function plotDonut(value1, value2, label1, label2, id) { var data = []; if(value1 > 0) { data.push({ value: value1, label: label1 }); } if(value2 > 0){ data.push({ value: value2, label: label2 }); } console.log(data); Morris.Donut({ element: id, data: data, colors: [ '#0C0', '#F00' ] }) } function plotLine(id, data, ykeys, labels) { Morris.Line({ element: id, data: data, xkey: 'timestamp', ykeys: ykeys, labels: labels, lineColors: [ '#0C0', '#F00' ], dateFormat: function (x) { return new Date(x).toDateString(); } }); } function lastReport(data) { return data.sort(function(a, b){ var keyA = new Date(a.timestamp), keyB = new Date(b.timestamp); if(keyA < keyB) return -1; if(keyA > keyB) return 1; return 0; }).slice(-1)[0]; } function dateHeader(last_report) { var date = new Date(last_report.timestamp); var d = date.toString().split(' '); return date_string = [d[3], d[1], d[2], d[4]].join(' '); } function setHeader(last_report) { $('.js-report-date').text("Latest report from " + dateHeader(last_report)); } $(document).ready(function(){ last_report = lastReport(data); setHeader(last_report); plotDonut(last_report.r10, last_report.r11, '1. Classes under 100 lines', '1. Classes more than 100 lines', 'pie1'); plotDonut(last_report.r20, last_report.r21, '2. Methods under 5 lines', '2. Methods more than 5 lines', 'pie2'); plotDonut(last_report.r30, last_report.r31, '3. Method calls with less than 4 params', '3. Method calls with more than 4 params', 'pie3'); plotDonut(last_report.r40, last_report.r41, '4. Controllers with one instance variable', '4. Controllers with many instance variables', 'pie4'); plotLine('plot1', data, ['r10', 'r11'], ['under 100 lines', 'more than 100 lines.']); plotLine('plot2', data, ['r20', 'r21'], ['under 5 lines', 'more than 5 lines']); plotLine('plot3', data, ['r30', 'r31'], ['less than 4 params', 'more than 4 params']); plotLine('plot4', data, ['r40', 'r41'], ['one instance variable', 'many instance variables']); var $tabs = $(".js-tab-item"); var $menuItems = $(".js-menu-item") $menuItems.on("click", function(e){ var rel = $(this).data("rel"); $tabs.hide(); $menuItems.removeClass("main-menu-active"); $(rel).show(); $(this).addClass("main-menu-active"); e.preventDefault(); }); })