment.payment_id = element.text when 'PaymentType' then payment.payment_type = element.text when 'Date' then = parse_date_time(element.text) when 'UpdatedDateUTC' then payment.updated_at = parse_date_time(element.text) when 'Amount' then payment.amount = when 'Reference' then payment.reference = element.text when 'CurrencyRate' then payment.currency_rate = when 'Invoice' payment.invoice_id = element.elements["//InvoiceID"].text payment.invoice_number = element.elements["//InvoiceNumber"].text when 'IsReconciled' then payment.reconciled = (element.text == "true") when 'Account' then payment.account_id = element.elements["//AccountID"].text end end payment end def ==(other) [:payment_id, :date, :amount].each do |field| return false if send(field) != other.send(field) end return true end def to_xml(b = b.Payment do b.PaymentID self.payment_id if self.payment_id b.PaymentType self.payment_type if self.payment_type if self.invoice_id || self.invoice_number b.Invoice do |i| i.InvoiceID self.invoice_id if self.invoice_id i.InvoiceNumber self.invoice_number if self.invoice_number end end if self.account_id || self.code b.Account do |a| a.AccountID self.account_id if self.account_id a.Code self.code if self.code end end b.Amount self.amount if self.amount b.CurrencyRate self.currency_rate if self.currency_rate b.Reference self.reference if self.reference if self.reconciled? b.IsReconciled true end b.Date self.class.format_date( || end end end end