[{:func_name=>"gsl_interp_alloc", :func_type=>"gsl_interp *", :args=>[["const gsl_interp_type *", "T"], ["size_t", "size"]], :desc=> "This function returns a pointer to a newly allocated interpolation\n" + "object of type T for size data-points."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp_init", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["gsl_interp *", "interp"], ["const double", "xa[]"], ["const double", "ya[]"], ["size_t", "size"]], :desc=> "This function initializes the interpolation object interp for the\n" + "data (xa,ya) where xa and ya are arrays of size\n" + "size. The interpolation object (gsl_interp) does not save\n" + "the data arrays xa and ya and only stores the static state\n" + "computed from the data. The xa data array is always assumed to be\n" + "strictly ordered, with increasing x values; \n" + "the behavior for other arrangements is not defined."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp_free", :func_type=>"void", :args=>[["gsl_interp *", "interp"]], :desc=>"This function frees the interpolation object interp."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp_name", :func_type=>"const char *", :args=>[["const gsl_interp *", "interp"]], :desc=> "This function returns the name of the interpolation type used by interp.\n" + "For example,\n" + "\n" + "printf (\"interp uses '%s' interpolation.\\n\", \n" + " gsl_interp_name (interp));\n" + "\n" + "would print something like,\n" + "\n" + "interp uses 'cspline' interpolation."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp_min_size", :func_type=>"unsigned int", :args=>[["const gsl_interp *", "interp"]], :desc=> "These functions return the minimum number of points required by the\n" + "interpolation object interp or interpolation type T. For\n" + "example, Akima spline interpolation requires a minimum of 5 points."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp_type_min_size", :func_type=>"unsigned int", :args=>[["const gsl_interp_type *", "T"]], :desc=> "These functions return the minimum number of points required by the\n" + "interpolation object interp or interpolation type T. For\n" + "example, Akima spline interpolation requires a minimum of 5 points."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp_bsearch", :func_type=>"size_t", :args=> [["const double", "x_array[]"], ["double", "x"], ["size_t", "index_lo"], ["size_t", "index_hi"]], :desc=> "This function returns the index i of the array x_array such\n" + "that x_array[i] <= x < x_array[i+1]. The index is searched for\n" + "in the range [index_lo,index_hi]. "}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp_accel_alloc", :func_type=>"gsl_interp_accel *", :args=>[["", "void"]], :desc=> "This function returns a pointer to an accelerator object, which is a\n" + "kind of iterator for interpolation lookups. It tracks the state of\n" + "lookups, thus allowing for application of various acceleration\n" + "strategies."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp_accel_find", :func_type=>"size_t", :args=> [["gsl_interp_accel *", "a"], ["const double", "x_array[]"], ["size_t", "size"], ["double", "x"]], :desc=> "This function performs a lookup action on the data array x_array\n" + "of size size, using the given accelerator a. This is how\n" + "lookups are performed during evaluation of an interpolation. The\n" + "function returns an index i such that x_array[i] <= x <\n" + "x_array[i+1]. "}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp_accel_reset", :func_type=>"int", :args=>[["gsl_interp_accel *", "acc"]], :desc=> "This function reinitializes the accelerator object acc. It\n" + "should be used when the cached information is no longer\n" + "applicable---for example, when switching to a new dataset."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp_accel_free", :func_type=>"void", :args=>[["gsl_interp_accel*", "acc"]], :desc=>"This function frees the accelerator object acc."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp_eval", :func_type=>"double", :args=> [["const gsl_interp *", "interp"], ["const double", "xa[]"], ["const double", "ya[]"], ["double", "x"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "acc"]], :desc=> "These functions return the interpolated value of y for a given\n" + "point x, using the interpolation object interp, data\n" + "arrays xa and ya and the accelerator acc. When\n" + "x is outside the range of xa, the error code\n" + "GSL_EDOM is returned with a value of GSL_NAN for\n" + "y."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp_eval_e", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["const gsl_interp *", "interp"], ["const double", "xa[]"], ["const double", "ya[]"], ["double", "x"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "acc"], ["double *", "y"]], :desc=> "These functions return the interpolated value of y for a given\n" + "point x, using the interpolation object interp, data\n" + "arrays xa and ya and the accelerator acc. When\n" + "x is outside the range of xa, the error code\n" + "GSL_EDOM is returned with a value of GSL_NAN for\n" + "y."