@dsl Feature: Actions items In order to perform actions on the resource As a logged in user I want to have action buttons in the page header Background: Given I am logged in And a product with sku "table" Scenario: Default action items Given a configuration of: """ class AbAdminProduct < AbAdmin::AbstractResource end """ When I am on the admin products page Then I should see an action item to "Create" When I am on the new admin product page Then I should see an action item to "Create" When I am on the edit admin product page Then I should see action items: | Create | Review | Remove | When I am on the the admin product page Then I should see action items: | Create | Edit | Remove | Scenario: Preview action item Given a configuration of: """ class AbAdminProduct < AbAdmin::AbstractResource preview_path :product_path end """ When I am on the edit admin product page Then I should see an action item to "Preview" Scenario: Custom action item Given a configuration of: """ class AbAdminProduct < AbAdmin::AbstractResource action_item do link_to 'Main page', '/' end end """ When I am on the the admin product page Then I should see an action item to "Main page" Scenario: Conditional action item Given a configuration of: """ class AbAdminProduct < AbAdmin::AbstractResource action_item except: :edit, if: proc { params[:id].present? } do link_to 'Secret link', '/' end end """ When I am on the the admin product page Then I should see an action item to "Secret link" When I am on the edit admin product page Then I should not see an action item to "Secret link" When I am on the new admin product page Then I should not see an action item to "Secret link" Scenario: Disable default action item Given a configuration of: """ class AbAdminProduct < AbAdmin::AbstractResource action_item :destroy, false end """ When I am on the the admin product page Then I should not see an action item to "Remove"