= sidekiq_snitch Rails engine to monitor your Sidekiq queue using Dead Man's Snitch. = Installation First, create an account at Dead Man's Snitch http://www.deadmanssnitch.com/ Then, create a snitch. Put its value in ENV['SIDEKIQ_SNITCH_URL']. In Gemfile: gem 'sidekiq_snitch' and run `bundle`. Deploy et voila! = FAQ Question: Why use an external system and not a simple cron job? Answer: If you use Sidekiq to run tasks in the background, you should monitor it. Monitoring any system using the system itself is asking for trouble. Using an external tool that starts to yell when something is wrong is the most sensible thing to do. You can use any old monitoring tool, but we've found that Dead Man's Snitch is simple and does one thing really well. It's also very useful for monitoring cron, in fact. Question: What is ENV? Answer: create an initializer: ENV['SIDEKIQ_SNITCH_URL'] = "https://snitch.url.example.com" = Created by Space Babies. www.spacebabies.nl Get in touch: joost@spacebabies.nl = License MIT.