module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: class TokenNonce #:nodoc: include PostsData # This class emulates the behavior of the front-end js library to # create token nonce for a bank account base on the docs: # attr_reader :braintree_gateway, :options def initialize(gateway, options = {}) @braintree_gateway = gateway @options = options end def url sandbox = @braintree_gateway.config.environment == :sandbox "https://payments#{'.sandbox' if sandbox}" end def create_token_nonce_for_payment_method(payment_method) headers = { 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Authorization' => "Bearer #{client_token}", 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Braintree-Version' => '2018-05-10' } resp = ssl_post(url, build_nonce_request(payment_method), headers) json_response = JSON.parse(resp) message = json_response['errors'].map { |err| err['message'] }.join("\n") if json_response['errors'].present? token = json_response.dig('data', 'tokenizeUsBankAccount', 'paymentMethod', 'id') return token, message end def client_token base64_token = @braintree_gateway.client_token.generate JSON.parse(Base64.decode64(base64_token))['authorizationFingerprint'] end private def graphql_query <<-GRAPHQL mutation TokenizeUsBankAccount($input: TokenizeUsBankAccountInput!) { tokenizeUsBankAccount(input: $input) { paymentMethod { id details { ... on UsBankAccountDetails { last4 } } } } } GRAPHQL end def billing_address_from_options return nil if options[:billing_address].blank? address = options[:billing_address] { streetAddress: address[:address1], extendedAddress: address[:address2], city: address[:city], state: address[:state], zipCode: address[:zip] }.compact end def build_nonce_request(payment_method) input = { usBankAccount: { achMandate: options[:ach_mandate], routingNumber: payment_method.routing_number, accountNumber: payment_method.account_number, accountType: payment_method.account_type.upcase, billingAddress: billing_address_from_options } } if payment_method.account_holder_type == 'personal' input[:usBankAccount][:individualOwner] = { firstName: payment_method.first_name, lastName: payment_method.last_name } else input[:usBankAccount][:businessOwner] = { businessName: } end { clientSdkMetadata: { platform: 'web', source: 'client', integration: 'custom', sessionId: SecureRandom.uuid, version: '3.83.0' }, query: graphql_query, variables: { input: input } }.to_json end end end end