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp_eval_deriv", :func_type=>"double", :args=> [["const gsl_interp *", "interp"], ["const double", "xa[]"], ["const double", "ya[]"], ["double", "x"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "acc"]], :desc=> "These functions return the derivative d of an interpolated\n" + "function for a given point x, using the interpolation object\n" + "interp, data arrays xa and ya and the accelerator\n" + "acc. "}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp_eval_deriv_e", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["const gsl_interp *", "interp"], ["const double", "xa[]"], ["const double", "ya[]"], ["double", "x"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "acc"], ["double *", "d"]], :desc=> "These functions return the derivative d of an interpolated\n" + "function for a given point x, using the interpolation object\n" + "interp, data arrays xa and ya and the accelerator\n" + "acc. "}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp_eval_deriv2", :func_type=>"double", :args=> [["const gsl_interp *", "interp"], ["const double", "xa[]"], ["const double", "ya[]"], ["double", "x"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "acc"]], :desc=> "These functions return the second derivative d2 of an interpolated\n" + "function for a given point x, using the interpolation object\n" + "interp, data arrays xa and ya and the accelerator\n" + "acc. "}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp_eval_deriv2_e", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["const gsl_interp *", "interp"], ["const double", "xa[]"], ["const double", "ya[]"], ["double", "x"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "acc"], ["double *", "d2"]], :desc=> "These functions return the second derivative d2 of an interpolated\n" + "function for a given point x, using the interpolation object\n" + "interp, data arrays xa and ya and the accelerator\n" + "acc. "}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp_eval_integ", :func_type=>"double", :args=> [["const gsl_interp *", "interp"], ["const double", "xa[]"], ["const double", "ya[]"], ["double", "a"], ["double", "b"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "acc"]], :desc=> "These functions return the numerical integral result of an\n" + "interpolated function over the range [a, b], using the\n" + "interpolation object interp, data arrays xa and ya and\n" + "the accelerator acc."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp_eval_integ_e", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["const gsl_interp *", "interp"], ["const double", "xa[]"], ["const double", "ya[]"], ["double", "a"], ["double", "b"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "acc"], ["double *", "result"]], :desc=> "These functions return the numerical integral result of an\n" + "interpolated function over the range [a, b], using the\n" + "interpolation object interp, data arrays xa and ya and\n" + "the accelerator acc."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline_alloc", :func_type=>"gsl_spline *", :args=>[["const gsl_interp_type *", "T"], ["size_t", "size"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline_init", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["gsl_spline *", "spline"], ["const double", "xa[]"], ["const double", "ya[]"], ["size_t", "size"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline_free", :func_type=>"void", :args=>[["gsl_spline *", "spline"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline_name", :func_type=>"const char *", :args=>[["const gsl_spline *", "spline"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline_min_size", :func_type=>"unsigned int", :args=>[["const gsl_spline *", "spline"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline_eval", :func_type=>"double", :args=> [["const gsl_spline *", "spline"], ["double", "x"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "acc"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline_eval_e", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["const gsl_spline *", "spline"], ["double", "x"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "acc"], ["double *", "y"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline_eval_deriv", :func_type=>"double", :args=> [["const gsl_spline *", "spline"], ["double", "x"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "acc"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline_eval_deriv_e", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["const gsl_spline *", "spline"], ["double", "x"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "acc"], ["double *", "d"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline_eval_deriv2", :func_type=>"double", :args=> [["const gsl_spline *", "spline"], ["double", "x"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "acc"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline_eval_deriv2_e", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["const