## 0.5.0 - 19-Jan-2021 * Switched from test-unit to rspec, with an added development dependency on the fakefs gem. * Switched from rdoc to markdown because github doesn't render rdoc properly any more. * Fixed a bug in the maxdepth option with root paths. * Added a Gemfile. ## 0.4.4 - 6-Aug-2020 * Added .rdoc extensions to the CHANGES, README and MANIFEST files. ## 0.4.3 - 8-Jun-2020 * Fixed a bug with ELOOP handling. Thanks go to joast for the spot and fix. ## 0.4.2 - 6-May-2020 * Added LICENSE file as required by the Apache-2.0 license. ## 0.4.1 - 23-Jan-2019 * Added metadata to the gemspec. ## 0.4.0 - 26-Dec-2018 * License changed to Apache-2.0. * Fixed a bug where mindepth and maxdepth would break if more than one path was specified as part of the rule. Thanks go to flagos for the spot. * The VERSION constant is now frozen. * The cert has been updated. ## 0.3.9 - 16-Dec-2015 * This gem is now signed. * Added a file-find.rb file for convenience. * Updates to the Rakefile and gemspec. ## 0.3.8 - 12-Feb-2014 * Removed all references to the Etc module since the sys-admin library now uses FFI and works with JRuby. * The :user, :group, and :inum options will now work on MS Windows if you have the win32-file gem installed. * Fixed the perm option on Windows for its limited subset of available perms. * You can now include a leading zero for the perm option if you wish. * Some tests that were previously omitted on Windows are now included. * Updates to the test suite, readme, etc. ## 0.3.7 - 15-Jan-2014 * Fixed a bug with brackets in the path name. Thanks go to Jeremy Lawler for the spot and the patch. ## 0.3.6 - 6-Sep-2013 * Removed rbconfig from library and test file. Just use File::ALT_SEPARATOR to check for Windows instead. * Removed unused variables. * Updated dev dependencies. ## 0.3.5 - 15-Jul-2011 * Fixed a bug with the :follow option. * Gemspec, Rakefile and test cleanup. ## 0.3.4 - 19-Sep-2009 * Fixed a packaging bug. Thanks go to Gabriel Horner for the spot. * Added the 'gem' task to the Rakefile for building the gem. Removed the gem builder code that was in the gemspec itself. * Updated the dependency for sys-admin to 1.5.2. ## 0.3.3 - 3-Aug-2009 * Now compatible with Ruby 1.9.x. * Added support for the :links option * Updated the :mount accessor to work properly if the value is changed after the File::Find object is initially created. * Eliminated some 'shadowed variable' warnings in Ruby 1.9.x. * Added a fuller description to the gemspec. * Minor test refactoring. ## 0.3.2 - 20-Feb-2009 * Added support for the :mount option. * Added some basic tests for the :mount option. ## 0.3.1 - 9-Jan-2009 * Now defaults to using Etc instead of Sys::Admin for implementations that don't support building C extensions, e.g. JRuby. * Updated the test suite to work with JRuby. * Minor optimizations for symbolic perms and atime/ctime/mtime checks. Thanks go in part to Ryan Davis' flay library. ## 0.3.0 - 30-Dec-2008 * Added support for FileTest operations. All options passed to the constructor that end with '?' are now validated and treated as FileTest operations. ## 0.2.5 - 29-Dec-2008 * Added maxdepth and mindepth support. * Added a 'clean' rake task to cleanup any test-unit results files. ## 0.2.4 - 10-Dec-2008 * Added support for symbolic permissions. Thanks go to Bill Kleb for the suggestion and to Hal Fulton for providing the solution. ## 0.2.3 - 25-Nov-2008 * Added mtime support. My previous concerns, which I believe stemmed from the find(2) man page on Solaris 10 with regards to atime checks modifying the mtime, appear have been unfounded. ## 0.2.2 - 19-Nov-2008 * The :user and :group options now accept a name or a numeric id. Thanks go to Bill Kleb for the suggestion. * Fixed yet another path bug for MS Windows. * Updated platform check to use CONFIG instead of RUBY_PLATFORM, because the latter does not work as I intended with other implementations, e.g. JRuby. * Added sys-admin and test-unit as prerequisites. * Added tests for the :user and :group options. ## 0.2.1 - 4-Oct-2007 * Added the File::Find#previous method, which lets you see the previous match, if any. * Path name bug fix for MS Windows. * Test suite bug fixes for MS Windows (perm test now skipped). * Inaccessible directories are now skipped instead of raising an error. ## 0.2.0 - 26-Apr-2007 * Fixed a bug where it was not traversing subdirectories. * Added support for the perm and prune options. ## 0.1.1 - 25-Apr-2007 * The default for name is now '*', i.e. everything. * Fixed a bug where directories were not matched. Thanks go to Leslie Viljoen for the spot. * The size option now accepts strings with comparable operators. For example, you can now look for files greater than 400 bytes with the string "> 400". ## 0.1.0 - 24-Apr-2007 * Initial release