// ~->[DNET-1]->~ // File created by an unlicensed user using Netica 5.04 on 10/01/12 at 20:20:06. bnet ChestClinic { autoupdate = FALSE; node VisitAsia { kind = NATURE; discrete = TRUE; chance = CHANCE; states = (visit, no_visit); statetitles = ("Visited Asia within the last 3 years", ); parents = (); probs = // Visited Asia wit no visit (0.01, 0.99); title = "Visit to Asia"; }; node Tuberculosis { kind = NATURE; discrete = TRUE; chance = CHANCE; states = (present, absent); parents = (VisitAsia); probs = // present absent // VisitAsia (0.05, 0.95, // Visited Asia wit 0.01, 0.99); // no visit ; }; node Smoking { kind = NATURE; discrete = TRUE; chance = CHANCE; states = (smoker, nonsmoker); parents = (); probs = // smoker nonsmoker (0.5, 0.5); }; node Cancer { kind = NATURE; discrete = TRUE; chance = CHANCE; states = (present, absent); parents = (Smoking); probs = // present absent // Smoking (0.1, 0.9, // smoker 0.01, 0.99); // nonsmoker ; title = "Lung Cancer"; }; node TbOrCa { kind = NATURE; discrete = TRUE; chance = DETERMIN; states = (true, false); parents = (Tuberculosis, Cancer); functable = // Tuberculosis Cancer (true, // present present true, // present absent true, // absent present false); // absent absent ; equation = "TbOrCa (Tuberculosis, Cancer) = Tuberculosis || Cancer"; title = "Tuberculosis or Cancer"; }; node XRay { kind = NATURE; discrete = TRUE; chance = CHANCE; states = (abnormal, normal); parents = (TbOrCa); probs = // abnormal normal // TbOrCa (0.98, 0.02, // true 0.05, 0.95); // false ; }; node Bronchitis { kind = NATURE; discrete = TRUE; chance = CHANCE; states = (present, absent); parents = (Smoking); probs = // present absent // Smoking (0.6, 0.4, // smoker 0.3, 0.7); // nonsmoker ; }; node Dyspnea { kind = NATURE; discrete = TRUE; chance = CHANCE; states = (present, absent); parents = (TbOrCa, Bronchitis); probs = // present absent // TbOrCa Bronchitis (0.9, 0.1, // true present 0.7, 0.3, // true absent 0.8, 0.2, // false present 0.1, 0.9); // false absent ; }; };