gsl_spline *", "spline"], ["double", "x"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "acc"], ["double *", "d2"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline_eval_integ", :func_type=>"double", :args=> [["const gsl_spline *", "spline"], ["double", "a"], ["double", "b"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "acc"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline_eval_integ_e", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["const gsl_spline *", "spline"], ["double", "a"], ["double", "b"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "acc"], ["double *", "result"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp2d_alloc", :func_type=>"gsl_interp2d *", :args=> [["const gsl_interp2d_type *", "T"], ["const size_t", "xsize"], ["const size_t", "ysize"]], :desc=> "This function returns a pointer to a newly allocated interpolation\n" + "object of type T for xsize grid points in the x\n" + "direction and ysize grid points in the y direction."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp2d_init", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["gsl_interp2d *", "interp"], ["const double", "xa[]"], ["const double", "ya[]"], ["const double", "za[]"], ["const size_t", "xsize"], ["const size_t", "ysize"]], :desc=> "This function initializes the interpolation object interp for the\n" + "data (xa,ya,za) where xa and ya are arrays of\n" + "the x and y grid points of size xsize and ysize\n" + "respectively, and za is an array of function values of size\n" + "xsize*ysize. The interpolation object (gsl_interp2d) does\n" + "not save the data arrays xa, ya, and za and only stores the\n" + "static state computed from the data. The xa and ya data arrays\n" + "are always assumed to be strictly ordered, with increasing x,y values; \n" + "the behavior for other arrangements is not defined."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp2d_free", :func_type=>"void", :args=>[["gsl_interp2d *", "interp"]], :desc=>"This function frees the interpolation object interp."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp2d_set", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["const gsl_interp2d *", "interp"], ["double", "za[]"], ["const size_t", "i"], ["const size_t", "j"], ["const double", "z"]], :desc=> "This function sets the value z_{ij} for grid point\n" + "(i,j) of the array za to z."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp2d_get", :func_type=>"double", :args=> [["const gsl_interp2d *", "interp"], ["const double", "za[]"], ["const size_t", "i"], ["const size_t", "j"]], :desc=> "This function returns the value z_{ij} for grid point\n" + "(i,j) stored in the array za."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp2d_idx", :func_type=>"size_t", :args=> [["const gsl_interp2d *", "interp"], ["const size_t", "i"], ["const size_t", "j"]], :desc=> "This function returns the index corresponding to the grid point\n" + "(i,j). The index is given by j*xsize + i."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp2d_name", :func_type=>"const char *", :args=>[["const gsl_interp2d *", "interp"]], :desc=> "This function returns the name of the interpolation type used by interp.\n" + "For example,\n" + "\n" + "printf (\"interp uses '%s' interpolation.\\n\", \n" + " gsl_interp2d_name (interp));\n" + "\n" + "would print something like,\n" + "\n" + "interp uses 'bilinear' interpolation."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp2d_min_size", :func_type=>"unsigned int", :args=>[["const gsl_interp2d *", "interp"]], :desc=> "These functions return the minimum number of points required by the\n" + "interpolation object interp or interpolation type T. For\n" + "example, bicubic interpolation requires a minimum of 4 points."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp2d_type_min_size", :func_type=>"unsigned int", :args=>[["const gsl_interp2d_type *", "T"]], :desc=> "These functions return the minimum number of points required by the\n" + "interpolation object interp or interpolation type T. For\n" + "example, bicubic interpolation requires a minimum of 4 points."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp2d_eval", :func_type=>"double", :args=> [["const gsl_interp2d *", "interp"], ["const double", "xa[]"], ["const double", "ya[]"], ["const double", "za[]"], ["const double", "x"], ["const double", "y"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "xacc"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "yacc"]], :desc=> "These functions return the interpolated value of z for a given\n" + "point (x,y), using the interpolation object interp, data\n" + "arrays xa, ya, and za and the accelerators xacc\n" + "and yacc. When x is outside the range of xa or y\n" + "is outside the range of ya, the error code\n" + "GSL_EDOM is returned."