module EffectiveBootstrap3Helper # An effective Bootstrap3 menu DSL # Automatically puts in the 'active' class based on request path # %ul.nav.navbar-nav.navbar-right # = nav_link_to 'Sign In', new_user_session_path # = nav_dropdown 'Settings' do # = nav_link_to 'Account Settings', user_settings_path # %li.divider # = nav_link_to 'Sign In', new_user_session_path, method: :delete def nav_link_to(label, path, opts = {}) content_tag(:li, class: ('active' if request.fullpath.include?(path))) do link_to(label, path, opts) end end def nav_dropdown(label, link_class: [], list_class: [], &block) raise 'expected a block' unless block_given? content_tag(:li, class: 'dropdown') do content_tag(:a, class: 'dropdown-toggle', href: '#', 'data-toggle': 'dropdown', role: 'button', 'aria-haspopup': 'true', 'aria-expanded': 'false') do label.html_safe + content_tag(:span, '', class: 'caret') end + content_tag(:ul, class: 'dropdown-menu') { yield } end end # An effective Bootstrap3 tabpanel DSL # Inserts both the tablist and the tabpanel # = tabs do # = tab 'Imports' do # %p Imports # = tab 'Exports' do # %p Exports # If you pass active 'label' it will make that tab active. Otherwise first. def tabs(active: nil, panel: {}, list: {}, content: {}, &block) raise 'expected a block' unless block_given? @_tab_mode = :panel @_tab_active = (active || :first) content_tag(:div, {role: 'tabpanel'}.merge(panel)) do content_tag(:ul, {class: 'nav nav-tabs', role: 'tablist'}.merge(list)) { yield } # Yield to tab the first time end + content_tag(:div, {class: 'tab-content'}.merge(content)) do @_tab_mode = :content @_tab_active = (active || :first) yield # Yield tot ab the second time end end def tab(label, controls = nil, &block) controls ||= label.to_s.parameterize.gsub('_', '-') controls = controls[1..-1] if controls[0] == '#' active = (@_tab_active == :first || @_tab_active == label) @_tab_active = nil if @_tab_active == :first if @_tab_mode == :panel # Inserting the label into the tabpanel top content_tag(:li, role: 'presentation', class: ('active' if active)) do content_tag(:a, href: '#' + controls, 'aria-controls': controls, 'data-toggle': 'tab', role: 'tab') do label end end else # Inserting the content into the tab itself content_tag(:div, id: controls, class: "tab-pane#{' active' if active}", role: 'tabpanel') do yield end end end ### Icon Helpers for actions_column or elsewhere def show_icon_to(path, options = {}) glyphicon_to('eye-open', path, {title: 'Show'}.merge(options)) end def edit_icon_to(path, options = {}) glyphicon_to('edit', path, {title: 'Edit'}.merge(options)) end def destroy_icon_to(path, options = {}) defaults = {title: 'Destroy', data: {method: :delete, confirm: 'Delete this item?'}} glyphicon_to('trash', path, defaults.merge(options)) end def settings_icon_to(path, options = {}) glyphicon_to('cog', path, {title: 'Settings'}.merge(options)) end def ok_icon_to(path, options = {}) glyphicon_to('ok', path, {title: 'OK'}.merge(options)) end def approve_icon_to(path, options = {}) glyphicon_to('ok', path, {title: 'Approve'}.merge(options)) end def remove_icon_to(path, options = {}) glyphicon_to('remove', path, {title: 'Remove'}.merge(options)) end def glyphicon_tag(icon, options = {}) if icon.to_s.start_with?('glyphicon-') content_tag(:span, '', {class: "glyphicon #{icon}"}.merge(options)) else content_tag(:span, '', {class: "glyphicon glyphicon-#{icon}"}.merge(options)) end end def glyphicon_to(icon, path, options = {}) content_tag(:a, options.merge(href: path)) do glyphicon_tag(icon) end end alias_method :bootstrap_icon_to, :glyphicon_to alias_method :glyph_icon_to, :glyphicon_to end