module Octokit class Client module Events # List all public events for GitHub # # @return [Array] A list of all public events from GitHub # @see # @example List all pubilc events # Octokit.public_events def public_events(options={}) get("events", options) end # List all user events # # @return [Array] A list of all user events # @see # @example List all user events # Octokit.user_events("sferik") def user_events(user, options={}) get("users/#{user}/events", options) end # List public user events # # @param user [String] GitHub username # @return [Array] A list of public user events # @see # @example List public user events # Octokit.user_events("sferik") def user_public_events(user, options={}) get("users/#{user}/events/public", options) end # List events that a user has received # # @return [Array] A list of all user received events # @see # @example List all user received events # Octokit.received_events("sferik") def received_events(user, options={}) get("users/#{user}/received_events", options) end # List public events a user has received # # @return [Array] A list of public user received events # @see # @example List public user received events # Octokit.received_public_events("sferik") def received_public_events(user, options={}) get("users/#{user}/received_events/public", options) end # List events for a repository # # @param repo [String, Repository, Hash] A GitHub repository # @return [Array] A list of events for a repository # @see # @example List events for a repository # Octokit.repository_events("sferik/rails_admin") def repository_events(repo, options={}) get("repos/#{}/events", options) end # List public events for a repository's network # # @param repo [String, Repository, Hash] A GitHub repository # @return [Array] A list of events for a repository's network # @see # @example List events for a repository's network # Octokit.repository_network_events("sferik/rails_admin") def repository_network_events(repo, options={}) get("networks/#{ repo}/events", options) end # List all events for an organization # # Requires authenticated client. # # @param org [String] Organization GitHub handle # @return [Array] List of all events from a GitHub organization # @see # @example List events for the lostisland organization # @client.organization_events("lostisland") def organization_events(org, options={}) get("users/#{login}/events/orgs/#{org}", options) end # List an organization's public events # # @param org [String] Organization GitHub username # @return [Array] List of public events from a GitHub organization # @see # @example List public events for GitHub # Octokit.organization_public_events("GitHub") def organization_public_events(org, options={}) get("orgs/#{org}/events", options) end end end end