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp2d_eval_e", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["const gsl_interp2d *", "interp"], ["const double", "xa[]"], ["const double", "ya[]"], ["const double", "za[]"], ["const double", "x"], ["const double", "y"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "xacc"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "yacc"], ["double *", "z"]], :desc=> "These functions return the interpolated value of z for a given\n" + "point (x,y), using the interpolation object interp, data\n" + "arrays xa, ya, and za and the accelerators xacc\n" + "and yacc. When x is outside the range of xa or y\n" + "is outside the range of ya, the error code\n" + "GSL_EDOM is returned."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp2d_eval_extrap", :func_type=>"double", :args=> [["const gsl_interp2d *", "interp"], ["const double", "xa[]"], ["const double", "ya[]"], ["const double", "za[]"], ["const double", "x"], ["const double", "y"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "xacc"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "yacc"]], :desc=> "These functions return the interpolated value of z for a given\n" + "point (x,y), using the interpolation object interp, data\n" + "arrays xa, ya, and za and the accelerators xacc\n" + "and yacc. The functions perform no bounds checking, so\n" + "when x is outside the range of xa or y\n" + "is outside the range of ya, extrapolation is performed."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp2d_eval_extrap_e", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["const gsl_interp2d *", "interp"], ["const double", "xa[]"], ["const double", "ya[]"], ["const double", "za[]"], ["const double", "x"], ["const double", "y"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "xacc"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "yacc"], ["double *", "z"]], :desc=> "These functions return the interpolated value of z for a given\n" + "point (x,y), using the interpolation object interp, data\n" + "arrays xa, ya, and za and the accelerators xacc\n" + "and yacc. The functions perform no bounds checking, so\n" + "when x is outside the range of xa or y\n" + "is outside the range of ya, extrapolation is performed."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp2d_eval_deriv_x", :func_type=>"double", :args=> [["const gsl_interp2d *", "interp"], ["const double", "xa[]"], ["const double", "ya[]"], ["const double", "za[]"], ["const double", "x"], ["const double", "y"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "xacc"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "yacc"]], :desc=> "These functions return the interpolated value d\n" + "= \\partial z / \\partial x for a given point (x,y),\n" + "using the interpolation object interp, data\n" + "arrays xa, ya, and za and the accelerators xacc\n" + "and yacc. When x is outside the range of xa or y\n" + "is outside the range of ya, the error code\n" + "GSL_EDOM is returned."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp2d_eval_deriv_x_e", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["const gsl_interp2d *", "interp"], ["const double", "xa[]"], ["const double", "ya[]"], ["const double", "za[]"], ["const double", "x"], ["const double", "y"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "xacc"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "yacc"], ["double *", "d"]], :desc=> "These functions return the interpolated value d\n" + "= \\partial z / \\partial x for a given point (x,y),\n" + "using the interpolation object interp, data\n" + "arrays xa, ya, and za and the accelerators xacc\n" + "and yacc. When x is outside the range of xa or y\n" + "is outside the range of ya, the error code\n" + "GSL_EDOM is returned."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp2d_eval_deriv_y", :func_type=>"double", :args=> [["const gsl_interp2d *", "interp"], ["const double", "xa[]"], ["const double", "ya[]"], ["const double", "za[]"], ["const double", "x"], ["const double", "y"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "xacc"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "yacc"]], :desc=> "These functions return the interpolated value d\n" + "= \\partial z / \\partial y for a given point (x,y),\n" + "using the interpolation object interp, data\n" + "arrays xa, ya, and za and the accelerators xacc\n" + "and yacc. When x is outside the range of xa or y\n" + "is outside the range of ya, the error code\n" + "GSL_EDOM is returned."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp2d_eval_deriv_y_e", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["const gsl_interp2d *", "interp"], ["const double", "xa[]"], ["const double", "ya[]"], ["const double", "za[]"], ["const double", "x"], ["const double", "y"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "xacc"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "yacc"], ["double *", "d"]], :desc=> "These functions return the interpolated value d\n" + "= \\partial z / \\partial y for a given point (x,y),\n" + "using the interpolation object interp, data\n" + "arrays xa, ya, and za and the accelerators xacc\n" + "and yacc. When x is outside the range of xa or y\n" + "is outside the range of ya, the error code\n" + "GSL_EDOM is returned."