# Copyright (c) 2010-2017 GoodData Corporation. All rights reserved. # This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/slice' module GoodData module Helpers ENCODED_PARAMS_KEY = 'gd_encoded_params' ENCODED_HIDDEN_PARAMS_KEY = 'gd_encoded_hidden_params' class << self # Encodes parameters for passing them to GD execution platform. # Core types are kept and complex types (arrays, structures, etc) are # JSON encoded into key hash "gd_encoded_params" or # "gd_encoded_hidden_params", depending on the 'hidden' method param. # The two different keys are used because the params and hidden params # are merged by the platform and if we use the same key, # the param would be overwritten. # # Core types are following: # - Boolean (true, false) # - Fixnum # - Float # - Nil # - String # # @param [Hash] params Parameters to be encoded # @return [Hash] Encoded parameters def encode_params(params, data_key) res = {} nested = {} core_types = [FalseClass, Integer, Float, NilClass, TrueClass, String] params.each do |k, v| if core_types.include?(v.class) res[k] = v else nested[k] = v end end res[data_key] = nested.to_json unless nested.empty? res end # Encodes public parameters for passing them to GD execution platform. # @param [Hash] params Parameters to be encoded # @return [Hash] Encoded parameters def encode_public_params(params) encode_params(params, ENCODED_PARAMS_KEY) end # Encodes hidden parameters for passing them to GD execution platform. # @param [Hash] params Parameters to be encoded # @return [Hash] Encoded parameters def encode_hidden_params(params) encode_params(params, ENCODED_HIDDEN_PARAMS_KEY) end # Decodes params as they came from the platform. # @params Parameter hash need to be decoded # @option options [Boolean] :resolve_reference_params Resolve reference parameters in gd_encoded_params or not # @return [Hash] Decoded parameters def decode_params(params, options = {}) key = ENCODED_PARAMS_KEY.to_s hidden_key = ENCODED_HIDDEN_PARAMS_KEY.to_s data_params = params[key] || '{}' hidden_data_params = if params.key?(hidden_key) && params[hidden_key].nil? "{\"#{hidden_key}\" : null}" elsif params.key?(hidden_key) params[hidden_key] else '{}' end reference_values = [] # Replace reference parameters by the actual values. Use backslash to escape a reference parameter, e.g: \${not_a_param}, # the ${not_a_param} will not be replaced if options[:resolve_reference_params] data_params, reference_values = resolve_reference_params(data_params, params) hidden_data_params, = resolve_reference_params(hidden_data_params, params) end begin parsed_data_params = data_params.is_a?(Hash) ? data_params : JSON.parse(data_params) rescue JSON::ParserError => exception reason = exception.message reference_values.each { |secret_value| reason.gsub!("\"#{secret_value}\"", '"***"') } raise exception.class, "Error reading json from '#{key}', reason: #{reason}" end begin parsed_hidden_data_params = hidden_data_params.is_a?(Hash) ? hidden_data_params : JSON.parse(hidden_data_params) rescue JSON::ParserError => exception raise exception.class, "Error reading json from '#{hidden_key}'" end # Add the nil on ENCODED_HIDDEN_PARAMS_KEY # if the data was retrieved from API You will not have the actual values so encode -> decode is not losless. The nil on the key prevents the server from deleting the key parsed_hidden_data_params[ENCODED_HIDDEN_PARAMS_KEY] = nil unless parsed_hidden_data_params.empty? params.delete(key) params.delete(hidden_key) params = GoodData::Helpers.deep_merge(params, parsed_data_params) params = GoodData::Helpers.deep_merge(params, parsed_hidden_data_params) if options[:convert_pipe_delimited_params] convert_pipe_delimited_params = lambda do |args| args = args.select { |k, _| k.include? "|" } lines = args.keys.map do |k| hash = {} last_a = nil last_e = nil k.split("|").reduce(hash) do |a, e| last_a = a last_e = e a[e] = {} end last_a[last_e] = args[k] hash end lines.reduce({}) do |a, e| GoodData::Helpers.deep_merge(a, e) end end pipe_delimited_params = convert_pipe_delimited_params.call(params) params.delete_if do |k, _| k.include?('|') end params = GoodData::Helpers.deep_merge(params, pipe_delimited_params) end params end # A helper which allows you to diff two lists of objects. The objects # can be arbitrary objects as long as they respond to to_hash because # the diff is eventually done on hashes. It allows you to specify # several options to allow you to limit on what the sameness test is done # # @param [Array<Object>] old_list List of objects that serves as a base for comparison # @param [Array<Object>] new_list List of objects that is compared agianst the old_list # @return [Hash] A structure that contains the result of the comparison. There are # four keys. # :added contains the list that are in new_list but were not in the old_list # :added contains the list that are in old_list but were not in the new_list # :same contains objects that are in both lists and they are the same # :changed contains list of objects that changed along ith original, the new one # and the list of changes def diff(old_list, new_list, options = {}) old_list = old_list.map(&:to_hash) new_list = new_list.map(&:to_hash) fields = options[:fields] lookup_key = options[:key] old_lookup = Hash[old_list.map { |v| [v[lookup_key], v] }] res = { :added => [], :removed => [], :changed => [], :same => [] } new_list.each do |new_obj| old_obj = old_lookup[new_obj[lookup_key]] if old_obj.nil? res[:added] << new_obj next end if fields sliced_old_obj = old_obj.slice(*fields) sliced_new_obj = new_obj.slice(*fields) else sliced_old_obj = old_obj sliced_new_obj = new_obj end if sliced_old_obj != sliced_new_obj difference = sliced_new_obj.to_a - sliced_old_obj.to_a differences = Hash[*difference.mapcat { |x| x }] res[:changed] << { old_obj: old_obj, new_obj: new_obj, diff: differences } else res[:same] << old_obj end end new_lookup = Hash[new_list.map { |v| [v[lookup_key], v] }] old_list.each do |old_obj| new_obj = new_lookup[old_obj[lookup_key]] if new_obj.nil? res[:removed] << old_obj next end end res end def create_lookup(collection, on) lookup = {} if on.is_a?(Array) collection.each do |e| key = e.values_at(*on) lookup[key] = [] unless lookup.key?(key) lookup[key] << e end else collection.each do |e| key = e[on] lookup[key] = [] unless lookup.key?(key) lookup[key] << e end end lookup end def stringify_values(value) case value when nil value when Hash Hash[ value.map do |k, v| [k, stringify_values(v)] end ] when Array value.map do |v| stringify_values(v) end else value.to_s end end private def resolve_reference_params(data_params, params) reference_values = [] regexps = Regexp.union(/\\\\/, /\\\$/, /\$\{([^\n\{\}]+)\}/) resolve_reference = lambda do |v| if v.is_a? Hash Hash[ v.map do |k, v2| [k, resolve_reference.call(v2)] end ] elsif v.is_a? Array v.map do |v2| resolve_reference.call(v2) end elsif !v.is_a?(String) v else v.gsub(regexps) do |match| if match =~ /\\\\/ data_params.is_a?(Hash) ? '\\' : '\\\\' # rubocop: disable Metrics/BlockNesting elsif match =~ /\\\$/ '$' elsif match =~ /\$\{([^\n\{\}]+)\}/ val = params["#{$1}"] if val reference_values << val val else GoodData.logger.warn "Reference '#{$1}' is not found!" match end end end end end data_params = if data_params.is_a? Hash Hash[data_params.map do |k, v| [k, resolve_reference.call(v)] end] else resolve_reference.call(data_params) end [data_params, reference_values] end end end end