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp2d_eval_deriv_xx", :func_type=>"double", :args=> [["const gsl_interp2d *", "interp"], ["const double", "xa[]"], ["const double", "ya[]"], ["const double", "za[]"], ["const double", "x"], ["const double", "y"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "xacc"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "yacc"]], :desc=> "These functions return the interpolated value d\n" + "= \\partial^2 z / \\partial x^2 for a given point (x,y),\n" + "using the interpolation object interp, data\n" + "arrays xa, ya, and za and the accelerators xacc\n" + "and yacc. When x is outside the range of xa or y\n" + "is outside the range of ya, the error code\n" + "GSL_EDOM is returned."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp2d_eval_deriv_xx_e", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["const gsl_interp2d *", "interp"], ["const double", "xa[]"], ["const double", "ya[]"], ["const double", "za[]"], ["const double", "x"], ["const double", "y"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "xacc"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "yacc"], ["double *", "d"]], :desc=> "These functions return the interpolated value d\n" + "= \\partial^2 z / \\partial x^2 for a given point (x,y),\n" + "using the interpolation object interp, data\n" + "arrays xa, ya, and za and the accelerators xacc\n" + "and yacc. When x is outside the range of xa or y\n" + "is outside the range of ya, the error code\n" + "GSL_EDOM is returned."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp2d_eval_deriv_yy", :func_type=>"double", :args=> [["const gsl_interp2d *", "interp"], ["const double", "xa[]"], ["const double", "ya[]"], ["const double", "za[]"], ["const double", "x"], ["const double", "y"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "xacc"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "yacc"]], :desc=> "These functions return the interpolated value d\n" + "= \\partial^2 z / \\partial y^2 for a given point (x,y),\n" + "using the interpolation object interp, data\n" + "arrays xa, ya, and za and the accelerators xacc\n" + "and yacc. When x is outside the range of xa or y\n" + "is outside the range of ya, the error code\n" + "GSL_EDOM is returned."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp2d_eval_deriv_yy_e", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["const gsl_interp2d *", "interp"], ["const double", "xa[]"], ["const double", "ya[]"], ["const double", "za[]"], ["const double", "x"], ["const double", "y"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "xacc"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "yacc"], ["double *", "d"]], :desc=> "These functions return the interpolated value d\n" + "= \\partial^2 z / \\partial y^2 for a given point (x,y),\n" + "using the interpolation object interp, data\n" + "arrays xa, ya, and za and the accelerators xacc\n" + "and yacc. When x is outside the range of xa or y\n" + "is outside the range of ya, the error code\n" + "GSL_EDOM is returned."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp2d_eval_deriv_xy", :func_type=>"double", :args=> [["const gsl_interp2d *", "interp"], ["const double", "xa[]"], ["const double", "ya[]"], ["const double", "za[]"], ["const double", "x"], ["const double", "y"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "xacc"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "yacc"]], :desc=> "These functions return the interpolated value d\n" + "= \\partial^2 z / \\partial x \\partial y for a given point (x,y),\n" + "using the interpolation object interp, data\n" + "arrays xa, ya, and za and the accelerators xacc\n" + "and yacc. When x is outside the range of xa or y\n" + "is outside the range of ya, the error code\n" + "GSL_EDOM is returned."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_interp2d_eval_deriv_xy_e", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["const gsl_interp2d *", "interp"], ["const double", "xa[]"], ["const double", "ya[]"], ["const double", "za[]"], ["const double", "x"], ["const double", "y"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "xacc"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "yacc"], ["double *", "d"]], :desc=> "These functions return the interpolated value d\n" + "= \\partial^2 z / \\partial x \\partial y for a given point (x,y),\n" + "using the interpolation object interp, data\n" + "arrays xa, ya, and za and the accelerators xacc\n" + "and yacc. When x is outside the range of xa or y\n" + "is outside the range of ya, the error code\n" + "GSL_EDOM is returned."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline2d_alloc", :func_type=>"gsl_spline2d *", :args=> [["const gsl_interp2d_type *", "T"], ["size_t", "xsize"], ["size_t", "ysize"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline2d_init", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["gsl_spline2d *", "spline"], ["const double", "xa[]"], ["const double", "ya[]"], ["const double", "za[]"], ["size_t", "xsize"], ["size_t", "ysize"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline2d_free", :func_type=>"void", :args=>[["gsl_spline2d *", "spline"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline2d_name", :func_type=>"const char *", :args=>[["const gsl_spline2d *", "spline"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline2d_min_size", :func_type=>"unsigned int", :args=>[["const gsl_spline2d *", "spline"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline2d_eval", :func_type=>"double", :args=> [["const gsl_spline2d *", "spline"], ["const double", "x"], ["const double", "y"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "xacc"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "yacc"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline2d_eval_e", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["const gsl_spline2d *", "spline"], ["const double", "x"], ["const double", "y"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "xacc"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "yacc"], ["double *", "z"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline2d_eval_deriv_x", :func_type=>"double", :args=> [["const gsl_spline2d *", "spline"], ["const double", "x"], ["const double", "y"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "xacc"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "yacc"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline2d_eval_deriv_x_e", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["const gsl_spline2d *", "spline"], ["const double", "x"], ["const double", "y"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "xacc"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "yacc"], ["double *", "d"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline2d_eval_deriv_y", :func_type=>"double", :args=> [["const gsl_spline2d *", "spline"], ["const double", "x"], ["const double", "y"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "xacc"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "yacc"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline2d_eval_deriv_y_e", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["const gsl_spline2d *", "spline"], ["const double", "x"], ["const double", "y"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "xacc"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "yacc"], ["double *", "d"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline2d_eval_deriv_xx", :func_type=>"double", :args=> [["const gsl_spline2d *", "spline"], ["const double", "x"], ["const double", "y"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "xacc"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "yacc"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline2d_eval_deriv_xx_e", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["const gsl_spline2d *", "spline"], ["const double", "x"], ["const double", "y"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "xacc"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "yacc"], ["double *", "d"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline2d_eval_deriv_yy", :func_type=>"double", :args=> [["const gsl_spline2d *", "spline"], ["const double", "x"], ["const double", "y"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "xacc"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "yacc"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline2d_eval_deriv_yy_e", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["const gsl_spline2d *", "spline"], ["const double", "x"], ["const double", "y"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "xacc"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "yacc"], ["double *", "d"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline2d_eval_deriv_xy", :func_type=>"double", :args=> [["const gsl_spline2d *", "spline"], ["const double", "x"], ["const double", "y"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "xacc"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "yacc"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline2d_eval_deriv_xy_e", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["const gsl_spline2d *", "spline"], ["const double", "x"], ["const double", "y"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "xacc"], ["gsl_interp_accel *", "yacc"], ["double *", "d"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline2d_set", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["const gsl_spline2d *", "spline"], ["double", "za[]"], ["const size_t", "i"], ["const size_t", "j"], ["const double", "z"]], :desc=>""}, {:func_name=>"gsl_spline2d_get", :func_type=>"double", :args=> [["const gsl_spline2d *", "spline"], ["const double", "za[]"], ["const size_t", "i"], ["const size_t", "j"]], :desc=> "This function returns the value z_{ij} for grid point\n" + "(i,j) stored in the array za."}]